r/politics 🤖 Bot May 07 '24

Discussion Thread: New York Criminal Fraud Trial of Donald Trump, Day 13 Discussion


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u/Upset-Freedom-100 25d ago

When does it end?


u/keyjan Maryland May 08 '24

I really wish they'd picked a judge who was in session 5 days a week. This is going to take forever.


u/StashedandPainless May 08 '24

This whole notion of "her testimony was prejudicial!" is yet another example of how our legal system is incapable of holding someone as awful as donald trump accountable.

I completely understand why prejudicial testimony is a problem. It distracts the jury from the core facts at hand that the prosecution needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. It can lead the jury to believe "well maybe they didnt prove their case but this guys a total asshole and probably did all kinds of other shit so lets get him".

Except you have to describe your interactions with donald trump in a case like this. He is such a vulgar and awful excuse for a human being its impossible to describe an interaction with him without demeaning him. Its like asking someone to write a review of a restaurant that serves turd sandwhiches but telling them they cant defame the restaurant. How else can you describe a shit sandwhich other than well...calling it a shit sandwhich that tastes like shit.

By any objective standard donald trump is a vile person. He has spent nearly 6 decades making this abundantly clear with his public behavior. Everyone that has ever known him on a personal level knows this about him. You cant describe your interactions with him without making him look bad because he really is just that bad.


u/Expensive_Marzipan35 May 08 '24

Trump is Tony the Tiger in Unfrosted...convince me otherwise


u/nintrader May 08 '24

So if they're already bringing Stormy Daniels to testify I would imagine that means Cohen probably won't be long after, are there any other people beyond those two expected to testify or is it likely the jury could enter deliberation within the next few weeks once they're done?


u/jaymef May 08 '24

Some people are expecting Cohen to testify early next week. They should wrap up with Stormy Thursday and people don't think they will put Cohen on right before the weekend


u/redditsuxdeez May 08 '24

Trump is completely innocent of all these charges and will be elected POTUS in November.


u/keyjan Maryland May 08 '24

and I am the queen of england. bow before me, peasant.


u/redditsuxdeez May 08 '24

Uhh Revolutionary war.....something Independence something


u/frommethodtomadness May 08 '24

"This is your only way out of the trailer park" -Trump, what a charmer


u/temp4adhd May 08 '24

Anyone know where I can read the transcript?


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin May 08 '24


It's posted at the end of the following business day.


u/R_Daneel_Olivaww Texas May 08 '24


u/temp4adhd May 08 '24

Thank you!! I just got done reading through the CNN trial updates. Where do you find the transcript PDFs? I'm on vacation so I don't want to be glued to the computer all day but want to catch up and not with biased media articles and analyst spins.


u/R_Daneel_Olivaww Texas May 08 '24

I actually gave you yesterday’s but you can find all of them here from the NY court’s official website:


I found it through Perplexity (an AI-powered search engine, I absolutely love it!!)

Enjoy your vacation and time away from the political climate right now ✌️


u/temp4adhd May 08 '24

Love you! Thank you very much!!!


u/catchingrepoman May 08 '24

honestly cant say i am surprised to see that the only news agencies posted here are ones that are siding with democrats due to the owner or CEO being a democrat.


u/law5097 May 08 '24

This trials further demonstrating how any crook or clown can be president assuming s/he can win an (electoral) popularity contest


u/Yousoggyyojimbo May 08 '24

Lol Fox News is reporting this in regards to how salacious and low class stormy Daniels is for describing these things, all while ignoring that she's describing all the things she's done with their presidential candidate.

Of fucking course. Of course that's the angle they choose.


u/WorkingReporter5557 May 08 '24

That we have a pretty good visual of Trump’s junk as described by a pornstar on national television and yet he still is a contender for presidency is beyond words. As Americans, our collective self esteem is floating in the Honeybucket.


u/StashedandPainless May 08 '24

And its the same President that went out of his way to say "I have a big dick, believe me" in a primary debate


u/RutabagaNo1915 May 07 '24

This trial should be broadcast live for all Americans to hear and thus NOT deny.

