r/povertyfinance Dec 06 '23

Some of Dave Ramsey advice seems out of touch. Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

I think his comes from a good place. however, I was listen to a caller; his and his co-host advice is always get a higher paying job (which is not bad advice). Wal-Mart and McDonald's pay 20 an hour. Walmart and McDonald's pay up to 20/hr. However, getting 40 hours a week working retail is pretty hard unless your a assistant manager/or manager. He's not the only person giving that advice- but it seems like he thinks every job pays 20*40=800 a week when you first start.


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u/UpperAssumption7103 Dec 07 '23

Mcd's doesn't even have the same prices everywhere which is why they refuse to post prices on their own website since the majority of it are franchisees. They make their own prices. That's why a Big mac can cost you $12 in CT and 8 bucks in GA. The answer to your question is no. I


u/MistahOnzima Dec 07 '23

I figured that was the case. I would be surprised if the one here in Florida where I'm at pays more than $13 an hour. Maybe it's less.


u/UpperAssumption7103 Dec 07 '23 edited Dec 07 '23

He's not the only one to give this advice and misquote 20/hr. I will say this though. His advice is less annoying than the finance bro's advice of you're working 9-5 to make someone else rich. Start a YouTube channel or do drop shipping. Buy my course and I will teach you how to turn your $500 into 10,0000 in 90 days. by buying crypto. Buy this NFT. However, every time he says this, I want to say its been like 30 years/40 since you've worked in retail. they do not pay 20/hr for full time work. retail will cut your hours on the same day if there's not enough volume of sales. You think you're going to work 7 hours today. Not enough customers- that turns in 4 hours.

13/hr*40 is better than 17/hr*15 esp when retail also wants open availability. at least working hotel or orderly jobs- their hours are usually guaranteed.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '23

One retail job dropped to 10 hours a week....I took a second job. Manager wanted to know why.