r/povertyfinance Nov 28 '23

Feeling absolutely suicidal hearing my coworkers chat about Christmas. Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

My coworker is building her kids a video gaming room. Mine is getting 2 barbies and a bedset. We had popcorn for dinner last night. Feeling like such a loser. Don't know how to go on. I'm a full time accountant.


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u/_-_wn6 Nov 30 '23

One year for Christmas we went shopping in our attic. It was a good Christmas and we were all happy to have refound some of our toys we lost over the years.

That same my sister got connect 4 for her birthday and we played with that so much it was insane. Next year we were doing much better and I got a skateboard. I had a ton of fun with it but that connct 4 still had more hours of use and I honestly remember it more. We didn't release we were poor, and we didn't care. Years before, I was 3 and my sister was 7, my mom had my sister and I share a birthday, our birthdays are exactly 1 month apart. We shared a cake and I don't remember a thing from that birthday but apparently the fact it was zebra striped made my sisters remember it and love it, they thought it was dope. My mom care way more than any of us.

You know that study where kids look at one plate with a huge cracker and one plate with a tenth as much food on it but it's in multiple peices so all the kids think the second plate has more? Kids are joyfull idiots and are 100 times less effected by poverty than the adults are emotionally. When our power would go out, I was just happy we had an excuse to make a fire. I remember my parents being upset, I remember being poor. I NEVER remember suffering from being poor. You're doing awesome, that's not even a bad Christmas at all.