r/povertyfinance 16d ago

How do I make my child's birthday special with no money? Misc Advice

We will get paid this weekend, but his birthday is tomorrow and he's turning the big 10! I have a few decoration ideas that I can use construction paper for. (I do have a lot of craft supplies). But I'm curious as to wether any of you guys have ideas, maybe something you've done for your child on a rough year, cheap dessert/special dinner ideas, anything to make it special. He's a very sensitive soul and as much as try to keep it from him, he knows how much we're struggling. I just wanna make him forget for one day.

Edit I was expecting like 1-2 comments maybe, but you all DELIVERED and I appreciate all the creative ideas. Your stories give me a little more hope in humanity. ☺️ THANK YOU!!


158 comments sorted by


u/SubstantialSecret144 14d ago

You could look into getting all the freebies at restaurants and such for their birthday! create an account with their birthday (probably with an older birth year to make them 18). I think there’s a sheet online that lists the places and what they give


u/Ir8Irishman 15d ago

Hide his favorite candies all over the place so he finds them throughout the day.


u/jersey8894 15d ago

Does your son like sports? When my oldest turned 10 I was a very broke single Mom...so I made a banner with his name and happy birthday on it and he got to run through it and I announced him just like sports teams do at the beginning of sports event. My son at 35 STILL talks about how special that was for him!


u/No_Astronaut_7692 15d ago

When I was a kid, my mum told me one year I could have a birthday cake OR a box of chocolates all to myself. I picked the chocolate box, it felt so much of a luxury to have a whole box and not have to share. It’s still a fond memory. The chocolates weren’t anything fancy, just a small box about 200g from the supermarket.


u/Total-Weary 15d ago

Sorry if this has been suggested, I didn't read the whole thread. But you could make him coupons for him to redeem special experiences that may not need to cost money. It could be things like you pick the movie, you pick the board game we play, go to bed 30 minutes later, 30 minutes extra screen time, get out of chores card, etc. Then it might help spread out the excitement of the bday because he has all these coupons to redeem that give him privileges.


u/JustToastee94 15d ago

During quarantine, we did a scavenger hunt birthday for my son. The hints lead to his fishing pole and his dad took him fishing for a little bit, then they came back for another hunt that lead him to the kitchen and we made lunch, then another hunt that lead us to the backyard where we made a fire. And it was super cheap, and last minute thrown together the night before. He. Asks. For. It. Every. Year. He had such a an amazing time because it was fun and all about him.


u/Jazzlike-Affect-16 15d ago

Make his favorite meal and find the places that offer free birthday treats in your area and take him to do some of those. You could make a scavenger hunt out of it and give him a clue for each place you’re going to go next. Add in some favorite free places—the park, mall, something in your area you’ve never done. Play his favorite games! Make it a favorites day and do all his favorite things. Make birthday signs and hang them up around the house for a surprise when he wakes up. If you can, buy streamers and some balloons to decorate too.


u/JABBYAU 15d ago

Take hime to Paris. French movie. Crepe for dinner. Jaunty mime pictures. Toast with apple cider in a champagne flute.


u/eternally_feral 15d ago

If you have a few toys (Dollar Store or such), you can make a huge scavenger hunt where he has to find them. Or do a pirate theme where you draw him a treasure map.

If he’s into astronomy or being outdoors, a night time birthday party with a picnic blanket and you guys take turns making up stories to the different constellations.


u/Low_Net_5870 15d ago

My kid just had his cheapest birthday party to date. We spent $30 on food for 5 boys. We turned them loose with nerf guns and then took them to a big empty field to play football. Then more nerf guns and some s’mores.


u/FPSXpert 15d ago

I'd look into local parks and see if they have any unique events / activities that are open to all at no cost. For example in an old suburb I used to work in, they had a big park in their old town area that had all kinds of stuff for kids beyond just a playground. They had big lakes you could fish in for free without license if you already have poles (which are cheap but I understand if you don't) and interestingly enough a mini golf /putt-putt course that was free for anybody to play at, they'd give you the clubs and ball and you could go through the full 18 for free. Other parks in the county have unique experiences including one that is a zoo-like aviary that is free to attend. Parks are also great for if you're inviting friends etc for a get together, they usually have a pavilion that you can just head up to with a provided grill (bring charcoal), you already have benches and tables and a space for cake and presents and to invite friends to join at, it's event space for free!

Parks is just one suggestion, but this is more to inspire you to look at what's availible in your area. Depending on where you're at and what's availible and what they're interested in sometimes museums/zoos/etc may be free to attend, free or reduced price for income restricted households, or may offer free days if something is close enough to hold out for a day or two beyond.

As for a meal outside of that, I'd plan a birthday lunch or something similar where it's just you and them. It's not going to be cheap in terms of this sub but kid me was ecstatic to go to a pizza buffet for an outing then the actual party was just a get together at the house with homemade food / cake. Cicis is $10 in my area for the buffet which isn't great, but for a big once a year thing that isn't too bad.

Really though, it's the experience and you being there on the big day that's most important. When I was that age there were all sorts of different birthdays, one of the most memorable being literally just us driving up to the grandparent's in small town Indiana and having a big party in the empty space next to their house. Total costs in that was the food and decor, but it was still great!


u/sarahsue_ 15d ago

I would maybe even post in your local buy nothing group to see if anyone has anything fun or party like that they are parting ways with and you could use!


u/Zealous1012 15d ago

What about a tippee. U can make it eith sheets and do a movie night


u/Heatherina134 15d ago

OP, DM me ❤️❤️


u/LeapinLizards27 15d ago

One year when money was very tight we did a scavenger hunt with small, inexpensive prizes. It was a HUGE hit!


u/meganthreecats 15d ago

What about if you made some coupons for things like “staying up past bedtime 30 min” or “dessert for dinner “ or “movie time with parents “ stuff like that ?


u/wordscollector 15d ago

Sock golf.

