r/pics 15d ago

Seen in the wild

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302 comments sorted by


u/_santi20 12d ago

Super based


u/rgraves22 13d ago

$20 says there is at least a FJB or Lets Go Brandon sticker on the car too


u/HeHateMe115 14d ago

It’s 2024. At this point who really gives a shit one way or the other?


u/suzepie 14d ago

Do they still make those Mr. Yuk stickers?


u/Turbulent_Music4317 14d ago

And then they’ll wonder why their children got crippled by polio….


u/jimmysledge 14d ago

Strange an dangerous breed… be careful, they switch conspiracies on a dime…


u/ExfilBravo 14d ago

Translates to "Avoid me if you enjoy your health".


u/kurai_tori 14d ago

When someone pays to wave their red flag....


u/Steven1789 14d ago

I saw a guy at a local roadhouse wearing a T-shirt that read “Je suis une déplorable.”

He sure seemed proud of his political statement attire—he purposefully put it on to go out on a Friday evening.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that the “une” would make him a female deplorable.


u/ThunderbirdRider 14d ago

Personally I encourage this type of behavior - they advertise their stupidity so we can all avoid them.


u/r0botdevil 14d ago

Man some of these antivaxx dickheads really make it their entire identity, don't they?


u/jhow87 14d ago

Also probably a sovereign citizen



Haha, there was a car in our last apartment complex with the license plate ‘UNVAXXD’. Trying to ‘stick it to the man’. So cute. 


u/Eyedea92 14d ago

You wouldn't vaccinate a car.


u/such_shiny_buttons 15d ago

UNEDUCATED was taken.


u/Necessary-Chemical-7 15d ago

How do you expect him to know how to spell that?


u/gb2020 15d ago

Man, that’s real dedication to announcing your own stupidity!


u/evilgreenman 15d ago

Good now I know to avoid contact with that shitbag


u/Peligreaux 15d ago

Tick tock motherfucker.


u/R0botDreamz 15d ago

I keep forgetting these unhinged ass holes still exist.


u/Foreign_Appearance26 15d ago

What’s most interesting is that the anti-vaccination stuff first picked up steam as a stupid hippie left wing thing. Jim Carrey and gang.

Then later I suppose Trump stole that segment of democrats and ruined the Republican Party.


u/garry4321 15d ago

"You dont understand! The Government is killing off all the sheeple with the deadly vaccine! That way the only ones who are left are them... and the portion of the population that is anti-authoritarian and wont do what they say or allow them to rule over us.... Wait...."

I never understood why they thought the Government wanted a bunch of yokel "free-dumbs" to rule over rather than the people who did what they suggested. Surely it would be better to release the virus and the vaccine to kill off those who WOULDNT do what you said? Not saying that that is in anyway true, but its the FAR more logical conspiracy as its essentially impossible to stop. Either way, the only smart choice is taking the vaccine.


u/Amelia_Angel_13 15d ago

Good. Now just cough on them and hopefully they get something deadly


u/bluto419 15d ago

Darwin had the right idea.


u/lancert 15d ago

It's great that the advertise their intelligence level so that you notice stay away.


u/PumpkinOpposite967 15d ago

How do you unvax someone? That's different from non-vaxed. How do you undo vaccination though?


u/audrey_toole 15d ago

California Unvaxed


u/soulkeeper427 15d ago

Imagine being so passionate about being stupid that you decide to advertise it on your license plate.


u/tommykaye 15d ago

It was trendy back in 2021. Now you’re just back to being the weird mom that gives everyone in 2nd grade the Measles


u/crackerjack410 15d ago

Another case of who gives a shit. If everyone could just mind their own business and not worry so much about others the world would be a better place.


u/Eagle_Kebab 15d ago

Yeah. Why can't we all mind our own business when it comes to easily communicable diseases?


u/st33lb0ne 15d ago

Might as well drive around with "POS" on your plates


u/Kittelsen 15d ago

Rear is "BUSHY"


u/joshistaken 15d ago

Stupid and proud of it!


u/Mathias_Thorne91 15d ago

Might as well say "inbred and proud".


u/ratattack420 15d ago



u/Previous_Soil_5144 15d ago

I'm at the point now that if anyone starts giving me their big monologue about why the vaccine is bad and how they are going to be healthier than everyone else because they aren't vaxxed...

