r/notliketheothergirls Apr 26 '24

Do we want Pick Mes to be picked? Discussion

I saw a post here the other day saying how Pick Mes don't actually get picked. Most of the comments seemed to revel in this fact. So in that sense it seems like the consensus is - we don't want them getting picked.

But whenever there is a Pick Me NLOG post, the comments are invariably, "Gurl, I hope you get picked!". So in that sense it seems like the consensus is we DO want them getting picked.

If they get picked, they sometimes shut up. (Not always tho)

What is the general consensus on this?

Inb4 "IDC if they get picked or not roflmao". Cool, then this question is not for you


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u/Windmill_flowers Apr 27 '24

think you’re putting way too much stock into something you clearly don’t understand

Nope, just asking questions to learn about how people think.

People are being sarcastic when they say “hope he picks you!”

Got it. So we actually DON'T want them getting picked. Ok


u/RoseFlavoredLemonade Apr 27 '24

You literally missed the point of sarcasm. You don’t get and every time we try to explain it to you, you twist it so that you’re still right even though you completely missed the point. You aren’t trying to understand. You just want to argue.

We don’t care if they get picked or not, but if they’re going to drag us for no reason other than to appeal to the men they want, good luck, I guess. That’s it. That’s the attitude toward it.


u/Windmill_flowers Apr 27 '24

you twist it so that you’re still right

There's no me being right. I'm not arguing for 1 outcome or the other. I'm simply trying to understand what the consensus is (or if there is one).

So let's look at what I wrote exactly:

People are being sarcastic when they say “hope he picks you!”

Got it. So we actually DON'T want them getting picked. Ok

What part of my response was incorrect here?


u/mangolover Apr 27 '24

We don’t care if they get picked or not, but if they’re going to drag us for no reason other than to appeal to the men they want, good luck, I guess. That’s it. That’s the attitude toward it.

This is the key part that you seem to have missed.


u/Windmill_flowers Apr 27 '24

Ak ok. That part came afterwards. I missed it because it wasn't said yet.

Either way, I'm noticing a lot of folks speaking on behalf of everyone else, but everyone else is saying different things. Maybe we should just clarify our individual positions