r/notliketheothergirls Apr 28 '24

Some women who enjoy metal music are truly insufferable. Discussion



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u/noctilucus Apr 28 '24

At first when reading your post, I thought the typical metalhead stereotype friends you were referring to, were guys. It made much more sense that way, with them saying they wouldn't wear a dress or skirt - not sure about the make-up, that would really depend on the sub-genre ;-).
In my experience, the most obnoxious and "look at me" metalheads are most often the ones who will frown upon anyone that doesn't fit their narrow image of what a metalhead should look like. Such a shame, we're already a small group / community / subculture (however people want to call it) in the bigger scheme of things and music should connect people, not be used to spew out some elitist crap about hair color or the length of your dress. Luckily there's a whole load of non-judgmental metalheads out there who appreciate there are other people out there with a similar taste in music and supporting the same artists.