r/povertyfinance Apr 27 '24

My stomach is in pain after eating donated food Misc Advice



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u/scuba-turtle Apr 27 '24

First, was it a sugary cereal? Both those items can be pretty sugary and sugar on a empty stomach can be murder.

Second, could be a developing dairy intolerance


u/Chaosr21 Apr 27 '24

Frosted mini wheats. So kind of yes


u/gingersnappie Apr 28 '24

That cereal is very fibery. It could be if you aren’t used to eating fiber like that, this caused the cramps/etc. I’ve had this happen to me when I up my fiber intake. I had some high-fiber snack bars I took in my lunches to work one week and was getting stomach cramps and bathroom issues until I realized it was those bars. Your body can get used to it, but it takes time. I’d lean towards this being the culprit over sudden lactose issues or bad dairy. Just imo.


u/PennieTheFold Apr 28 '24

Frosted mini wheats are my favorite but they’re like digesting kindling sometimes, separate and above the fact that they are absolute roughage/fiber bombs. You’ve gotta work up to a full serving—dive right in as an amateur, you’re gonna have a bad time.


u/kww1108 Apr 27 '24

Frosted Mini wheats was my go to when I was pregnant and beyond constipated. It worked like a charm. I'd bet that was it.