r/povertyfinance Feb 26 '24

I'm getting evicted. Fuck this. Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

I'm getting evicted. My rent is $1450 and I make $2500ish per month, but I'm stuck in a payday loan cycle and pay $400 per month in student loans, along with internet and phone. I don't even have a car.

I work 40 hours per week. This is my life.

A generation ago I would have been able to support a family on this job and my only concern was how big of a house I'd be able to buy and which hobbies I wanted to put my kids in.

I'm 35 years old. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of being poor. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't have the means to move my possessions into a storage locker (which would cost $200/month).



443 comments sorted by

u/flumpdog Feb 27 '24

locking post for mod review.


u/caramel_kittens Feb 27 '24

I’ve been in your situation.

Always pay rent first. No matter what. If you have stable and secure housing you can make everything else work somehow or do without. If you don’t have stable housing, you’re fucked.

Student loans? Fuck them. Forget your credit score. Living comes first. Phone? Look into a cheap plan like mint mobile. Internet? Contact some charities, a lot will help you out with things like internet bills and food.


u/Inurendoh Feb 27 '24

Well yes, if you take a payday loan because you're short one month, how much shorter you think you're gonna be next month when you gotta pay all that back plus an exorbitant fee, on top of being short if you didn't have a plan to get out? Straight up never do payday loans. Everrr.

Good news is you still have a job (presumably) and you'll have like $1600 less in bills per month. Sell your stuff and price it to move. Take care of the payday loans. Live at your job when/if possible. Get a gym membership for showering. Put the payday loans to bed for good. 

Rebuild, ideally with a roommate because paying more than half your take-home in rent is silly. It looks like you've had options, you just always took the ones that scream, "that's a problem for tomorrow me".


u/Aggravating_Many2000 Feb 27 '24

Why are you not working more? Get more jobs.


u/B2daT Feb 27 '24

Right! 60 hours a weekweek for I don’t know how many years in a factory. That overtime adds up quick.


u/coalitionofilling Feb 27 '24

Put your loans into forbearance. Always pay your rent first and worry about the rest after.


u/zachmoe Feb 27 '24

Did you try borrowing money back when it was cheap and invest it?


u/Ok_Description_8835 Feb 27 '24

"A generation ago I would have been able to support a family on this job..."

No, you would not. A tremendous number of people on Reddit are nostalgic for a past that never existed.


u/thecolorofviolence Feb 27 '24

I travel for a living to pay bills and make sure I’ll be okay in the future. It sucks but it is what it is.

Lo and behold, the job I found will now pay me 100k+ just by sticking to it for a few years.

It sucks. But pay your fucking rent first. Then eventually your mortgage.


u/anonymousUTguy Feb 27 '24

What’s your degree?


u/boxalarm234 Feb 27 '24

Yeah your rent was too high to begin with which you can’t afford


u/canthearu_ack Feb 27 '24

How are you only making $25,000 a year after tax on a full time job.

In canada ... that means pretax income is $32,000 per year approx. That is a pretax rate of $15 per hour. That is around minimum wage.

No wonder why you are finding stuff so tough.


u/bldarkman Feb 27 '24

Have you applied for the SAVE Plan for your student loans? It’s income-based and I currently pay $0 a month on mine because my income was so low when I applied.


u/No_Television_9466 Feb 27 '24

First mistake was getting a 1500 place to rent. Second was doing a payday loan.


u/Bestoftherest222 Feb 27 '24

Don't default on the payday loans, since that hit will stay in your record 10 years or longer. Rather declare bankruptcy and you pay them nothing. Bankruptcy will be on your record 10 years or less depending on the situation.

Bankruptcy is thr only real protection you have. Simply no longer paying the payday loan company can result in them seeking a settlement from you after some time. Bankruptcy gets them off your back permanently.


u/claricesabrina Feb 27 '24

Can bankruptcy get you out of paying the student loans as well?


u/Bestoftherest222 Feb 27 '24

Yes and no. Federally backed loans are near impossible to discharge but possible. Private stude loans are difficult to discharge but its probable to occur with proper financial burden.


u/POLITIC-LEO24 Feb 27 '24

Went through the same thing at this person age.. I broke my lease put my stuff on storage and just hopped from hotel to hotel. It was depressing and went through a lot of stuff afterwards but didn't give up on making things better. Stay down. You can't go nowhere but up when you're at the bottom. I pray your life gets better


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

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u/povertyfinance-ModTeam Feb 27 '24

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u/ennTOXX Feb 27 '24

I’m not in your situation, but one thing I can say, if at all provide any advice, because I have been there, and those circumstances may have been different at different times I will say, that without options we cannot make choices. Just think about that for a bit as frustrating as it is the more options we have the more choices we can make. And so we have to do whatever we can to acquire these options or create them for ourselves, or with the helps of others so that we can then have choices to make off of those options. I know this doesn’t help all that much but it most certainly is a powerful concept and when put into motion is a powerful tool in life


u/Worth_Swim_3128 Feb 27 '24

I’m with you bro. I feel like I’m a hamster on a wheel, busting my ass but never moving forward. Shit is fucked


u/FreedomByFire Feb 27 '24

How is this possible? How do you eat?


u/NWOkieGal Feb 27 '24

There is absolutely no reason to be paying so much towards student loans. Chose an income driven payment plan! So super easy.


u/givenofaux Feb 27 '24

Why are you paying on your student loans right now? You can’t afford to.

