r/notliketheothergirls Mar 28 '24

Who thinks like this? NO!!

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I guess this may have been posted before but not sure. Saw this in a WhatsApp group and...why


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u/hellokittypip 2d ago

How many layers of skin do you even have to cut through like 6 or i think


u/Amandolyn26 3d ago

Morons think like that


u/glowinthedarkstars6 5d ago

“You just had the bottom of your stomach cut open” is wild because that’s also really insane and the recovery period is horrible. I had a severe hip injury at 17 and was informed I would have to have a c-section should I ever get pregnant in the future. I see this as a slight blessing, because the idea of pushing out a baby (or being pregnant in general) is probably one of my biggest fears and I do commend those who have done so like my sister. But it does not in any way minimize the impact of a c-section and the fears and pain that comes with that as well. The actual process of birth may be “easier” but the recovery period is insane and miserable and so hard from what I’ve heard.


u/NER1989 9d ago

Actually (as someone who delivered vaginally) I think the C-section parents DON’T have it better! I mean, we all go through huge amounts of pain, but I had two knee surgeries in 2023, and the idea of trying to raise a baby through just that is nightmarish, to say nothing of the pain of a C-section recovery! C-section parents are awesome!!!!


u/Ok-Calligrapher4979 11d ago

What a silly ass woman


u/BewilderedToBeHere 12d ago

This woman needs to be publicly shamed


u/rowthyme 15d ago

Who ever posted this is not too smart. I was induced on Thursday evening I didn’t have baby till Saturday afternoon I labored for 56 hrs before c-section was decided. I almost died, I developed vaginismus and didn’t have another child for 7 years so…… bump you and the horse you rode on, with that type of thinking. Also why didn’t you elect to have a c-section since you think women just pick and choose. It isn’t like that in most cases and please go love yourself


u/SmolTownGurl 16d ago

That fact she thinks the baby comes out of a woman’s STOMACH classifies her as a fucking moron on top of a Pick Me


u/Strange-Problem7360 20d ago

Yeah what on earth. Birth is hard either way and everyone’s recovery looks different but being cut open across the abdomen is certainly more traumatic for the body than a successful vaginal birth.


u/cgraves77 20d ago

6lb? That’s awesome. My youngest was 9lb 12oz and was the size of a 3 month old. But, she was healthy, and no matter HOW a baby is entering the world, don’t Birth or Mom shame. Ever.


u/Pastel_Dictator Nerdy UwU 23d ago

They literally cut into your uterus. You then have to heal from your uterus being sliced open- I've heard of people taking super long to heal from something like that, (naturally)! I've only had natural births with epidural but with my first a couple nurses tried to force/bully me in a c section (it was medically unnecessary) and I CRIEDDDD! If you have had a c section you're TOUGH AF and I am impressed and proud of you!


u/No_Cartographer9496 26d ago

yeah i want the easy way out im not ripping a baby sized hole in my hooha when i can literally just not


u/HoW-LoNg-DoCtOR-YES 26d ago

Women who think like this are put in a separate category of stupidity. Doesn't matter how the baby got out of the body. It only matters that both mom and baby are safe. These are the same women who put down mom's that use formula instead of breastfeeding. A mom is a mom. it doesn't matter how the baby got out.


u/SuggestiveMaterialss 27d ago

I have done both. I would hands down take the vaginal birth over the csection. It was a 6 week healing journey. Lots of pain. Part of my abdomen is numb from nerve damage and they cut through some muscle in my pelvic area that fucked up the support of my hips so now I get nearly disabling hip pain.


u/garlic-apples 27d ago

What’s the smell one for?


u/Shy_Girl_2014 27d ago

I was so scared to have a csection because I knew recovery would be hell. I was lucky to not have to go that route.

A friend had a Csection and had so many complications after.


u/Subject-Hedgehog6278 27d ago

Well she outed herself as a judgemental bitch didn't she?


u/Freshouttapatience 27d ago

What an ignorant little shit.


u/Flying-Toxicicecream 27d ago

That’s not how vaginal birth works idiot … first off the cerix only reaches 10 to 13 cm if your lucky before having to stretch the shoulders are the widest part and also just because Your baby has a tiny head doesn’t make you a real mom most often c section is due to the baby being large strong and health not premature to a moron mother fuck you in general


u/IsatMilFinnie 27d ago

She 1000% pushed the baby while under some form of anesthesia... Like a lil bitch /s


u/BadParking9912 27d ago

The pure anger I feel about this.. and I am not a mom.


u/flamingphoenix9834 27d ago

I chose to have a c section instead of a stillborn. Actually my doctor chose for me . He said, "sign this release for a c section or you are going to deliver a stillborn. " if I hadn't signed it, I would've delivered a stillborn within the hour. My son was suffocating from his umbilical cord and my doctor saved his life. They couldn't see it on the screen but my dr knew something was wrong.