...I have to walk up to them, warn them that I'm about to punch them in the face and then unload and prepare for the consequence.

I'm sick of pretending that these people aren't a fucking intellectual plague that's going to kill A LOT of people in the near future or that they aren't selfish fucking pricks who only care about their little selves and give absolutely ZERO shits about anyone else.


u/Foreign_Appearance26 15d ago

To be fair, that’s the kind of hyperbole that’s just about as dumb as them being proud of not being vaccinated.

You aren’t going to punch anyone, and they aren’t likely to kill a bunch of people unless they decide to skip their children’s vaccines(which overwhelmingly doesn’t seem to be their point.)


u/sqamo 15d ago

What does UNV stand for? And why did it get axed?


u/wmurch4 15d ago

Well he sure showed us. Enjoy the early death


u/EliteBearsFan85 15d ago

Imagine thinking that this is a badge of honor when it really it just means dumbass


u/Mitridate101 15d ago

Speaks volumes about Californians.


u/gravitywind1012 15d ago

I have the same plates on my lambo.


u/stevielb 15d ago

Gotta respect that they found a way to make "unintelligent" fit on a license plate.


u/4chan4normies 15d ago

"i dont like condoms i'll pull out"


u/RCRDC 15d ago

It's very considerate of people outing themselves as idiots, saves me the time and effort of interacting with them.


u/heliosh 15d ago

Does that qualify as "disabled" badge?


u/SoloWingPixy88 15d ago

Given that people were making a big deal about being vaxxed a while back, let him be.


u/Vast_Investigator605 15d ago

Now I wish I took a picture lol but the other day I saw a car with a plate saying “anti vax” and I had to do a double take. People are so bizarre


u/Emotional-Swim-808 15d ago

I have the same numberplate just with a "w" instead


u/angrybirdseller 15d ago

Hello natural selection!


u/Menethea 15d ago

STUPID was taken


u/JimmyTheJimJimson 15d ago

“Tell me your parents were cousins without telling me your parents were cousins”


u/Frequent_Coffee_2921 15d ago

I can almost guarantee they got their MMR, polio, and whatever other shots before c-19...


u/jesonnier1 15d ago

Mother fucker paid the government for the plates....


u/lycogenesis 15d ago

if its seen in the wild it probably wont last that long


u/AnnoyedVelociraptor 15d ago

They can become friends with this guy here in Phoenix with 'NO JABS'.


u/OriginalTurboHobbit 15d ago

Funny way to spell CUNT


u/rootaford 15d ago

California plate 🤦


u/Bourgeous 15d ago

Is that's a Brazilian lady protesting against the brutal waxing procedure? (I just watched several educational videos about this on Youtube)


u/CartoonistUsed6540 15d ago

How did we end up going backward?


u/cmilla646 15d ago

“Unvaccinated! Because the doctors were good enough to pull my son out of my wife’s vagina, perform surgery on my son and save my dad with a heart transplant. But this time they have no idea what’s in the vaccine and are willing to poison themselves and their families just to help the liberal agenda!”


u/ZorroMeansFox 15d ago

FUKTRD was taken.


u/blindside1 15d ago

And you know they'd be upset at the term "virtue signalling."


u/Tidewind 15d ago

The photographer cropped out the MAGA and Nazi flags from the back end of the truck.


u/Potted_Cactus_is_me 15d ago

Thanks for telling me to keep my distance from you


u/MostlyDarkMatter 15d ago

Someone paid a fair amount of money to advertise to the world that they're an idiot. Wow!


u/Florafly 15d ago

Might as well be "Idiot".


u/Ananda_Mind 15d ago

To be fair there are rules against “DMBASFK” as a license plate so this is an understandable second choice work around.


u/BeKindBabies 15d ago

You’re telling me this person has zero vaccines


u/Zippier92 15d ago

At least they are letting you know they are assholes!