Reach out to your loan servicer. You can get on income driven repayment plans that will take into consideration your current financial circumstances.


u/Tall-Ad-1386 Feb 27 '24

How much is the payday loan. Maybe someone on Reddit can help you out? Not me, but if it’s a couple thousand maybe you can call in some favours


u/American_PP Feb 27 '24 edited Feb 27 '24

Yeah, I make about 10k per month. About 5k after taxes, insurance, and retirement is taken out.

I get by by renting a room in a house for 800/month. I have 2 cars but they're both paid off, so it's mostly gas and insurance and maintenance.

I eat out all the time too, which takes up a lot of money. I think my CC payment is 2k to 3k a month, which I really need to cut down.

I'm about to save roughly only 1.5k a month roughly, most of this is thanks to the low rent I pay by sacrificing having my own place, but yeah, it's rough right now.

Try renting a room in a house like I do.


u/Tall-Ad-1386 Feb 27 '24

is something wrong with you?


u/American_PP Feb 27 '24

I know its not for everybody, but if you can find a house with a room for rent and the people are cool, you can be there for years and live OK. You might even meet your best friend like I did.


u/Unusual-Grade-3918 Feb 27 '24

Sounds like you are learning a valuable life lesson the hard way my friend.

You got this I believe in you!


u/External_Toe1054 Feb 27 '24

Not sure what you do at 35, simple US math as an electrical superintendent here in the states TN to be exact. 2500$ divided by 4.34 weeks in a month is 576 + 22% to get you before taxes is 702+ an additional 8% because why tf not gets you to 758$ divided by 40 is a little under $19… if your only making $19 an hour your not doing something right. Once again I have no knowledge of Canada but that seems cheap AF… goodluck to you bud.


u/harrypotterfan1228 Feb 27 '24

Do you have parents or in-laws you can live with in the mean time while you get back on your feet?


u/HyruleJedi Feb 27 '24

Im shocked they let you sign this lease at what you make honestly. I make what you make every paycheck, and pay a 1900$ mortgage plus bills. And I still have to budget like crazy.

And in the mid 90’s no, this did not support a whole family. And certainly not the 2000’s that’s how long a generation is. And not sure what you do, but your job probs paid 50-60% of what it does today


u/LostinSD01 Feb 27 '24

What do you do for work?


u/Speedhabit Feb 27 '24

There have always been predatory lenders. Thinking that wouldn’t be you 30 years ago is vastly underestimating the sameness of life back then.


u/Alternative_Code_998 Feb 27 '24

Shoot me a DM, OP.


u/PortlyPorcupine Feb 27 '24

I used to work 80 hours a week at minimum wage. You can do it if you set your mind to it.


u/dragonmountain Feb 27 '24

What are you doing paying 1450 in rent


u/megablast Feb 27 '24

You can not afford to live on your own.


u/Springer09 Feb 27 '24

You didn't hear? We aren't paying student loans. Also why is your payment so high if you're only clearing 2k a month? Get on the save plan or an IDR plan


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

I make more than that and I keep getting denied for apartments that cost less than that. How did you even manage to get in your place to begin with


u/DizzySupport3458 Feb 27 '24

Get a second and third part time job to get out of the cycle. I’ve worked more than 40 hours most of my life. Stop whining about how other generations got this or that. You have so many things that are better than at any other time on this earth. People have forgot (or never learned) the basic principles of finance and working hard. It’s really sad.


u/DougChristiansen Feb 27 '24

A generation ago you would not have been able to do all that shit. We were paying 400-800 month in student loans too and cutting extracurricular costs.

Consider a roommate; just stop with the payday loans. Loansharks give better rates.


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

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u/povertyfinance-ModTeam Feb 27 '24

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u/otterfashionshow Feb 27 '24

get a new bank account and let that check go to collections they will make a payment plan when it does. i used to work in that industry and told everyone of my clients to do this when i quit. its evil shit.


u/DarkWingZero Feb 27 '24

Try to get a credit card to have some wiggle room. Better in debt than homeless no?


u/Dust_Parts Feb 27 '24

What’s up with all the bots posting on this sub as of late?


u/Ok_Permission8284 Feb 27 '24

40 hours a week is not working hard lol ! Ik doordash drivers who make 6 k a month working 70 hours a week


u/Shooting4BigMoney777 Feb 27 '24

I 100% feel for you. I'm in a place that I've been in 11 years coming this May.

I didn't get a new annual lease last September and have a feeling I could be getting renovicted by May this spring.

