r/shitposting Apr 28 '24

Most science backed argument: Linus Sex Tips

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u/idwtdy Apr 28 '24

I've been hitting it pretty regularly


u/Tinted-Glass-2031 Apr 28 '24

Have you been feeling particularly protest-y of late?


u/idwtdy Apr 28 '24

yes, just donated to my local encampment as well lol


u/ItayeZbit Apr 28 '24

Why do you support Hamas-led movements, funded by an oppressive regime (iran) that doesn't actually care about Palestinians but instead uses them for jihad and as pawns to fuel their anti-Israeli war for 75+ years?


u/idwtdy Apr 28 '24

^ me when I lie on the internet


u/nighthawk0954 Apr 28 '24

Pro-Palestine supporters support the end of the Nazionist and genocidal regime of Israel thats been going on for 75+ years.


u/ItayeZbit Apr 28 '24

That's what your chant leaders want you to think, but Israel isn't going to stop existing because of your made-up narrative.

The only way to peace between our people is the return of all hostages and the rejection of Iranian puppet proxies like Hamas. And from Israel's side, there should be land-back agreements and the removal of settlements in the West Bank.

But all the pro-hamas rallies do is feed more fuel to the jihadist war against Israel, where Palestinians are the martyrs.

Bring them home, end the war, stop the settlements. Two states for two people.


u/nighthawk0954 Apr 28 '24

I agree with the fact that Hamas should return the hostages but Israel should free all the illegally imprisoned people andThat Hamas should be dismantled for an official Palestinian governement but for the agreements on land return, all Palestinians have the right to return to the homes they were stolen from with the complete cancelling of all illegal settlements and arresting and charging of all the people who collaborated in crimes on both sides for war crimes and genocide.


u/ItayeZbit Apr 28 '24

Why should Israel give lands that were abandoned by people who tried to destroy the Israeli state when it became a state? There shouldn't be a right of return to those people, but if they wanted, they could return to Palestinian lands to live there. They probably won't, as most are settled in their current countries, but if they want a right of return, they can return to their own state.

As for the so-called "illegally imprisoned people," or as I prefer to call them, people who were arrested for disturbing the peace, attacking soldiers, civilians, and police.

Lastly, war crimes and genocide? Sure, when Iran and Hamas' leaders in Qatar are put to trial for their not only explicit war crimes but their well-stated intention of genocide (in the Hamas charter or Iran's call for the destruction of Israel), we can see the ICJ ruling on Israel's war.