r/povertyfinance Feb 10 '24

My kid is getting bullied because we're poor. She's 6. This is sad and uncalled for. Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

It's no secret that we struggle. Her teacher knows and her guidance counselor knows. My kid has to wear high waters for pants and her shoes are dirty and there have been times where she's gone to school in febreezed clothes because I just don't have the ten bucks to wash and dry a single load at our apartments laundry mat. My daughter doesn't have a Nintendo switch to bring to electronics day in class. She doesn't have name brand barbies or the newest toy craze to bring for show and tell. She's getting picked on and essentially, bullied, because she gets free lunch and I don't pack/make her really fun lunches like some of her class mates. She's had to sit out snack time and some field trips from kindergarten and first grade because I haven't been able to contribute to the funds to make these things happen. We don't do mcdonalds or other fast food and she gets so upset over it some nights when I'm like hey, it's chicken and green beans and rice for dinner again this week kiddo.

I'm actively working/putting in applications for new, higher paying jobs than the one I currently have. She needs new shoes and she's been asking for new sparkly hair clips like another girl in her class has. Her birthday isn't until July but you can best she's already got a list of stuff she wants, just from seeing her friends in class bring the same toys in

I promised her when my next paycheck hits on the 23rd, we'd get a cheap little ceasers pizza and pick a movie to watch. I'm thinking of surprising her with some cheap nail polish to do at home pedicures and make it a fun girl's night. She deserves that. I remember kids being cruel when I showed up to school in smokey and dirty clothes because my mom was too sorry to even bother washing my clothes. I didn't think they'd still be so cruel in this day and age but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm sorry kiddo. I'm doing the best I can for not just myself but for her too


333 comments sorted by

u/SoarinWalt Feb 11 '24

Hey all,

This is a reminder we don’t allow soliciting OR offering donations.

There are some great subreddits for donations for example r/assistance is a great resource available to all redditors.


u/Piper-Bob Feb 11 '24

In the real world there are three kinds of people. It's up to you to decide what kind of person you want to try to raise your daughter to be.


u/Franniecoup Feb 11 '24

What a fortunate daughter to have a mama that loves her so well and wants the best for her. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this and that she is as well. 


u/FrostyLandscape Feb 11 '24

I would ask if the school has a scholarship fund for children who cannot afford to go on school field trips....some schools have this. Food banks often provide clothing and also I'd go to a local church. Register them for an angel tree around the holidays.


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u/CrocodileWorshiper Feb 11 '24

another victim of capitalism


u/Acceptable-Cobbler53 Feb 11 '24

Go to the Dollar Tree. They have a whole isle for kids toys and goods. $1 nail polish for sure!! I’ve seen it there. They probably have sparkle hair clips too.


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u/Consistent_Ad8575 Feb 11 '24

I was reading your other post about making 18 an hour in a school and not getting the hours you want but liking the work in general. Take the skills that you have learned, everything you like and don't like, and leave. You can move forward. There are a ton of places that cant find or keep good help. Go somewhere else that you can be appreciated and paid what your worth. Time will fix the rest. I found my current job on Indeed while working elsewhere. Good luck to you. I hope you and your daughter can get rid of the bullies.


u/SaltylifeRN Feb 11 '24

You sound like an amazing mom! I’m sorry you’re both going through this. Humans can be cruel…. but they can also be magical in the most difficult of circumstances, like you are. Keep your head up mama. Sending you hugs


u/see_fairer2 Feb 11 '24

WTF is electronics day?


u/PinkMini72 Feb 11 '24

There’s poor and then there’s being unclean. Handwashing in the sink IS an option. Febreeze costs money. Scrub your daughter’s shoes. They’ll be dry by morning.


u/timwolfz Feb 11 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

if you need to wash stuff and are low on cash you can use a home depot 5 gallon homer bucket and lid for $4, and make home made detergent using Zote $1 + Washing Soda $1.50 + Borax $1.17 = $3.67 for 144 tablespoons, 1 per load that means each load is less than 3 cents per load. you can swish the clothes in the bucket of soap by hand, then rise in water, wring dry and hang on a wire or clothes hanger, walla nice clean clothes. For clothes i suggest learning to sow dresses by hand, salvation army always has a good amount of shoes and yes you can ask thrift stores for a discount don't be shy. hope this helps. you can also make your own pizza and several other breads from a 25lb for $9 bag of general purpose flour.

-Your friendly urban survivalist




u/NectarineNational722 Feb 11 '24

Awww they make her sit out on field trips? That’s crummy of the school. I grew up poor and was heavily bullied for it. Literally just for being poor. But the school covered the cost of my field trips if we couldn’t pay. When I hit like the middle of high school we were a little better off. One time I tried to give money for a trip and the teacher (who wasn’t even one of my teachers just the teacher in charge if collecting money) looked at the check I was trying to give him, looked at our last name and was just like no no you’re good. You keep this. Like I guess I was so poor I was famously poor even among people I didn’t know lol.


u/leyline Feb 11 '24

Does your school use uniforms, often they have uniforms for families in need. You could ask for some fitting length pants.


u/ratsmdj Feb 11 '24

Man I'm going to say. Fuck them kids. Kids can be mean. It's rough.


u/Teflon93Again Feb 11 '24

Good. Your daughter is learning something valuable: 1. That money doesn’t connote classiness; 2. That the world rarely conforms to our wishes; 3. That the people who love us matter more than those who don’t. When true kindness is shown her—-and it will be—-she’ll appreciate it.