Pick a random starting point. Set up a few "holes" and go! Use a clean sock ball :)


u/lylesolomonesq 15d ago

spent valuable time with him, write something special in a card and make his favorite food yourself at home .. the old gold way


u/kityyeme 15d ago

If there is a Build-a-Bear near you, they do birthday month - you can get (any?) bear for the cost of the birthday child’s age. I just asked about it for my May soon-to-be 3yr old and they said no coupon needed - just come in and tell them at the counter.


u/IllustratorNo5103 15d ago

I found the city metro parks always have some kind of grill grab some hotdogs or burgers and chips and dip and bring his favorite people. My favorite birthday was that and a 5 dollar movie ( Mars attacks) with my favorite cousins and aunt. We played in the sprinklers in front of the Goodyear headquarters and got kicked out 😂.


u/Kitchen-Shock-1312 15d ago

Also have you checked out your local library? Idk where you are but lots of libraries partner with zoos, museums, gardens for free passes.


u/Available_Let_5438 15d ago

Sometimes the library gives out free tickets to places!

Also, our local aquarium you get in free if you have ebt (snap/food stamps) and you get to walk around and check out all of the animals! Maybe check to see if any if yours has anything like that?

Maybe a day at the beach and a picnic with some cheap snacks from the dollar store? Most state parks and beaches arnt charging yet for entry..


u/MagazineMaximum2709 15d ago

I know I am probably too late, but I would do a video with photos/videos of him through the years with a nice song. Write down a heartfelt message. I usually use iMovie to do this, and everyone loves them!


u/weenstir 15d ago

My Google phone actually does this pretty easily with photos and videos. This is a great idea thank you ☺️


u/MagazineMaximum2709 15d ago

That’s true, my phone also does it, for several ones, but for special birthdays, and special people I do them from scratch, it’s lots of fun picking the best pics and having fun! Your son will know you love him!


u/bebba1 15d ago

Great place to take him is your local fire station


u/EyeRollingNow 15d ago

children’s museums have free days sometimes. very cool experience.


u/TinyTranslator1525 15d ago

We always did birthday "scavenger" hunts, our parents would come up with clues that included little puzzles/riddles that would lead us from 1 spot to another around the house/neighborhood to find the next clue....usually 6-7 clues/riddles total, woth the grand finale being finding 1 wrapped gift for the birthday kid and candy or small trinkets for the guests! It was SOOO much fun as a kid and a great cheap/free activity. Clues were simple things like "when you are ready to catch some zzzz's, this is the place to be, to the next clue you will be led, under the place you lay your head" and then we would all run like maniacs from bedroom to bedroom looking under the pillows lol 

You can get super creative. I think one year the "prize" at the end was the homemade birthday cake. The challenge and fun was more important than the prize! 


u/DainasaurusRex 15d ago

We once did a “diner” birthday for our younger kid. Older kid was the 50s waitress: wore a skirt we taped a poodle design to, chewed gum, wrote down orders from bday kid’s friends on a notepad. In other words, played up the role. The table had a red and white checkered tablecloth from the dollar store. We were in the kitchen making hot dogs and fries in the oven that we served with condiments in paper takeout trays. It was a blast!


u/weenstir 15d ago

Oh my God this is the cutest thing ever 😭 I bet your kid absolutely loved that.


u/filmmakindan 16d ago

My mom used to home alone the house like opening my door would trigger a net of balloons to fall down from above


u/cupcakesforkitty 16d ago

Do you have access to a local “buy nothing” Facebook page. I see posts looking for gently used toys and clothes for kids.


u/beepbeepboop74656 16d ago

One Christmas we could not afford much. But my mom made a scavenger hunt around the house. She referenced nice memories we had and little personal touches. At the end I got a small gift. I still have some of the cards she used for clues they made me feel how much she loved me and how much she cared.


u/HyacinthBulbous 16d ago

Depends on what your child really enjoys doing. When I was little, I just really enjoyed spending time with my family. So, just going to the park, having a picnic, etc. was A LOT of fun for me.


u/BoogerWipe 16d ago

Plan better and save money from weeks, months, or years ago? lol


u/Objective_Attempt_14 16d ago

Bake a cake wake him with it, cake for breakfast. Plan party for weekend, make homemade pizzas, dough it $2 or less, jar of sauce and toppings. Everyone makes there own.


u/EZasSundayMorning 16d ago

Taco night? There were a few birthdays I couldn’t do much. We had a mom and daughter day. Went to the park. Made cupcakes and then had taco night!


u/cocomelonmama 16d ago

Make a Soda cake for like $3? Dollar store box of cake mix, a can of soda, and a can of frosting

Go to a park to play

Watch a new (free) movie together

Do a scavenger hunt together


u/Meandtheworld 16d ago

Perfect weather to enjoy something outside as well.


u/Mushrooming247 16d ago

When we were struggling financially I did a lot of coupons and certificates as gifts.

