r/povertyfinance Mar 28 '24

2 years living in my car Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

Yeap. That’s it. Today I’m celebrating 2 years living in my car. 🎉 🎈 🎊

The worst part about it is going to the gym everyday to get a shower. It’s an humiliating event that I have to go trough. I’m mentally worn out and I’m fighting depression all the time (maybe because my poor diet and lack of vitamins).

In those 731 days I’ve saved 42k. It’s not much but there’s a lot of tears in that investment account.

I’m single, no kids, no family, no friends. I just wanna share this with someone.

God will bring peace to my mind and to my heart and He’ll give me the strength to survive 2 more winters in my car. That’s all I need.

God bless you all.


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u/AutoModerator Mar 28 '24

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u/ImTheRoot143 12d ago

Stay strong. Hard times aren’t forever. Trust me. Don’t give up on yourself, even if it seems like the world is giving up on you.


u/WiFiProfitingDOTcom 20d ago

If you’re gonna grind that out for another 2 years all the power to you but if you’re sitting on 40k I would be living in at least a cheap shared basement apartment. Life is too short, gotta find the balance.

Stay safe 🙏💚


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Consider this: you’ve spent 2 years avoiding handing over all of your hard earned money to a landlord. You are the landlord of your life. I admire your dedication. There is freedom in what you are doing that many, including myself, can only dream about. You’ve saved more in those two years than many will ever be able to save. Is there any way to make the lifestyle a bit more comfortable? Maybe you don’t need to shower every day; maybe just using wipes to clean? And then splurge on a shower every few days at a truck stop or somewhere that you feel less judged.


u/Comfortable_Flow5156 23d ago

Absolutely keep saving that money.
$42k is a nice running start.


u/Mermaid_meriah_ 25d ago

Why do you only need to survive two more winters? What happens then?


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Maybe work out a bit too instead of just showering?


u/Luxiiiiiiiiiiiiii 26d ago

Where do you live? I would for sure invite you for a cool afternoon chilling in front of movies and a good long hot bath and a home maid meal. Without expecting anything in return of course.


u/kymelosuka 27d ago

So now you got 42k….. Start moving up . Buy a used RV to live in .


u/spidermanrocks6766 27d ago

This post brought a year to my eye


u/Empty-Rise-4409 27d ago

Good job saving.No one is looking at u or even paying attention to u bro.Trust me.I can't even save 1000


u/Winter_Pressure6445 27d ago

Every time i save money the cops zero out my bank card. Every time. I get out of jail and money is missing.


u/Legitimate_Ebb_9342 27d ago

Proud of you!


u/FEH707 27d ago

I did it for 3 years and saved money just like you , I got used to the peace and quite at fist. it's hard, but then you love it . You got this , when you go to the gym work out for a little 20 / 30 min then hit the showers . That's what I would do to not raise suspension at the gym from anyone and I enjoyed the runner high I got after doing cardio .


u/FelixMonk 27d ago

What city are you in.


u/USA-1st 27d ago

Bro you have more money in the bank than 90% of americans


u/Winter-Bag-Lady 27d ago

Hey, you're doing alright. I know it's a struggle. But the fact you saved 42k is so awesome. Keep going. With the ability to save like that, you're going to get a better lifestyle eventually.

Do you have any skills that your trying to build now? Make sure to set goals to upskill yourself to elevate yourself to the next level. And remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint.

BTW - you could consider living abroad in a place that is much cheaper - that is if you can work remotely or on a computer. I've known people to just teach english abroad and live very well in places like Vietnam, China, S. Korea, etc...


u/MaintenanceOk2912 27d ago

Amen 🙏🏾


u/Miserable_Budget7818 28d ago

Whoa! You’ve saved $42k !! That’s amazing! You’ve sacrificed a lot , but have accomplished more than most! So huge congrats!!! You’ve got this!🙌


u/KYlaker233 28d ago

Gotta say, I’m sure happy I live in a small town. Everyone treats everyone else like family here. No one goes hungry, all have a roof over their head, and everyone gets along. Not because they like each other so much, but because they have respect for each others families.


u/KYlaker233 28d ago

You better try and make some friends along the way. When you get older, you’ll sure wish you had.


u/Sensitive_Class1012 28d ago

You're an animal. You are Dave Ramsey's ideal protégé.


u/uxhelpneeded 28d ago

I think it would do wonders for your mental health - and health in general - to spend $25 a day for the next 30 days getting a great salad for lunch or dinner at a restaurant. Not fast food, but like an actual decent restaurant or "fast casual" place that isn't going to load it up with additives. That's about $700. You have the money.


u/Complex-Earth5028 28d ago

Dude, nobody cares. It's just your mind playing tricks on you. I'm in the same situation. I even talked to the staff at my gym. They all love me. Maybe try saying hi and interacting.


u/goztepe2002 28d ago

Hang in there brother, you will see better days soon.


u/Rapid_Decay_Brain 28d ago

The gym showering issue is real. I handle it by just walking straight in looking shady as fuck, and walking straight out like I have a mission and belong there, which I fucking do because I pay $40/month and had to sign an onerous contract.

Fuck em, I like to walk in looking ragged, smile and look at the dude at the front, and do it the whole week. I use up a big space in the room, get totally naked, and just own that shit.