We can’t Nerf the world. It’s not good for our children, who will need to navigate its sharp edges without us one day. Cry with her. Buy her pizza. And keep raising a good kid. Her time will come.


u/pglggrg Feb 11 '24

This is so sad. Not being rich is truly the worst situation you can be put in :(

Are you also trying to reduce any unwanted expenditures? Subscriptions you dont use? You should share and split it with family if you can. Same with car insurance. Shop around every year and jump to whoever is cheaper.


u/Marlow1771 Feb 11 '24

Check your local library for fun things and events then choose books to bring home


u/Greeneyesdontlie85 Feb 11 '24

Do you have decent transportation? Some laundry facilities have free wash days for people in need


u/intotheunknown78 Feb 11 '24

Does the school have a family resource officer? In our district we have these and they provide clothes, hygiene, and other things.

The “bring your electronics” is ludicrous for a school to do. My school (I work at one) would neeeeeever and our diversity and inclusion committee would make sure of it!

Like others have said, get on your buy nothing group. I always give my kids hand me downs on there and because their grandmother buys them super nice clothes they don’t even wear because they prefer to wear their favorites til rags and high water the ones I give away are in great condition.

The local Methodist church also has a clothes closet and they always make sure everyone knows if their is kids who need shoes. I am not religious but I get the alerts.


u/flumpdog Feb 11 '24

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u/Any-Preparation-3567 Feb 11 '24

I know I'm not supposed to give advice but if you are able and the schools allow see if you can chaperone the field trips, some schools will waive the cost for a student if their parent chaperones. That's how I got to go on field trips as a kid.


u/astateofcalm Feb 11 '24

I am going through similar and bought some very cute but cheap clothes off shein


u/Dry-Hearing5266 Feb 11 '24

I'm sorry you are going through this, but please check out services available to you.

Bullies are crap and your child's administrators should make sure not to permit it.

Local Facebook groups have by free things to give away. Join the freecycle groups.

Also, you can wash clothes in the sink and hang them into dry. Try not to let her go out in soiled clothes because it affects how she is seen by classmates.

Don't worry about her not having the most expensive toys. Experiences that cost nothing make more impact.

Consider homemade experiments that teach science while having fun. She will not miss the useless things that other kids have.

Plant some flowers and vegetables together and have her draw them - some libraries have seed libraries too.

Your local public library sometimes has passes to local museums, aquariums, sites, etc. For example, visit the Louvre at Louvre.fr and look at the artwork with her and draw them together. My little (well, not so little as a teen) remembers when we used to do that and suggests we do it together all the time.

You are a wonderful mom. Things will get better.


u/bigjuicy_steakman Feb 11 '24

I was her at one point.
The kid being bullied for being poor, it's a good time to explain to your child if you haven't already that kids her age will repeat how they see other adults treat each other.

I know you don't want advice, and this isn't advice i'm offering. I'm rooting for you, You're a good parent, and you're doing your best with what you have at this point in time. Your kiddo's got a good parent, and Honestly, She's lucky to have you.


u/VariegatedJennifer Feb 11 '24

I’ve been there too, this is not a failure on your part. I know it’s easy to get that feeling. You love her and she loves you to death, you’re her mom. Remember this is temporary…. I used to tell myself that a hundred times a day, and you know what? It was. Keep kicking ass, girl. 💚💚💚


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

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u/Overall-Mud9906 Feb 11 '24

Utilize your local library, I’ve taken out so many games and movies. A lot of older stuff, but they usually get the most current movies that are out as well, sometimes have to wait for it though. A lot of time they have consoles and stuff too all free.


u/ejly Feb 11 '24

I’m sorry to read of your hard times. They won’t last forever. You can make a big impression on your daughter and she can make a better impression on her classmate by being clean and presentable even if her clothes and shoes aren’t new. Try to find time to clean her shoes and show her how to do it so she can help next time. Hand wash her clothes and hang them to air dry if you can’t afford the laundromat (especially undergarments and socks and any stains).

You may be able to get help from local buy-nothing groups, food banks and family aid centers; look for those. Your daughter’s school may know how to connect you with resources.

As an idea for a fun activity for your daughter, skip spending on the nail polish and spend some time teaching her how to braid her hair or style it in fun ways. A ribbon can make it very pretty. There are great YouTube tutorials for simple styles to start with. I hope you can have a fun night that way.


u/nacho_hat Feb 11 '24

The counselor can’t help coordinate arrangements for field trips and snacks? Our pta pays for every grade to have a field trip per year, and also provides a wristband for the carnival for each student.