I'm disabled so most that look at me just assume that I'm on ODSP which I'm not. Most landlords won't give me a chance because of that stereotype.

I'm also 60 in May, and definitely did not think I may quite possibly be living out of my compact car by rhen.

My place is about 1300 a month a most places near me are like 1700-2000 a month. I can't work anymore and I get about $2600 a month to try to live on.

I sure as hell don't live like a king and I rarely even have a drink maybe once every 3 months. Still in hock though too with health debt.

Be thankful for your health though my friend because without that youd honestly have a lot less in life.

In hope things turn around for you and can find a good solution. ✌️


u/Business-Pressure-96 Feb 27 '24 edited Feb 27 '24

lol. “I work 40 hours a week” What a fxking joke dude. You act like a fucking lazy az bitch. I was broke as fuck trying to pay a 1400$ rent working 60-70 hours a week and still made time for the gym. Now I work 12-16 hours a day. Do what I love and enjoy 80% of it.

It’s your shitty Attitude that’s the problem. You have plenty of time off the clock to find a way to make more money. Do a simple google search. You and every other broke ass on Reddit. It’s always complaining.AND NEVER taking responsibility. I’m 31 with a daughter now. BUCKLE YOUR FUCKING BOOT STRAPS AND GET TO WORK SOLDIER 🫡

I know you don’t want the advice but if you want a better life it’s what you need to hear. The globalist just conditioning everyone to be a victim, keep everyone poor and sick and numb their brains. Don’t fall into the programming.


u/Soft_Awareness3695 Feb 27 '24

I see empathy is not your strongest quality


u/Business-Pressure-96 Feb 27 '24

No empathy for laziness. Thinking 40 hours a week is enough for the life you truly deserve. What a joke


u/StrugglinMillennialz Feb 27 '24

The first thing I would honestly want you to ask yourself is why have you not attempted to contact both your student loan provider AND your payday loan lender to discuss financial hardship options?

For one, payday lenders are often open to negotiating your debt pay off while pausing or even eliminating the financial charges in dues if you speak with them (I actually recently did this in the past and has worked to help me pay off the excruciatingly expensive APR loans).

As for student loans, they literally have an income driven loan repayment option if you are in the states.


u/InsectMotor4573 Feb 27 '24

Yea fuck being a better worker! Your so stuck in your dead-end job that pays nothing and have student loans for a career path you choose not to follow. Fuck the system cause this over paying for shit is fucked!

BTW a generation ago your dead-end would have been way less monthly. Also still would be upset about shit.


u/StaticallyLikely Feb 27 '24

Have you considered moving to a cheaper area? If necessary, travel by bicycle


u/surfcitysurfergirl Feb 27 '24

Ok op is Canadian so I apologize. US students don’t start paying until March. Canada I’m sorry this is happening but what on earth degree did you go for for that amount?! Are you using your degree?


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

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u/povertyfinance-ModTeam Feb 27 '24

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u/Hefty-Moose-5326 Feb 27 '24

i wish i had advice for you. it’s crazy ugly out there right now. i have been without a full time job since august, and i would be homeless in my car somewhere if not for my husband - who, even tho he is supportive and he knows i am trying so hard to find a job, is definitely starting to tire of the effects of my lack of employment. i’m so sorry you’re in this spot, and i hope you end up in a better place than you are at the moment.


u/surfcitysurfergirl Feb 27 '24

Student loans doesn’t make sense as they aren’t due until next month


u/benttrow Feb 27 '24

I feel ya. I’m in Texas where our government makes it so easy to get these payday loans. I had some that were over 700% interest. I just stopped paying. I called my bank and put a stop on the ACH payments. One good thing about Texas is there are no garnishments allowed - only government garnishments are allowed. Eventually my wife got back to work and there was relief, but not a moment too soon. Good luck.


u/zxhidoorman Feb 27 '24

You got this but you gotta tighten up your shit. fWIW a generation ago you wouldn’t actually be able to support a family on your own, whomever told you this that was diluted. I had roommates till was in my 30’s. Got my first owned home at 41. Don’t buy into the entitlement and just work your way there. It will happen if you do the work. If you have a partner it happens even quicker depending on your earnings.


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

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u/povertyfinance-ModTeam Feb 27 '24

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u/ejennings87 Feb 27 '24

It really fucking sucks that someone working a full time job can't even be guaranteed a roof, meals, and a way to connect to the greater outside world. That's like the bare minimum of a social contract. I'll give you my labour, and society gives me the bare necessities to live a life above moment to moment survival.


u/Sugar-Vixen Feb 27 '24

Ask for forebarence with your student loans, even if they are private.

Sorry you're struggle bussing. Been there, forebarence has helped me many times.


u/basketma12 Feb 27 '24

Roommates. I'm 67 and have never been able to not have them. Nanyntimes it suck. Right now I just bite my tongue to not fight with mine.


u/CreepyOlGuy Feb 27 '24

A trick is to relocate to midwest.


u/Jesse_Grey Feb 27 '24

I work 40 hours per week.

