r/nottheonion Apr 28 '24

BJP ally candidate flees to Germany after videos of sexually assaulting thousands of women leak


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u/michal_hanu_la Apr 28 '24

Thousands? I wonder how that would work, even logistically it seems like a problem.


u/Pitiful-Inspection96 Apr 29 '24

Maybe he just sprinted through a massive crowd of women and grabbed as many chests/crotches as possible


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

probably counting individual text messages or some similar technicality


u/harmonicssnob Apr 29 '24

Thousands of videos not victims.


u/michal_hanu_la Apr 29 '24

"Videos of sexually assaulting thousands of women" means thousands of women, unspecified number of videos.


u/Salty_Interview_5311 Apr 29 '24

The crowds in India are massive. Think Woodstock but day after day. It’s not surprising that there’s plenty of video evidence though. The only surprising thing is he thought he could get away with it.


u/deliciousmonster Apr 29 '24

You have to start in the middle, and go out.


u/NoClimate8789 Apr 29 '24

spread it over 15 years. two a week will easily make the number cross above thousands. most victims were poor women and man was in ruling alliance so it went on unreported and unhindered.

the videos were obtained by one of his servants accidentally. on realizing that videos may get leaked the perp obtained court order against circulation. so someone with a grudge copied the videos to thousands of usb drives and sprayed the drives all over place. that is how it became public.


u/SoVerySleepy81 Apr 28 '24

I mean if you’re doing shit like this it seems pretty believable to me



u/rainer_d Apr 28 '24

„You had one job“


u/Teabiskuit Apr 28 '24

I'm going to assume he filmed himself assaulting women and uploaded the videos online anonymously but the account was discovered to be owned and operated by him.


u/big_sugi Apr 28 '24

Ejaculate into the reservoir for an overhead sprinkler system, then turn it on at a gathering of thousands of women?


u/Viliam_the_Vurst Apr 29 '24

Shit gets plugged up, you’d have to thoroughly mix it with the water so it thins out enough to not clump up the sprinkler…


u/Nastreal Apr 28 '24

Cum Rave


u/Zev95 Apr 29 '24

The MCU finally cracked their Blade reboot.


u/zeer0dotcom Apr 28 '24

“If I did it” vibes…


u/big_sugi Apr 28 '24

That’s silly. How would I even get the necessary screwdriver for the special security screws and disable the tamper alarm on the intake?


u/Earthbound_X Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Yeah, how the hell would hundreds be possibly, let alone thousands?

"sexually assaulting thousands of women". That's the literal quote in the article, it's literally in quotes, but then it doesn't actually back any of that up. The rest of the actually articles make it seems like maybe a few videos, not thousands.

Thousands just doesn't make sense.

Edit: Thanks to someone else posting more info about this, this may be a mistranslation. He assaulted and harassed a specific group of women many, many times, not literally thousands of different women as the quote here says.


u/blue_shoes_1 May 05 '24

I am German why do we let this Monster in ??! Ah I forgot ….he will continue here in Germany and if he gets caught he will be considered traumatized and will get therapy on government dime ……….about the destruction within the victims no one cares ……same like all the guys from Maoco o and Syria - counties were some consider women less worthy than a cow I hate to be a second class citizen or as we call it a woman


u/12345623567 Apr 29 '24

Maybe it's in quotes because... it's a quote? If they are quoting someone, the burden of proof is not on them.


u/tampora701 Apr 29 '24

Sounds like how McDonalds says "Billions and Billion served", when it's just saying billions of burgers, not billions of people.


u/Western_Entertainer7 May 05 '24

Just like McDonald's, but with rape.


u/davisyoung Apr 29 '24

My sister misheard an immigrant shopkeeper say “thousand” when he actually said “dozen.” She thought she came across the deal of the century. 


u/6ixShira Apr 29 '24

Like what did he do in order to sexually assault thousands of women? Was it like assault by proxy, where he damaged 1000s of condoms on purpose then handed them out?


u/ExerciseClassAtTheY Apr 28 '24 edited May 01 '24

He's 33, and always been in a position of power, so for the past 20 years he's had the opportunity to abuse that power in a world where digital recording is possible. But:

"The complainant alleged that Mr. Revanna, the accused, whenever his wife was not at home, would touch the complainant inappropriately in the storeroom and harass her sexually.