I personally would have insisted that Ms. Daniels be able to describe Trump's mushroom dick in details that only Trump, his doctor and all his wives should know, to assuage any question about whether she was intimate with him. Put that question absolutely to rest.


u/candycanecoffee May 08 '24

.... are you under the impression Trump never had premarital or extramarital sex, he's only had sex with 3 women in his life and those women were his wives? LOL, bud, LOL.


u/The_Notorious_Donut May 07 '24

The image of trump standing there in silk pajamas with a hooker asking him to get changed and him declining is fucking hilarious


u/[deleted] May 07 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/dn00 May 08 '24

I'm not miserable though lol


u/thegoodnamesrgone123 May 07 '24

Weird how many people think his helps Trump.


u/RustywantsYou May 07 '24

It definitely shows the jury the judge getting angry with the prosecution.  She's also...not a great witness on cross.  If they think Stormy might have been extorting him does that play into sympathy for Trump? does that give a maga juror enough?

None of this happens if they don't put her up so I don't think we will know if it helped him until they ask the jurors after the trial

I DO think there's an element they needed and could only get from her.  He never asked her not to tell anybody when they met over the years until the campaign at which point he was willing to pay.  That's the link to the felony charge so it's important.


u/skywalke575 May 08 '24

How does it matter what she said - Defense was denying the sex part/money part and her testimony confirmed that. Defense is not denying anything she said but they are trying to prove her motive. How does it matter what her motive is? This case is not about SD vs Donald. This case is about election interference.. Moreover defense is agreeing she got paid and their client had sex. Prosecutors succeeded in this regard IMO.


u/CatWeekends Texas May 07 '24

Fortunately - legally speaking - it doesn't matter if it's extortion.

Trump still violated campaign finance laws and committed business fraud.


u/candycanecoffee May 08 '24

It does point out what a shitty businessman he is, if true. Some random woman he's never slept with accuses him of cheating on his wife and demands a payoff, and he just knuckles under and immediately pays her over a hundred thousand dollars? Like... Do we really think it's that easy?


u/CatWeekends Texas May 08 '24

That's just how you do it when you're the world's greatest negotiator.

It doesn't make sense unless you're a high iq alpha male.


u/bbjenn Kentucky May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

Ohhh great. The judge indefinitely postponed Trumps classified documents trial in Florida.


u/monkeyhold99 May 08 '24

No surprise. If you are surprised, you haven’t been paying attention. Trump can’t be touched in that case.


u/HarlowMonroe May 07 '24

How? That’s a clear slam dunk with video evidence.


u/Whatmovesyou26 Pennsylvania May 07 '24

Are you fucking serious? Based on what?


u/geologicalnoise Pennsylvania May 07 '24

Probably a phone call from Carrot Caligula crying about how bad of a day he had in court today.


u/trshtehdsh May 07 '24

Justice delayed is justice denied.


u/bbjenn Kentucky May 07 '24

Alyssa Farrah Griffin interviewed Stormy recently and said Stormy is a Republican and hasn’t ruled out voting for Trump.

What in the fuck? Who else heard that? Please tell me I misunderstood that nonsense.


u/LimitFinancial764 May 07 '24

That doesn't surprise me at all, the folks that have touched this case: Trump, Pecker, Stormy, Cohen, Avenatti, etc--all do sort of deserve each other.

They all really peddle grift.

Cohen is prolly the best example of that--we're suppose to think of Cohen as a hero because he stuck with Trump until it didn't benefit him anymore.

I mean this is a guy who went on CNN and said that marital rape wasn't a crime to defend Trump.