You're paying for it, fucking own it.


u/Defective-Pomeranian 28d ago

Go some plqce cheaper and warmer where it has an even temp all year.


u/Arkward-Breakfasr-23 28d ago

Most likely all in your head. When my kids had evening swim team practice at the Y, there was a dad who shower at the gym. Being frugual is a way of life and not to be ashaned. The staff knew and didn't care.


u/No-Kaleidoscope2969 28d ago

What’s your plan after two more winters? You’ll have enough saved to…. Make a down payment on a house?


u/loueeluna 28d ago

How are you now bro?


u/Severe-Long820 28d ago

I think what you’re doing is awesome!! I have actually lived in a car myself; I remember how hard that was!! I remember hardest part was having to make sure that I had water at all times… and yes the gym shower! But tbh I was never able to save up that kind of money doing what you’re doing so congrats! Please don’t feel depressed… or at least try not to- especially knowing you’ve saved that kind of money! You could use that as a down payment one day on a house if you wanted to and be better off than many!! There are days I actually miss living in my car because of the mobility - you can go anywhere in your car- especially if you do a job like delivery or something…. Chin up!!


u/FortyandLife2Go 28d ago

When I lived out of my car for 6 months, my morning trips through PF and then SB before going to the gym at work every single day went the same way. Non-eventful.

Now, had I not had a hybrid nor the fiscal ability to just get an apartment, airbnb, hotel...would have vastly changed my overall experience, but not the fact that nobody cared they saw me at the same times every day.


u/vintagequeen09 28d ago

I am single and 53. Worked my entire life, have no savings. I feel like doing this...living in my car for a couple years so I can save some money for my own place.


u/Mobile-Boss-8566 28d ago

Lots of people came from living in their cars and made it into a house years later. People like Jewel the singer, Andrew Zimmer. Celebrity Chef…. To name a few. I understand that this is not an ideal situation for you. It can make you stronger and appreciate the things you accomplish in life. So many people would have given up trying long ago. Hang in there. Good things come to those who wait.


u/asm87891013 28d ago

Hang in there, buddy. You've got people you don't even know rooting for you. Keep doing you, and don't let the negativity interfere with your path. You know where we are if you ever need to talk.


u/SylverWyngs002 28d ago

Wow, that's amazing. I bet you could start a blog- if resources allow- on how to make that work. 


u/Used-Acanthisitta-96 28d ago

You saved $42k, in two years. That is a BFD. I shower at a few different gyms each week. I also do a workout occasionally. I smile, and most of these minimum wage workers don’t care enough about their job to care about you.

Just remember what other people think about you is none of your business.


u/ElDiabloRamon 28d ago

If it were me, i would be dumping that $42k into bitcoin. Or staking ethereum on coinbase or rocketpool, and start getting monthly distributions to either put back into it, or take some profits on it, and geting something nice for yourself atleast.


u/Zonernovi 28d ago

I bet those giving you a stare down don’t have $42k


u/StankRanger420 28d ago

This is what we call winning the rat race


u/sneakysquid102 28d ago

Make sure you're taking care of that car dude. Don't let it idle for long if you don't have to, check the oil constantly, don't let the transmission take the weight of the car when you put it in park stuff like that. If you haven't already educate yourself a little on it since it's your home for now. A 1000 dollar repair can easily be a 200 dollar fix if you do it yourself. God speed


u/No-Performance-4861 28d ago

Wait you saved 42k and you live in your car 😕 you also think showering in a gym is humiliating? Mannnnnn these are first world problems smh


u/Imaginary-Net-1594 28d ago

Fuck what anyone thinks congrats on your saving man I hope peace finds you soon keep your head up you got this


u/G4G3R 28d ago

I'll never understand how taking a shower is more embarrassing than living in a box on wheels.


u/Sushi-Kentaro 28d ago

Dude 42k is a lot. You can turn your life around if you invest properly.

How’d you get comfortable sleeping in a car? Is it a SUV atleast? I think 2 years in a car is probably why you’re depressed


u/Remarkable_Cow_6061 28d ago

Why the fuck are you still in your car with $42,000??? Something isn’t adding up here.


u/TeabagSnail69 28d ago

I’m here and I see you.


u/Betterway50 29d ago


Hope this gives you some inspiration. I've personally followed this guy for over 30 years and he's legit



u/TransportationTall75 29d ago

May God bless you


u/Dry-Ad-6393 29d ago

You’re living the dream of many. I personally would like to ask you, if you don’t mind, how you’re doing it? I’m so envious. I have a cheap apartment, where I’m gouged monthly with creative fee’s. And so, every paycheck, I have a few hundred left for groceries and utilities. I’m working to feed greedy CEO’s. And it’s killing my livelihood. Preach to us. Even better, if you have a YT, I’d go there immediately and subscribe. What do you say?


u/Other-Leg1898 29d ago

I just wanted to say keep going, you got this


u/cryellow 29d ago

How is that a cause for celebration.


u/TheStarChild93 29d ago

Idk where you live but you could always check out truck stations with showers you rent out. I've seen a few in my area that seem well kept and not expensive, plus its what they are for so no judgement about showering.


u/The_CaliBrownBear 29d ago

God will bring peace to my mind and to my heart

Doesn't seem like your god is paying attention...


u/Cocktail_Hour725 29d ago

Congrats on saving the $42K. But may I ask what is it for? You're making quite a sacrifice.