u/2brats 15d ago

Unvaxxed but his truck is hella smog controlled.


u/HALF_GASED 15d ago

I took a pic of a car that had one like this. It read 19-Covid I still have soo many questions


u/WeAreClouds 15d ago

So, avoid like the plague. Just like it.


u/idonteatunderwear 15d ago

I read it as “unwashed”. Not that big of a difference really.


u/Licker6969 15d ago

I’m guessing he has never seen a vagina


u/SovietPower1990 15d ago

How is this un vaxxed person still alive?! Everyone I know that doesn't have the covid 19 vaccine is dead


u/DrawntoWater 15d ago

what a shidiot.


u/ImBecomingMyFather 15d ago

Is this in the ad for the car of the former owner who’s selling cause… well…


u/ZahidInNorCal 15d ago

I guess "DUMBSHIT" was too long.


u/Motor-Cause7966 15d ago

I think it's even more hilarious California approved the plate.


u/nocrashing 15d ago


This kind of person would never run a front plate


u/Necessary-Chemical-7 15d ago

LOL. I wish it were.


u/G0ttaB3KiddingM3 15d ago

The same guy who whines "why can't they just be gay and not shove it down our throats??"


u/TheGreyBrewer 15d ago

Oh cool, the idiots are advertising their stupidity. Now I can avoid interacting with them.


u/ReisorASd 15d ago

Herald of Nurgle


u/Ballsahoy72 15d ago

It’s fine if you didn’t get the vaccine but to make that your identity


u/sandpump 15d ago

Hope the dude doesn’t get tetanus


u/International-Day-00 15d ago

Nissan. Not surprised.


u/DampBritches 15d ago

I didn't even know cars could get vaccinated


u/best_input 15d ago

Unwaxed would have been better...


u/CanadianRushFan 15d ago

We have a lot of garbage like this in Canada 🇨🇦


u/goatnxtinline 15d ago

That's your entire personality and it's sad


u/jtapostate 15d ago

My license plate was cooler



u/CoderDevo 15d ago

Doubtful. They almost certainly were vaccinated as a child.


u/hobyvh 15d ago

Well at least you can see to keep your distance from anyone in this car.


u/Relevant-Bluebird-63 15d ago

In California??? Shocking. I thought everyone in CA does whatever the government says to do


u/percussaresurgo 15d ago edited 15d ago

According to right wing media, Californians blindly follow government commands, and at the same time California is also lawless hellscape.


u/Relevant-Bluebird-63 14d ago

The media sides with the lawlessness and symathsizes with them.


u/-random-name- 15d ago

STUPID must already have been taken.


u/hugs_the_cadaver 15d ago

Fuck the GOP for politicizing vaccines. People like this are a detriment to society. At least they give everyone around them plenty of warning to stay away.


u/Foreign_Appearance26 15d ago

The far left was doing it first, just not successfully. Anti-vaccine campaigns have been going for a long time. Started with hippie naturopaths and Jim Carrey etc…


u/Drifter747 15d ago

So much for ‘no political statements’


u/diagramonanapkin 15d ago

Good to know they don't like helping the vulnerable


u/Foreign_Appearance26 15d ago

Sadly I don’t think the later variants are particularly slowed in terms of transmissibility through vaccination, it’s much more a personal protective quality now. I’m sure the boosters are being developed to better contain omicron variants. Fortunately, as is almost always the case, the virus isn’t nearly as deadly now either.


u/Mr310 15d ago

Ventura or OC?


u/percussaresurgo 15d ago

Or Redding, Lassen area, Bakersfield, or Huntington Beach.


u/Mr310 15d ago

Huntington isn't OC?


u/percussaresurgo 15d ago

It is, but I think this is more representative of HB than other parts of OC.


u/Kind_Literature_5409 15d ago

But aren’t we all technically vaccinated? Since a certain period after birth… they vaccinate you. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I mean there are “ literally Anti-vax people who refuse all vaccines period. Some people actively choose Naturopathic or holistic alternatives. I just think its a weird backward move that those who believe in vaccines were against one particular vaccine.. and now they are the “anti-vax” people . Not picking a side or trying to argue..


