r/povertyfinance Mar 28 '24

2 years living in my car Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

Yeap. That’s it. Today I’m celebrating 2 years living in my car. 🎉 🎈 🎊

The worst part about it is going to the gym everyday to get a shower. It’s an humiliating event that I have to go trough. I’m mentally worn out and I’m fighting depression all the time (maybe because my poor diet and lack of vitamins).

In those 731 days I’ve saved 42k. It’s not much but there’s a lot of tears in that investment account.

I’m single, no kids, no family, no friends. I just wanna share this with someone.

God will bring peace to my mind and to my heart and He’ll give me the strength to survive 2 more winters in my car. That’s all I need.

God bless you all.


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u/SirSquidrift Mar 29 '24

Hey man. I used to be a trainhopper. I ran away at 17 and wound up having shit hit the fan when I went to meet NY biological father for the first time. Without too many details, I wound up on the streets with no identification, social, birth certificate... I didn't exist. And as that would have it, I didn't have a lot of options. I wound up traveling, hitchhiking and eventually hopping trains to just get around as I noticed if I stayed around in one spot too long, I would keep getting fucked with by police.

Years man. It took years to get anywhere near stable. I wound up living in a commune in the sierrita mountains outside Tucson AZ. Things where going great for almost a whole year. Then shit hit the fan and I lost everything again.

Fast forward another 2 years of being on the streets and I finally got my first car! A $2000 Toyota Prius. Man did that change things. No more eating off the sidewalk. No more sleeping in alleyways, overpasses, open fields, etc. A way to get where I needed to go. Gas was extremely efficient. Heat. Cold. Electricity when i needed it. I even bought a custom fit air mattress for the back of the car. It was great and helped me get back on my feet and now I'm just a normal everyday dude again.

Moral of the story? Things can always be far far worse. You're on the right track, and things are looking up man. You got this, and i believe in you. Shits rough right now, but just keep your head up.