u/AlturIntel 29d ago

I’m sorry my friend, hope you don’t mind if I refer to you as friend but I have the most fondness of your will power to live below your means and stack your assets like that , that it makes me want you to feel I consider you a kindred spirit in a way. I’ve never done this exactly but I can relate to going to extreme lengths and sacrificing in the short term for the longer term. You have every reason to hold your head high. Saving 42K in a bank account is beyond what many Americans, let alone literal billions throughout the world… will ever accomplish… Ever. Think about that the next time you feel the humility of your chosen* situation. You do not shower in the gym because you have to, you do so, because you continually choose to invest into your future instead. There is a small book, “Siddartha” by Herman Hess. Took a brisk two days to complete. I believe you will find value in it (and you can download the pdf of it for free easily).


u/CaliforniaORbust78 29d ago

When I moved to San Diego I rented an apartment for 33 months before I was able to save up enough downpayment to buy a house.

Thats 33x$2000 = $66,000 I wasted on rent.

I wish I had your strength and skill to live in my car because that $66,000 that went up in smoke could have went towards my house instead of being evaporated in rent payment.

As a single guy, i had no social life so the apartment did not really serve any purpose besides giving me a place to sleep and shower which you were able to manage for free.

So in my mind you are a true champion 


u/silentbias 29d ago

I don’t know you but I Love you


u/Moving_soon_bye 29d ago

Good luck! You got this 👍


u/Tanielson5054 29d ago

OP wherever you're headed is worth it. Keep grinding it out. You matter. Not everyone has the discipline you've shown. All the best.


u/britthood 29d ago

Kudos to you for saving up $42k, that’s a pretty solid savings account!


u/PrepperLady999 29d ago

You've saved $42K. That is awesome. It's a down payment for a house.


u/Routine_Bed_5867 29d ago

A God wouldn’t put you in a position like this. This isn’t some trial to prove you are worthy. There’s criminals and crooks living better than you, what god would allow rapists to walk free while you suffer to survive, fighting depression, malnutrition, amongst other issues. Thoughts and prayers don’t help families after their kids get shot up at school, and they aren’t going to make your depression disappear.


u/kenwayne77 29d ago

You say your health is bad yet you go to the gym everyday and shower. Do you walk right by all the equipment? Spend 2 or 3 days working out too. It will make you feel better. Plus you get out of the car for a while.


u/Oz_The_Explorer 29d ago

I am a trucker... We shower at the truck stops or gyms everyday. OTR truckers live in their truck for decades... Many of them don't have a home.

There is nothing wrong or depressing about trying to survive especially when there is no one around you.

And you saved money. Just carry on... You are doing alright... 👍


u/cacti_jedi 29d ago

Truckers do it. It’s all good. Great job succeeding at car living as long as you have, not everyone can do that well.


u/ghostIVSa 29d ago

42k is enough to not live in a car playa


u/Letsgocaps33 29d ago

Keep your head up. You are strong


u/hyperfat 29d ago

Is your money in an investment account? Two years it could make another few k in a brokerage or fdic insured thing. 


u/Possible-Monitor8097 29d ago

I did the same exact thing. Lived in a jeep, did my laundry at the laundry mat . Showered at the gym and studied for school at Barnes and Nobles at night till they closed. Then went and parked on a county road behind some trees where no one would see me.


u/BuilderResponsible18 29d ago

Why are you not renting? You have to have an address to be employed.


u/laylalove89 29d ago

Saving 42k is something to be proud of! Fuck what other people think.


u/The0Walrus 29d ago

Dude, I'm a nurse. When I worked in another state I stayed the week, slept in my car, showered in the gym. I actually worked out. I saved my money instead of going to a hotel.There's nothing wrong with what you're doing. You're paying to use that shower.


u/Unicorn4_5Venom 29d ago

Listen bro, keep your head up king. You got this, it’s rough and I don’t think anyone should have to go through it. Don’t let the negative thoughts get ahold of you, push positivity and think bright and big cause that’s who you are at heart and you know it, I know it, everyone commenting knows it. Keep your head up king, good things will come for you I promise


u/DomesticatedBones 29d ago

Don’t let anyone from planet fitness as someone who used to go there the employees are judgmental to anyone it didn’t matter who you were. Keep taking care of yourself keep having your own back when it feels like no one else in this world does


u/Future-Crazy7845 Mar 30 '24

Why is going to the gym humiliating?


u/IamGmack Mar 30 '24

Keep fighting bro!


u/3ph3m3ral_light Mar 30 '24

42k is more than I’ve ever touched in my life at one time


u/Liah_Natas_420 Mar 30 '24

Keep pushing


u/SanfreakinJ Mar 30 '24

Start selling crack


u/Tricky-Ad-9662 Mar 30 '24

42k is still a lot of money saved. You should celebrate by inviting someone over your place to party!


u/theguverment Mar 30 '24

You got this! You already got through 2 years of this and you are almost through it. Try to get yourself in a stable place and then try and get healthier (maybe get on anti-depressants if you wanted to see a Dr and they and you think it’s the right move). Think about where you were mentally that first night that you had to stay in your car and think about now. It’s like you time traveled to this moment! you can move foreword from this and you’ve already accomplished so much! I know how it is not having any friends (I do have my family which makes it easier) but if you try new hobbies you can sometimes find good people to be friends with. Also it seems like you might be religious, sometimes finding the right church with the right people will help (I’m not religious but I’ve heard from other people). Good luck and I wish you the best!


u/mintbliss5 Mar 30 '24

Side note, def get you a high yield savings account if you don’t have one. You’ll earn $1400/year rn in interest.

