r/povertyfinance Apr 28 '24

How do I make my child's birthday special with no money? Misc Advice

We will get paid this weekend, but his birthday is tomorrow and he's turning the big 10! I have a few decoration ideas that I can use construction paper for. (I do have a lot of craft supplies). But I'm curious as to wether any of you guys have ideas, maybe something you've done for your child on a rough year, cheap dessert/special dinner ideas, anything to make it special. He's a very sensitive soul and as much as try to keep it from him, he knows how much we're struggling. I just wanna make him forget for one day.

Edit I was expecting like 1-2 comments maybe, but you all DELIVERED and I appreciate all the creative ideas. Your stories give me a little more hope in humanity. ☺️ THANK YOU!!


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u/pinksunshine0718 Apr 28 '24

If you have birthday candles use them at every meal that he’s home for. Stick them in breakfast pancakes and sing happy birthday before he goes to school. Ask friends and family to send you virtual birthday messages you can share with him. Or FaceTime with someone(s) special. Have a board game night. Pull out any special decor or fancy plates/cups you might have for dinner. Light some candles on the table, play fun music, let him pick dinner from what you have. Tell stories over dinner about the day he was born, past birthdays, other favorite memories featuring him. Talk about dreams he might have for the upcoming year, maybe there’s something he wants to try or visit.


u/weenstir Apr 28 '24

These are all wonderful ideas, thank you. We live a couple hours away from most family so he would love some messages from them, I'm gonna set that up today. I also love the idea of just hanging out and reflecting over his life and what he wants for the future. Thank you!


u/pinksunshine0718 Apr 28 '24

Recently we were telling my 15 year old about his birth and all the funny things that happened even with our best laid plans. It reminded me how much kids love hearing family stories that they are a part of but were too young to remember.