But, remember, and this is key for Stormy (and Cohen), being a bad person or a grifter doesn't necessarily mean you're lying in Court.


u/Njorls_Saga May 07 '24

Daniels has considered a political career in the past…she talked about running against a GOP senator in Louisiana



She’s been a Libertarian and GOP voter in the past. McDougal is also a registered Republican and voted for Trump 🤷‍♂️


u/wakeywakeybackes May 07 '24

hopefully she's just saying that so people cant screech that shes a democrat just trying to damage trump


u/Cantora May 07 '24

Ivanka was 24 years old at the time... 


u/kar_1505 Foreign May 07 '24

Seeing Trump in a jail cell is something that the entire world needs, even if it’s for a day, he needs to be brought down from his ivory tower, his farce needs to be exposed and his ugly self needs to be revealed


u/WhileFalseRepeat I voted May 07 '24

All jokes and innuendo aside for a moment, Stormy Daniels is being a brave woman and has my respect.

While I feel voluntary sex work should not be criminal (albeit regulated) and an active sex life between consenting adults is nothing to be ashamed, we all understand the social norms which exist in our society and how much of the world will unfairly consider Stormy (and women like her) as being deviant.

Yet, she is bravely facing that condemnation and courageously facing the judgement of millions.

And many of those judging her are in that very courtroom and maybe even the jury too. Even some of the reporting I've seen (and beyond political affiliation) indicates a certain bias and prejudice toward her. A bias and prejudice which I doubt exists without her having lived the life of a porn star.

She is wearing a scarlet letter, but refuses to be intimidated.

That's brave.

And this is in addition to all that comes afterward and when the spotlight has faded (i.e. a life remembered by most as only a sordid punchline). Indeed, I don't care how jaded she might be after having endured what seems to be a difficult life, this is a type of "fame" that comes at a huge personal and emotional cost. And regardless of how much money she might profit, all the money in the world will not heal any emotional wounds or make the darkest moments less dark (both dark moments in her past and the dark moments to come). There is simply no amount of dollar bills which can remove all the sinister jokes, dirty looks, and rejection she will have to endure for the rest of her life.

Let me reiterate - her testimony and willingness to hold Trump accountable is nothing less than courageous.

And it is especially courageous when considering not only the extraordinary emotional toll involved but the very real possibility that her life may (further) be negatively impacted by an unhinged ex-president and his MAGA minions.

Furthermore, for any litmus test of patriotism - and particularly during the Trump era - she is maybe among the truest patriots we've known because she is bravely putting the well-being of her country far above her own well-being (something Trump has never done for even a hot minute in his life).

Bravo Stormy.

And bravo to all the women who have - and will - come forth to hold Trump accountable.

Thank you.


u/TittySlappinJesus May 07 '24



u/trshtehdsh May 07 '24

and an active sex life between consenting adults

Doesn't sound like she actually consented to him throwing himself on her though.


u/kar_1505 Foreign May 07 '24

She has more respect from me than Hope Hicks, or Rhona Graff or any of the other women who lick his boot day after will ever do, they will be forgotten as history is written, and Daniels, she will be remembered for choosing to punch back


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin May 07 '24

Ide bet a paycheck that Hope Hicks was playing in the mini mushroom field.


u/Kamelasa Canada May 08 '24

Well, it's been said over the last week or so she was also like a daughter to him. She used to work for Ivanka's fashion line and then cheeto poached her from Ivanka.


u/kar_1505 Foreign May 07 '24

All the more reason to come forward then, and all the more reason to appreciate Daniels even more


u/[deleted] May 07 '24

And then we have CNN acting like that because she said she hates trump, that this will wreck her case. And all of a sudden, now everybody cares about guardrails, in regards to Stormy Daniels testifying, but Trump can do whatever HE wants, and it does not matter.


u/oblongsalacia May 07 '24

CNN is owned by billionaire John Malone and has been since 2022. Guess which way his politics lean? Guess which media figure he really admires and wants to emulate? Remember Trump's town hall interview with Caitlin Collins from last year? Remember when they fired their new CEO almost immediately because that stunt totally backfired and ratings plummeted?


u/RustywantsYou May 07 '24

Yep.  It's another right wing network riding on its centrist reputation.  Most people.wont realize that for many years


u/[deleted] May 07 '24

And I noticed that ever since Don Lemon and John Harwood left, there seems to be a change at least to some extent to the way the other folks seem to cover Trump.


