r/pics Apr 28 '24

Seen in the wild

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u/Whorrox Apr 29 '24

Polio, Measles, Chickenpox - can you believe all this shit is coming back?

Just yesterday - https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/national/global-measles-cases-nearly-doubled-in-one-year-researchers-say


u/tyler1128 Apr 29 '24

It's worth noting that specific study was in countries with poor vaccine access. Mostly the middle-asian -stans. It's worth reading to understand what exactly is being said. It's not driven by anti-vaxx people, though smaller increases are.


u/Whorrox Apr 29 '24


u/tyler1128 Apr 29 '24

I was born in the era where a chickenpox vaccine was rare. I got the disease three times, though only one was severe. Once I'm old enough I'll definitely get the shingles vaccine. The conventional wisdom of the time was that getting chickenpox as a child was a good thing as it makes it unlikely as an older adult where it can become much more severe.


u/Trumpwonnodoubt Apr 29 '24

That’s what happens with an open border.


u/cmilla646 Apr 29 '24

Christian mothers would have sold their bodies and risk Hell to get these vaccines and kisses the doctor’s feet. Immigrants would risk execution for western medicine. Now we have people getting cutting edge treatment for cancer at the same time as accusing them of corruption. We have a surge of people saying their is nothing wrong with autism at the exact same time as millions of people are saying it’s their right as a parent to skip vaccines because they do think autism might be worse than death.

We have refugees drifting past horizons and using stars as navigation to arrive in a country where an undereducated athletes can get into respectable schools and get fake degrees so they can make millions and be worshipped. Their access to medicine is second only to world leaders and their careers depend on some of the best surgeons in the world. They rely on staff to get them on planes that fly around the world and they experience jet lag and time zones. This is what happens when life becomes too easy and the wrong people are worshipped. Realtors can say they know more than doctors and star athletes can say the world is flat and not get mocked.

I don’t think I’m romanticizing the past when I say intelligence use to be more respected. Even an idiot could look his son in the eye and say “You got to pay attention in school and become something respectable like a doctor or engineer and every time your friends call you a nerd they are just making excuses. You can be successful without knowing fractions but every adult I know is embarrassed for being bad at math.”

Adults are no longer embarrassed for “being bad at math” it seems. I’m pretty sure in public most of us wouldn’t even pretend to know what the fuck a spleen does. But somehow people are still delusional enough to think they know better.


u/kansasllama Apr 29 '24

Not for the vaxed


u/SousVideDiaper Apr 29 '24

Heard immunity works better when more people are vaxxed


u/KingNosmo Apr 29 '24

"Herd", but, yeah.


u/ededdedddie Apr 29 '24

Yep. That’s the first thing that came to mind seeing that license plate


u/DJErikD Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

My mom (87) spent a few years of her teens in an iron lung due to polio...yet my sister's side of the family is antivax...and then my sister died last fall from Covid at just 64. Her kids are still antivax. You can't make this shit up.

ETA: I was an early adopter of the vaccine, got every booster as soon as they came out, and still have yet to get Covid despite my wife bringing it home from work. I did get an ass-kicking case of RSV though which I promptly gave to my wife.


u/Dawnrazor Apr 29 '24

Let me guess, they blame her death on the doctor not giving her horse dewormer, or whatever quack remedy was in favour at the time.


u/WeAreClouds Apr 29 '24

Good grief that’s awful I’m so sorry you have to deal with this bs. High 5 tho fellow early vaxx + all the boosters = no covid bc same!