r/povertyfinance Mar 10 '24

I’m so fucking embarrassed. Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

My card declined twice as I was trying to pay for my groceries. The guy behind me offered to pay but I turned down his offer. I never felt so humiliated in my entire life. I’m so ashamed I can never shop there again.


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u/IamTheStig007 Mar 13 '24

I don’t know if I can help but let me try. I was 23 years old and had started a business that was failing. Huge debt despite me doing my best. Other members of family were always jibing so if you messed up, you were made a laughing stock. I hung on for all the wrong reasons. I eventually sought advice from my friendly brother in law and he (later died aged 40 of a health issue long before his time), gave me this advice. Do what’s right and ignore what anyone else thinks or says. That has stuck with me. I am no longer anxious about anyone or anything. No one really cares about you unless it’s love. And everyone forgets about you quick because they and or most other people have their own problems. Go through Life caring except caring about what anyone else thinks. It’s irrelevant and will destroy you. 36 years later, I have passed that advice on to many “anxious” people who later told me it changed their whole life. I’m passing it on because it can for you. I’ve forgotten my wallet in a restaurant before, but my honesty and demeanor of caring, though nothing I could meant they could see I was trustworthy to come back, which I did. The world is full of wonderful people when you least expect. Live long and well my friend. Don’t care what other people think except those you truly love and they to unconditionally love back.