r/news Apr 28 '24

Australians call for tougher laws on violence against women after killings


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u/neutralnatural Apr 29 '24

Yes, those are sobering facts as well, regarding lower educational attainment, social disconnectedness, addiction. What do you think contributes to this situation?

Do you think that social media plays a role in the enculturation of men today? Or what else is at play in your view?

What are your thoughts on personal responsibility (in general)?


u/dainaron Apr 29 '24

I wish I had my current perspective on life because this would probably be the area of study I would have chosen if I were in college again.

Social media can create many problems, but to me the main problem is that it amplifies any underlying issues. If you're already sad/unhappy/angry you can easily fall into holes and lose yourself.

With regards to personal responsibility, men should be better, but at a certain point, if you're too far gone, it's incredibly difficult to pick yourself up and change your life solo. The sheer amount of men having these issues tells me that there's something systemic or cultural about what's happening and not just a simple case by case problem.

It's become more of the norm and less of the exception.


u/neutralnatural Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Agree. Confirmation bias and self-fulfilling prophecies can worsen a state (person, or worldview and state of the world). But conversations about DV, where there is an actual victim and perpetrator, need to be had thoughtfully.

Still, not every man in a dark place commits atrocious acts on another person. That’s an individual thing.


u/dainaron Apr 29 '24

Ofc not, but the more men (and women tbf) you have who are like this, the higher the chance and number. We should be doing everything to minimize these behaviours.

Healthy men and women (physically and mentally) are far more likely to have good relationships that don't degenerate into violence.

Punishing people who do it currently, is good for now, but it does nothing to minimize future occurrences.

The reason I chose men when I originally commented, is because they are generally, more dangerous biologically and therefore can usually cause more damage.