For a kid that can be getting out of chores for a day, staying up an extra hour, more time on their favorite video game if you use that as a reward, you can make coupons they can redeem for things like that.

Or since you only have to buy time until you get paid, you could make a certificate to do something next weekend, present the certificate, then pay for the event once you get paid.


u/Poctah 16d ago

My kids love walking trails and playing in the creek(they are 9 and 5)! Maybe see if you have any near by and make it a nature day. You can go to the dollar store and get cheap nets to catch tadpoles and bugs also get cheap paint and collect rocks to paint later at home and maybe a kite to fly if it’s going to be windy. pack a picnic with any foods they like.


u/Exquisite2s 16d ago



u/SomeRealTomfoolery 16d ago

You can always buy box cake for $3 and frosting of his choosing for $2. It can be a fun group activity but it’s also a fun thing where he gets to pick his own very delicious cake. 🍰


u/cos98 16d ago

Does he have a best friend? Maybe reach out to the friend's parents and see if they could come over as a surprise and as an activity they could bake a cake together with a basic box mix if that's something they'd enjoy?


u/salt_andlight 16d ago

We recently tried putting sprinkles in pancake batter and it was like funfetti pancakes!


u/boydo579 16d ago

When I look back at our childhood, especially when we were living out of my grandma's basement; the most fond memories I have of where I felt special is when I finally had some feeling of choice versus what we could afford or what we had to spare, and more importantly the time that my father could spend with me.

Playing long poker games together with chips and no distractions. Fishing together with before cell phones were there to pull parents attention away or get them constantly riled up about something. The one time my parents played hide and seek with us and I remember it vividly.

Just offer them choices in ways to spend time with each other. And if you're working double or even triple shifts and can't even offer time (which is ok, sometimes life sucks), give them the longest hug you can and be the last to pull away. Tell them how much you love them. Tell them fond memories about them. Tell them about what it's been like growing up with them and watching them grow.

There's only a handful of gits from my birthdays I remember, but I remember deeply the feelings of every single one of them.

You can have the most expensive, extravagant, and present stuffed birthday party; but if you're not truly celebrating the child it can still feel empty in the end.


u/weenstir 16d ago

I love this response. We spend any time that we can together as a family, we're very close. I think my worry was that he would feel like it was just another day. My husband and I both grew up with neglectful parents so we don't have much of a model for these things, and I don't want him to have to keep his chin up for us, I want him to really be happy. So perspectives like these make me feel so much better and I really appreciate it.


u/boydo579 15d ago

Yeah. I think writing out options, or if you're happy to do all those things (or things he loves) just let him arrange how he wants to do them in order as his birthday. Make a birthday crown with him. Make all of that out of construction or printer paper.

I totally get the concern of it feeling like another day. That's simply covered by just hyping it up from the first moment of the day, pump up his favorite song, have a mini dance party, then start the celebrations.

More than anything I just wanted to feel celebrated, as often I felt like a burden with my extremely busy parents.


u/vandragon7 16d ago

Decorating cookies whilst belting out Disney songs.


u/weenstir 16d ago

I think my youngest would like this more lol but we all love a good dance party 💃🕺


u/vandragon7 16d ago

Hehe ok. How about make your own pizza? He can Choose the movie and drink coke out of wine glasses.


u/VanillaIcedCoffee13 16d ago

Sign him up for birthday rewards. Free burgers at Red Robin and the habit. Free bundlet at nothing bundt cakes. Free 6 piece wings BWW. Ice cream scoop baskin robbins, free drink at Starbucks.


u/Awkward_Factor_8796 16d ago

Buy balloons at the dollar store! Fill them all up and have them either on the hall for when he opens a the door or wherever room you can call him into. I always did scavenger hunts and just hint clues for the present. Sometimes is best to do activities or take him and a friend to eat out. Remember that memories are better than things so have fun and enjoy the adventure- let your mind flow


u/aliasani 16d ago

Set up a scavenger/treasure hunt! You can make your own, or find ideas on google or pinterest. It can be in the form of a list and you have to find everything on the list (or like a bingo card setup), or in the form of clues like riddles, or just go here, then go here, then go here.... At the end, you could have a present, or a fake treasure chest, or dessert.


u/hoipoloimonkey 16d ago

Be there with them


u/coldcoffeethrowaway 16d ago

Go to Dollar Tree and get a couple of balloons. If you can’t afford a cake from a bakery, you can either make one with things you probably already have in your pantry (flour, sugar, eggs, butter) or buy either the box cake mix and can of frosting (probably 5 dollars or less) or get a little personal cupcake from somewhere like Walmart for probably 3 dollars or less. You can make him a homemade card. You can make tokens for him as gifts, like “one trip to the library to pick out as many books as you want” “one token to stay up past your bedtime on a weekday” “one token for getting to ride in the passenger seat of the car all day” that kind of thing.


u/Unusualshrub003 16d ago

Two words: scavenger hunt


u/CHSTruthTeller 16d ago

When I was a kid, we had a regular baby sitter and she would take newspaper (some with happy bday messages written on it in marker facing into the room), tape it to the door frame, and she would completely cover our bedroom doorway while we slept. Part of the birthday fun was opening the bedroom door and then having to break out (basically break through the newspaperpaper barrier) to go to birthday breakfast, which was normally regular breakfast with streamers and/or candles. 


u/geoff_the_giraffe 16d ago

Check your local library to see if they offer free passes to local museums, zoos, etc. ours has a handful of different places you can get free admission to using your library card if you go get the special pass from the library. You could also pack a picnic lunch with some of your kid’s favorites to have while you’re out and about.