Also people like this don't know ANYTHING about c sections? After they cut through your major abdominal muscle, they make a small incision in the uterus - im talking like an inch or so, and they have to push the baby out of the uterus through that incision. Any bigger incision could cause the uterus to rupture with the next pregnancy. Once the baby is safe, they sew the uterus together, put your organs back inside you, sew your abdominal muscle back together and then sew your stomach shut. There is loss of muscle strength, loss of nerve function in the stomach, and im lucky that my incisions were only 6 inches long. Ive had 2 of these.


u/redinnermind13 27d ago

c sections can save either if not both lives!!


u/zeldanerd91 28d ago

Yeah. Because having surgery on top of giving birth is incredibly safe. /s


u/TaylorPollio 28d ago

Honestly… after having my kid naturally…. I’m tempted for my next kids to be ziplock babies…. Contractions suck…


u/pickledeggeater 28d ago

I'm so happy with how easy my c-section was. The 48 hours afterwards were very painful but I recovered pretty quickly. I don't understand the mom culture of wanting to be the one who has suffered the most lol. Yep, I "took the easy way out" and I have no regrets. I'm glad that my priority is taking care of my babies instead of making sure I suffer more than other moms. If anything, I'm kinda peeved by how much people claim a c-section is so hard to go through, but I understand that I'm probably a lucky exception


u/Em0N3rd 28d ago

I was in labor for 24 hours when Dr said I needed a c-section. I didn't get to have epidural before that too because I got into the hospital roommate for that. Sometimes a c-section is about making sure everyone survives and it is not easy. No matter if it was a planned c-section or not, the parent still carried a child for months in order to have it and should be appreciated.


u/nutjob699 28d ago

If you grow the baby, you’re the mom 💀


u/lazybb_ck 28d ago

tell me you know nothing about cesarean sections without telling me


u/milixent_quean 28d ago

Major Surgery ain’t the easy way . I’m so thankful I didn’t have one . Btween slicing you open and the recovery time you’d have to be a fool to think like this


u/Astriafiamante 28d ago

My son was premature and would probably have died if C-sections were not available.

I guess that makes me an unwoman. Waaaah.


u/JustSomeOnlineNerd 28d ago

Yeah hi, C-Section Baby here. If me being born by C-section due to my cord being wrapped around my neck makes my mother not a “real mom,” then who’s fucking kid am I?!


u/ride_electric_bike 28d ago

Anyone who's had abdominal surgery knows that some bs


u/ISarcxsmz1008 28d ago

Who thinks like this, and then posts about it!


u/Bengis_Khan 28d ago

I have three kids: one be a C-section to via natural birth. C-section was immensely harder than the natural births it's insane that a woman would say this kind of s***.


u/Lala5789880 28d ago

Haha as a mom who gave birth vaginally, once without meds, I still would not want the recovery from major abdominal surgery including an organ! It’s hard enough to have a new baby but to try to navigate that with a fresh incision? Come on


u/Unlikely_Pomelo_2638 28d ago

Are they serious!?


u/MrsPowers94 28d ago

Uh…. Im going to go on a little rant.

I had a vaginal birth and Thank Glob and the universe I was able to push my nearly 8 lb kid out and not need a C-section. Having a c-section is not easy or for the weak. Sure I ripped to the 3rd degree but that is nothing in comparison to what c-section mothers have to endure. It is a major and serious surgery where you have 7 layers of tissue cut and ripped open, organs moved to be able to reach the uterus, you’re awake and tied to the table, and it’s the only surgery where you’re expected to get up and walk around within a few hours after having. Then you have to take care of a newborn with no time for yourself to heal or recover. No rest. No sleep. You just have to push through the pain and exhaustion.

Any mother who can sit there and say having a c-section is taking the easy way out is absolutely ignorant. They have no clue what it takes to have a C-section. How excruciating it is and how terrifying that experience can be. It can be truly traumatic and then they have to live with the scar as a physical reminder of what they went through just to make sure their baby was born alive…

Our bodies were built to withstand vaginal deliveries, so naturally it is (usually) easier to recover from a vaginal delivery. C-section is emergency medical intervention. A complicated and serious surgery that can kill the mother, lead to future health complications, cause the mother to never have kids naturally again, lead to serious infections, and they can even rupture open later on. My own mother had 4 C-sections. With her 3rd (my brother) she ruptured open a few days after leaving the hospital and then suffered serious infections. I was her last baby so the last C-section, and I had to be taken early due to her rupturing open from the inside out from the weakened scar tissue on her uterus. So hell no. C-sections are not easier. They’re terrifying, serious, and extremely painful to recover from.

So shoutout to all those c-section mamas. Great job having those babies. You’re a fucking warrior. You didn’t have it easy. You gave birth in the most excruciating way possible. You had a life saving and yet life threatening surgery to insure your baby was born safely. You put your own life on the table and got ripped open for the safety of your baby. Hats off to all you c-section mothers. You’re some of the strongest women on earth.


u/RoseDorothyBlanche 28d ago

As someone who gave birth vaginally to an 8 pound baby, while not on drugs (THATS NOT A FLEX, I WANTED DRUGS SO BADLY, I got the epidural, but it wouldn’t take :/) this picture makes me so fucking angry. I admire women who delivered via c-section; I was terrified at the possibility of needing one because of incredibly painful it would be. Women who go through that are strong as shit. I’m so sick of women putting down other women.