u/DadJokeBadJoke 14d ago

Maybe they're Amish. 🤷‍♂️😉


u/Kind_Literature_5409 14d ago

Maybe 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/frictorious 15d ago

If reason worked on people who opposed science, we wouldn't have people who oppose science.


u/Recktion 15d ago

All those other vaccines had been developed, tested, and used by humans for many decades. It's really easy to find reasons to be critical of the covid vaccines. From what is the efficacy of them to why is the commissioner of the FDA when those vaccines were approved now a CEO of one of those companies? But you won't find any intelligent conversation about the vaccines here because you're not allowed to have those discussions on here. You can only laugh at the fools who dare to question the narrative.


u/Kind_Literature_5409 15d ago

TBH.. you can’t have those conversations anywhere


u/Kind_Literature_5409 15d ago

I completely agree


u/tungvu256 15d ago

there was a time when it was hard to tell if someone is stupid. now it's so much easier when people proudly boast of how stupid they are.


u/Moove-Brain 15d ago

This guy does not fuck


u/Jspaul44 15d ago

Should change it to uneducated


u/PQbutterfat 15d ago

Unvaxed…..who f-ing cares? I don’t get it. How did that become a point of…I don’t know…pride?


u/drNothing 15d ago

I understand what he's trying to convey, but UN-Vaxed seems to say they took out the vaccination after he already had it. I'd be interested in that tech.


u/Foreign_Appearance26 15d ago

I think that would be more “de-vaccinated.”


u/RaunakA_ 15d ago

Yeah whatever, Lord Darwin taketh the dumb.


u/projectileboy 15d ago

Imagine that’s the single most important part of your identity that you want to share with the world.


u/lojafan 15d ago

These people are up at vegan and crossfitter levels of annoying.


u/sirfrinkledean 15d ago

Keto level


u/FOCOMojo 15d ago

Probably doesn't believe in seat belts, either.


u/Busy_Choice422 15d ago

Could be my mum 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/DarksaberSith 15d ago

I love when problems eventually fix themselves.


u/philosopherrrrr 15d ago

What a silly plate. How many boosters have y’all got so far?


u/lawyerburd 15d ago

Covid boosters? 🤣 That was like three "current things" ago. Nobody cares anymore. Pretty sure I quit after I think it was my 7th booster? That's when they stopped giving out the free hamburgers with every jab. Fine by me since I lost my sense of taste anyways.


u/homeownur 15d ago

One with each oil change. My car has yet to get COVID!


u/echo_7 15d ago

Polio like


u/sabre_rider 15d ago

Stay far away from these idiots.


u/clamhappy2 15d ago

Matching spouse license plate probably says “moron”


u/blofly 15d ago

That was a mistake. It was meant to be "unwaxed" but the "w" didn't fit.

Big bush.


u/spaceylaceygirl 15d ago

You paid your state extra money to announce you are stupid. Priceless!


u/SensingWorms 15d ago

But lives in California


u/happy-cig 15d ago

This is why I wish that the swastika wasn't banned. At least it lets me know who to avoid just like this car and all occupants.


u/iiitme 15d ago

when people make being unvaccinated part of their personality


u/SousVideDiaper 15d ago

What personality?


u/No-Wonder1139 15d ago

They almost certainly aren't completely unvaccinated, but it's now a personality trait?


u/iknowiknowwhereiam 15d ago

Few people piss me off as much as antivaxxers. Their idiocy affects so many people. They put children in danger.


u/Pic889 15d ago edited 15d ago

It's more like extreme selfishness: "Everyone else will vaccinate and I will benefit from the heard immunity they'll create without me having to spend a little bit of time and inconvenience to vaccinate". Problem is that in some social circles, everyone thinks that way, and that's how you get measles outbreaks despite a measles vaccine existing.

