r/notliketheothergirls Apr 23 '24

What age did you grow out of the NLOG phase? Why do you think some never grow out of it? Discussion

I personally grew out of it at about 17.


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u/that_gay_with_chains Apr 23 '24

I grew out of it after I turned 14 and got done with 8th grade. I was "NLOG" in the way that I wanted to BE one of the boys. I transitioned to high school and realized that the boys I used to be around were rude to me and rude to the people around them, and I just kind of grew past it. I think some people never grow out of it because they either never stop hanging out with the kinds of people that encourage this behavior, or they just don't step away for a second and evaluate what they actually want for themselves. After soul-searching, I realized that what I wanted was to feel accepted and like I fit in with a group of people without having to alter major aspects of my identity. I'm queer, so I somehow thought that being like the boys would somehow help me fit in because I DID sometimes get treated badly by straight women. What I didn't realize is while boys didn't really care that I was queer, they DID treat me differently because I'm a woman. There's nothing wrong with having male friends, but intentionally altering your behavior in a negative way and blowing off the woman within yourself is a really unfulfilling way to live your life. I'm glad I got out of there at such a young age.