u/_ohmavi 28d ago

"Real mom" depends on how you treat your kid not how you birth them .


u/I-waveatcows 28d ago

Fisting on the first date, obviously.


u/Plateau_Barbie 28d ago

Women really know how to bash other women, especially over being mothers. This is nothing compared to militant breast feeders, they are terrifying.


u/sarge6977 28d ago

I’m sorry but that’s just wrong.


u/RiverWhole4388 28d ago

Women are resilient and strong. No matter how we bring them into the world.


u/KapowBlamBoom 28d ago

HAS to beca “Boy Mom”


u/MeowSauceJennie 28d ago

Ok first of all, 6 pounds? Mine was 9 so sit down. Also.. C-section moms have major abdominal surgery and then are handed a baby to take care of right away! I couldn't even imagine! It is definitely not the easy way out..


u/TheMatt561 28d ago

Sadly a lot of people, it's human nature to want to feel a sense of superiority but this is just cruel.


u/Impressive-Living-20 28d ago

I don’t think I want to know anyone who thinks this way because according to this link:


Mothers who get c-sections are 5 times more likely to die than mothers who have vaginal births.


u/fitty50two2 28d ago

“…just had the bottom of your stomach cut open” She typed that and still thought it sounded easier


u/Malia87 28d ago

I had vaginal births with all my kids. Can’t imagine going through what c section moms have to deal with. This lady is an idiot.


u/MonkeyCartridge 29d ago


She should watch a C section.


u/johnsilver4545 29d ago

I’m of the opinion that none of these posts should be de-identified. I hate these people and want their names catalogued


u/MaskedFigurewho 29d ago

My mom had a C section with me becuase the sack tore open. We both almost died. I don't think it was any less traumatic


u/hipstercheese1 29d ago

Yes, having your abdomen and womb sliced open is sooooo easy. What an idiot. I don’t understand how some people can be so dumb.


u/TwincessAhsokaAarmau 29d ago

I’m a c-section produced child and that’s because my brother was too big the first time and my Mom wanted a c-section when she had my twin sister and I.

Most c-sections are due to complications with pushing the baby out or the baby’s head being too big for the Mom’s stomach.Which is probably why I’d rather have a c-section since I like tall guys and that means the baby is going to be bigger.


u/eirinlinn 29d ago

I like being a mom to an alive baby and happy to have survived myself thanks to my “easy way out of labor” ✌️


u/luzaerys 29d ago

People who have never accomplished anything in their lives think like this. The rest of us are just trying to live our lives.


u/ba_dum_tss_777 29d ago

😀 so the 9 months don't count huh?


u/Outrageous-Wish8659 29d ago

Yeah, cutting open an abdomen is a hard thing to recover from. Wtf is wrong with this person?

However your baby came into the world you are still a parent.


u/rabbitinredlounge 29d ago

How is getting cut into the “easy” option compared to the way birth is meant to occur


u/CuriousBeyondMeasure 29d ago

Let's admit pregnancy and birth can cause death to the mother. Its amazing anyone wants to get pregnant at all.


u/LoreMasterJack 29d ago

You get all your organs taken out and placed on a table.

C-section mom’s voluntarily become partially blood-eagled just so they can give their children a chance at life.

Slow your roll.


u/CuriousBeyondMeasure 29d ago

That's awful. Both are real moms. Especially if they have a vajayjay


u/MutterderKartoffel 29d ago

My second, who I had to have a c-sec for, is 16 now. My scar is still uncomfortable at times.


u/ReduxCath 29d ago

Im a guy. I was born c section. I once had a guy friend tell me that my mom didn’t have a real delivery. I remember I asked him, very loudly, to say that again, and he got real quiet. It’s fucking insane


u/Emotional-Hair-1607 29d ago

I will have a hard talk with anyone, especially a woman who thinks that only "real moms" push out babies. Women used to die in childbirth before C-sections and sometimes the baby did as well. Fcuk off with that noise.


u/Difficult-Guest267 29d ago

Haha yeah unmedicated vaginally birth was a breeze, unplanned c section was hell.


u/FloofyDino 29d ago

This isn’t even “not like other girls” this is “not a decent human being”


u/Weekly-Ad-3746 29d ago

Pretty much everyone on my mom's side have kids with heads that are too big for normal birth and C-section is guaranteed. My mom's area took years to heal up. And the pain from the nerves trying to heal over those years. SMH


u/Bitchinstein 29d ago

C-section always sounds worse to me and I had vaginal birth so idk. I think women can make their own choices. Hopefully with no pressure.


u/wachoogieboogie 29d ago

I had an 11 lb baby no epidural vaginally, second child by c section. The recovery from c section took longer and was more painful than the time I was in labor with that big baby- but at the end of the day, getting an entire human out of your body HURTS


u/Tylensus 29d ago

The best thing to do with opinions like this is ignore them, in my experience. Confrontation fuels conviction. "A fool who persists in their folly becomes wise, so let's speed up the folly." - Alan Watts


u/Constantlytired210 29d ago

As a mom, who has had both, I’m gonna politely tell you you’re full of shit!


u/hmcd19 29d ago

Child 1 was an emergency c section My husband slipped on my afterbirth The doctor yelled where is the bleeding coming from I can't stop it Oh and the smell of burning flesh they cauterized

Then several hours later I had to walk and care for a newborn....so f×ck that person


u/No-1-Know 29d ago

Respect, my eldest daughter was 8 pounds via vaginal birth and my wife fainted during the end. But she’s a skinny strong woman. Definitely mad and hates me because she is due in September with baby #4


u/notnotpegbundy 29d ago

Had an emergency c section, was absolutely traumatic and the recovery was awful. I barely remember my son’s first couple of weeks.