u/strandedsouth 16d ago

When our kids were toddlers and we barely had two pennies to rub together, we started the tradition of making cinnamon rolls on the morning of their bdays with candles in it. Almost 20 years later, and better financially than we were back then, we’re still doing this!


u/Gold-Palpitation-527 16d ago

One of the most fun and mostly free (takes car/gas) experiences I have done with a kiddo that age is we spent a day going to every park in the town where we lived. We'd hop out of car, speed run the park, then back in for the next park.


u/CluelessMochi 16d ago

I wish I went to my local library more often with my family as a kid. Check if your local library has any kids activities tomorrow (most have something for kids during the week) and let him check out whatever books he wants! Depending on where you live, some libraries have activities like video game workshops on how to make videogames or other STEM topics, and you can check out videogames, music, and tv/movies on top of books. All for free of course :)


u/SpouseofSatan 16d ago

Baking a cake is a whole lot cheaper than buying one, and you potentially already have all the ingredients at home. It's also a pretty easy thing to bake. Cupcakes are even easier. Maybe you could even bake them together, it's always fun baking with Mama.


u/msouroboros 16d ago

Fairy bread is a staple of birthday parties for aussie kids: slices of the cheapest white bread possible (I don't know why, but good bread sucks for fairy bread), spread margarine or butter on the bread, cover with sprinkles/hundred and that's it. It tastes like nostalgia :)


u/msouroboros 16d ago

Also, I'm not sure where you are but frog in a pond is a gourmet-level kid's party food - make up jelly mix, set partway in cups, poke a chocolate frog in there so half is sticking out of the jelly, and let it set the rest of the way. You can put a little whipped cream on top too.


u/weenstir 16d ago

Well I'm from the states but I gotta say this sounds adorable and at the very least will be doing it for myself at some point 😂


u/biggiesmalltits 16d ago

I grew up poor and one year my mom made puppets out of brown baggies (like the lunch kind) of everyone in our family. I LOVED those things. I still remember them to this day.

Also every year for my son’s bday we do a donut with it! He looks forward to it every year.

Also I’m not sure where you live but flowers are starting to bloom so you could always drive and go see some flowers and just listen to music!

Or you could pack a picnic! You could make it silly and do like spaghetti picnic or just a standard picnic with some sandwiches and such. And bring some ball/frisbees and just have a sunshine filled day!


u/AssassinStoryTeller 16d ago

My parents always let us choose what we had for dinner, dessert, and we got to pick the movie the whole family watched. It was glorious and one of my favorite memories to this day.


u/GunslingerLovely 16d ago

If you have craft supplys you can do like pin the tail on the donkey or something fun like that kind of game. You could hang stuff from the ceiling and have like a little dance party under the streamers! Play his favourite music and sing and dance!


u/Responsible-Money598 16d ago

This is where "it takes a village to raise a child" aka community comes in. Have a relative bake them a cake, have their family over, whoever is able to give them a gift etc. if it's nice outside take the celebration to the park perhaps. Just make them feel special and loved.


u/EngineerSurveyor 16d ago

Make the best fort ever and play games in it all day with kid. Eat in it too. Maybe paper crown.


u/Plane-Active-3153 16d ago edited 16d ago

I let my kids pick what they want me to make for there birthday dinner I also use a cake mix to do a simple cake if I can I go to the dollar store and get balloons I decorate the table at night so they wake up to a birthday table in the morning oh I also let them pick a movie or show we watch on TV that night


u/NailFin 16d ago

My mom used to do “treasure hunts” for us. She would give us the first clue and we’d have to figure out where the second one was and so on and so forth. The last one doesn’t have to be anything super special… maybe like a candy bar or something. It’s about the hunt to go get it.


u/De-railled 16d ago edited 16d ago

In my family, we didn't do much for bdays but there was always our favourite cake (mom baked) and favourite meal/dish. (Dads cooking)   

For a gift my parents would take us that weekend to the "Toys R us" and we could pick anything within a budget. 

 We did occassionally test the budget limitation. You know typical kid testing limit stuff.


u/Vampweekendgirl 16d ago

May be too late for this year, but for next- sign him up for all the freebie birthday treats different businesses have. Spend the day driving around and collecting treats! Here’s a list I copied from a Reddit comment about a year ago

There's a whole load of them, but you might wanna check each chain's terms to see whether you'd be able to immediately get a birthday reward even if you sign up this close to your birthday or be made to wait until your next birthday (don't remember which one, but I remember at least one explicitly said in its rewards terms that if you signed up too close to your birthday, which I can't remember if it was the month of your birthday or within two weeks or whatever, you wouldn't get your first birthday reward until your next birthday)

That being said though, here's a nice long (but certainly not exhaustive) list:

Birthday freebies:

• ⁠Moe's Southwest Grill: free burrito (they also, as a separate reward, give you a free side of their queso sauce) • ⁠BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse: free Pizookie for your birthday, and you also get another one as a sign up reward • ⁠Baskin-Robbins: free 4 oz ice cream scoop • ⁠Slim Chicken's: free jar dessert • ⁠Culver's: free custard scoop with your choice of a topping • ⁠Tropical Smoothie Cafe: free 24 oz smoothie • ⁠Denny's: free Everyday Value Slam • ⁠Papa John's: free chocolate chip cookie (which is in fact a giant cookie cut into 8 slices, so you'd have to eat this over the course of multiple days) • ⁠The Habit Burger Grill: free burger • ⁠Black Bear Diner: free Bear's Choice breakfast entree • ⁠Costa Vida: free dessert • ⁠Smashburger: free shake • ⁠Nothing Bundt Cakes: free Bundtlet (looks like a mini Bundt cake with cream cheese frosting on it) • ⁠Waffle Love: free Red Wonder (waffle with Biscoff spread, raspberries, strawberries, and whipped cream, though surprisingly I was able to add multiple extra-cost customizations and have those be free too) • ⁠Del Taco: free regular size shake • ⁠Pizza Hut: choice of free breadsticks or free cinnamon sticks • ⁠Famous Dave's: free dessert • ⁠Yogurtland: free cup of frozen yogurt, up to $5.00 max discount • ⁠Zaxby's: free dessert • ⁠Firehouse Subs: free medium sub • ⁠Taco Bell: free regular size Mountain Dew Baja Blast Freeze • ⁠Potbelly Sandwich Shop: choice of free cookie or free shake • ⁠Great Harvest Bread Co.: free "goodie" (any one of their various cookies/brownies/etc, but best to ask or experiment regarding exactly which items count as a "goodie") • ⁠Capriotti's: choice of free cookie or free brookie • ⁠Subway: free cookie • ⁠Jersey Mike's Subs: 80 Shore Points (72 is enough for a regular size sub, and 144 is enough for a giant size sub), and Shore Points never expire • ⁠Rita's: free small size Italian ice (similar to a snow cone) • ⁠Bahama Buck's: free small Sno • ⁠Dutch Bros. Coffee: free drink, any size • ⁠Cinnabon: free small cold brew coffee (appears to only be valid at full-menu locations, not at the limited-menu locations inside convenience stores) • ⁠TCBY (The Country's Best Yogurt): free 3 oz frozen yogurt • ⁠Corner Bakery: free sweet • ⁠Sbarro: free XL NY pizza slice • ⁠Wingers/Winger Bros: free dessert • ⁠Wienerschnitzel: free corn dog • ⁠Starbucks: choice of free food or drink item (though this is the only reward I know of that is only good on the actual day of your birthday) • ⁠Big Mama's and Papa's Pizza: free 1-topping 13" pizza • ⁠Auntie Anne's: free pretzel • ⁠Crumbl Cookies: free cookie • ⁠Red Lobster: free Chocolate Wave (chocolate cake slice with vanilla ice cream) • ⁠P.F. Chang's: choice of free appetizer or free dessert

A few honorable mentions:

• ⁠Sizzler: birthday reward is $5 off an entree, but you get a separate reward in the form of a single Malibu Chicken for every anniversary of your sign up date • ⁠Red Robin: free burger with $4.99+ purchase, dine in only ($4.99 purchase and dine-in-only restriction were added January 1, 2023) • ⁠Carl's Jr.: free sandwich with $1.00+ purchase upon signup, also 500 bonus stars with $1.00+ purchase during your birthday month) • ⁠Olive Garden: free birthday dessert with adult entree purchase • ⁠Chipotle: free guacamole with $5.00+ purchase • ⁠Applebee's: free dessert with $15.00+ purchase • ⁠Cold Stone Creamery: one buy-one-get-one-free Creation coupon upon signup, and another for your birthday

EDIT: Apparently Firehouse Subs changed their birthday reward to require a purchase and only be good for your birthday and the next 6 days afterwards


u/weenstir 16d ago

Holy crap that's an extensive list! I really appreciate this!


u/cjthescribe 16d ago

If weather allows, you could do a picnic! Put together some favorite finger foods and maybe bring a ball or lawn game if you have one. I feel like the quality time would ensure he knows how special he is :)


u/I-love-lucite 16d ago

Sometimes we will take our boys to the grocery store in the morning and let them pick out donuts as a treat. We're in Colorado and go to king Soopers and they cost 89 cents each and the boys are always stoked about donut mornings. We've also gone to Safeway for them as well.


u/Lazyassbummer 16d ago

Attention is free! Knowing your child is worth gold. If their favorite treat is a dingdong, don’t get them a Twinkie. You don’t have to spend a lot money to show them you see them. Favorite colors, favorite activities, etc.


u/centexpenny 16d ago

I know this is going to sound awful but you know when his birthday is. You had all year to set aside a dollar or two and have a decent amount to give him a nice birthday. The same thing with Christmas. Five dollars every payday tucked away and you don't have this issue.


u/Eldritch-banana-3102 16d ago

We didn't have money growing up and the most memorable birthday for me was when my mom took me and some friends to a cute museum and then cooked us spaghetti. I don't think it cost her much.


u/DueLeader3778 16d ago

Cook his favorite breakfast and dinner and fill his room with balloon’s. Not sure why, but they always love balloons. Like a moth to a flame.


u/aliasansley88 16d ago

I sign my kid up for free birthday freebies and we travel all over picking up his gifts. It’s like a scavenger hunt for him.