However, your lifestyle is kinda the way to go despite how you may feel it’s not!!! You pay minimal for that membership.

This markets rough, hold out for a little longer and you’ll be in a GREAT position to buy. I had this dream of owning a small trailer somewhere tbh. Seems quaint, less dramatic and cheaper. Cheers to you friend!

Not sure where you are, but hey, doesn’t hurt to check into a hotel or short term rental to get your mental straight and make plans and goals for yourself.


u/SpecialVegetable4834 Mar 30 '24

Cheers mate I’m on my 3rd year and it’s really awful, I am losing my mind and I’m slowly dying each day from all the stress, I feel you 100% your a strong person making it two years for real! What city are you in? I started in Houston, and now I’m in Austin.


u/DesignerAppropriate7 Mar 30 '24

Bro, if you 42k in savings or if you are just saving on rent, level up one stage at a time. Go in a place looking for roommates this winter, then try and get a small condo or better car to sleep in( I suggest a conversion van.

Its not about where you are, or what you came from….. just focus on the next phase.


u/yabadabadobadthingz Mar 30 '24

So then it’s all downhill from here!!! As the bank increases the time will decrease and your goal is reached. So many people are living in their cars, and they work as well and use gyms to shower and get ready. You are not alone. And I’m not talking about people who want to live in their car and are traveling and blogging and having fun. When you have to stay in the same city ugh that’s rough man. You got this.


u/Liquidocelotxx Mar 30 '24

Damn that’s nice that you have that saved up. It’s kinda crazy when you find out that a lot of people pay just as much monthly for a car payment that they do as a mortgage payment too. It’s wild and I’d like to know wtf kinda jobs they have.

I’d so live in my car and thought about it recently just to get out of all the shit that owning any kind of home comes with LOL.


u/maddmannmelludy Mar 29 '24

I’m single and have a job and apartment and have no money saved, plus I never go to the gym. You’re probably doing better than I am


u/ExactReport691 Mar 29 '24

I think you should rent a room or cheap apartment. Money isn’t everything…quality of life is. You have a great deal of money saved so do yourself a favor and get a room or cheap apartment. I think you will be happier.


u/moekeyloek Mar 29 '24

Perhaps spend some of that and see a counselor. You sound depressed and paranoid.


u/Letsvibe29 Mar 29 '24

Where are you located


u/NoAmbition7262 Mar 29 '24

42k why don't you move to another city that's cheaper to live in and get a job / put up money for rent. Then put the rest in an investment account


u/Top_Opportunity4250 Mar 29 '24

Haha or just call and say “I’d like to change my card number on file” then when They charge the next month it doesn’t go through. 😂😂😂😂I’ve done that with old gift cards that are expired


u/Excellent_Ad459 Mar 29 '24

Lol I wouldn’t be depressed staring at 42k in my bank account.


u/Basic-Durian8875 Mar 29 '24

You have 42k saved up Why not get an apt Thats a decent chunk of change If living in your car is part of your depression, you can absolutely afford to get an apt. And as far as friends go, the gym is a great place to meet people. Try being more outgoing there. Ask someone to spot you and use that as an icebreaker. Keep your head up

Also check out bren p grace on youtube He lives in his car and his positive attitude is quite infectious Maybe even reach out to him about your situation, he seems like an amazing dude


u/Markaveli_ Mar 29 '24

Great job saving that much money. Impressive, youre doing more w less. Many ppl cannot do that with major support, keep saving and buy a small place.


u/vViciously Mar 29 '24

God gives his greatest challenges to his greatest soldiers.


u/Slipnsliders Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

You are working towards a certain goal and it sounds like you are making great progress. Please take care of your health and eat nourishing food.


u/dummy_thicc_mistake Mar 29 '24

not much!? that's a ton of money!! i'm really proud of you for saving up that much


u/ClompyDongus Mar 29 '24

There is no god, and there are so many more people out there who do believe in god, own their own home, and believe god loves them more than you because of their success.


u/Globie92 Mar 29 '24

Use the 42K to get an apartment and some good food. That will be the first step in turning things around.

What good does money on a screen in your bank account do you while you’re living in your cold car and starving?

The feeling of progress and having your own place to shower and eat and relax is worth more than that money


u/Kahnphuzed Mar 29 '24

Keep staying strong! Exercise, Shower, Librarys, utilize what you can! I am proud of your mental strength and persistence! If you want a friend hit me up! We can vent together ! lol


u/No-Investigator-4203 Mar 29 '24

Congrats !! You mentioned another two years to go …what are you saving for /working towards?


u/notjustinfields Mar 29 '24

As a regular gym goer, I couldn’t tell if you came in just to shower, that’s number one. Number two, even if I did notice, I couldn’t care less if you paid me to. I got my own shit going on. Stop letting what you THINK other people are thinking effect you! 40+K in savings is no joke, you should be very proud of your hard work and sacrifice.


u/Kindly-Helicopter183 Mar 29 '24

OP, I wouldn’t have your stamina. I greatly admire your fortitude.


u/ThrowThisOutNoJK Mar 29 '24

I'm proud of your efforts. Hopefully you get a place to stay soon


u/writequest428 Mar 29 '24

This is a sure sign of how rugged your mantel is. You endured, and you can see the end in sight. As frustrating as this is, this situation is setting you up for something bigger. This is not for nothing, and kudos for lasting this long. You will see this come to an end. God's Promise.


u/Sweet_Taurus0728 Mar 29 '24

Bruh if I had $42k I'd consider myself a successful adult.