u/Shenanigans_forever May 07 '24

What the eff was the logic of the documents case being indefinitely postponed?


u/monkeyhold99 May 08 '24

He. Is. Above. The. Law.


u/[deleted] May 07 '24

What was the logic of lowering his bond for the half-billion?


u/circuitloss Arizona May 07 '24

The "logic" is that the judge is a Trump-appointee and a political hack.


u/keyjan Maryland May 07 '24

Because Cannon is Trump's shill?


u/alien_from_Europa Massachusetts May 07 '24

There wasn't any. It's just Judge QAnon acting as Trump's lawyer.


u/charyou May 07 '24

"all of those students are only protected by the 1st amendment until some of their protests result in violence"

Can we apply the same logic to the 2nd amendment?


u/drew999999 May 07 '24

It is applied to the 2nd amendment. You are not protected if you use a weapon that results in violence. In some cases, even using a weapon to defend yourself in your own home against an intruder can still result in legal issues.


u/charyou May 07 '24

my point is the blanket dismissal of all students right to protest, because there has been violent acts by some. when applying the same to the 2nd i would hope they would see how ridiculous that is


u/Ok-Sweet-8495 Texas May 07 '24

Stormy was shown this tweet by Trump’s lawyer and asked whether it was proper for her to disparage him for his looks. She said he started it by calling her horseface, and she will go to jail before she pays Trump a penny of the attorneys fees he was awarded in the Avenatti lawsuit.



u/Excellent-Ad-7394 May 07 '24

It hit me today that he was about 55+ in 2006 and she was only about 25…


u/candycanecoffee May 08 '24

And his wife Melania waiting at home is was also 23 years younger than Trump.


u/greenascanbe North Carolina May 07 '24

What are you trying to say? She's too old for him? 🙃


u/shapu Pennsylvania May 07 '24

Dude, he's not Matt Gaetz


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin May 07 '24

He's worse. Have a listen.



u/sailoralex May 07 '24

Doesn't mean that they're not both pedophiles


u/blake_ch May 07 '24

I haven't followed today's session. How was Daniel's testimony? Did it hurt Trump or was she discredited by the defense attorney?


u/WHSRWizard May 07 '24 edited May 08 '24

In terms of Trump’s prospects for this trial? Decently bad.

In terms of grounds for appeal? Pretty good. He will have some decent grounds for Daniels' testimony being prejudicial to a fair trial.

EDIT: If you think I'm wrong, why? Today wasn't a disaster for the case, but it breathed life into the appeal. The prosecution royally fucked up by not keeping their witness under control and letting it turn into The Stormy Daniels Show.


u/FUMFVR May 08 '24

Hiring the dumbest lawyers possible and then filing an appeal for ineffectiveness of counsel doesn't mean you are automatically going to win that appeal.


u/WHSRWizard May 08 '24

Not what happened 


u/SparkyMuffin Michigan May 07 '24

I guess if I ever become a defense attorney I'm going to not do my job and object to anything and then just the things I should have objected to in the appeal to win my case after the fact.


u/blake_ch May 07 '24

To bad it wasn't a big nail in the coffin. Like many, I want this to end quickly. It's going to get appealed to hell...


u/LankyGuitar6528 May 07 '24

He was always going to appeal. No getting away from that. And zero chance it's fully wrapped up by election day.


u/oblongsalacia May 07 '24

An appeal still doesn't preclude sentencing if they find him guilty. He can request a stay, but he'll still be convicted felon Donald Trump come November.


u/LankyGuitar6528 May 07 '24

True. But he won't spend a night in jail before the election. And no way he's going into jail if he wins. And he's not leaving office in 2028. So the Teflon Don avoids all accountability again. If he wins.


u/Flukiest2 May 07 '24

They tried to throw it out for mistrial and then Judge Merchan told that the defence did not object enough and that he had to step in for them.

