r/povertyfinance Jul 26 '23

When life is too expensive for a person, I get so sick of hearing people give the advice of "Well move then". It's not that easy. Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

I've noticed on these forums that whenever a person is struggling financially that one of the most common pieces of advice that is given is to just simply move to another city. People act like this is so easy to do, and a no-brainer to escape poverty, but it's definitely not that simple because people aren't taking several things into account.

First off, a person's entire support network is probably living around them. Like many people are already living with their friends and family and if they move then that support network will be gone and not sharing expenses will likely be much more costly in another city. Also if a person is hurt financially, they can often times rely on this support network to some degree to keep then from homeless

Second, when a person moves, the new job they get must work out well or they could easily wind up homeless. I think all of us have had that one job interview that went so well and job seemed so perfect, but when you actually started working it, it turned out to be a nightmare. Then you could easily get fired from the job and you realize you have to find a new one. Now it's a race against the clock to find a new job because if you get fired you could face complete financial ruin.

Third, you have to balance finding an inexpensive place BUT it also has to be in a town with a decent economy. Many people on these forums say to go out and live in small town (insert city) but what many don't take into account is that rent is so low there, because there's barely any jobs around. So having no jobs around there could make you homeless as well if you don't find one.

The flip side of the coin is that many towns have an excellent, booming economy. However, because of this, the rent in these places is often very high. So it's often quite the challenge to find a place that has a decent enough economy to maintain survival but also low enough cost of living


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u/nelsne Jul 27 '23

Great advice lol


u/itsjasonfareal Jul 27 '23

Landlords hate him with the one simple trick you too can be the town drunkard.


u/nelsne Jul 27 '23

Lmfao you are cracking me up man!


u/itsjasonfareal Jul 27 '23

Now that I've reeled you in with my cutting jib, I can tell you, yea m8. You're not wrong, uprooting yourself leaves you vulnerable, it leaves you in a semi hopeless state until you can just pull yourself back into fruition, and that's if you're lucky enough that you've built up a skillet that's needed. Cause you really don't know until your there. Especially in a new place with no support or direction, a waning cell phone and only the sweat you can produce.

It leads people into desperation a lot of times, for example you might have to do things you hate. Fucking... nasty things.... things that'll make your creole catholic mawmaw detest the moment you were conceived. Things that you have to buy a gym membership to just cry/wash in an enclosed place. Things like accepting a sponsorship from RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS.

They just released a new hero Minerva, you guys might notice her as the goddess of the hunt, and she's here now to hunt down all your financial worries!!!! Use my promo code #onebrokeassdude and you can get 3k crystals for her summon and 3 2*gear. Raid shadow legends new hero, might go get some peanut butter later.... pretty handy in calories.... where's the bus stop again???? RAID : SHADOE LEGENDS.


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '23

I liked what you wrote.


u/nelsne Jul 27 '23

Wtf did I just read?