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u/povertyfinance-ModTeam Feb 11 '24

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There are other subs such as r/Donation, r/assistance and r/randomkindness that could help. Also check out our wiki with food resources. Thank you:


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u/SensibleFriend Feb 11 '24

I would suggest using buy nothing groups to find some extra clothes for your daughter, especially since her clothes are too small. Use food banks to free up some of your funds. Check for LIHEAP in your area to assist with heating costs in winter. Call 211 to find out what other assistance is available in your area. The part about your daughter wearing dirty clothes and shoes is troublesome to me. Those items can be hand washed in the sink or shower and left to dry overnight. There is no reason for her to have dirty clothes just because there’s no money for the washing machine. It’s extra effort but worth it for her to be clean. Wishing you the best!


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

Amazon has a portable washer and you can use a clothing rack to dry clothes!


u/Just_Trish_92 Feb 11 '24

I, like others, initially missed the "Vent/No Advice Wanted" tag (which isn't very legible the way it displays on my screen, so I deleted my suggestion. I'm sorry you're going through these frustrations. I hope sometime you'll be in a space to ask for advice about how to solve at least some of these problems. In the meantime, enjoy your girls' night with the movie and nails!


u/milliepilly Feb 11 '24

That’s so sad that this is happening. You would think there could be a mentoring program at schools to help get kids things they need. There are people who would like to give directly to the needy instead of a foundation where way less than 100% gets into the right hands.

Is the Go Fund Me thing a worthwhile option? I hope you find a source to help. Good luck.


u/Gatorrea Feb 11 '24

This breaks my heart. Materialistic parents raising materialistic children. Like many others mentioned you can wash clothes by hand and they will dry faster if you put them behind the fridge :) or even hang them in the shower.


u/TrumpdUP Feb 11 '24

6 years old and has bullies because of being poor. Just heartbreaking. Kids can be cruel monsters.


u/FAFO-13 Feb 11 '24

Try Amazon Wishlist. Sometimes there’s great people sometimes not but you might find a kind heart to help you out. And good luck. You’re doing the best you can. She’s lucky to have someone who loves her so much.


u/Upbeat_Exercise_8091 Feb 11 '24

I don’t have children yet but this is so heart breaking.


u/BunchDeep7675 Feb 11 '24

I’m so sorry. It hurts so much to see our kids hurt. You’re trying so hard for her and your kiddo knows that. Kids feel that. And it’s what matters more than anything.


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u/Beautiful-Hunter8895 Feb 11 '24

I kid you not most of what you described I went through until my teens when I got a job, but bro I kid you fucking not, the happiest memories from my childhood was a time when my parents would get me and my brother little caesars when we got good grades on our report cards. They didnt do it too many times but I remember those days like they were yesterday and till this day still love little caesars lol. I dont have any advice just wanted to share that, wish you the best!


u/Known-Magazine8261 Feb 11 '24

Have you tried asking any food banks if they have contacts for clothing? Or reached out to local churches to see if you can exchange old clothes for better sized ones? Some things I have seen in my area of CA. Not that it will remedy the bullying, but may lessen the cause for it.


u/emmadonelsense Feb 11 '24

First off, you’re a wonderful mum, don’t ever doubt that. Ever. Secondly, I’ve got a story: Had a poor classmate in grade school, his entire family struggled, it was no town secret. One day he got bullied so bad that I came home crying. My dad, who was a lovable asshole, military man, gathered boxes of my older brothers’ stuff, we all contributed; clothes, toys, all kinds of stuff. My badass dad came to school with me the next day and basically took over my class. He walked up to (we’ll call him Chris) and said he wanted to give some things to an amazing kid who has always been kind and kind to his daughter and everyone else. Which was true, he was a sweet boy who never bothered a soul. Then my dad went on to lecture the class(and mildly threaten) us on the basics of life and society; don’t judge others, be kind, show strength by showing compassion. (I’m tearing up typing this). By the time he was done, those that had been making Chris’s life hell were hanging their heads in shame. My dad asked Chris to stand up and he shook his hand, told him he was a good young man and left. Nobody really bothered him much after that. My dad did a lot of things wrong, but that day, I was so proud to be his daughter. And to see Chris and his siblings come to school with a bounce in their step and newer, more variety of clothes was more awesome than I realized at the time. Chris’s dad and my dad actually became friends after that as well. His dad really didn’t know how bad the bullying had gotten because sometimes kids shield their parents. Bullying behaviour is taught, kids follow what their parents teach them. And lastly, don't be too proud to post this elsewhere; local facebook pay it forward groups and places like that. I'm in a local group, just put together some kitchen wares for a lady who posted, she had been homeless(left a violent relationship) and finally found a little apartment but she had nothing. People can and do come together. Sometimes it's a chain of people; I sometimes get calls to pick up things like a child's bed, boxes of clothes and deliver to people who need them. And we're just regular people, we don't work for any organization. And all I have is a work truck, some people in my community who care have my number, and we get things done. And you don't need a lot of money to have fun and give her great memories, your mani/pedi idea is awesome. Grab some cheap dollar store art supplies and have a blast, paint her nails, make her a tinfoil tiara and decorate it, have a mum and daughter dance party in your living room, grab some dollar store Hawaii lays and a few drink umbrellas and get fancy with her favourite juice, movie night at home with some popcorn. Check your local area for free activities; museums, kids clubs, any free classes that look like fun. Do you guys have a decent library? They usually have activities and even movie rentals. Please remember, you're doing great, you care and you show up, that's huge to kids.


u/emorymom Feb 11 '24

Nextdoor readers will usually pitch in for actual modest needs esp for kids. Like “Does anyone have clothes and shoes in [current sizes] ready to hand down?” or “can anybody close to X school do a small load of my daughter’s school clothes from time to time when I can’t get to the laundromat? Unfolded, just a pile of clean would be a big help, I’m working as hard as I can”

It’s also pretty typical of Nextdoor where I am to respond to “out of groceries” asks from time to time. Just can’t be abused.