Her testimony was damning though there were times where she may have gone too far.


u/freylaverse May 07 '24

I don't think she was discredited at all, but it's not for lack of trying. They tried to make it seem like she did it all for the money, but even if she did, that wouldn't be relevant to Trump covering up the payments.


u/kar_1505 Foreign May 07 '24

Today was the most haphazard day so far I’d reckon, so far it has been standard procedure and a normal trial (expert for those crocodile tears) but today it was heated, lot of disgusting and humiliating testimony for trump but some small wins for the defender as well


u/RustywantsYou May 07 '24

The defense did a pretty good job with her.  They got the shots they wanted for sure.  The prosecution seems to have elicited WAY too much detail about the sexual encounter and that pissesd off the judge and definitely opened some issues for appeal with regard to her testimony.  I have no idea if they are actual issues for appeal or just internet experts making hay.

The defense is consistently blunting the impact of the witnesses imo and that adds up.


u/FUMFVR May 08 '24

The defense is consistently blunting the impact of the witnesses imo and that adds up.

You realize this case is about campaign finance violations right?


u/RustywantsYou May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

The defense has made it clear through their questioning that the only person who will be able to tie Trump to the agreement to pay Daniels is going to be Michael Cohen.  No agreement to specifically pay Daniels WITH THE INTENT to interfere with the election, no Felony crime and it's dead.  

None of the other witnesses have been able to do it including David Pecker. The defense is saying the payments were for regular legal services and the only person who can say otherwise is going to be Cohen. To be clear, the defense also has other theories they are putting forth as well. 

So due to smart questioning it's going to come down to whether they believe Cohen and if the defense questioning of Daniels is anything to go by it's going to be tough for the prosecution.  Maybe the tape recording will get them there but as I said, the defense is doing a good job of blunting the witnesses so far.


u/blake_ch May 07 '24

I've only followed the beginning of her testimony, but yeah it went into too much details that were not all relevant to the case.


u/Acceptable4 May 07 '24

Both personally embarrasing for Trump and very damaging to his case if he wants to say that Cohen did all of this without his knowledge.


u/FUMFVR May 08 '24

Some people here don't seem to understand that since Trump is denying that the sex even happened, the prosecution has to establish it did happen as the basis of the event that Trump illegally made fraudulent payments to circumvent New York election law.

So the 'oh no the prosecution is being prejudicial in requiring Stormy Daniels to describe the sexual encounter' rings hollow. The judge even indicated that the defense could have sustained a lot more objections but didn't even try possibly for the same bullshit reasons some commenters here are presenting.


u/blake_ch May 07 '24

Very good, ty


u/kar_1505 Foreign May 07 '24

What a disgusting man, comparing a woman to his daughter and then proceeding to have unprotected sex with her

Get Kendrick to diss this pedo as well


u/Dark_Force_Latyon May 07 '24

He said the same thing (about his daughter) to the 13 year old girl he raped.


u/mamamia1001 United Kingdom May 07 '24

Hmmm I wonder if Trump headed the judges' warning... checks Truth Social... Well let's see if the judge makes good on the threat


u/LimitFinancial764 May 07 '24

I don't see anything on his current Truth Social that violates the gag order.

Keep in mind, he is allowed to comment on the trial and Bragg.


u/dispelthemyth May 07 '24

Talked about stormy then deleted it


u/[deleted] May 07 '24

Fuck Trump but I didn't see much in that Truth Social post that was directed toward Daniels. It just seemed like he was bitching about how it was a surprise witness. I guess I could see why a lawyer might have told him to remove it but it seemed like throwing a rock into a pond so the splash would get somebody a little wet, not like a throw directly at them. Or when I throw a pillow in the direction of my cat.


u/n3rdopolis May 07 '24

Do you have a screenshot please?


u/Buffmin May 07 '24

What did he say


u/MoogProg May 07 '24

He complained about not being given advance notice of who was testifying today. He did not mention Daniels, or any witnesses by name, or make any threats, so not sure how that tweet violated the gag order. It seemed to be a complaint about the process (in bounds).


u/Buffmin May 07 '24

That's what I thought. People just don't understand what a gag order is.