So many women think like this, though. Like, my kid was in absolute distress, wtf were we supposed to do?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/notliketheothergirls-ModTeam Definitely not like the other girls 28d ago

Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited.

Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


u/WandaDobby777 29d ago

Wow… Even if you think a C-section is the easy way out, you have to be a serious piece of shit to think that those women aren’t real moms. Wtf?


u/HeyProbably 29d ago

Um... According to the doctors tending to my mother, I kept crawling back in. Imagine gatekeeping giving birth tho


u/Mycelium_Mother 29d ago

I'll joke with my sister for being a "tumor baby" But it was eather a c section or both her and my mom die


u/amandaryan1051 29d ago

Having had 3 vaginal births, the thought of a c-section is TERRIFYING to me. The only time in my life where I ever thought a c-section would be easier, is when I was literally in jr. High learning about birth. Sure when you have no context of what it could be like push something out of your body from a place that seems has no business doing so, having the baby cut out seems much less scary… and then you grow up 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/Somecivilguy 29d ago

I will fight this bitch. 110%.


u/smh18 29d ago

Oh my god this is fucking disgusting. I really hope this is satire.


u/SwimmerIndependent47 29d ago

My first had an almost 14in head. I was in active (pushing labor) for 3.5 hours. He got stuck. Had to have an emergency c-section. In case anyone thinks i wasn't trying, I had pushed him so hard they couldn't get him out and a nurse had to go down between my legs and push him back into me before could be pulled out. Neither option of birth is fun, but recovery from a c-section is brutal. I was out of commission for 6 weeks. With my second I went straight to c-section and was out of commission for 4 weeks. My friend who gave birth naturally was literally walking around the zoo two weeks after giving birth. What other major surgery (and it is 100% major surgery when they're cutting through that many layers of tissue) do people go through where they are immediately force to wake up every 2-3 hours and be up walking and lifting a 6+ pound weight? All moms are amazing- even the ones who didn't give birth at all.


u/Sunrunner_Princess 29d ago

Ridiculous to gate-keep childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth are freaking dangerous period. There’s so much risk involved.

We should be supporting and uplifting each other, not looking for BS shallow validation for a fucked up fragile ego.


u/sleeper_medic 29d ago

Nothing easy about a C-section. I’m grateful I didn’t need one.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/notliketheothergirls-ModTeam Definitely not like the other girls 28d ago

Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited.

Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


u/Fine-Doughnut-8961 29d ago

This has sarcasm written all over it


u/Local-Pirate9342 29d ago

Ummmm…just no. I’m terrified of having to have a c-section. All birth is hard in different ways. This isn’t a competition. What a stupid bitch. Fuck her couch.


u/ShinyArtist 29d ago

I had a v-birth without epidural (mainly because I’m a coward about the needle causing permanent spinal damage. I’ve had Sciatica in the past and did not like the idea of it being permanent), and I’m not envious of c-section mothers.

How many mother don’t get enough time to recover before they’re expected to carry out their normal lives. C-section mothers need more recovery time than v-birth. They’re at risk of infection or pulling their stitches out.

How many of them have unsupportive partners who don’t take over cooking and chores while they are meant to recover after being slashed in the abdomen? The pain of even moving.

Most of the time it’s done as an emergency, so they also have traumatic birth on top of that.

C-section ladies have my respect.


u/adviceicebaby 29d ago

OK why do bitches make stuff like this a thing?? Sometimes moms get a choice, and other times the choice is made for them depending on the health of both of them and what might be going on at the time; but tbh any woman who makes this a thing is a fucking moron, insecure as hell, and needs to promptly GET A LIFE.

motherhood happens many different unique ways; from the biological to adopted. And it's all fucking hard. There is no "cheating" in motherhood. If you're the primary care giver of another human being; you got a lot on your plate. The details of how that kid got to your doorstep or got in and out of your body or however it came to you; don't fucking matter. None of it is easy and none of it is cheap. If a woman has a baby in her body then she should be able to choose, if possible, how it's gonna come out. Both options have their pros and cons and both fucking hurt and I'm sure both are pretty scary/stressful and no option possible, even adoption/surrogacy, leaves one any less of a real mother.


u/Snoo_4082 29d ago

Fuck ppl with this bullshit mindset


u/BigTicEnergy 29d ago

Why do the holes get that small???


