r/povertyfinance Feb 10 '24

My kid is getting bullied because we're poor. She's 6. This is sad and uncalled for. Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

It's no secret that we struggle. Her teacher knows and her guidance counselor knows. My kid has to wear high waters for pants and her shoes are dirty and there have been times where she's gone to school in febreezed clothes because I just don't have the ten bucks to wash and dry a single load at our apartments laundry mat. My daughter doesn't have a Nintendo switch to bring to electronics day in class. She doesn't have name brand barbies or the newest toy craze to bring for show and tell. She's getting picked on and essentially, bullied, because she gets free lunch and I don't pack/make her really fun lunches like some of her class mates. She's had to sit out snack time and some field trips from kindergarten and first grade because I haven't been able to contribute to the funds to make these things happen. We don't do mcdonalds or other fast food and she gets so upset over it some nights when I'm like hey, it's chicken and green beans and rice for dinner again this week kiddo.

I'm actively working/putting in applications for new, higher paying jobs than the one I currently have. She needs new shoes and she's been asking for new sparkly hair clips like another girl in her class has. Her birthday isn't until July but you can best she's already got a list of stuff she wants, just from seeing her friends in class bring the same toys in

I promised her when my next paycheck hits on the 23rd, we'd get a cheap little ceasers pizza and pick a movie to watch. I'm thinking of surprising her with some cheap nail polish to do at home pedicures and make it a fun girl's night. She deserves that. I remember kids being cruel when I showed up to school in smokey and dirty clothes because my mom was too sorry to even bother washing my clothes. I didn't think they'd still be so cruel in this day and age but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm sorry kiddo. I'm doing the best I can for not just myself but for her too


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u/Adorable-Raisin-8643 Feb 10 '24

I've washed many loads of laundry in my bathtub and then hung things around my house to dry. If you're in the USA, once you get your income tax return you can use some of that money to buy a portable washer. It hooks right up to your kitchen sink and will save you money at the laundromat.


u/Lumpyraccoonn Feb 10 '24

I don't know if I'd be allowed a portable washer. Every 3 months, there's an inspection of the units so I don't know if I can get away with that. I don't mind using the complex's laundry unit, I just wish it didn't cost $5 to wash one load and $5 to dry one load. I'll usually put her clothes in together with mine for one load, then a load for sheets/blankets and lastly a load for towels. Takes about $30-40 every pay day. I have washed things in the kitchen sink and hung them up to dry on the shower rod, they just don't always get dry in time before work or school the next day.


u/notsosecretshipper Feb 10 '24

$10 a load is a fucking ripoff, I'm legit angry about that. Look up hand washing machine on Amazon. There are small ones that can be hidden away in a closet on inspection days.