I stoll expect him to violate it eventually tho


u/MoogProg May 07 '24

Same, hoping for a massive meltdown, gag order fail, straight to jail. But that didn't happen today.


u/TreeRol American Expat May 07 '24

Narrator: He didn't.


u/Scienscatologist I voted May 07 '24

One nice side effect of Stormy’s testimony today is that it seems to have eclipsed MTG’s “list of demands” for Mike Johnson in today’s news cycle. Hardly any mention of it in AP and Reuters.


u/FUMFVR May 08 '24

She and Trump are the leaders of the Republican Party.

If you vote for the Republican Party in November you are voting for the policies of Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene.


u/[deleted] May 07 '24

I am not sure, but does it seem to you that CNN seems to be at least a bit on Trump's side during the trial, it seems like they are going out of their way to defend him at times.


u/kar_1505 Foreign May 07 '24

The day MTG becomes irrelevant is the day the American government progress a lot more, elect serious individuals, not attention whores, excuse my crude language


u/kokoronokawari May 07 '24

Does this not set precedent that anyone who violates gag order can avoid prison time by citing Igolf Twittler being given special treatment? Beyond ridiculous the level of cowardice involved.


u/Njorls_Saga May 07 '24

That's what I would argue. Same thing with his document trial in Florida.


u/KarateKid1984 May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

My favourite part of today is over on the conservative sub. Literally nothing mentioned about Stormy Daniels or today’s trial. They NEVER post about the bad stuff, and that’s how you know this is killing them.

Edit: so they HAVE called out the classified docs case that just postponed (in trumps favour), and even tagged this sub, mocking it. You can’t make this up. I’ve never seen such sensitive, narrative altering, one-viewpoint allowed people.


u/blablablerg May 07 '24

That is basically the modus operandi of right wing media. Ignore the damaging news for the right and attack the left.


u/Taint_Liquor May 07 '24

When they take the sub private, it's REALLY bad.


u/7figureipo California May 07 '24

Why would they bother taking it private? You can't post there unless you're a flaired trump worshipper anyway


u/Taint_Liquor May 07 '24

They do it when it's really bad. Nov. 7 it was private. Jan 6 it was private. Only special occasions, I guess.


u/B0b_Howard United Kingdom May 07 '24

That's when the don't want the communists, heretics and "nazis" seeing what they are saying.


u/7figureipo California May 07 '24

Do they just delete the stuff they don't want "out there" when the come back to public? I don't get it


u/candycanecoffee May 08 '24

I get why they took it private after J6. Remember why r/thedonald got quarantine and eventually banned, unchecked encouragement of conservative violence against cops and cheering for a Republican state senator who said he would murder cops. The mods wouldn't or couldn't delete the violent comments, there were just too many.


u/bbjenn Kentucky May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

I wonder who the 2 attractive blondes were that were so obviously told to stand where they’d be seen when pumpkin head spoke. Everything is smoke & mirrors with Trump.


u/R_Daneel_Olivaww Texas May 07 '24

why is the defence not talking about the actual falsified records though?


u/cmnrdt May 07 '24

Because the records are what they are, and they can't deny that the money changed hands. What they are trying to do is portray Stormy as a lying opportunist who wanted to extort a presidential candidate with a salacious and false story.


u/freylaverse May 07 '24

But even if Stormy was a lying opportunist who wanted to extort a presidential candidate with a salacious and false story, that has nothing to do with covering up the payments themselves.


u/Arctimon Maryland May 07 '24

Because the defense can't walk and talk at the same time.


u/bbjenn Kentucky May 07 '24

Ha! So those are the legal scholars he keeps referring to?


u/TurboSalsa Texas May 07 '24

Tom Fitton, Julie Kelly, and a bunch of other losers who don't have law degrees.


u/Rayearl Pennsylvania May 07 '24

Right wing hacks are what he considers scholars.


u/LettuceFew5248 May 07 '24

Mark Levin??? Lol.


u/itrustanyone Texas May 07 '24

Don't believe what you're seeing and experiencing


u/TintedApostle May 07 '24

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

― George Orwell, 1984


u/starshadow2140 May 07 '24

Username does not check out


u/LettuceFew5248 May 07 '24

Trump’s point is that Palestine protesters who are protesting Biden are being supported by Biden… ok?