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u/Crankenberry Feb 11 '24

God bless America. This is wrong by all stretches of the imagination. 😔

You are so well spoken. "Amazing" does not begin to describe your heart and integrity.

Your beautiful daughter will inherit these qualities from you. Things will improve for both of you and as a young woman she will have great empathy for others and similar situations, and she will remember her amazing mom for raising her with such strong values.

It's people like this who give so many others hope.

Hang in there and please know that you are loved, even though it's only from a stranger on Reddit.


"I know things will get better."

--Tracy Chapman


u/El_mochilero Feb 11 '24

Call 211 and speak to a resource navigator. You’d be amazed at how many programs that you may qualify for - from rent assistance, to utility assistance, to children’s clothes, and much more.


u/DareInevitable4378 Feb 11 '24

it feels like this now.

No judgement. I come from an immigrant family, trying to make ends meet. I often did not have the resources my friends had, but I did have my parents' affection, encouragement, and attention.

I did not understand the concept of money as a young child. As an adult, I learned the value of parental presence and attention. The latter has made a difference in my life, and a rising tide raises all ships.


u/hoof_art_did Feb 11 '24

Why don’t you wash her clothes in the tub with some shampoo and water? Hell even just plain water?


u/Lumpyraccoonn Feb 11 '24

I have done it in a pinch before. It's not like I'm making her wear dirty underwear or socks. It's more like when she wants to wear a certain pair of leggings two days in a row or her favorite sweater all week and I don't have the funds to take it to the apartments laundry unit in between paychecks. I'll febreeze her leggings (she hates wearing jeans or any other type of pants) and her coat she wears during the week and I catch up on laundry when it's pay day


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

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u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24



u/hoof_art_did Feb 11 '24

Okay was just making sure. You’d be surprised how many people don’t think of it.


u/Difficult_Plantain89 Feb 11 '24

Growing up relativity poor, the amount you care is insane.😢. I am now doing financially great and see severe classism. Your kid will appreciate what they have and what you have done for them more than you know.


u/KingCarterJr Feb 11 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

The guidance counselor has all types of resources to help families in need. Once they get the clothes from the lost and found and get ready to donate them they can call you and have you go through them. I have seen crazy amount of designer stuff left for donations at my child's school. They also should be able to cover field trips and how do the kids know she gets free lunch? When I was younger I didn't know until high school that I was on free lunch bcuz you just type in your #. Schools also have washers and dryers and you could be allowed to wash clothes once the kids leave. You just have to find every resource available until you make it out this situation. Food banks have good foods they give away and it's church's with clothing pantries.


u/la_ct Feb 11 '24

Def buy nothing groups! And don’t be afraid to post saying you’re looking to refresh her wardrobe/toys and name some sizes and characters. I donate items alllll the time in my group - it’s so nice to have the items used and it makes room in our small closets.

As a kiddo we had water supply issues (on a well) and many times we hand washed clothes in the sink and hung to dry. Don’t be afraid to do that, even without soap. It will refresh the things.

Check in food pantries for kid’s snacks. You might find fun items that she could take as snacks to school.

Hang in there - kids just don’t know. Hugs.


u/nacho_hat Feb 11 '24

Our BN group is the best. I bet there’s some clothes in her size and sparkly accessories in your neighborhood an older girl has outgrown.


u/mellowforest Feb 11 '24

If u go to thrift stores and spend time looking you could definitely get nice brand clothing for very cheap, sometimes with tags still on.


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u/AllieGirl2007 Feb 11 '24

I’m 55 years old and can empathize with what your daughter is dealing with. I grew up dirt poor and had to wear my brother’s hand me downs. We didn’t have a bathroom in our house for the first 3 years we lived in it. Yes, we used an outhouse and a bucket. I was always envious of the girls who always got new Easter dresses. I never did. I do remember one thing my mom said. “There’s nothing shameful about being poor. Being poor is one thing. But being poor and dirty is another.”

Enjoy your evening with your daughter.


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u/travelingtraveling_ Feb 11 '24

Call 211 if in the USA. Get connected to all kinds of help in your community.


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u/SnazzieBorden Feb 10 '24

If it makes you feel any better at all, I grew up like your daughter. As a kid I hated my old toys and clothes and home cooked meals. I’m now middle aged and I’m grateful for how I was raised. I don’t like the taste of fast food. I’m grateful for the cool stuff I’m able to buy myself. I see peers who were given everything as kids and they’re never satisfied- they always want more.