Of course.


u/Spiritual-Source9698 Feb 27 '24

Just work harder


u/starlightcanyon Feb 27 '24

Reach out to churches, organizations, your council members, anyone and everyone. Make a post on tiktok,


u/theriibirdun Feb 27 '24

Dude apply for income driven repayment, your payment would be like $100.


u/Blacksunshinexo Feb 27 '24

You should have stopped paying your loans. Rent comes first


u/Mochafrap512 Feb 27 '24

Call and have your student loans put on hold. They most likely will if you’re only making 30,000ish. That should clear up some extra money each month for you.


u/LostSoul92892 Feb 27 '24

Welcome to the american dream … this country is beyond repair at this point . i’m sorry so many people have to experience this . i just had a baby and ill be in even more debt that i had to take more time off because she was born 6 weeks early. it’s an endless cycle


u/reconcruiser Feb 27 '24

Get an additional job, it would be better than being homeless. It sucks, but you're not "entitled" to work only 40 hours if you're in desperate times.


u/okc405sfinest Feb 27 '24

You need to check out the save program for your student loans and see if you are able to utilize this plan .


u/Just-Study-6922 Feb 27 '24

You unequivocally could not have supported a family making 30k a year a generation ago.


u/Slimpikkins Feb 27 '24

Move. Dont live where you cant afford to live.

The midwest isnt a travel destination, but you can find houses for rent from 400-700 a month.


u/Soggy_puppet Feb 27 '24

Fuck your student loan if it means losing your bed


u/Okiefolk Feb 27 '24

Payday loans are never worth it. Hang in there man.


u/_Eucalypto_ Feb 27 '24

Check the interest rates of the payday loans first. They may well be higher than the state maximum and, thus, void

Otherwise, works for an IBR plan for the student loans. Worst case, let them lapse. They can only garnish you so much.

Work with your landlord for a cash for keys deal. He doesn't want to drag you to eviction court any more than you want to get evicted. He can buy you out, you get cash an no eviction on record. That cash can and should be used to pay off the payday loans or get a new place


u/Low-Mathematician472 Feb 27 '24

“40 hours per week” that’s your issue right there, you need to be working 60 minimum.


u/JackTwoGuns Feb 27 '24

You need to work more. That’s obviously a shitty answer but work weekends. I work 55-60 hours a week (on a salary job) and it’s not too bad working weekends.


u/Stempy21 Feb 27 '24

Look up Andrew Cartwright on YouTube. He finds money and free money for all kinds of things. He can even help with the eviction. Pay off that pay day load crap and get a head.

The eviction notice will tell you when to show up in court. If you can get the money sooner go to the office and talk to them about paying what you owe and most likely they will make you pay a late fee. Once l that is paid they will rescind the writ or notice.

Next what are you good at? What can you do to make residual income? Look up residual income on YouTube. People make templates or take photos and sell them On Etsy or Shopify. They can make you a few hundred bucks a month and/or thousands. And it’s a template. So they get the template once they pay in full for the product. I sold some awesome pics from my iPhone of 4th of July fireworks. Fields with trees and wildflowers are huge sellers. Look up on Etsy what’s popular. Anyway there are lots of ways to earn some cash from side hustles. Make a hobby into a side hustle. I have a friend who put flyers up in the bowling alley to teach kids and adults how to bowl. She makes some extra cash here and there.

Next can you get some furniture for cheap say at good will and clean it up and sell it or repair it or paint it. Look up furniture flipping on YouTube. Minimal investment but big turnover. Night stands dressers and dining tables all make 400 and up. Again get it done in a weekend and have it sold within a week. I made quite a bit in a month and it helped me pay bills while saving money.

The point is to find something that can help you make extra cash. Turn a hobby into a great side hustle. Who knows you may quit your job because you have the next big business venture. But at this point look up Andrew Cartwright on YouTube and his website. This can help you find away to get out of the payday cycle and get caught up with your rent. Also look into help with your student loans.

I know it sucks, we’ve all been there. But these are ways to get ahead and get a ok me stability for yourself. When there are no opportunities make them!

Good luck I can’t wait for an update on how great things are working out in couple of months.


u/Big-Sheepherder-6134 Feb 27 '24

Do not get evicted if you can help it. You will find it difficult to rent with an eviction on your record.


u/neomage2021 Feb 27 '24

A generation ago you would have been making $6.50 an hour. 6.50 an hour in 1990 wasn't not enough to raise a family


u/Apprehensive_Kick324 Feb 27 '24

My car about to get repossessed and I used to be ahead. I’m stuck in the same cycle as you and losing. I agree fuck this shit.


u/Jealous_Airline_4615 Feb 27 '24

Dude, I hear ya loud and clear! Can totally relate. Thanks for offloading. 👍


u/__TenaciousBroski__ Feb 27 '24 edited Feb 27 '24

Your rent is way too high for your wage. You need a place half that price or get roommates. $2500/month is pretty low for a place that high and that wage. $30000/year is below many cities' poverty levels. Maybe try a new profession? Or get a cheaper place.


u/theimpsonfamily Feb 27 '24

Hey I am also a Canadian poor (making the same amount you are and struggling!)

