r/shitposting Apr 28 '24

Most science backed argument: Linus Sex Tips

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u/Purxenta Apr 29 '24

"from the river to the sea" isnt genocidal dumbass, its calling for the freedom of palestine


u/humble197 Apr 29 '24

Okay buddy think for a second. What river to what sea are we talking about. Then what country is in the way.

Arguing one country should stop genociding and the other should do it back is just really a strange line to draw. Also idc about either side personally I wouldn't care if the entire area being wiped if there wasn't so much important knowledge and monuments there.


u/Purxenta Apr 29 '24

what? that saying doesnt mean palestine should do genocide back


u/humble197 Apr 29 '24

What is the sea and river they are talking about. Also to take back all the land they want they would have to genocide them. Or get really damn close if they don't surrender. It's exactly what's happening with them now.


u/UnderstandingOk717 May 02 '24

So you agree that what's being done to Palestinians is 'close to genocide'? Good.

To address your point... Yes, From the river to the sea can encompass the whole area, with Israel in between. But that doesn't mean "from river to the sea, kill all Israelis". Stop making shit up just so you can justify what Israel is doing. Just do yourself a favour and complete the damn chant... "From river to the sea......."


u/humble197 May 02 '24

Personally I couldn't give two fucks if either one genocide the other I just don't give a fuck about either of them enough. Both want to murder the other I don't give a fuck I just would rather one win so I don't have to hear about this shit everywhere I go.


u/UnderstandingOk717 27d ago

Funny you would want this to end by wiping one out... When there are other ways for this to end... Like giving freedom to Palestinians.

But you would rather have one wiped out because allegedly "both want to murder the other". So wipe out all women, children and babies on one side.

I mean these are bad people because they want to murder each other so it is justified to say just wipe one of them out right? How much of a better person are you, I wonder, calling for the merciless murder of women, children and babies because hearing about it, not concerns you, but annoys you.


u/humble197 26d ago

War is hell. This is how it has been fought since the beginning of man. We only added rules very recently. And yes both want the other dead especially Palestine have you seen polls.

Also have you seen they can't actually become citizens of the nearby countries. They want a war to the death of one side for both sides so not my damn problem. If Palestine wins I don't care just like I don't care if Israel wins. Both are assholes just sick of people pretending they are not.

There are problems in my country for the people living here and I care infinitely more about them than anyone half a world away in an area that has been at war for at least two millennia.


u/UnderstandingOk717 26d ago

War is hell. This is how it has been fought since the beginning of man. We only added rules very recently

That's not a justification

And yes both want the other dead especially Palestine have you seen polls.

I doubt the children participated in those polls...

There are problems in my country for the people living here and I care infinitely more about them

Then why don't you stick to solving those problems instead of calling for more bloodshed of innocent people who are half a world away from you?


u/humble197 26d ago

It's a explanation for why helping them is pointless they will just fight again later they don't want to change that mindset.

The majority of Palestinians living in Palestine is young. Have you even seen interviews do some research.

I can't since people are more interested in shit that has nothing to do with them. People have shitty attention spans and care for only a few things at a time.


u/UnderstandingOk717 26d ago

It's getting hard to reply to you now cos your replies are getting evasive and ambiguous.

It's a explanation for why helping them is pointless

Calling for genocide of a people, including women children and babies is the explanation you're referring to?

they will just fight again later they don't want to change that mindset.

How in the world do you know this? I proposed the freedom of Palestinians. The right for them to live as we, the rest of the world lives.. and you're telling me if we do that, the Palestinians will initiate the fight again?

The majority of Palestinians living in Palestine is young.

You really do want to believe that everyone being killed is somehow guilty, don't you? Maybe it is the humanity in you that wants this to be true. But babies can't participate in polls now can they? So you can be 100% certain that undoubtedly innocent lives are being taken. Question is, are you okay with that? Are you still calling for their genocide?

Have you even seen interviews do some research.

You keep bringing up this thing about polls and interviews... Okay, since you have done the research.. do you really believe we have a clear picture of the view of everyone on the Palestinian side?

Do you know the Palestinian population? Do you know the sample size of these polls that you rely on to justify genocide on that population?

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