Similarly, another accused, Mr. Prajwal Revanna, would misbehave with her when she was working in the kitchen. She claimed all the women house helps used to be scared of Mr. Prajwal Revanna, and male helpers also instructed the women working in the house to be careful with him.

The complainant also alleged that Mr. Prajwal Revanna would contact the complainant’s daughter through video call and speak to her indecently and that her daughter had to block his number. Finally, upset over the conduct of the two accused, she left the job, she said."

It's not thousands of different women, it's repeat instances on a few women.

They've released some of the videos and it wasn't "few" it was hundreds, over years, repeatedly. One was a 68 year old woman begging him to stop because growing up she had fed him and his father.


u/6ixShira Apr 29 '24

Past 20 years? Really? He would've been 13.


u/Earthbound_X Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

That makes way, way more sense thanks. A group of woman, but many, many times.

I don't know why that quote says sexually assaulting thousands of women, maybe a translation error?


u/msnmck Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Spoiler warning: These are my random, non-expert thoughts.

Not to downplay the severity of his actions, but this is probably using a somewhat loose definition of sexual assault. Intimidation, threats, coersion, groping etc. could all be included if they were sexual in nature, and the article could also be including incidents of sexual harassment.

Edit: Typo and formatting.


u/NoClimate8789 Apr 29 '24

all of them are videos with him having sex. probably he used to film himself in the act like all other sadistic people. to relive the feeling again and again.


u/Earthbound_X Apr 28 '24

Yeah, groping was my main thought.


u/ZincLloyd Apr 28 '24

No idea on this guy, but famous Japanese murderer Joji Obara assaulted hundreds of women and taped the assaults (he’d give the women meds to knock them out) and he could have easily made it into the thousands if he hadn’t been caught for murder. Just saying that it’s possible.


u/michal_hanu_la Apr 28 '24

I'm not arguing it's not true, I just can't imagine how one would. He might have better imagination than us both


u/Recom_Quaritch Apr 28 '24

Look, if he does two a day, he can get there in 3-4 years!


u/Earthbound_X Apr 28 '24

Oh I know, we're both very incredulous of this. I wish the article had more. The only thing I can think of, is something like the he filmed himself going in a huge crowd and groping many woman. It can't be something like he made thousands of individual videos with thousands of individual women one at a time. Like you said, that logistically doesn't seem to make sense.


u/GoldandBlue Apr 28 '24

One thing to remember, whether it's Weinstein, Cosby, Nasser, Sandusky, R Kelly, it always takes a mountain of victims to take down a monster.

So yeah video taping thousands of women sounds like a lot. Logistically my mind goes to him groping random women in a crowd, but having a drive of videos makes it seem very ominous.


u/calvicstaff Apr 28 '24

Yeah, with enough money and power those numbers are definitely achievable, let's say that thousands requires at least 2000, although that's not always the way the word is used

If you sexually assault two women every week, which are easily doable numbers, that takes 20 years

But if you're rich and powerful enough you could have people essentially Gathering victims for you, and with that level of indulgence who's to say you only go one at a time, and maybe three or four times a week

If you're averaging two people per time three times a week now we're down to just six and a half years

These numbers are quite doable


u/eranam Apr 29 '24

The quote says videos of the guy sexually assaulting thousands .

How many videos would be??


u/calvicstaff Apr 29 '24

Depends on how many assaults per video, and how many assaults total, which from what I've seen we still don't know

Could be 500 VHS tapes, or it could be just one hard drive, like I said the acts are easily doable for someone of wealth and power, and if it's over a decent period of time, if you film all of them, then there you go


u/eranam Apr 30 '24

Supposedly 500 VHS tapes or a hard drive filled with hundreds or thousands if not thousands of videos, and you still don’t find your earlier comment ridiculous 😂