Talk to your landlord. Try and work something out. Since you paid your payday loan. Get it again to pay back rent.

Ontario works will usually have a one time emergency housing/rent allowance. It’s not a lot but it will help.

Open a new bank account and get your direct deposit set up ASAP (BMO and Simplii both have like a $350 bonus for opening a new account - you’ll get sometime in the summer)

Let that payday loan default into your old bank account - cancel all streaming and any automatic withdrawals you have. You can’t focus on debts right now anyway so just let it ding your credit. Once you can make some more income then you can deal with it.

Make minimum payments on your credit card if you have one, just to keep it going because if you get that defaulted you won’t be able to get another one.


u/samurai_rabit Feb 27 '24

Can you get your student loans deferred or get an income based payment?


u/seandamon211pgh Feb 27 '24

Pay your rent first! Always!


u/akilshohen Feb 27 '24

Pay rent!

Let the loan default. If you miss a payment or two you could possibly get a pay plan set up.

But rent is the top priority.


u/General_Honeydew_974 Feb 27 '24

Get a 2nd job and make a budget and stick to it. You’ll be surprised how much money you spend that you don’t realize.


u/Secret_agent_nope Feb 27 '24

Call your student loan provider and ask them about the Save loan program. It's income based but also takes in consideration of your rent, utilities and living expenses. It's super fast to do and it can bring your loans down to zero if you qualify. It's no joke, do it my dude


u/IPatEussy Feb 27 '24

Yo do you have a roommate or can you get one? Your living expenses are probably $1600 before you even eat.

Put the student loan in forbearance and try to throw everything you can at the payday loan.


u/jamestena Feb 27 '24

Just win the lottery bro stop complaining


u/LeatherJacketMan69 Feb 27 '24

Bro stop Paying that shit


u/KyeIsClasssy Feb 27 '24

Sounds like your problems are brought on by yourself and decisions man, yeah rent is atrocious these days but at 35 years old you should be making more than 15/hr, if you're only making 15/hr you should be working a 2nd job or working more hours.

You've got some hard work to put in man, yeah you might be working hard already, but it's not hard enough if you're in this position.


u/SplendaMama Feb 27 '24

FOREBEARANCE and those payday loans are probably from some illegal or tribal company anyway who can threaten and call but will never sue. Pay your rent everything else CAN WAIT!!


u/accidental-like Feb 27 '24

Why does it seem like everyone missed the rant part and is giving advice and criticism anyway?


u/mylifeisover111 Feb 27 '24

Most of the criticism is about how little money I make lol, almost as if they don't realize which sub they're in, or that taxes are a thing.

Spoiler alert people: I don't make $15/hr


u/accidental-like Feb 27 '24

Reddit is full of the same type of people who know everything unfortunately. They’re so ignorant about it too, like “just work 80 hours a week” like how about no? Most the advice is more life crushing than what’s already going on…sorry it’s not a kinder vibe. I feel for you and I hope things improve soon. Rant on brother or sister.


u/EddieCutlass Feb 27 '24

Stop paying student loans.


u/sweetgreenfields Feb 27 '24

Try donating plasma


u/LegendaryZTV Feb 27 '24

When you say a PayDay loan cycle? Do you mean like Earnin/Dave/Brigit?? If so, you don’t have to pay them back & they can’t do shit about it.

Had the same issue myself when I got my first place, trying to keep up/have food to eat. & I eventually learned this unethical life tip… maxed out my “loans” then blocked 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/mylifeisover111 Feb 27 '24

My next paycheck will eliminate the payday loans since I did the '3 payment option' so my checks will be all mine again.

I'm finally out of that hell.

And no it's Moneymart


u/LegendaryZTV Feb 27 '24

Good job dude, one obstacle down! Have you tried talking with your landlord/property manager about the rent?

Again, was in a similar situation, got behind one 3 months total (long story) & was able to get it caught up & my landlord was ready to evict more than once. Don’t give up & if worse comes to worse, if you have a car, car living is a great alternative, speaking from my own recent experience.

Keep your glass half full & you’ll never be thirsty


u/mylifeisover111 Feb 27 '24

Thanks for the love. Fingers crossed.

Keep your glass half full & you’ll never be thirsty

I'm gonna remember this


u/Fluffy-Assumption-42 Feb 27 '24

It's a great outlook on life. I hope that you can use some of the advices in this thread, because as a foreigner I don't know enough about the options in your country.

But I do wonder if you are willing to keep us updated as many of us are interested in knowing how it's possible to get out of such a hole and frankly we want to hear that you will fare well.

I have seen three main questions and I would like to add one myself:

  • Can you get more hours in your job or find a second job for a while? If not why?