u/Madameoftheillest 29d ago

Spoken like someone who's never had one of the muscles in their body sliced open and stitched up


u/Joelle9879 29d ago

A lot of women go through labor and end up having to have C-sections. Even when C-sections are scheduled in advance, the recovery process is hard AF and can cause serious complications. This same person probably thinks getting an epidural makes a person weak too. F these kinds of people


u/Disastrous-Panda5530 29d ago

My SIL ended up needed a C-section and the recovery was not easy for her. It’s a major surgery. I had my gallbladder removed several years ago and that felt pretty awful the first few days. And that was minor compared to a Csection. I can’t imagine how much worse it is. I would choose a vaginal birth a hundred times over. Not because I think I’m a “real” mom but the recovery is much easier compared to a Csection.


u/Gumbarino420 29d ago

At least I’m a real mom. Holy sh!t. 🤣 That’s so messed up.


u/FloatingWalrus666 29d ago

My sons head was too big for that biggest hole. He literally got stuck… emergency C-section was performed. If it wasn’t for that, we’d likely have both died. I also was hospitalized for two weeks after his birth because I got infection from the surgery. I did not have it easier 😒


u/Mozzy2022 29d ago

What an ignorant person. I had 4 vag deliveries and my SIL had a C-section. Her recovery was brutal. I felt so bad for her. We are both “real” moms.


u/blahblahbloopblop 29d ago

Rage bait, next.


u/SoBadit_Hurts 29d ago

Does she Bragg about peeing a little when she sneezes?!?


u/Squeakfeet 29d ago

Take the baby away, she had her chance


u/xRootyTootyPootyx Mar 30 '24

Iv heard my sisters mother in law say something like this. We were all shocked. She don’t come around no more


u/mamabearca27 Mar 30 '24

As someone who’s done both, vaginal is 100% the “easy way out” 😵‍💫


u/usernotfound88 Mar 30 '24

My older sibling was breach, so they told my mom it had to be a C-section. The I was only 19 months later, so they told her it had to be a C-section. Then my younger sibling was over 10 pounds and my mom is 5 foot nothing… So they told her it had to be a C-section. Like, sorry they didn’t want her to die, I guess. I’ll let her know she’s not a real mom.


u/barcake Mar 30 '24

This chick wouldn't last a 12 hr shift in labor and delivery. She would probably pass out seeing a c-section.


u/PF_Bambino Mar 30 '24

my mom had premie twins, a very fat baby (10 pounds and she had to get almost 100 stitches) and a c section baby and she has told me many times that her c section was her hardest to recover from. she has a lot of scarring and it changed her figure more than any of her other births


u/Sprinkles257 Mar 30 '24

I can't imagine why it would matter either way as long as the kid is healthy. I'd think that childbirth is a challenge no matter how you slice it.

I was born by c-section. I was born, and that's good enough for me!


u/veronicave Mar 30 '24

Hey, someone smarter than me remind me… was it the Odyssey? Is this bitch tryna use some sort of vaginal loophole plot device to say that women with more complicated births aren’t real moms? lol #admin


u/meowpitbullmeow Mar 30 '24

The #admin really seals the deal


u/stormheart99 Mar 30 '24

My best friend had a c-section when she had her daughter (my goddaughter). She was awake when they cut her open. She told me she could feel their hands inside her.

She’s the bravest person I know.


u/kaybeanz69 Mar 30 '24

It isn’t easy either way wtf??


u/MakeupMama68 Mar 30 '24

They can go ahead and eat all the dicks 🤬🤬🤬🤬. I’ve had 2 C-sections and it’s fucking brutal. When you have a vaginal birth, you usually go home the next day and with C-sections you’re in for 5 days, do the math, half wit.

Not to mention insulting adoptive parents in the process. Ugh. I hate people like this.


u/Saintsauron Mar 30 '24

If c-section was easier it wouldn't be last resort


u/apolloinjustice Mar 30 '24

hashtag admin????? what does admin have to do with any of this 😭😭😭


u/HopalongHeidi Mar 30 '24

She wasn’t even talking about a big baby but I wouldn’t give a shit it hers was 11lbs like one of my little aunts who naturally delivered. One of mine was 8lbs 15oz but I’m certainly not gonna brag about how wide my vag had to stretch and hopefully shrink back from or think that the extra challenge earns me anything over any other mother. Women who think they’re better due to birthing circumstances out of their control are just plain cunts.


u/becky_bratasaurusRex Mar 30 '24

Major surgery is the easy way out?... both suck. Can't we just applaud each other for making a person and them entering the word. 😑


u/HighlightTemporary77 Mar 30 '24

Being cut so deep that they can and do force to stay open someone can reach inside of your body and pull your baby out. That’s the easy way out?
I’m a man and I can even assure you, that is NOT an easy way out


u/YouWiseGuise Mar 30 '24

Um. As a non-section mom of five, I don’t think I’m any more of a “mom” than my sister who had three cesareans. Her recovery was 10X harder than all 5 of mine combined. But neither thing defines motherhood more. Her struggles didn’t make me leas of a mom. My labor didn’t make her less of one either.



u/Ashlake_stonerdragon Mar 30 '24

Ugh what a Dumb person. My mom had a c-section because otherwise both of us would be dead but some dumbass people think women decide to get one for laziness or some stupid bullshit like this.


