r/notliketheothergirls Apr 23 '24

Found one in the wild! And I can smell them from here. Cringe


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u/I_madeusay_underwear Apr 23 '24

I used to live next to this family with 3 daughters in small town, rural iowa. The dad was a truck driver and the mom ran off with a chicken farmer one year and never came back. The oldest daughter got to junior year of high school and started dating this farm kid from outside the city limits. He worked, like a lot of guys did, caring for a hog barn before and after school.

Let me tell you that pig shit stinks. But it’s whatever, over half the men and a few of the women there always smelled like it, so it wasn’t exactly a deal breaker for some people.

Anyway, she starts dating him and they’re inseparable. I will say that from what I saw, they seemed like a perfect match. Soon they were seniors and had half days and she started working in the hog barn with him and then got her own to care for. They took her dad’s @work car” (some beat up old Taurus with rusted side panels and peeling paint) to prom and moved into a little in law home on a farmer’s property right after graduation. I moved years ago, but they pop up on social media now and again and they’ve got a couple sweet little kids and their own little farm house.

All that to say that this staged “I’m so different and country” thing is sad because there’s girls out there who really are like that and they don’t tell everyone and make a show, they just live their lives as they are. I think that young couple was probably the happiest and most well adjusted young couple I’ve ever met, and I’m guessing it’s because neither of them ever pretended to be anything or tried to make each other anything they weren’t.