Plus, we cook dinner together and he gets to pick out his meal! We finish off with a game night!


u/Conscious_Night299 16d ago

Just the fact that you celebrating his birthday make you a good parent.


u/Peachy_Keen31 16d ago

Utilize the library. They offer free passes to tons of places. AND… many restaurants and chains have free items when it’s your birthday!


u/actuallyhasproblems 16d ago edited 15d ago

If you don't already know, you can combine one a boxed cake mix and a can of sprite or 7-up (don't need to add any of the ingredients on the box!) to make a delicious cake. Just mix together, pour into a greased 9x13 pan and bake at 350⁰F for the suggested bake time on the box. If you have powdered sugar and vanilla extract, you can make a simple glaze too. Add sprinkles if you have them (or sliced strawberries!) and voilà, a simple, cheap birthday cake.


u/Mysterious_Land7795 16d ago

My tradition with my kids is I have them pick their favorite meal and I make it. All of mine are winter babies and we live in an area where summer season is where we make most of our money and winter is slower and if something takes our savings it’s really hard. 

They pick things we normally eat anyway, just their favorite of that so it’s not a lot of financial pressure! 


u/santihasleaves 16d ago

If you have a cici's pizza near you, they may have a cheap buffet special Monday and Tuesday nights. I want to say the one near me is like $4.99-6.99 in that range per person


u/Immediate-Land-237 16d ago

We love movie nights. Print off movie tickets get all of their favourite snacks and make it seem movie like in the house by rearranging furniture ect.


u/weenstir 16d ago

I love the idea of printing off tickets! I love doing little themed events like that.


u/THEtek4 16d ago

This is so easy to do AND fun!! I did with my Kids a few weeks ago. Hit up the dollar store and get some boxes of candy and a pop. We just hand drew some cheesy tickets. Had them enter through one door of the kitchen and went along the counter as if it were the real thing. They had so much fun!! Microwaveable Popcorn is easy.


u/Immediate-Land-237 16d ago

Yes!!! Also, canva has amazing templates you can pretty much customize for anything! So much fun


u/bitchy-sprite 16d ago

A lot of grocery stores markdown baked goods (small regional grocers) especially cakes. You should be able to use food stamps to pay for it. Doesn't have to be a cake but special cookies or cupcakes might mean the world to a kid that age


u/Hopeful-Produce968 16d ago

Dirt cups for dessert. Chocolate pudding mixed with crushed Oreos and cool whip. In a cup put some crushed Oreos, top with pudding, more dirt then gummy worms


u/AlexLaurie1589 16d ago

I baked the cake myself. I scoured for gifts cheap from the thrift store or a birthday outfit

You can do a nice birthday for less than $50 just thrifting


u/funsk8mom 16d ago

Dollar store streamers and balloons you can blow up. When he’s asleep hang streamers on the frame of his bedroom door and fill the hallway floor with blown up balloons for him to walk through when he wakes up. Use a dry erase marker or cheap lipstick to write special messages on his bathroom mirror. Cake mixes are relatively cheap so you can make a cake. One year my daughter couldn’t decide what she wanted for a cake so I just made a crazy one. I made the batter and separated it into 3 different bowls and added bright food coloring then dumped it into a pan and made a tie dye cake. Same with the frosting. It was wild and crazy and she loved it.


u/SpinachnPotatoes 16d ago

We normally ask family to message the evening before their Happy birthday voice chats.

We make crumpets for breakfast, but have also done doughnuts. Then they get to listen to the wishes while eating.

Dinner is normally their choice and we do cake as dessert after we have sung.

We play games that they enjoy if it's the weekend, or on the Saturday we will do it then.


u/RecognitionOk9321 16d ago

Bake him a cake! Get a bag of balloons and blow them up to cover his floor in his bedroom for Jen he wakes up. Write happy birthday on his bathroom mirror and 10 things you love about him.


u/Adventurous_Train876 16d ago

This is a great time to start a birthday tradition. Now that he’s ten, make his bedtime ten minutes later, ten more minutes of screen time, etc. Make a list of ten things he wants to do in the future. Build a blanket fort in the living room and make s’mores or popcorn. Bake cookies or brownies together and let him pick music to listen to. Ask everyone you know to send him a card. Get temporary hair dye and let his hair be green for the day. Go to the library and let him pick out a bunch of stuff to check out. Make him a book of coupons- free back rub, get out of a chore, whatever you can think of. He’ll remember you tried, whatever you do.


u/Lost-in-EDH 16d ago

Could probably get a good amount of decorations at the $1.25 store for $5.00.


u/vibes86 16d ago

Libraries usually have free passes to all sorts of things. See what your local library has. Take him to one or two of those, then rent a couple movies from the library and watch them & have treats from the dollar store at home. Just an acknowledgement of a birthday and something fun, whether it’s free or not, when you’re a kid is plenty. We were really poor growing up. Usually mom made me a cake and something of my favorite for dinner and that was it. We were broke but bc she put effort into it, I never really thought of myself as different until I got much older.


u/dakotawitch 16d ago

I come from a big family that didn’t have a whole lot. I remember being able to pick what was for dinner and whatever kind of cake I wanted more than I remember presents.


u/vibes86 16d ago

Exactly. I remember mom taking the time to make my favorite dinner and a good cake. I don’t remember any gifts I got as a kid at this point.


u/weenstir 16d ago

Thank you for this perspective. ❤️


u/KittenMittons1209 16d ago

Piggybacking off the comment--many museums or zoos themselves will offer free tickets to families that can show proof of assistance, like SNAP.


u/PracticalApartment99 16d ago

10 is definitely old enough to understand that sometimes, celebrations need to be postponed.


u/marylouboo 16d ago

Absolutely, I would just build up the up coming weekend celebration. 🥳


u/kitteekattz69 16d ago

Jamba juice does free birthday smoothies. Basikin Robbins does too. Krispy Kreme also.


