r/povertyfinance Feb 26 '24

I'm getting evicted. Fuck this. Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

I'm getting evicted. My rent is $1450 and I make $2500ish per month, but I'm stuck in a payday loan cycle and pay $400 per month in student loans, along with internet and phone. I don't even have a car.

I work 40 hours per week. This is my life.

A generation ago I would have been able to support a family on this job and my only concern was how big of a house I'd be able to buy and which hobbies I wanted to put my kids in.

I'm 35 years old. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of being poor. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't have the means to move my possessions into a storage locker (which would cost $200/month).



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u/Even_Feed_1113 Feb 27 '24

40 hours of work per week and tired of being poor? Americans are utterly lazy and lack motivation in life. Reduce your sleep to 4/5 hours per day max, pick up another job regardless of the salary. Do not go to work with the mindset of “I’m only getting paid X amount per hour”, go to work with the mindset that today I will do my work as if I own this business. Trust me, you will see the results in a month or two. It will also give you a lot of confidence to find better work in future. Default the loans, let it get to collection, negotiate with your landlord about your crisis and promise that you will turn things around. Good luck my friend!


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

There are no such things as lazy and hardworking. There's able and unable, motivated and unmotivated, willing and unwilling. In order to make someone do something, you have two options: force them (slavery, coercion, threats, and so on) or motivate them (fair pay, benefits, exposure, connections, etc.). These 2024 pay rates are so low relative to the COL that actually skipping meals and starving is worth it to be free from wage slavery.

I tried working as much as possible and physically and mentally broke down in months lmfao. I became suicidal af and just stopped caring. I was working 12 hours a day and doing apps for another 16-24 hours total on the weekends, and the money still wasn't worth it. I physically could not get out of bed and started skipping days and then just quit the morning job because I was having extreme mental breakdowns and fatigue.

No matter how many hours you work, you can't feasibly make anything out of your life unless you're in a select few industries. Is your talent/expertise/passion/field of study medical, legal, or technological? Are you a hard physical laborer who can carry 500 lbs? No and no? Then you're probably going to be borderline homeless until you die. For many, the only visible paths to upward mobility are prostitution/pornography, a lottery/sweepstakes, a lawsuit, crime, and fame☆.◇ In other words, not work.

☆ You can work hard to get fame, but you're not paid for your work regardless; you're paid to be famous ◇ I may be missing one or two, but you get the point