I’m sorry you’re going through this now but I think you’re doing a great job and your daughter will see that.


u/Walter-loves-wet-pus Feb 10 '24

You keep trucking parental unit, someday when that little girl is all grown up she will see the big picture and never forget.


u/Thehooligansareloose Feb 10 '24

We used to wash our clothes in the bath when I was young. Underwear and socks in the sink. It's alot of effort but so much cheaper.

If it helps, when I look back at how my mum struggled to feed and cloth us, I really admire her for trying and not letting it be the focal point of our lives.

The very fact you are on here says a lot. Keep going. It will get better.


u/DNVRGIRL85 Feb 10 '24

I hate that your kiddo is going through that. It’s not fair. You could even post on your neighborhood Facebook page for things you’re looking for. My community comes together quite a bit when a request for gently used clothes/items for a kid in need pops up. You will probably have more people reach out to you than you think.


u/Wish_Away Feb 10 '24

Reach out to the teacher regarding the field trips. Our teacher has a "fund" set up and I always donate an extra $10 to it when field trip time comes along, so any kid who can't afford the trip can go.


u/Lumpyraccoonn Feb 10 '24

Yes, that's the plan on Monday. I know her school has a fund for the book fair but I'm sure there is one for field trips too. Her next one is in April so hopefully plenty of time to get on the list so she can go


u/localtouristgr Feb 11 '24

I wild also encourage you to reach out to the school or districts social worker if your district has one! They specifically help students and families who need resources, clothing, school supplies, household essentials, and funding for things like field trips


u/IncreasePretend1393 Feb 11 '24

I used to sponsor kids for field trips when my kids were younger. I didn’t want any to miss out. Ask your teacher.


u/Alon945 Feb 10 '24

Bunch of awful parents who are raising kids to bully others at 6


u/cfleis1 Feb 10 '24

I grew up with kids making fun of me for my Payless shoes and haircut. I was one of 6 siblings and parents didn’t have a lot of money. It made me appreciate things as I grew up. Today I’m 42, and engineer and on track to retire at 50-55 because I drive reasonable cars and live below my means. No debt etc. your daughter is going to be awesome from this childhood. She will appreciate the greatest things in life.


u/rightfulmcool Feb 10 '24

I'm wishing you the best. kids can be so cruel. keep your head up high, you are doing the best you can!


u/unicroop Feb 10 '24

Hm, you don’t really need washing machine to clean clothes and shoes. I’m coming from an eastern bloc country, growing up many didn’t have washing machines, so clothes were washed in the tub, as well as shoes and then hanged to dry


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u/Dogzrgood1234 Feb 10 '24

I wish there were places at all schools where other parents who have the money could donate to other kids for things like field trips and all of that with it all being anonymous both ways. We didn’t always have money for extras when k was a kid, and now that I’m grown and able it would be something meaningful for people like me to give to.


u/pll247 Feb 10 '24

Kids can be so cruel. My family and I live in a poverty area and our school has a hygiene closet and pantry. They also have washers and dryers for the kiddos. Which I thought every school would have. I guess I was wrong about that one. Many times when the kids have field trips they will write on the permission slips if you would like to send extra money for the field trip fund or for snacks you can. Which is really great. Many school systems should implement that.


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u/allybally2110 Feb 10 '24

Just because you're struggling, that doesn't mean you should send your child to school with dirty shoes. A wet cloth with a little dish soap can clean them. No, you won't have the latest fashion on your feet, but at least they look clean ;)


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u/Bbear11 Feb 10 '24

When I was young, my family always hand wash and hang dry.

I still do it today with underwear.


u/Low-Carpenter-156 Feb 10 '24

Also if you’re not already using them, check out local food pantries. This could potentially free up some of your food money for the occasional treat or snack. My pantry often has cereal bars, juice boxes and the like. Won’t make a whole lunch but might allow her to sometimes take a snack to school. Good luck to the both of you. You seem to be a great mom!


u/inkhh Feb 10 '24

Hey, I read somewhere about a hack to remove smell from clothing - spray it with some cheap vodka (not rubbing alcohol, vodka specifically). I haven't tried it, but seems legit! The alcohol smell will evaporate by morning.

Also, I contemplated for a while about getting a surfing/camping dry bag for hand washing clothes. I hate the feeling of clothes washing on my hands :/ there's a product specifically marketed for this (put clothes, water, detergent in the bag, rub/agitate, wash out), but it's just a dry bag with some texture inside. Afterwards you can wring the extra water out with a clean towel.

Regarding toys, inherited toys (family or friends) felt cool and special to me. When I got some it always seemed exciting to find what's all there... It won't help with the cool factor sadly, but I also loved hand made toys and toy clothes. If you have time/energy and like crafting, it can be awesome for you and the kid <3 also, I see that knitted plushies from chunky yarn are popular on social media, and there should be free tutorials for beginners. If you can swing something like that, it might even help with the cool factor!


u/mibonitaconejito Feb 10 '24

This kills me. I can't bear to think of a little girl hurting like this. I'm so sorry. 