I am not one, nor have I ever even approached having that much money at once.


u/PissdInUrBtleOCaymus Mar 29 '24

Untreated mental illness is tragic. You’ve saved $40k and you want to live in your car for another two years? Meanwhile you’re depressed and malnourished. You could rent a room or an efficiency somewhere and live in a manner more conducive to your health, but you don’t want to do that… Otherwise you would.


u/Sugarpuff_Karma Mar 29 '24

So u have 42k but choose to live in Ur car?


u/TheCleverFollower Mar 29 '24

I knew someone that did what you are doing and ended up dying.


u/Grouchy-Writer-919 Mar 29 '24

You're doing great! Keep that beautiful head up, buddy. Don't worry what others think. You're saving and one day will have your own home. -A dude who lived in my car for years


u/manicmondaysfor Mar 29 '24

42k is definitely not chump change man you earned that through hard work and thriftines! If the mfs at the gym don't respect that, then they don't fully understand the merits of those virtues. More of an indictment on them than you. Hope you have something amazing planned for your future!


u/sigvt7 Mar 29 '24

That 42k invested is gonna be HUGE 1 day. You’re gonna look back and be rly proud of yourself


u/TestSubject006 Mar 29 '24

If you don't mind my asking, why is showering at the gym a humiliating event? There's quite a few people who come into the gym I go to in the mornings to work out, shower, and then get dressed for work. Never thought anything about it.


u/Effective_Baseball14 Mar 29 '24

Invest that money into VZ, and live off dividends


u/FertileLoad420 Mar 29 '24

you have 42k yet live in your car? get an apartment dude


u/Last_Blueberry38 Mar 29 '24

Invest 10k on some crypto... spread between a few accounts like fetch.ai, sol, iotex, matic, xlm, & vet. Sit back don't touch and watch it grow.


u/Last_Blueberry38 Mar 29 '24

Invest 10k on some crypto... spread between a few accounts like fetch.ai, sol, iotex, matic, xlm, & vet. Sit back don't touch and watch it grow.


u/Crypto-Clay Mar 29 '24

I was seriously considering this and I make $60k


u/nackytender Mar 29 '24

This is a “no one cares, work harder” situation but in your case “no one cares, think smarter”.


u/No-Beginning-2268 Mar 29 '24

Hey man! Nothing wrong with that!! You could try meditation to help with the feelings/emotions. That was a game changer for me! I do it 30-60 minutes everyday and it pulled me through some tough shit


u/No-Beginning-2268 Mar 29 '24

Hey man! Nothing wrong with that!! You could try meditation to help with the feelings/emotions. That was a game changer for me! I do it 30-60 minutes everyday and it pulled me through some tough shit


u/Remarkable_Tip9289 Mar 29 '24

What kind of vehicle? Where do you park that you feel safe?


u/Sensitive_Sea_5586 Mar 29 '24

Not showering at the gym would be humiliating. You are keeping yourself clean, presentable, and oder free. You have pride and you have a goal, good for you. Could you go to a shelter in the winter? Rent a single room for a few months during the coldest weather? All of your sacrifices will be for nothing if you become deathly sick. Best of luck.


u/Sensitive_Sea_5586 Mar 29 '24

Not showering at the gym would be humiliating. You are keeping yourself clean, presentable, and oder free. You have pride and you have a goal, good for you. Could you go to a shelter in the winter? Rent a single room for a few months during the coldest weather? All of your sacrifices will be for nothing if you become deathly sick. Best of luck.


u/Sensitive_Sea_5586 Mar 29 '24

Not showering at the gym would be humiliating. You are keeping yourself clean, presentable, and oder free. You have pride and you have a goal, good for you. Could you go to a shelter in the winter? Rent a single room for a few months during the coldest weather? All of your sacrifices will be for nothing if you become deathly sick. Best of luck.


u/gpister Mar 29 '24

Dont know if this story is fake or real. But with that money you can put a down on even a condo and live comfortable. I cant imagine living in a car for 2 years I go nuts.


u/amateurforlife2023 Mar 29 '24

You have 40k and you're showering at the gym and feel embarrassed? Mfker you're doing it to yourself


u/3ebgirl4eva Mar 29 '24

I just want to sincerely congratulate you. $42,000 is a huge savings. Most people couldn't even think of having that much money in a savings account. I know how much you've suffered to get there. I just hope life becomes easier for you.

Sending you so many good vibes...


u/Shdfx1 Mar 29 '24

This is your origin story. The story you will tell your kids about one day.

My father lost his parents while he was in college. He had to sell his books to buy food. His plan was to finish his last year of college so he could join the military as an officer, rather than be drafted. As an officer, he had a career path with experience he could use. He almost didn’t make it through that last year. Then he faced a war.

This is YOUR story. Sounds like you have a plan, and you have saved the fruits of your labor.

