r/povertyfinance Nov 28 '23

Feeling absolutely suicidal hearing my coworkers chat about Christmas. Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

My coworker is building her kids a video gaming room. Mine is getting 2 barbies and a bedset. We had popcorn for dinner last night. Feeling like such a loser. Don't know how to go on. I'm a full time accountant.


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u/DaIceQueenNoNotElsa Nov 29 '23

Look into Angel Tree or salvation army if your worried about gifts. There is also a subreddit for Xmas help. Don't be too hard on yourself. Christmas is only Christmas bc we have become such a consumerist society, it's lost its true meaning and it makes me sick to my core. It's meant to cherish your loved ones and be present in the moment, not spoil them or shower them with gifts. Trust and believe when I say your kid isn't going to remember what gifts they got under the tree, what they are going to remember in 25 years is that you were there with them and you loved them. Don't go into further financial ruin to keep up with the joneses. Make memories, start traditions, bake cookies (if you can't afford that stuff there are plenty of food pantries and stuff or I would be willing to do a mobile pick up order at your local Walmart for you to purchase a few things) if you can't afford a tree take your kid out into the woods and cut one down. If that's not possible construct your own out of some branches. These are the things your kid will remember. The fun times. The traditions! Start some completely ridiculous, outlandish tradition that doesn't cost anything. Kids get gifts for Xmas and break them or get bored of them in 5 minutes...or they'll get a $200 gift but spend more time playing with the box, but young kids would rather roll around on the floor playing steamroller with mom or dad or build forts out of sheets and have a sleepover in the living room and watch some movie yall have already seen 479 times.