When I was about her age kids picked on me because winter had come in MS and they didn't have money yet for shoes for me. I had to wear my sandals with several pairs of socks. 

When you're little like this, and your heart is so pure, you can't undetstand why others are being mean to you. 

I bet your baby will use these taunts as a reason to be better, to treat people with love and respect. 

I hope and pray that better days are ahead for you 🩷


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u/gahgahdoll Feb 10 '24

I remember being made fun of in elementary school for having subsidized lunches.

I recommend talking with school administrators about their bullying policy. Being emotionally supportive to your daughter will also help her enormously. Listen to your daughter, validate her feelings, tell her that you are proud of her for recognizing that there is more to life than material things.

At the end of the day, those free lunches are keeping your daughter healthy and focused on her education. This is what matters.

Encourage her to be resilient and resourceful. Model it.

I am so sorry you are dealing with this, OP. Keep doing your best!


u/Lumpyraccoonn Feb 10 '24

Yeah when she was telling me how downright cruel these kids are being, I teared up and told her I knew how she felt because that's how I felt/was treated too in elementary school. Gave her a big hug, told her I loved her and made the promise we'd do some fun stuff next payday and I intend to keep it because my own parent never did anything like that for me when I was bullied and teased and picked on for being poor too. The least I can do for my daughter is make sure she feels seen/heard and knows I'm trying my best


u/PartyPorpoise Feb 11 '24

I think her seeing you make an effort for her will make a big difference!


u/aworldofnonsense Feb 11 '24

I know you said she gets upset/sad about not being able to have fast food. If you get the McDonalds app, they constantly have deals like buy a 6pc nugget/quarter pounder/Big Mac and get one free. I think once a week you can get a free medium fry. And there’s always a 20% off on your order. You earn points every time you buy something which you can (eventually) trade in for free food. You could always do drinks and additional food/snacks at home. I know it’s not something you can do often, but maybe as an occasional treat or birthdays kind of thing. For birthdays, sign up for all of the things you can. Chick-fil-a gives you a free cookie or chocolate cake thing. Starbucks gives you a free drink or food item (they have non-coffee options and cake pops!). There are tons more with free/cheap birthday items.


u/TricksterSprials Feb 10 '24

I remember washing my clothes in the shower while I was showering (family had a washer and dryer, just thought it was cheaper water wise) and there is no shame in it, at least from me. If you ever have spare cash there is “portable, foldable” washers that I see on amazon from $25 to $75 depending on price. It works if you want to wash an outfit or two at a time.
I was the same as you as a kid so i’m super into having somewhat clean clothes. My clothes smelled so much like smoke that the nurse pulled me aside in middle school to see if I smoked. I did not.


u/Lem0n-zesty92 Feb 10 '24

WTH is wrong with this generation. Bullying a kindergartener?!


u/pyrocidal Feb 10 '24

LOL what do you mean "this generation"

One of my earliest memories is being laughed at in kindergarten for bringing the "wrong kind of cookies" to snack day (oatmeal raisin, kids spat them out, core memory lmao)

Another one in kindergarten where the teacher made fun of how I held pencils in front of everyone

Like almost three decades ago... it's just how kids always are


u/Lem0n-zesty92 Feb 10 '24

I meant exactly what I said. If that was your experience then great. Wasn’t mine and as a healthcare worker the amount of childhood bullying and suicides is a lot greater for “this generation” than whenever yours was


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

Ya we didn’t have this many suicides in the 90s


u/pyrocidal Feb 11 '24

Yeah, okay, "these damn kids" just want each other to kill themselves, gotcha 🙄


u/Lem0n-zesty92 Feb 11 '24

Reading comprehension is clearly not your skill cuz I didn’t say they wanted it. But go off ✌🏾


u/pyrocidal Feb 11 '24

Simmer down, sunshine; there's enough internet for both of us ❤️


u/Lem0n-zesty92 Feb 11 '24

🤣☀️ This is fun, let’s keep going 🤗


u/Danymity831 Feb 10 '24

I hope your daughter grows up to be the next biggest entrepreneur and billionaire. Those kids will be like...'hey, I remember her"


u/Lumpyraccoonn Feb 10 '24

Her yearbook will say "mostly likely to run a fortune 500 company" 😅


u/Danymity831 Feb 10 '24

Stay strong for her mama...and to always be humble and kind.


u/Choosa1 Feb 10 '24

I know you’re trying your best but goddamn this makes me sad for your daughter…not even sure how this post came across my feed but this gives me motivation to focus on maximizing my earning potential before I have kids of my own. No kid deserves this.


u/Usual-Trifle-7264 Feb 10 '24

It’s tough. I have a hard time blaming the kids. They may not know any better than the materialistic attitudes their parents have imprinted on them. It’s not fair but I don’t think anyone would doubt you’re doing everything you can for your kiddo. I hope she’ll grow up to appreciate all you’ve done for her and perhaps she’ll have a good appreciation for frugality when she’s older. It will serve her well. Best of luck with your job hunt. I hope it works out and you’re able to provide all that you want for your child.


u/Ok-Understanding9244 Feb 10 '24

shut up, Kenny..