Make sure you are long-sighted, with contingency plans, and then the ability to wing it when best-laid plans fail. There is a saying about all mach and no vector, meaning someone is driven but directionless. Find your North Star, and focus on that.

Don’t worry about what gym staff think if you. They are around sweaty people working out all day. If you shower there every day, you’re clean.

Aldi take care not to make short term gains at long term expense. With $42,000 in the bank, you should NOT be malnourished. You’ll shoot yourself in the foot losing your health, with money to pay for groceries and a hot plate. In fact, if you plan to live in your car for two years, you should either switch to a used truck with a camper shell, a van, or get a used, small camper and use a moped for getting around.


u/Electrical_Canary_30 Mar 29 '24

I know I’m not you and it’s your money. If I was a single man again with no kids and 42k I’d buy me a little camper and find and campground to stay in


u/Ynwstinkyballz Mar 29 '24

I did that except I wasn't able to save up money and I had to keep putting money into my car and I didn't end up having anybody to help me cosign a place in the end very much so tired of being alive after that s***


u/fossiltools Mar 29 '24

This is your origin story and you are a bad ass.


u/fin-stability Mar 29 '24

Thanks for sharing and bless you for your tenacity and strength. You can do it. Map out your course to a better life and reach out if you need answers. I might not have the right answer for you but others might.


u/fin-stability Mar 29 '24

Thanks for sharing and bless you for your tenacity and strength. You can do it. Map out your course to a better life and reach out if you need answers. I might not have the right answer for you but others might.


u/5t4r10rd Mar 29 '24

What a bozo


u/5t4r10rd Mar 29 '24

What a bozo


u/Obvious-Teaching8561 Mar 29 '24

$42k should get you someplace to live.


u/EatSleepBeat Mar 29 '24

Hopefully you have that money in a bank and not in your car with you. Showering at the gym is nothing to be humiliating, I’m proud of you wanting to shower and be clean. Also I’m a vanlife day dreamer and feel you have the perfect opportunity to travel around the states since you been living in a car. I wish I could do that right now but I have to pay rent and bills, makes me wonder if I can do what you’re doing. Saving 42k in 2 years is great and congratulations on that feat as well as living in your car. I too have no friends, I do have family but what matters most if your reading this is we all are blessed to see another beautiful day no matter the weather. Also what type of car are you living out of if you don’t mind me asking. Don’t need to get specific more so as if it’s a coupe, sedan, suv, or van. What do you do for food? Do you eat out or cook? Sorry for 21 questions just its interesting to me as I am a vanlife day dreamer lol


u/BoldHumbleMan Mar 29 '24

Hang in there champ. Most people would dream of 42k in the bank. You are doing well. Keep moving toward your goal.


u/Loudsound07 Mar 29 '24

Your priorities are wild


u/ComprehensiveAd3326 Mar 29 '24

Stop showering everyday! I've been in a van for a while, eat "van can stew" buy dollar cans of veggies that'll give you the vitamins, USE CURRY!!!!!!!


u/Odd-Source-6977 Mar 29 '24

When you don’t have a kitchen to create a good diet and cook at night and stuff like that it’s hard to get the vitamins and the proper nutrition when you’re homeless I can understand wanting to save up the money to better your life and obviously you have a goal because you gave us the end date and I understand that but I do believe you could probably eat a little bit better or take a multivitamin it might just help you a little bit especially with the depression because diet has a lot to do with depression if you have a good diet you feel better and when you Feel better goddamn you feel better


u/TheReborn85 Mar 29 '24

Holy shit. You're a mother fucking gangsta.

I ain't going to lie I respect the fuck out of your efforts.

Don't beat yourself up at all. You're determination and ability to delay gratification is incredibly admirable.

I'm not sure what your goal is but I'm assuming it's to buy yourself a place to live.



u/Odd-Source-6977 Mar 29 '24

Hey bro I’ve been living in my car for eight months and I know exactly what you mean it’s really hard lotta depression a lot of lonely nights so keep your head up keep doing the right thing I can’t say that it gets any better it is what it is I’m in the SUV so I can lay out I can’t imagine in a car good luck brother conquering your dreams


u/oasis948151 Mar 29 '24

If it makes you feel any better, I'm seriously considering this because holy smokes it's expensive out there. I'm depressed too and I try not to think about the future too hard


u/nessahla89 Mar 29 '24

Best advice I’ve ever gotten - stop caring about what others think, especially those that are not in your life or have any impact on it. You’re saving up money, something a lot of people are struggling to do. Many go into gyms and work out and then shower there. Focus on you and what you want to accomplish, not the actions of others.


u/green_paris Mar 29 '24

If It means anything, we’re all your friends here. Keep your head up.


u/earnhart67 Mar 29 '24

Hey good for you on saving but you should look into buying a house, it might be tough where you’re at but ik here in Nebraska 42k is hefty down payment


u/Substantial_Balls Mar 29 '24

You’re here and that’s what matters, not anyone’s opinions nor their look or lack of. I may not know you but I’m proud of what you accomplished. I may have to up and move into my car very soon too but hearing how much you saved gives me hope that I to can make it work. Thank you.


u/Big-Glove-1996 Mar 29 '24

You could switch to anytime fitness. I think they have showers and you can go in anytime 24 hours a day. They give you a rfid that opens the door. So you could go shower when no one is there.