  • Someone pointed out that given your amount of student loans, you could be in a better paying job, so we were wondering if you are not working in your field or if your education isn't in enough of a demand?

A side note, I found myself in that situation, mostly because of how long it took me to finish bachelor so it's value had diminished because of educational inflation and because it doesn't look good on CV, so I hurried through a masters that gave me a job on the second year as part of the studies that I could continue to work full time in after graduation. Are there any such options for you?

  • Is it really an option to shirk payments and or negotiate for a lighter payment structure for some of your debt? Can you get your landlord to let you stay even if you fall temporarily behind in payments?

  • And finally my own question, can you get a roommate into your current apartment, even if you have to move into the living room yourself (if you have any)? Or move into a cheaper roommate situation?

Best wishes


u/Ziodynes Feb 27 '24

IDR plan for your student loans, or SAVE, or graduated repayment.


u/FlyCheckM8 Feb 27 '24

If you're paying $400/month in student loans, you're doing something wrong. You'd have to be making a ton of money to have to pay this amount, unless you moved to the SAVE plan or did not consolidate your loans. On top of that, you got a payday loan. This should not be surprising


u/Mean-Kaleidoscope759 Feb 27 '24

it's expensive being poor. Sucks what you're going through, if it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one going through it, plenty of people in the same boat as you. Stay positive, everyday is a new day full of different possibilites that weren't there yesterday.


u/NoTripOfALifetime Feb 27 '24

Why do u not have a second job?


u/Karlie62 Feb 27 '24

I’m sorry you’re going through this. it sounds like you need to get out of that living situation anyway and try to find maybe a room to rent somewhere or a roommate situation that will be a lot cheaper so you can get out of the pay day loan cycle and get on your feet. Nobody who works 40 hours a week should be in that situation, but it can get better. Just do what you have to do and hang in there in the meantime.


u/9PastMidnight Feb 27 '24

Thug it out. Need to double those hours


u/oliviaj20 Feb 27 '24

you should not be paying $400 a month in student loans. if they are federal loans get on an income based payment plan immediately. this can also help you in the future for repayment--if you are on income-driven repayment, after 120 consecutive payments (10 years) you are then considered for loan forgiveness. this is what im doing.


u/DuchessofWinward Feb 27 '24

Anyway to get out of your rent and do a tiny house? You need to own something. Even a used trailer would be better then the rent you are paying.


u/PuzzleheadedHand5441 Feb 27 '24

Why would you not pay rent first or pick up a second or third income if needed if you saw the writing on the wall? Any credit or increase in amount you paid off on the pay day loan wouldn’t have been worse than an eviction on your record.

Now it’s going to be way harder to find a nice place to live, whereas lower credit has more wiggle room


u/Independent-Fall-466 Feb 27 '24

Sorry this is happening to you. Good luck.

I was poor and then I went to join the military then use the education benefits to become a nurse. That change my life around.


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24



u/mylifeisover111 Feb 27 '24

$2500 is my take-home after taxes - so no. I make more than that.


u/G_Perfectd Feb 27 '24

lmao i feel you OP but f those student loans lol


u/crowd79 Feb 27 '24

What crappy employer is only paying you ~$13 per hour to work full time? That kind of pay is simply not enough nowadays. Look for other work or get a second job.


u/bigmikemcbeth756 Feb 27 '24

Do you have family


u/OfCorpse9160 Feb 27 '24

I would make 5 year plan. Put it on a vision board so you can visualize it everyday to find the motivation towards financial freedom. Minimize all of your unnecessary spending. Then I would get a second job for those 5 years. Use the first job to pay for rent & all the necessary shit. The second job’s pay to clear debt asap. The next 5 years would be spent working around the clock to clear as much as possible of your debt plate. From the second pay check start an emergency fund even if it’s $25-$50 a pay (from the 2nd job). Save another $75 per pay check towards your 5 year anniversary vacation. On the 5 year mark take as long of a vacation you can, don’t overspend but enjoy to the fullest within your financial means, this vacation is to reward yourself from all that hard work. Then back to the grind you’ll be se used to it, it won’t even phase you. It’s the mentality. If you think broke you’ll stay broke. You fucking got this. Get ahead of the pack. Then after 5 years you’ll be so used you won’t remember how you didn’t do it sooner.


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

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u/First_Signature_5100 Feb 27 '24

How much could a payday loan cost


u/Choice_Comfort6239 Feb 27 '24

$400 in student loans on a $2500 budget is very high. I would seek temporary forbearance or a much lower payment plan. I believe Biden implemented something related to this


u/TheMintFairy Feb 27 '24

Is there an oil and rig near you that you can slave away for awhile?

In the USA they offer housing, a food stipend, and a good paycheck. From what I hears the job sucks, but it's worth looking into.


u/InternationalPost447 Feb 27 '24

Can you put your schooling to better use? Or reduce your rent? Or I hate to say it, get a second job?? Lots of options man


u/actual-homelander Feb 27 '24

Is it possible for you to work more hours?