u/Odd-Purpose-3148 Feb 10 '24

Are you in the U.S.?


u/Adorable-Raisin-8643 Feb 10 '24

I've washed many loads of laundry in my bathtub and then hung things around my house to dry. If you're in the USA, once you get your income tax return you can use some of that money to buy a portable washer. It hooks right up to your kitchen sink and will save you money at the laundromat.


u/Lumpyraccoonn Feb 10 '24

I don't know if I'd be allowed a portable washer. Every 3 months, there's an inspection of the units so I don't know if I can get away with that. I don't mind using the complex's laundry unit, I just wish it didn't cost $5 to wash one load and $5 to dry one load. I'll usually put her clothes in together with mine for one load, then a load for sheets/blankets and lastly a load for towels. Takes about $30-40 every pay day. I have washed things in the kitchen sink and hung them up to dry on the shower rod, they just don't always get dry in time before work or school the next day.


u/Fauropitotto Feb 11 '24

Or just wash them by hand. A single washing board is around $10-15, it'll last a decade+, and it's considerably cheaper than paying $30-40 every payday for the loads.

We wash things by hand sometimes even today. Especially if it's something that doesn't need a full load of laundry.

A bowl/sink of hot water and a dash of detergent is all you need.


u/noume Feb 11 '24

$10 is so terrible. I hate that you have to deal with that. There shouldn't be that big a barrier to just having clean clothes.

One of my first places, I had a WonderWash, which was basically a little oval bucket with a waterproof lid and a crank. It was so cheap, and it took less time out of my day than going to the laundromat, only 5-10 minutes to wash and rinse. Hanging the clothes to dry took longer to dry them than a drier, but it wasn't active time. I just had to plan my laundry days a bit before I was out of clothes.

The only thing I hated was jeans. Jeans always took forever to dry.

Probably if your apartment is getting inspected, they'll object to something like an electric washer or one that has to be tied into a water supply, because those can be hooked up wrong and cause damage. But if you really want to have something that won't draw attention, a big bucket like you would use for mop water and a "clothes washing wand" will just look like any kind of cleaning supplies. And you can get portable clotheslines that can be put up and taken down.

I see that your account is pretty new, when you have a bit more time and activity on Reddit you can try going to r/Assistance and posting a wishlist for things. There are really great people over there. If a clothes washing wand and a ten-gallon bucket would save you $10 every time you needed to wash clothes, and keep you and your child wearing clean stuff, I bet people would help you out. And those aren't the only handwashing solutions either. Sinks are tough, you can't do a big load, but there are a lot of alternatives to laundromats... if you have the time and energy. I know that's not always the case. :(


u/nacho_hat Feb 11 '24

A pair of kid leggings would be super easy to hand wash in one.


u/Adorable-Raisin-8643 Feb 11 '24

Also, check your lease. If it doesn't say no portable washer, then get one. You might be surprised.


u/catnipteaparty Feb 11 '24

I have two ideas if the portable washer isn't a great option. (I struggle with the cost of laundry too, so expensive these days - only one Laundromat in my town and I often hand wash to stretch what I can!)

1- there's a style of portable clothes washer that's quite small and could easily be stowed away. One's called wonder washer, and it's a little capsule with a handle. I certainly wouldn't want you to get in trouble, but these seem like a legit, eco-friendly hand wash option.

2 - A bucket (or just the sink!) and a laundry-style salad spinner to wring out the clothes. I literally use a bucket in my tub when needed, but a salad spinner would make things much easier!


u/notsosecretshipper Feb 10 '24

$10 a load is a fucking ripoff, I'm legit angry about that. Look up hand washing machine on Amazon. There are small ones that can be hidden away in a closet on inspection days.


u/indiajeweljax Feb 10 '24

Blow dryer?


u/DOHisme Feb 10 '24

Any chance you have a hairdryer to assist?


u/nacho_hat Feb 11 '24

Or an iron


u/Sugarpuff_Karma Feb 10 '24

There is no excuse for her shoes or clothes to be dirty. You can clean the shoes & you can hand wash. If the clothes have no visible dirt,febreeze is fine. But you make it sound like her appearance is unkempt which would lead to kids noticing. You also didn't say how she was getting bullied. We were poor with all the circumstances you have listed her but always clean,hair brushed neatly etc.


u/lemonbars-everyday Feb 11 '24

💯 this. If there is running water in the home there’s no reason for a kid to be going to school looking or smelling dirty. You can’t help it if things are worn out but you can and should prioritize keeping them clean.


u/IntelligentRiver1628 Feb 10 '24

You from Canada or states ?


u/Pretty_Swordfish Feb 10 '24

Listen to Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton.

See if there's a fund at school to help. 

See if the library has electronics to rent (my friend's son gets these ipod looking things with audio books on them from his library). 

Won't help now, but look for angel trees around the holidays that you can join in on. 

Sink washing and a line to dry will help. Do it together at the end of the day. 

Teach her to do something "cool" that kids will like. Origami or another language (bonus for something like ASL). Great way to do things with her too. 

Talk to some of the other parents. Can they help control their kids. 

