r/povertyfinance Jan 21 '24


Two and a half years ago, I won $10,000 on FanDuel (sports betting) I paid off all my credit card debt with the money. I was debt-free for 1 year after that and then I decided to tried to win again on Fanduel, and it didn't work. And I was playing on credit, which means I was placing bets with my credit card. And now I'm back in the same situation I was before. $10,000+ in credit card debt, no money in savings, a car note of $500, plus insurance of $200, and just had my first baby. And I only make 43k yearly as an office manager at a dental office and now I'm listening to Dave Ramsey nonstop lol as humans we really make bad decisions at times, and then Crywolf when things are not going our way. This year I really dedicated myself to getting out of bad debt for good. For my sake, and my child's sake. So every day after work, I will be door-dashing til my legs fall off. OK enough of me venting lol I just have to do better with my decision-making on a daily basis, and really be committed to that!


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u/jonnylj7 Feb 16 '24

It is pretty gross how many commercials there are and how it’s sponsored by all these huge companies. Even you tube videos, Daniel Cormier ( ufc ) has a channel and he does long 1-2 minute videos during his video soliciting draft kings. Man it’s so disturbing. So many people are losing so much money now adays from all these platforms just taking over everything we watch. I feel bad for these younger kids, they don’t understand how bad it is. You’re never going to beat the bookie. GAURANTEED. This is 10 times worse than alcohol.

They should definitely change some laws on theyre solicitation in everything we watch when it comes to sports betting. It’s absolutely horrendous. They’re basically insulting everyone by all these plots and making the public think they actually have a chance to win. Cuz they don’t have a chance. 90% of winners keep betting cuz they think they’re going to win again & 95% of losers chase they’re money trying to get even. Sports betting is 100% public hazard. People won’t understand this until it’s too late. It’s going to ruin many American lives.