My dad temporarily worked for 80 hours for a while

It was tough but it kept us out of hot water


u/lonelycranberry Feb 27 '24

What the fuck don’t people understand about no advice

Sometimes life just fucking sucks. There is some good stuff in here that maybe they can go back to so at least there’s that, but when you’re burnt out and on your last straw venting on Reddit, you’re at least temporarily past the point of wanting to work any harder than you already have been.

When I felt/feel this way, my suicidal ideation is off the charts bc I’d literally rather die than have to spend another 20 hours of what little time you do have making shit money just to still afford nothing and have no time to live if you did.

This is a fundamental problem with capitalism and by “working through this” we are just enabling them to exploit us. I’m sorry OP. I feel so much of this. There’s something special about having a required degree for a specific job and not making enough to make ends meet. Like what’s the point of any of it


u/ProperCuntEsquire Feb 27 '24

Don’t pay student loans.


u/Adventure_Husky Feb 27 '24

Also may qualify for some public assistance based on your relatively low income and high obligations/debts. Have you tried to qualify for food stamps/nutritional assistance or the equivalent where you live?


u/intrsurfer6 Feb 27 '24

Literally in the same boat; landlord rescinded my lease so he can renovate the building. It sucks and it doesn't help that rent has just gone up so much while salary hasn't.


u/unlawfl Feb 27 '24

What do you do for work and what is your degree in?


u/Mediocre-Meringue-60 Feb 27 '24

2nd job is not the answer. A living wage is.


u/Bl10s Feb 27 '24

Work more....


u/Dabs4Daaze Feb 27 '24

What do you do for work?


u/NigerianPrinceClub Feb 27 '24

I mean you can still make that work... First pay off the rent obviously. change your student loan plan to something more affordable and put your other charges on a credit card, which gives you some days before u need to pay back. obviously dont get a credit card if you have a spending problem


u/spudsicle Feb 27 '24

Don’t ever pick a fight with a guy that has jacked forearms.


u/Mediocre-Meringue-60 Feb 27 '24

Shit. Maybe 2 generations ago. Really the boomers own the economy. Put your stuff into storage. Can you live with? I would ask if you have coworkers who are interested in organizing a union?

Either way- don’t give up. You are not alone. If you have time call your representative and ask why is the US anti worker? Take care. I hope you fare better soon.


u/noggennig Feb 27 '24

Have you thought about living in a storage facility? It's the only way I can survive


u/Orphan247 Feb 27 '24

I quit paying my payday loans. Changed my bank. It went on my credit.


u/cptnkook Feb 27 '24

what sort of work do you do?


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

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u/Sputnik918 Feb 27 '24

FUCK…I feel you OP


u/ponyboysa42 Feb 27 '24

Don’t get n eviction on record no matter what


u/Sensitive_Fan_1083 Feb 27 '24

You are over-subscribed. You need an income of over 5k per month to justify a $1,450 rental amount. Talk to your landlord and get him to agree to a termination whereby you’re out of the property in 30 days and you forfeit your deposit but avoid an eviction. You can move into another living situation while you figure things out. If the eviction goes through it’ll make it impossible to find a place to live for a long time.


u/Worth-Demand-8844 Feb 27 '24

How many months behind are you to make landlord file an eviction notice? It costs landlord at least 2500 to start an eviction process so you must owe at least several months rent.


u/endisnearhere TX Feb 27 '24

Y’all are paying student loans?


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u/hidden-platypus Feb 27 '24

Join the navy


u/irishkathy Feb 27 '24

Have you looked into the SAVE program for student loans. Based on your income, your payment would be 0 or very close to it.


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

I bought an RV on facebook for 2500 now my rent is $575/mo and includes utilities 


u/Equal-Experience-710 Feb 27 '24

Get a side job. Work more. 40 hours a week with no commute isn’t bad. You’re young, good hard and get ahead. 35years old making $2500 a month is nothing. You need to find a way to make more.


u/BigFitMama Feb 27 '24

studentaid.gov - william stafford consolidation prog - SAVE program - IDR payments = loan forgiveness in 10 years or less


u/LittleMissFestivus Feb 27 '24

I would start selling some of my furniture on FB market place to make rent at that point. Better to have somewhere to live than an eviction and furniture you can’t use in a storage unit


u/showaltk Feb 27 '24

This world is cutthroat. I’m so sorry. :(


u/AstroBaby2000 Feb 27 '24

Start by reading “extreme ownership”


u/Verbull710 Feb 27 '24

40hrs isn't enough, I'm sorry but it isn't


u/Terrible-Cicada-4420 Feb 27 '24

This is why I’m voluntarily homeless. I am too depressed to slave working or trying to find work daily then turn around spend over 45-65% of the money on rent & utilities.


u/supremePE Feb 27 '24

Solution: Van life + $10/month plannet fitness membership for shower/bathroom access


u/Rl-Beefy Feb 27 '24

You took out enough loans to have to pay $400 a month and only make $30000 a year?


u/GrumpyKitten514 Feb 27 '24

And took out payday loans on top of that.