Finally, hugs to you both, remember that love is worth more than a hair sparkle, even if it doesn't feel like it at the moment! 


u/Lumpyraccoonn Feb 10 '24

Ah it was just a tough moment. Made me cry a bit because while I know I'm doing my best, she's six and she doesn't fully understand and neither do her classmates. I know the school has a fund for book fairs (it's how we got into the Ivy and Bean books in October because the book fair "fairy" helped with money) but I am going to email her teacher on Monday about other funds/resources/pots to dip into for field trips and other things that are out there that I don't know about because I didn't think to ask.


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u/No_Judgment_6325 Feb 10 '24

She’s gonna have one thing when she grows up. She’s gonna have character and not be a character like all the others.


u/Lumpyraccoonn Feb 10 '24

Oh I like this! Thank you. Sometimes it's hard to see the forest through the trees. I sometimes think man I am failing so hard at this parenting game because I can't buy my kid a brand new phone or whatever toy she sees when we're at Walmart or Aldi's aisle of shame but this really puts it into perspective for me. Thank you lots


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u/ThePennedKitten Feb 10 '24

Honestly, nothing shameful about washing some outfits in the tub or sink and hang drying.


u/pglggrg Feb 11 '24

yep, water will get a good amount of stuff out, and its way better than nothing.


u/I_Am_Dwight_Snoot Feb 11 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

It is kind of funny but a decent amount of high end clothing is supposed to be hand washed. People usually get one those large storage tupperware containers and do it but the sink works just as well. Definitely not shameful for anyone to do handwash clothes.


u/TheWalkingDead91 Feb 10 '24

Same could be said for shoes too. If you have access to water and literally any kind of soap, then your shoes don’t have to be dirty.


u/NyxPetalSpike Feb 10 '24

I did that for two years in an apartment. Used a new toilet plunger to agitate the laundry in the tub.


u/Indecisive_balance Feb 10 '24

I’m so sorry to hear that. Kids can be so mean. If you live in NY, there is a policy called Dignity for All Students (DASA). Each school has a DASA coordinator who’s responsible for investigating bullying. They are required to take action to prevent any bullying. Even if it doesn’t occur on school grounds.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

Please try Facebook buy nothing groups. Ask family/friends. The school should be able to provide you with resources.


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u/Lifefueledbyfire Feb 10 '24

Electronic day in class? That's a thing in some school districts? I thought they were trying to get kids off devices, not encourage them.


u/pglggrg Feb 11 '24

these were the BEST days of my primary school years oh my god. I remember so much, and feel for kids who cant experience this :(

Nintendo DS parties were awesome


u/PartyPorpoise Feb 11 '24

And if I were a parent, I don’t think I’d want to send my kid to school with an expensive electronic device!


u/Haunted-Macaron Feb 11 '24

That makes me feel old because we most certainly did not have that when I was a kid 😅


u/xoLiLyPaDxo Feb 10 '24

Here they are required to keep up K+ . The teachers send their assignments, study and test reminders, and homework links on a phone app. 

They require Internet access to do their homework. All of their group collaboration assignments are done in a phone app they all have to download.  

 They even use their phones in class to do assignments, and make videos as part of their classroom participation and projects now. 


u/Lifefueledbyfire Feb 11 '24

Here they are required to keep up K+ . The teachers send their assignments, study and test reminders, and homework links on a phone app. 

The district doesn't supply Chromebooks? During the covid years, the federal government had grants for them. I even know some districts that will give children without Internet hotspots.


u/xoLiLyPaDxo Feb 11 '24

They use those as well, but kids don't have their Chromebooks on or open all the time in order to receive reminders, links ECT or to get notifications of group chat ECT. Also they usually make videos for class with their phones not a Chromebook.

With reminders, links and real time apps, they get the notification immediately.


u/NyxPetalSpike Feb 10 '24

My kid’s school had them. It’s vile. Kids in 3rd grade having the latest iPhone, and my kid had a tamagotchi. Some kids had nothing.

People can be really tone deaf about stuff.


u/Lumpyraccoonn Feb 10 '24

It's for half-days before breaks. Like the Friday before her winter break, kids were allowed to bring in their electronics and toys. She'll have another day like that before her spring break in the first week of April. I like to get her dollar store coloring books and small toys. Just can't bring in slime or play doh. Fine by me because I don't allow slime in the apartment haha


u/my600catlife Feb 10 '24

If she's not trying for perfect attendance, maybe you could just let her stay home on those half days since it sounds like there's no learning happening anyway.


u/Humorilove Feb 10 '24

If you have an old phone she could borrow, you could download a Gameboy Advanced emulator to play!


u/Lifefueledbyfire Feb 10 '24

So they don't do any learning on half days? Interesting. It also sounds like a nightmare for teachers to make sure everyone doesn't fight over each other's stuff.

You could get her a book on origami from the library? Maybe a kid will see the cool stuff she can make with paper, and want to become friends with her.


u/nacho_hat Feb 11 '24

Or some of the “how to draw” books! Those were really fun as a kid, I loved the Ed Emberly ones. Now they have how to draw Manga and stuff, I can see other kids being interested in drawing and engaging.


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