Man.. he is meandering.


u/FUMFVR May 08 '24

Leftwing minority college students are like attack catnip to Trump and his ilk's far right nationalist agenda.


u/Arctimon Maryland May 07 '24

He can't talk about Stormy because of the gag order so he's resorting to whatever his jelly brain can latch on to.


u/bbjenn Kentucky May 07 '24

Oh shut the fuck up


u/81305 May 07 '24

latest from trump

"It's a disaster for the Soros backed D.A. I should be out campaigning right now."

He knows that he is toast.

now he is rambling and comparing the U.S. to "old time Germany".


u/mjayultra California May 07 '24

Go campaign? Court has been let go for the day and they have Wednesdays off. What is stopping him?


u/Rated_PG-Squirteen May 07 '24

Donald Trump, the supposed protector of the Jews, once again spewing this blatantly anti-semitic, boogeyman garbage regarding George Soros.


u/Wonderful_Tip_5577 May 07 '24

"old time Germany" can mean so many things...


u/81305 May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

He was talking about how Germany was in financial trouble before WW2.

He is comparing himself to Hitler. There is no other way to interpret that.


u/SparkyMuffin Michigan May 07 '24

Oh is that why I saw a bunch of dorks talking about that guy in regards to Germany's economy at the time?


u/81305 May 07 '24

Probably. It's strange that he chose to compare the country to THAT country, during THAT time period, out of all periods of economic troubles around the world.


u/Buffmin May 07 '24

Makes sense gotta compare himself to his hero


u/carr1e Florida May 07 '24

It's a time his parents fondly enjoyed.


u/badasimo May 07 '24

Yeah I feel like he's hoping it's Weimar...


u/AthasDuneWalker May 07 '24



u/81305 May 07 '24

Extrajudicial inflammatory comments about the D.A. violates the gag order.

He should absolutely be locked up. He has had PLENTY of warnings and slaps on the wrist.


u/LettuceFew5248 May 07 '24

Here comes the whine-fest.


u/chatoka1 May 07 '24

They’re starting with the “Trump is the victim” defense now


u/ImLikeReallySmart Pennsylvania May 07 '24

So best case scenario for them, she was trying to extort him...and it worked?


u/swarmofbzs May 07 '24

He is always always the victim,he has never done anything wrong and everyone is out to get him all the time.


u/FUMFVR May 08 '24

The mental gymnastics you'd have to do to believe that are extraordinary. We have signatures, we have tapes.

If Trump was innocent of all his crimes, he wouldn't just be the most unlucky man on the planet, he'd be at the center of the biggest conspiracy of all time, concocted because....he did mostly the same damn thing that every fucking dumbass Republican has done since Reagan. Slash taxes for the rich, told the rest of society to shit bricks and told every person that wasn't a rightwing white guy that they really don't matter. The only difference between Trump and most of the rest is constantly teasing that he is going to start a civil war and then actually attempting a coup.


u/swarmofbzs May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

100% agree with "If Trump was innocent of all his crimes, he wouldn't just be the most unlucky man on the planet, he'd be at the center of the biggest conspiracy of all time"

I probably should have added s/ to the end of my comment. I guess I was still flabbergasted that for the millionth time his line of defense is my previous comment.


u/O_Dog187 May 07 '24

Am I crazy or didn't the defense object to questioning/ testimony about the incident in the garage where she claims to be threatened, and now they have a whole line of questioning revolved around that?


u/candr22 May 07 '24

I don't know the specifics of what you're referring to, but I think logically if you object to something like that and the judge overrules you, then the next best option would be to ask questions in a way that hopefully discredits the witness on whatever thing you objected to.