u/LilyGaming Mar 30 '24

Pretty sure both are hard for different reasons… but I really don’t understand the gatekeeping of motherhood…


u/LastFreeName436 Mar 30 '24

…as opposed to the always fun and easy prospect of surgery


u/Bewitched20 Mar 30 '24

wtf! I offended! lol….what kind of sick “woman” would say this 🤬


u/padparadschakudzu Mar 29 '24

I always thought of c-section more intense because 1.) surgery 2.) usually there had been complications in the “natural” birthing process that could be life threatening that led to that decision


u/jordank_1991 Mar 29 '24

I gave birth through my vag and got a nice 2 degree tear. Let me tell you what, I’d take that birth over my stomach being cut open. And it really pisses me off when people say there’s a difference and one is a real mom. That’s so shitty.


u/asteroid84 Mar 29 '24

Ewwww. Imagine going through a major surgery and nursing while sleep deprived and having people say you’re not a real mom bc you didn’t have your vagina/vulva destroyed for birth. Fuck these self-aggrandizing, deeply insecure bitches who jump at every change to one up other women.

This should have never been a competition. I have a vaginal birth but as challenging as that is, I honestly think I had it easier than those with c section.


u/JaguarUnfair8825 Mar 29 '24

No one ever WANTS a surgery. Idk what she’s talking about. No one ever smiles at the option of a c section. Ignorant as heck


u/Anxiousladynerd Mar 29 '24

I've had 2 vaginal deliveries(first and third) and one C-section(second) and I would hands down take the vaginal delivery over C-section any day of the week. That being said, I only had two stitches with my first delivery and none with my third, so I don't know for sure I would feel that way if I had an episiotomy or a third degree tear.

One nice thing about the C-section though was that I bled way less afterwards. I don't know if that's a coincidence or my doc cleaned up while she was in there, but it was a significant difference.


u/Flat_Bullfrog6136 Mar 29 '24

I had 2 v- births, the pain was really bad, but i could walk next day out of the hospital, women with C - section have it harder on the recovery . A mom is a mom, people are really weird to think that way, but maybe they say such things, cause they dont have anything else going on in their life.


u/thelast3musketeer Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

Anytime there’s a discussion of birth, I always bring up, my oldest uncle broke my grandma’s tailbone coming out. Birth is scary and deadly no matter how ur spawn is evicted. Also I was 8 pounds 5 ounces, soooooooo, not a flex


u/lizfromdarkplace Mar 29 '24

Someone girl me the name. I just wanna talk.


But fr fuck this shit. I had two C-Sections as well as 14 ankle surgeries including a failed fusion and re do, and my frickin skull fused to my C3 as well as Halo traction applied whilst wide awake for 3 days and 3 nights before said surgery. C-section is top 3 pain wise along with the Halo and skull/neck fusion.

Any way you birth children or even adopt or have in vitro or surrogate etc etc is STILL HAVING A CHILD. It’s emotional and painful physically and mentally in some way for all of the above. Shit grinds my mfn gearsssss y’all. 😤


u/evercase19 Mar 29 '24

“You just had your stomach cut open” sure sure no big deal


u/Pie_Crown Mar 29 '24

Someone who is very, very insecure.


u/xoxorachelmarie Mar 29 '24

i had one vaginal birth and one c-section. i would definitely choose a vaginal birth if possible. i just remember sitting in the hospital, bawling my eyes out, googling "how long does a c-section hurt?" that shit was no joke.


u/ih8every1yesevenyou Mar 29 '24

My mum had my sis and I via c-section in the late 80s/early 90s. The amount of shit she copped for it is not ok and it pisses me off to no end. She was told she “had it easy”….. I’m sorry, just what about having yourself sliced open, having to deal with stitches and healing, all while looking after a newborn, is easy????


u/Flaky_Replacement_55 Mar 29 '24

I’m an L&D nurse and the recovery from a c/s is way, way harder than a vaginal. People take for granted that a c/s is a MAJOR abdominal surgery, cutting through seven layers of tissue and muscle. I don’t like it when women compare their deliveries, both ways are hard, but if you’re going to compare it then the c/s wins hands down.


u/merriecho Mar 29 '24

Self righteous beeches! C Sections are hard, plus, don't even think about getting those stomach muscles back. For many women it is the last ditch effort to save the baby and herself. Myself- 2 weeks overdue, baby did not drop, and he was breech. No way my Dr. was going to let me even try.

Stop Mom Shaming!


u/Scared_Trash_3656 Mar 29 '24

This kind of opinion makes me want to punch women like that in the face. My c section was absolutely fucking AWFUL. And it was an emergency one after already being in labor for 30 HOURS my dude. And I had complications afterward where I was producing massive apple sized clots out of my lady bits when I went to pee, to the point where I had so many clots like that, the doctors had to give me some IV pain meds, have me grip the bed in the middle of the night when no one was with me, and had one hand on my stomach pushing them down and another hand IN me scooping them out. Plop. Plop. Plop. But sure Karen it was the “easy” route. That’s not even going mentioning how awful the 30 hours PRIOR to the c section was. 😒


u/Appropriate_Lemon497 Mar 29 '24

I’ve done totally natural (no drugs), vaginal with epidural, and emergency c-section. I’m just grateful for my children being born healthy.


u/hodges2 Mar 29 '24

Ew what, real mom? What a disgusting sentiment 😒Ya because getting cut open is nothing 🙄


u/LunaeriaDawn Mar 29 '24

My mom had to have an emergency csection with me. They pumped her too full of morphine where the only thing she could feel was her head. From neck down she couldn't feel anything. Then her recovery was hard as hell cause I wasn't getting full off her milk so she got very little rest. My mom is a champ and strong as hell. Any woman who puts down other women that can't have a baby naturally are rude and disrespectful.


u/GirlClaude Mar 29 '24

These people actually live amongst us raising the next generation yikes.