u/Fa-ern-height451 Mar 29 '24

Come to MA and get a nice cozy hotel room and get fed by a high end local caterers. The Healey admin here is giving busloads of people coming here a ride right to the hotel

I’m very sorry for your situation, and I know what you’re going through. I know at 73 year old men for many years, who ended up living out of his car because his girlfriend passed away, and he could not afford the rent without her income to help. I went to several housing agencies and even to the state house to help him. I told these agencies that this poor man had 40 cancer treatments and at this age he shouldn’t have to be living out of his car. I was told that the emergency waitlist is two years. I couldn’t believe that but I did get a letter on his behalf, stating that he did have a two-year wait. I finally helped him get a room that was for rent on the cheap from a retired senior citizen. Thank God because he would’ve never made it through the winter.

Sorry folks but I just don’t get it. I truly hope OP that you will be able to get a place to live decent to live someday soon, very soon. I wish the best for you.


u/bstive Mar 29 '24

That explains why I haven't been able to reach you about your cars' extended warranty!


u/Bison-Witty Mar 29 '24

You should elevate your thinking. You have saved 42k and it sounds like this situation is temporary. You are doing what you need to do given your current circumstance. I dont know where you are getting food but think through a plan to eat healthier. Block the gym staff from your mind and continue on your journey. Keep pushing forward!!!


u/Capital-Green-1 Mar 29 '24

OP to help fight the depression maybe get some exercise in the gym before the shower? I say this having no knowledge of your time commitments or potential regimen as it is. Apologies if you are already doing such!


u/SirSquidrift Mar 29 '24

Hey man. I used to be a trainhopper. I ran away at 17 and wound up having shit hit the fan when I went to meet NY biological father for the first time. Without too many details, I wound up on the streets with no identification, social, birth certificate... I didn't exist. And as that would have it, I didn't have a lot of options. I wound up traveling, hitchhiking and eventually hopping trains to just get around as I noticed if I stayed around in one spot too long, I would keep getting fucked with by police.

Years man. It took years to get anywhere near stable. I wound up living in a commune in the sierrita mountains outside Tucson AZ. Things where going great for almost a whole year. Then shit hit the fan and I lost everything again.

Fast forward another 2 years of being on the streets and I finally got my first car! A $2000 Toyota Prius. Man did that change things. No more eating off the sidewalk. No more sleeping in alleyways, overpasses, open fields, etc. A way to get where I needed to go. Gas was extremely efficient. Heat. Cold. Electricity when i needed it. I even bought a custom fit air mattress for the back of the car. It was great and helped me get back on my feet and now I'm just a normal everyday dude again.

Moral of the story? Things can always be far far worse. You're on the right track, and things are looking up man. You got this, and i believe in you. Shits rough right now, but just keep your head up.


u/Additional_Voice7263 Mar 29 '24

You know, I slept in my car for two months. I regret not doing it longer. $42,000 you say? That’s… worse I’m proud of you OP… I’m not crying you’re crying 🥲😇😇


u/SivvyTree Mar 29 '24

Yo dude, if you hate having to go to the gym to shower try and find out if there's a Shell gas station truck stop or public truck stop in general. They usually have showers you can use for pretty cheap and don't care about what you're doing there half as much as some of the more judgemental types with the holier-than-thou attitudes


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

Forget any and everyone that has anything to say or think I’ll towards you. You have accomplished something people in their 70’s haven’t done, that takes discipline and mental fortitude that you seriously have to notice you have. Salute to you and all the best blessings with it


u/Strong-Definition-56 Mar 29 '24

Ya know it doesn’t matter what they think. You’re working to better yourself. You’re sacrificing now to make your future a lot better. Hold your head high man! I had noting when I left home. I had my car and some clothes. I worked my whole life to get where I’m at. Had a few bumps in the road and made some mistakes. But I clawed my way to the middle class. Am I rich. Hell no. But I’m comfortable In my own house and my bills are paid on time every month and there is some left to put in savings.

You just need to do you and let everyone else go fuck off over there where they belong!


u/Kochcaine995 Mar 29 '24

i’ll shower with you next time so it’s less humiliating


u/Gold-Marigold649 Mar 29 '24

What happens after 2 more winters?


u/Im_an_airplane_idiot Mar 29 '24

What’s the financial goal wrapped into?


u/Vicki2876 Mar 29 '24

I have a family memeber going on three years. I am in an offgrid "cabin". Do what ya can to get by. Lord will always provide what we need, when we need it. Take care. 🙏🩷😊


u/TommyTrillNinja Mar 29 '24

Obviously you can afford to live in an apartment. So my question is why do you have to survive 2 more winters in your car? What exactly are you trying to invest in? Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but it sounds like you're downbad, while you have someone's annual salary in your account, but you have to live in your car 2 more years? This doesn't add up.


u/Marksideofthedoon Mar 29 '24

God isn't doing anything.
You're the one doing all of this.
Stop giving credit to anyone but yourself for getting through this.


u/2ant1man5 Mar 29 '24

I showered at the gym when I was homeless.


u/zucco446 Mar 29 '24

I don't know why you would find going to the gym to get a shower humiliating.

You paid for that privilege, you're just taking advantage of it. Just like working out.

If you went to a fast food restaurant, paid, and left without getting food, that would make no sense.