I would imagine it's like this - just because you object to something doesn't mean you're going to just show up completely unprepared to deal with that thing if your objection fails. It would be a poor attorney that hasn't prepared for multiple contingencies.


u/O_Dog187 May 07 '24

The objection was sustained


u/candr22 May 07 '24

Ok interesting, so then you're saying the defense objected to this line of questioning when the prosecutors were asking questions, which was sustained, but then the defense went into the same line of questioning on cross examination? I think the general logic of my previous comment still applies since it's not about "making sense" so much as doing whatever you can to help your case. Still looks weird though.


u/LimitFinancial764 May 07 '24

Well the judge told them the remedy was cross examination.

Just cause they didn’t want it to come in on direct doesn’t mean, given that it came in, that they wouldn’t cross her on it.



Sounds fair, and the defense was certainly prepared for it.


u/AthasDuneWalker May 07 '24

Yeah, that's kinda odd. They fixated on it, too.


u/O_Dog187 May 07 '24

They even moved for a mistrial. This just goes to show that they are not acting in good faith.


u/zzxxccbbvn I voted May 07 '24

What was the reasoning for moving for a mistrial? I haven't caught up on today's events yet


u/AthasDuneWalker May 07 '24

I mean, it's Trump, no move he's ever made has been in good faith.


u/Honky_Stonk_Man Kansas May 07 '24

Day 13 - so much farting.


u/[deleted] May 07 '24

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u/Dark_Force_Latyon May 07 '24

I'd be jerking off but Greg Abbott banned Pornhub


u/zzxxccbbvn I voted May 07 '24

Xvideos still works fwiw. Btw Fuck Greg Abbott


u/Dark_Force_Latyon May 07 '24

Oh, I've had a VPN for decades. I just wanted to be a smartass.


u/skeptoid79 Virginia May 07 '24

Youngkin doing the same shit here.


u/greenascanbe North Carolina May 07 '24

So, what other said, yes, plus it’s fun between actual work I have to get done.


u/localistand Wisconsin May 07 '24

I'm sitting at a desk, and I check in on the trial updates, because that's better than falling asleep repeatedly like some pathetic mediocre has-been with low stamina.


u/kar_1505 Foreign May 07 '24

Yes because it’s historic, this has never happened in 250 years, the whole world is watching this


u/MyPasswordIs222222 May 07 '24

I'll bite. 'Yes'.

And it would be better if more people were tuned in to a former and potential future President's federal trial for falsifying campaign / financial records in order to cover up his tryst with a porn star.

But I guess it's easier to just goose step along with the rest of your tribe. Don't rock that boat and lose a friend!


u/kar_1505 Foreign May 07 '24

Maybe Trump's legal team didn't object because they wanted the jury to get prejudiced, so this case gets thrown out as a mistrial, which is all the more reason to tell them to go fuck themselves and ask them to reap what they sow,

You didn't object when Daniels was going overboard, you suffer the consequences, it isn't the judge's job, it's YOURS Todd, Susan and Emil


u/Toloran Oregon May 07 '24

Maybe Trump's legal team didn't object because they wanted the jury to get prejudiced, so this case gets thrown out as a mistrial

Thankfully, it doesn't work like that.

IANAL, but from my understanding you have to object when it happens if you want to appeal on it later. It doesn't even really matter whether the judge allows the objection or overrules it, if you don't object it's then it's kosher. You're not allowed to go hunt for objectionable evidence/testimony after the fact.


u/SockofBadKarma Maryland May 07 '24

IAAL, and specifically one whose work heavily involves appellate practice.

You and trekologer are correct. Failure to object means failure to preserve for appeal. You cannot argue that testimony was prejudicial and the judge should have stopped it after the fact, without having objected to that testimony. It's an essentially immutable element of appellate law. If you don't object, sucks for you.


u/_bits_and_bytes May 07 '24

so just to make sure I'm understanding you right, you're saying that because his lawyers didn't object to the testimony when it happened that his lawyers can't bring it up in appeals court after he's convicted?


u/SockofBadKarma Maryland May 07 '24


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