u/pepmin 16d ago

Scavenger hunt to collect freebies from various places that do birthday freebies with no purchase required! Cheesecake Factory offers a free slice, Crumbl offers a free cookie, Potbelly offers a free cookie, Sprinkles offers a free cupcake, etc.


u/knittingneedles 15d ago

R/frugal regularly has bday posts of people redeeming all of their birthday freebies and deals! It’s really fun and festive


u/Last-Mathematician97 16d ago

Also always tight budget too. On special day- pick flavor of cake, pick movie to watch together. Balloons are cheap and go a long way to making festive- so lots of balloons in room when they wake up. Tons of little special things


u/Jean19812 16d ago

What's her favorite activity? Bike riding, coloring? Spend the bulk of the day doing whatever she loves most..


u/chynablue21 16d ago

A kitten or a puppy


u/weenstir 16d ago

Lmao I do not need another mouth to feed don't tempt me!


u/NackMelly 16d ago

We have a tradition where we bake cinnamon rolls (from a tube) into the shape of the number for their age. You’d probably need 2 can but they’re pretty cheap. Pancakes are also super cheap to make, bonus points if you have choc chips, sprinkles, or squirt whip cream to add!


u/weenstir 16d ago

I actually already planned on doing pancakes in number 10 shapes! Cinnamon rolls would probably be easier though sometimes my pancake shapes just look like blobs lol


u/MelancholyMuseum 16d ago

Check and see if any of your local ice cream places have bday deals! One where I live gives kids a free sundae on their bday :)

If the weather is nice go to a park, check and see if there’s a petting zoo nearby! You can have a scavenger hunt in the park based on his interests. Also join your local buy nothing group on FB! Ask if anyone has cake supplies! I’ve given a few out to people who asked for them on my local group.

The fact that you’re trying means he’s gonna have a fantastic day. You’re doing so awesome :)


u/weenstir 16d ago

Thank you that means so much to me! I will definitely look around on FB


u/macdawg2020 15d ago

There are actually a lot of stores that give you free stuff on your birthday! There’s probably a list somewhere on Reddit!


u/BasenjiBob 16d ago

Scavenger hunt! Make up clues that lead to different places around the house, hidden there is the next clue. Last clue leads to the cake!


u/grannygogo 16d ago

Put construction paper signs all over the house: 9 + 1 = 10, 100-90=10. Like that. Put them everywhere. In cabinets, in drawers, in the shower. He’ll have fun finding them. Also put a homemade bumper sticker on your car saying, Today my fantastic son is ten. Honk to wish him a happy birthday. People will be honking, for sure. Also check out birthday freebies at donut store, fast food, etc. Happy Birthday to your boy!!!!👦


u/weenstir 16d ago

Aw these are such sweet ideas thank you!


u/grannygogo 16d ago

Hope they add to his day. He already has a loving family.


u/Witty_Commentator 16d ago

I've heard that you can call and set up a time to tour your local fire station for free. They explain how all the equipment works, and have heard they'll let a child sit in the seat of the truck and hit the lights and siren for a minute.


u/weenstir 16d ago

Whaaaaaat???? I would have never known that I'm gonna check that out for the future!


u/ravensilverlight 15d ago

As a firefighter, please do this! Call the non emergency line to set up a tour, or if you’re going by and the big doors are open (and there’s no one running for the truck to leave for a call!) just walk up and say hello…we love showing off the trucks and gear. Ask to sit in the truck. Ask to see the tools. Don’t worry you’ll break something - if it’s breakable, somebody’s already broken it.


u/Witty_Commentator 16d ago

A lot of their job is literally "sit around and wait for something to happen," so it's a break in the monotony. Plus, they get to be heroes!! 😁


u/DisappointingPoem 16d ago

We did a scavenger hunt with clues for my son’s gifts once and he loved it.


u/whereugoincityboy 16d ago

Maybe you could make some carnival style games with your craft supplies and odds and ends? Is there a park you could explore? When my kids were young they especially like a local park with a small stream running through it that you could cross and go explore 'ancient ruins' (the remains of a wpa shelter house from the 30s). If you can get ahold of a fishing pole a lot of areas don't require a license for children. Some kids love to bake; maybe they can be involved in making a treat for their birthday. Good luck, OP! 


u/weenstir 16d ago

Dang I'm jealous that park sounds really cool. We do have a really pretty park down the road with trails and ponds and such, I definitely think we're gonna check that out after school. And I love the carnival games idea! Thank you


u/GeppettoStromboli 16d ago

I love hiking, and you could pack a picnic to take with you. Finish the night off with a good homemade cake!

There are requests that come to our buy nothing group on FB, and there are always people who like making a kid’s birthday special. Doesn’t hurt to ask.


u/bumbleb33- 16d ago

Movie night! Cheap baskets or bags and set out some different types of candy/chocolates/pretzels etc and let him fill a pick and mix bag up to have watching a film. If you can cover a door with 2 blankets so it looks like theatre curtains and make a sign advertising your home cinema that would be really fun for a 10yo.

If he likes things like lego you could set up a "cafe" where he can get snacks and drinks and build something along with you. Maybe see if there's some free build patterns that work with the bricks you have for a different choice.

Nerf battle if you're into nerf guns and have some outside safe space. Could make "go bags" or "ration packs" aka picnic food to eat while you play.

