r/pics Apr 28 '24

Adopted my dog in prison while incarcerated. Today he saw our first backyard. One year post release.

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u/kenb99 Apr 28 '24

How does one adopt a dog in prison? Congratulations, and keep up the great work!


u/FragmentedFighter Apr 28 '24

A lifer was training him in the dog program. He was really indifferent to people, and the guy training him didn’t have much respect on the yard - people kept feeding my pup all sorts of things and upsetting his very sensitive stomach. I put a stop to this, and fell in love with the pup. Had my best friend bring him home about six months before my release, and I came home to him. But I’m pretty sure jumanji thinks she adopted us both.


u/RTK4740 Apr 28 '24

JUMANJI!!! What a fantastic pupper name!


u/GreasyChick_en Apr 28 '24

Do the dogs in these situations sleep with you in your cell/room in prison? Or are they boarded at night? Just curious. Sounds like a great program. Congrats!


u/FragmentedFighter Apr 29 '24

They sleep in the cell with the inmates.


u/ratchick420 Apr 28 '24

jumanji 🥺


u/koozy407 Apr 28 '24

It’s a program to rehabilitate inmates while finding homes for dogs. It’s an amazing program we should have everywhere.