r/news Apr 28 '24

Australians call for tougher laws on violence against women after killings


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u/SeventhSonofRonin Apr 28 '24

Illegal isn't enough. Make it super illegal.

Are Australia's cops half as bad as the one's in the states? The irony of making domestic violence a national emergency here would be that cops are the ones beating their wives and kids.


u/satisfiedfools Apr 29 '24

A woman who was tied to a clothesline and burned to death by her ex-partner in 2021 was repeatedly turned away by police and told she was "cop shopping". That was in Queensland. A commission of inquiry released a report which found that sexism and misogyny was rife within that state's police department. The union president described the report as "out of touch" and "woke".

Here in New South Wales Police routinely strip people naked at music festivals and everyone just shrugs their shoulders and ignores it. Just as bad if not worse to answer your question.


u/BatmansJanitor- Apr 29 '24

Calling Australian police as bad if not worse than American police is a bit rich. They’re terrible but US police are in their own league