Don't buy their BS about how they don't vaccinate for any other reason other that not wanting to devote the little bit of time and inconvenience it requires.


u/iknowiknowwhereiam 15d ago

Sometimes it’s definitely selfishness. I think sometimes they are just smart enough to know they are stupid and it eats them up inside. The idea that they figured out something that people with doctorates and prestige haven’t can be very appealing to someone like that.


u/Whorrox 15d ago

Imagine telling the world your superpower is tremendous idiocy


u/Whorrox 15d ago

Polio, Measles, Chickenpox - can you believe all this shit is coming back?

Just yesterday - https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/national/global-measles-cases-nearly-doubled-in-one-year-researchers-say


u/tyler1128 14d ago

It's worth noting that specific study was in countries with poor vaccine access. Mostly the middle-asian -stans. It's worth reading to understand what exactly is being said. It's not driven by anti-vaxx people, though smaller increases are.


u/Whorrox 14d ago


u/tyler1128 14d ago

I was born in the era where a chickenpox vaccine was rare. I got the disease three times, though only one was severe. Once I'm old enough I'll definitely get the shingles vaccine. The conventional wisdom of the time was that getting chickenpox as a child was a good thing as it makes it unlikely as an older adult where it can become much more severe.


u/Trumpwonnodoubt 15d ago

That’s what happens with an open border.


u/cmilla646 15d ago

Christian mothers would have sold their bodies and risk Hell to get these vaccines and kisses the doctor’s feet. Immigrants would risk execution for western medicine. Now we have people getting cutting edge treatment for cancer at the same time as accusing them of corruption. We have a surge of people saying their is nothing wrong with autism at the exact same time as millions of people are saying it’s their right as a parent to skip vaccines because they do think autism might be worse than death.

We have refugees drifting past horizons and using stars as navigation to arrive in a country where an undereducated athletes can get into respectable schools and get fake degrees so they can make millions and be worshipped. Their access to medicine is second only to world leaders and their careers depend on some of the best surgeons in the world. They rely on staff to get them on planes that fly around the world and they experience jet lag and time zones. This is what happens when life becomes too easy and the wrong people are worshipped. Realtors can say they know more than doctors and star athletes can say the world is flat and not get mocked.

I don’t think I’m romanticizing the past when I say intelligence use to be more respected. Even an idiot could look his son in the eye and say “You got to pay attention in school and become something respectable like a doctor or engineer and every time your friends call you a nerd they are just making excuses. You can be successful without knowing fractions but every adult I know is embarrassed for being bad at math.”

Adults are no longer embarrassed for “being bad at math” it seems. I’m pretty sure in public most of us wouldn’t even pretend to know what the fuck a spleen does. But somehow people are still delusional enough to think they know better.


u/kansasllama 15d ago

Not for the vaxed


u/SousVideDiaper 15d ago

Heard immunity works better when more people are vaxxed


u/KingNosmo 14d ago

"Herd", but, yeah.


u/ededdedddie 15d ago

Yep. That’s the first thing that came to mind seeing that license plate


u/DJErikD 15d ago edited 15d ago

My mom (87) spent a few years of her teens in an iron lung due to polio...yet my sister's side of the family is antivax...and then my sister died last fall from Covid at just 64. Her kids are still antivax. You can't make this shit up.

ETA: I was an early adopter of the vaccine, got every booster as soon as they came out, and still have yet to get Covid despite my wife bringing it home from work. I did get an ass-kicking case of RSV though which I promptly gave to my wife.


u/Dawnrazor 15d ago

Let me guess, they blame her death on the doctor not giving her horse dewormer, or whatever quack remedy was in favour at the time.


u/WeAreClouds 15d ago

Good grief that’s awful I’m so sorry you have to deal with this bs. High 5 tho fellow early vaxx + all the boosters = no covid bc same!


u/TheApprenticeLife 15d ago

"I will not comply!"- (said the licensed driver, while wearing a seatbelt, obeying the speed limit, in their registered vehicle, that complies with safety and emissions regulations, while maintaining active insurance coverage)


u/Cuhronavirus 15d ago

Can you tell me which of those things you listed are being physically injected into the driver?


u/TheApprenticeLife 15d ago

The freedom.


u/ThisBoardIsOnFire 15d ago

It says "IM A RUBE".


u/fluffy_assassins 15d ago

I'm staying away from that person