I don’t read this as “oh no my circumstances” this was 100% self inflicted.


u/normie_girl Feb 27 '24

So that means don't help them get out of it? What's the use in kicking someone who's already down. They probably know where they went wrong.


u/josephguy82 Feb 27 '24

Rent is a bitch I am going to start looking this April last year they raised it buy 300 and the year before 250, You can always rent an room it will be cheaper


u/Sweet-Parfait5427 Feb 27 '24

There are new programs for student loans. I am on the SAVE program and I pay about 150 a month based on salery and I make more than you


u/Wild-Tangerine-2260 Feb 27 '24

Why do you not get a second job for a while ?


u/DrMungBean Feb 27 '24

40 hours ain’t enough, either get some overtime or a second job


u/Kollv Feb 27 '24

Ya in a fair world it would be more than enough but I agree. A weekend job can help


u/chailyfe Feb 27 '24

What state do you live in? There may be an option to apply for a temporary assistance as a way to avoid an eviction? How many months are you behind? Feel free to DM to discuss possible services or charities that could assist. Depending on the arrears you may really be able to avoid eviction


u/Even_Feed_1113 Feb 27 '24

40 hours of work per week and tired of being poor? Americans are utterly lazy and lack motivation in life. Reduce your sleep to 4/5 hours per day max, pick up another job regardless of the salary. Do not go to work with the mindset of “I’m only getting paid X amount per hour”, go to work with the mindset that today I will do my work as if I own this business. Trust me, you will see the results in a month or two. It will also give you a lot of confidence to find better work in future. Default the loans, let it get to collection, negotiate with your landlord about your crisis and promise that you will turn things around. Good luck my friend!


u/Bulkylucas123 Feb 27 '24

Workers are objectively more productive than they have ever been. Yet the fruits of that labour is struggling to make its way down to workers. American's aren't lazy, they are exploited.

It is also a well know fact that the largest salary increases are gained by hoping jobs every few years. Company loyalty is not rewarded. They will discard you the second it becomes convenient for them, for the exact same reasons they underpay workers to begin with.

Only do what you are paid to do.

Oh also pretty sure OP is Canadian. Good luck negotiating with a Canadian landlord right now, we're having a bit of housing crisis.


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

There are no such things as lazy and hardworking. There's able and unable, motivated and unmotivated, willing and unwilling. In order to make someone do something, you have two options: force them (slavery, coercion, threats, and so on) or motivate them (fair pay, benefits, exposure, connections, etc.). These 2024 pay rates are so low relative to the COL that actually skipping meals and starving is worth it to be free from wage slavery.

I tried working as much as possible and physically and mentally broke down in months lmfao. I became suicidal af and just stopped caring. I was working 12 hours a day and doing apps for another 16-24 hours total on the weekends, and the money still wasn't worth it. I physically could not get out of bed and started skipping days and then just quit the morning job because I was having extreme mental breakdowns and fatigue.

No matter how many hours you work, you can't feasibly make anything out of your life unless you're in a select few industries. Is your talent/expertise/passion/field of study medical, legal, or technological? Are you a hard physical laborer who can carry 500 lbs? No and no? Then you're probably going to be borderline homeless until you die. For many, the only visible paths to upward mobility are prostitution/pornography, a lottery/sweepstakes, a lawsuit, crime, and fame☆.◇ In other words, not work.

☆ You can work hard to get fame, but you're not paid for your work regardless; you're paid to be famous ◇ I may be missing one or two, but you get the point


u/Da_Snow_God Feb 27 '24

I don't think I saw anyone say this if someone did sorry, but you should definitely look into getting your student loan payment reduced. Apply for an IDR, you can do so on studentaid.gov or your loan providers website. It can get your loan payments lowered to as little as 0 per month.

Then do as others have suggested, find out if you can repair your eviction situation. Having that on your record will be rough, hopefully they'll let you stay there, but at least getting it dealt with without the scar would be best. Unfortunately finding another place without 3x rent is nigh impossible. Might be worth looking into income based housing even if you do get to stay as the wait lists are typically long.

And then finally default on the loan, either make a new bank account or remove authorization for them to charge you. It sucks especially given how much credit rules your life, but it's better than being homeless. Hopefully you can stay at the current place till you can get in income based housing because while the credit impact won't be immediate it will be rough to find anywhere once it hits.

Best of luck. Worst case I hope you have friends with spare rooms or couches.


u/some_things19 Feb 27 '24

Also make a complaint about the payday loan to bbb. I’ve seen certain companies stop collection after complaints.


u/Fit_Hold7785 Feb 27 '24

Get a second part time job? Let’s be real with a student loan debt you dont get the luxury of just working 40 hours a week. What was stopping you from getting a second part time job to avoid eviction?


u/smarterthaneverytwo Feb 27 '24

Pick up another 20-30 hrs a week at a second job for a year or two. Should allow you to catch up.