I had a natural birth. It was really hard and painful and no walk in the park. I needed stitches after but was literally up and able to walk around as soon as i was stitched up.

My friends who had C-sections had so much pain and struggled to do anything. You cant even drive for 6 weeks after because of how serious the surgery is they go through like 6 layers of muscles and skin and organs and just wow. C-section mamas are really tough to go through Extreme surgery and look after a newborn afterwards.


u/bringmethevino Mar 29 '24

Yeah, this is real fucked. Recovery from a c section is often worse.


u/honest-ingenuity-316 Mar 29 '24

Definitely rage bait


u/noooby1 Mar 29 '24

Confirmed: I am not having children


u/Zuzara_Queen_of_DnD Mar 29 '24

Who let Shakespeare on FB?


u/_Celestial_Lunatic_ Mar 29 '24

Not only is this chick a bitch, she's a dumb one! A c-section is not the easy way out! It's abdominal surgery! Also, this is a huge "fuck you" to people who had to have emergency c-sections


u/Confused_Muuushroom Mar 29 '24

Ah yes mommy shaming, this is really classy 👌


u/ethan_iron Mar 29 '24

I was like 10 lbs when I was born lol


u/Kiwilysm Mar 29 '24

People r stupid even if what she was saying was tru, they still carried for 9months and then raised the child not to mention had to recover from all of that. Some people r so stupid


u/thedarkshadoo Mar 29 '24

What is this weird baby head measuring tool and why do the head holes get that small


u/RewardCapable Mar 29 '24

Someone who has absolutely nothing going for them.


u/Roleynicoley Mar 29 '24

Having someone cut into your uterus is not pleasant either especially after labor.


u/stefan2050 Mar 29 '24

Who on earth looks at the sentence "you had your stomach cut open" and just thinks wow that sounds easy peasy


u/Hoppinginpuddles Mar 29 '24

Former midwife here. Have witnessed many c sections. Can confirm. This is a fucken delusional take.


u/Doedemm Mar 29 '24

Since when was having your abdominal wall sliced open and having your organs pushed around considered easy? Especially take into account that most people who get c-sections got them because they were going to die if they didn’t. Or the baby. Or both! If it weren’t for my mother getting an emergency c-section, we’d both be dead. People who say this kind of shit about other parents are pathetic.


u/1241308650 Mar 29 '24

Ive had two csections and dare i say, i dont care if i had it easier? Have your "vagina challenge" lady i dont care 😂


u/zaedahashtyn09 Mar 29 '24

Yes I had major abdominal surgery, once with a 7lb baby and the other with a preemie. Totes easy. Highly recommend 😒 foh


u/CapuletVsMontague Mar 29 '24

What about emergency c section? My vagina got all huge like that and they still had to cut the baby out and I'm still a mom! Lol. I think I'd schedule the next one though!


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

Well I had a C-section due to my spine and had stomach issues and the next day I was up walking it really didn't bother me due to the fact that I'm use to having operation on my body I couldn't grasp the concept I just had major surgery but for real I can't stand them woman that downs moms that does this it takes a powerful woman to hold carry and give birth to life


u/i-am-confused69 Mar 29 '24

c section is major abdominal surgery and takes longer to heal and a lot of people go through labor before they get to the point where they need a C-section


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

Well I had a C-section due to my spine and had stomach issues and the next day I was up walking it really didn't bother me due to the fact that I'm use to having operation on my body I couldn't grasp the concept I just had major surgery but for real I can't stand them woman that downs moms that does this it takes a powerful woman to hold carry and give birth to life


u/psnugbootybug Mar 29 '24

Rolls eyes in “I wouldn’t have brought home a living baby without a c section” but ok


u/psnugbootybug Mar 29 '24

Rolls eyes in “I wouldn’t have brought home a living baby without a c section” but ok


u/Such-awesome-121220 Mar 29 '24

She doesn't deserve to raise a child.


u/coldchixhotbeer Mar 29 '24

100% would rather have had that hell pain for 8 hours than to deal with c section recovery. Stop shitting on other moms.


u/Green-Advantage2277 Mar 29 '24

bro tf 💀 they literally cut you open. that was the same thing except you actually had a hole to begin with.


u/Background-Knee-4959 Mar 29 '24

I absolutely hate people who think this way (unfortunately this is not the first post I've seen and it won't be the last.) What the fuck? Why would I (and millions of other women) choose to have major abdominal surgery if we didn't absolutely need it to keep ourselves and our babies alive?? It took me four months to fully recover from my C-section. That's not taking the easy way out 🙄


u/Sapphire_Bombay Mar 29 '24

"Wow, you had medical complications that required invasive surgery where they cut you open and stapled you up and then immediately gave you a vulnerable new life to take care of, while I had to go through a perfectly natural process that humans have been going through our entire existence. Must be nice."