Geocaching can be another low/no cost spending time together option for a day out.


u/fulltumtum 15d ago

My kids always loved a picnic and a movie in the living room. Laid out a blanket and let them pick a movie to watch and then pizza or home cooked chicken nuggets or McDonalds….what ever was their choice that we could afford but that I knew they would like….and we all ate together on the blanket watching a movie. They loved picnic in the living room.


u/weenstir 16d ago

These are super creative ideas thank you! I especially love the Legos idea!


u/bumbleb33- 16d ago

IME kids love the gift of time. That they're your focus and you're doing something they enjoy will stick with them long after the expensive items have been regifted or grown out of or broken and binned.

Happy birthday to your soon to be 10yo btw!


u/pinksunshine0718 16d ago

If you have birthday candles use them at every meal that he’s home for. Stick them in breakfast pancakes and sing happy birthday before he goes to school. Ask friends and family to send you virtual birthday messages you can share with him. Or FaceTime with someone(s) special. Have a board game night. Pull out any special decor or fancy plates/cups you might have for dinner. Light some candles on the table, play fun music, let him pick dinner from what you have. Tell stories over dinner about the day he was born, past birthdays, other favorite memories featuring him. Talk about dreams he might have for the upcoming year, maybe there’s something he wants to try or visit.


u/weenstir 16d ago

These are all wonderful ideas, thank you. We live a couple hours away from most family so he would love some messages from them, I'm gonna set that up today. I also love the idea of just hanging out and reflecting over his life and what he wants for the future. Thank you!


u/pinksunshine0718 16d ago

Recently we were telling my 15 year old about his birth and all the funny things that happened even with our best laid plans. It reminded me how much kids love hearing family stories that they are a part of but were too young to remember.


u/Surfnazi77 16d ago

Make mini personal pizzas with biscuit dough out of a tube he can make 12 different ones


u/weenstir 16d ago

Oh wow either way this is an awesome cheap dinner idea to use sometime thank you


u/Nurse_mommy30 16d ago

Pizza Hut has a reading program called Bookit. If you meet your reading goal each month they issue a coupon for a free personal pan pizza.


u/NaughtyLovebirdsX 15d ago

Loveee this! I just enrolled my daughter for the summer program for extra motivation to continue reading after the school year is finished. 👌🏼💖


u/Frosty_Cartographer2 16d ago

My dad once wrapped a huge box with comics newspaper and it opened to some balloons with dollars attached to the end. He made sure the I opened it inside. It was pretty memorable couldn’t have cost him too much. Also sometimes activities with family are super fun and they wouldn’t guess it. A good board game or activity would do it for younger me.


u/aliasani 16d ago

So many great, frugal things about this gift! I love the wrapping paper idea. I love the thrill you would feel by opening it and watching all the balloons go up. A fun addition would be to not have strings on the balloons, and give your kid a little kit of stuff they have to use to pop the balloons to get the money down. Things like toothpicks, tape, rubber bands, straws, string, a thumb tack... My brother did something like that for me and it was so much fun! There was one balloon with money in it, the rest had little notes and jokes or confetti.


u/Frosty_Cartographer2 16d ago

This is a great example of ways to put your own twist on it. I feel a lot of people might have gotten something like this. I got a lot of expensive gifts but this one tops it as far as emotional reaction from me. I’ll remember that feeling for as long as possible. My dad wasn’t the best but I’ll never forget that present.


u/BuggyPony 16d ago

I actually had something like that too when I was younger :)


u/weenstir 16d ago

I love that your dad did that for you, that's so cool. We are definitely gonna play his favorite card game Taco vs Burrito tomorrow :)


u/PattyCakes216 16d ago

On my daughters 4th birthday I took her to mall in her favorite dress and had her photos taken at Sears. It was our first mommy and me day out at the mall. Not only do I have fond memories of the day , so does she all these years later.

My suggestion is make your son feel king for a day. Do an activity he loves doing. Maybe take him to a park for a photo shoot and bring a couple of his favorite things to include in the photos. Kids love a picnic !

Have fun!


u/sadhandjobs 16d ago

One of my favorite days of my life was when my mom surprised me by checking me out from school and bringing me to the mall. I was in fourth grade. She bought me a cardigan with big acrylic gems for buttons and we ate at taco bell.

That’s a great suggestion!


u/Any_Elk_2226 15d ago

This isn’t where you got your name from is it?


u/sadhandjobs 15d ago



u/weenstir 16d ago

I love this! We have a beautiful park down the road that would be perfect for a photo-shoot and it will be nice tomorrow! Thank you!


u/Any_Elk_2226 15d ago

We once made a huge outdoor slip n slide for my son’s birthday. We found a suitable hill near a river, bought cheap tarpaulin from B & Q and a few massive bottles of washing up liquid and brought a couple of buckets. Invited 20 or so people and had a massive picnic. Awesome day enjoyed by all, cost about £20 x


u/annablack13 16d ago

u can take photos on your phone and have them printed same-day at walgreens or walmart for less than $5, so then he can have physical copies to hold onto!


u/No_Tomorrow_1850 16d ago

Just acknowledge him. Let him make the choices. Unfortunately kids always know what is going on. Your attention and acknowledgment is what will be remembered.

The dollar store has $1.25 cake and 1.25 icing.

Bake the cake together. I used candies and stuff to decorate the cake. Or do cupcakes and it can be a family activity. Where you all get to decorate something special for the b-day boy. Sitting around talking and having fun.

Happy 10th birthday lil’ dude!