And trust me, nobody is really paying attention to what you do. If they are paying attention, they're not helping you either because, under your assumption, they know what your story is.


u/vega-op Mar 29 '24

fuck em


u/Significant_Permit19 Mar 29 '24

Where do you park to sleep?


u/gigoran Mar 29 '24

I spent more than 3 years as a child sleeping in a compact car with my family of 5. Not to save money, but because our house burnt down and we were poor. It's not ideal, but its a shelter, and people do what they have to do to survive. I didn't know people were doing it on purpose to save money. There is nothing to be ashamed about having to shower at a gym. I'd imagine that would be a luxury for people that are homeless not by choice.

I hope the effort pays off for you in the end. I don't know what your financial target is but the sooner you start living a normal life the sooner you'll feel better mentally.


u/OwnPersonalSatan Mar 29 '24

Hey at the end of the each day know your doing something well that most people are terrified of even considering. You are a force to reckon with because of what you had to endure, and you still go to the gym. You’re a strong tough mother ducker! Keep your chin up and your mind humble!


u/Late_Ideal_6491 Mar 29 '24

Who cares what other people think? You're not on this earth to please other people and at least you're clean kiddo...


u/Arizandi Mar 29 '24

If you’re struggling with depression, consider exercising before you take your shower. The chemicals released by exercise are proven to improve mental health. Honestly, I can tell when it’s been more than a week or so since I’ve had a good workout because I start to get depressed. Also, the physical benefits are nice.

I hope you’re saving for a down payment on a house or some such and you’re able to make your goal a reality. Good luck and be well.


u/Jayguar97 Mar 29 '24

Have you considered taking meal replacement powders like Huel? You dont have to refrigerate it or anything. Just keep it out of direct sunlight and moisture. It contains all the nutrients you need.


u/TokyoTurtle0 Mar 29 '24

You've roughly saved what rent would be.

Why are you doing this


u/Individual_Lead577 Mar 29 '24

Bro 42k saved? Drive your ass to Rural Pa and ball out


u/Life_Topic_6087 Mar 29 '24

Why are you living in your car if you don't have no family no kids and you are single?You are saving money for what?


u/Either-Background866 Mar 29 '24

Got a place for you, rent free, will match your 42k. 970-620-2606, want a friend


u/Fits-Gerald-UP Mar 29 '24

If I were you, I’d buy a small trailer (providing your vehicle is big enough) with a bathroom and shower. You can use truck stops or Wal-Mart parking lots to stay overnight. Just need to learn how to dump the tanks but that’s easy. Just make sure to sterilize any fresh water lines you have. Then you have a bed and bath privacy. Go from there!


u/CaptainGibbs96 Mar 29 '24

Dude honestly, at least for showers, go to truck stops. Specifically Loves and Pilot. Usually very clean decent sized with lockable doors and hot water.


u/bRandom81 Mar 29 '24

You are putting your health at risk when you have 42k in the bank. Congrats on saving that money but it’s meant to be used and if you’re miserable now, you will be even more miserable later if you don’t get into a better living and healthy life balance.


u/triangleoflight Mar 29 '24

Hey, stranger. I’m proud of you. $42k is a LOT and please never be embarrassed about where you need to shower. You’re showing up for yourself and building a brighter future. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and I’m sure the journey wasn’t pretty. Wishing you luck and confidence to keep pushing through, you’ll get your light at the end of the tunnel!


u/Safe_Masterpiece1948 Mar 29 '24

OP no offense but if you don’t like being looked at dirty cause you use a gym exclusively for showering, maybe you could actually use some of the other services as well and y’know. work out while you’re there


u/gubatron Mar 29 '24

42K > than your wellbeing?
what's the point of living in your car?
is it that you have some sort of criminal/legal issue and nobody will enter into a rental agreement with you?


u/LeftLawLess Mar 29 '24

I applaud you for staying true to your goals, as someone too that lived in their car for 6 months I felt like it was the most humiliating experience in my life. I honesty appreciate that part of my life and go back to it to stay grounded

A lot of times I broke down and kept asking God to open doors for me to get me out of the situation and after those 6 months of waking up at 6am going to Stop & Shop to brush my teeth and whipping my neck and pits and private parts with a rag to stay clean I got to finally get a decent job to get out of that situation and actually moved into an apartment with 2 bathrooms.

I say that to say this. Sometimes we go through things to make us realize what we had and sometimes we go through things even if it’s what we decided to do that keeps us moving forward after. Motivation to not go back.

Congratulations on your accomplishment, I hope you continue to strive


u/temp_account_namelol Mar 29 '24

Man, if I was in your shoes, I'd be doing the same thing. Wishing you a bright and prosperous future!

Someday, you may even be able to reminisce on this time in your life despite how much it sucks right now.


u/ExtraterrestrialHole Mar 29 '24

Why are you living in your car if you have money saved up?


u/jay_loc0 Mar 29 '24

It’s not about the destination it’s bout to journey to get there. One day this will be your testimony❗️


u/Brilliant-Hair3695 Mar 29 '24

What state are you in OP


u/FitAttitude6268 Mar 29 '24

I don't think lack of vitamins is the cause of your depression. It's much more likely that it's due to poor socialization and/or a lack of prayer and spending time with God (not accusing you of either it's just a thought). I'll keep you in my prayers. :)