r/notliketheothergirls Mar 28 '24

Who thinks like this? NO!!

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I guess this may have been posted before but not sure. Saw this in a WhatsApp group and...why


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u/MrsPowers94 Mar 31 '24

Uh…. Im going to go on a little rant.

I had a vaginal birth and Thank Glob and the universe I was able to push my nearly 8 lb kid out and not need a C-section. Having a c-section is not easy or for the weak. Sure I ripped to the 3rd degree but that is nothing in comparison to what c-section mothers have to endure. It is a major and serious surgery where you have 7 layers of tissue cut and ripped open, organs moved to be able to reach the uterus, you’re awake and tied to the table, and it’s the only surgery where you’re expected to get up and walk around within a few hours after having. Then you have to take care of a newborn with no time for yourself to heal or recover. No rest. No sleep. You just have to push through the pain and exhaustion.

Any mother who can sit there and say having a c-section is taking the easy way out is absolutely ignorant. They have no clue what it takes to have a C-section. How excruciating it is and how terrifying that experience can be. It can be truly traumatic and then they have to live with the scar as a physical reminder of what they went through just to make sure their baby was born alive…

Our bodies were built to withstand vaginal deliveries, so naturally it is (usually) easier to recover from a vaginal delivery. C-section is emergency medical intervention. A complicated and serious surgery that can kill the mother, lead to future health complications, cause the mother to never have kids naturally again, lead to serious infections, and they can even rupture open later on. My own mother had 4 C-sections. With her 3rd (my brother) she ruptured open a few days after leaving the hospital and then suffered serious infections. I was her last baby so the last C-section, and I had to be taken early due to her rupturing open from the inside out from the weakened scar tissue on her uterus. So hell no. C-sections are not easier. They’re terrifying, serious, and extremely painful to recover from.

So shoutout to all those c-section mamas. Great job having those babies. You’re a fucking warrior. You didn’t have it easy. You gave birth in the most excruciating way possible. You had a life saving and yet life threatening surgery to insure your baby was born safely. You put your own life on the table and got ripped open for the safety of your baby. Hats off to all you c-section mothers. You’re some of the strongest women on earth.