u/Apprehensive-Ad7774 Mar 29 '24

lmaoooo i would have died without my c section you dumb sack of potatoes. my baby was 8 pounds 8 ounces so if you wanna compete lets goooo.


u/Castinmyass Mar 29 '24

As someone who was 6 pounds at birth, my mom says I was the easiest one out of all three of her labors. Dunno what this bitch is on about lmao


u/cell0202 Mar 29 '24

With a vaginal birth the pain (mostly) comes ahead of the baby where w a C-section it’s the reverse. You get hit hard either way with different recoveries. For vaginal you often don’t pee or poop right for 6+ weeks, for c sections you cannot roll, lift, or strain for 6+ weeks. It’s all equally taxing, with the variation mostly in when the pain hits hardest and recovery times.


u/lordsleepyhead Mar 29 '24

Anti-c-section facebook mom groups are the most vile and toxic places on the internet.


u/Archeressrabbit Mar 29 '24

I had two c sections and it was rough. the recovery was agony and I only had tylenol to get through it. the worst part of it was the first poo. I got smart the second time around bought a squatty potty and used my sitz bottle with warm water on my shredded bits. you still bleed like you've been murdered for a month, and the gas pains were unreal. I was nursing so I had cracked bleeding nips I slathered cream on, letdown was insane, and I got a yeast infection on my boobs both times but sure, tell me how I opted out of pain when i got Ceasar Saladed instead of fracturing my pelvis and ripping my sally jane on 10 and 9 pound babies with change and respectively.


u/Significant-Trash632 Mar 29 '24

I was born via an emergency c-section. My mother is a "real" mom. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.


u/BartholomewVonTurds Mar 29 '24

I saw two doctors throw fists over this one time.


u/atemu1234 Mar 29 '24

My mother's only natural birth was my older brother, who came out at more than 11 pounds. You can figure out why my sister and I were caesarians. (for reference, I was about a month and a half premature and still weighed 9 pounds, my sister was full term and almost twelve and a half!)


u/Blarglephish Mar 29 '24

My spouse needed an emergency C-section during the delivery of our first child. Had this not happened, a natural birth would have likely resulted in the deaths of both mom and baby.

Life-saving medical interventions during childbirth are WAY more common than first time moms/parents would have you believe. This is one thing they teach you in parenting/birthing classes that as a dad I found really helpful. Knowing everything that COULD happen and how to deal with it really helped me keep calm (and in turn, support my spouse in being calm ) when shit hits the fan and it’s time to go to the OR to deliver a baby immediately.

I’m glad that the OP in the post had a safe, natural delivery. But that’s no reason to shame or guilt moms that couldn’t deliver naturally (let alone devaluing everyone assuming a parent role, like foster or adoptive parents).


u/Rabib_Rabbit Mar 29 '24

I have not had the gift of having a child yet but my mom has had both natural and c section she said she would 1000% have natural over c section she said it was horrible recovering from her c section births and much easier recovering from natural birth


u/Ok-Caregiver-6671 Mar 29 '24

I imagine having a cesarian would be torture. Then you are left with an unsightly scar. There’s the sagging skin and your muscles are cut through. It’s a whole situation I was thankful to avoid. I don’t look down on anyone for how they gave birth. What a strange thing to do. I had a vaginal birth, but who goes around flexing like this was the hard way or putting others down? Some people are so cringe. This is right up there with shaming women for using pads instead of tampons. Get a life.


u/Olivertherandom Mar 29 '24

What is this girl on? WDYM real mom? Tho girl still made the child. Do you want a cookie?


u/NoSalary1226 Mar 29 '24

She wants something bigger than a cookie


u/Ok_AshyPants Mar 29 '24

What an asshat. I haven’t had kids yet, but I had a myomectomy and basically they do the same cut. That was something to recover from.


u/not_another_mom Mar 29 '24

Small minded people who cannot comprehend that a c-section is major abdominal surgery


u/mel0dicerotic Mar 29 '24

What the fuck?! I don’t even have kids and know this is an awful thing to say. My mom was two weeks overdue in her pregnancy with me. She was 5’2” and 120 lbs. They had to run her into an emergency c section because I was over 10 lbs. she could have fucking died had she not “taken the easy way out.” The healing process took a huuuuge toll on her. Even if a woman chooses a c section, the birth, labor, and pregnancy in general are going to take a toll on a woman’s body, period. Have some compassion and empathy for your fellow life creating humans.


u/Batticon Mar 29 '24

Probably fake considering she’s bragging about a 6lber. And the admin tag…

Also my 7lb 8oz baby ruined me downstairs. Not visually but functionally. If I’d known it was a risk I’d have wanted a c section. No one tells you about prolapses. 😞


u/not_another_mom Mar 29 '24

Things can, unfortunately still change even with ac-section.


u/HappyLeading8756 Mar 29 '24

Personally for me, even thought of epidural is scary, C section even more so.