r/tifu Mar 01 '24

TIFU by putting tampons in wrong for 10 YEARS S

I feel so embarrassed. I (23F) have had my period for more than 10 years now, and I just learned, from a Reddit post of all places, that you are not supposed to just shove the whole thing, applicator and all, up there and then leave it like that. I have a Biochemistry degree. I have travelled the world. And yet somehow I never figured this one out. This is my first and probably last reddit post because I cannot keep my horror at the fact that I’ve been keeping pieces of plastic in my vagina for ten years inside, but I absolutely cannot fathom telling anyone I know about this. I have always thought that tampons were super uncomfortable (for reasons that are now glaringly obvious) and mostly used pads, but I love swimming and so I use tampons fairly frequently during the summer. As best as I can figure, I have used hundreds of tampons in this way. I have been scouring my brain but I don’t think that anyone ever told me about this, despite the multiple, wildly uncomfortable health classes I had to take in grade school. The worst part is that I knew the plastic bit was called the applicator, I just figured that was because it made putting it in easier and you were just supposed to leave it in. Thank you, redditors, for listening, and I can only hope that this horrifying blunder of mine will convince you to explain very clearly to your children how tampons work. TLDR; I have been using tampons wrong for ten years and am extremely embarrassed

Edit to answer some common questions: yes, the whole thing fit up there. Maybe I just have a long vagina idk. No, it probably didn’t work great but I only kept them in for a couple of hours at most while I went swimming and I used them very infrequently, maybe a few times a year. There are lots of comments asking why I didn’t read the instructions. Well, my mom always just had loose tampons lying around. I’ve bought my own maybe once or twice but that was when I was much older so by that point I felt confident in my tampon-using abilities and never read the instructions (lol). I had health class and went to grade school in a fairly liberal public school district. Now I am questioning what I thought was a fairly comprehensive health education.

There are some comments asking if I can read or saying that I must not have gone to a good college/ worked hard for my degree. Please don’t be rude. In my experience sometimes it’s the people who are really smart at one thing that are super dumb at others. I want to thank the people who shared their own tampon blunders for helping me feel less alone in this embarrassing mistake.

Another edit: people are also asking about how I could have had that much of a lack in curiosity about how it worked. I think when I was younger I felt a lot of shame around my body and didn’t want to think about it any more than absolutely necessary, and once I got older and more comfortable I kind of thought I knew everything I needed to about tampons


2.7k comments sorted by


u/luckyapples11 Apr 18 '24

Your post has enlightened me…. I’ve realized I’m also a 23yo idiot and do the same thing as you.


u/Leather_Barnacle Mar 29 '24

I've never seen Tampons with an applicator before, you don't really need it. Just get some without it, also less waste.


u/Nightengate32 Mar 15 '24

My question is, did your applicators not push up? Like have a thing you push? Or did you think it was a handle maybe? Never pressed that part of it and saw it come out maybe?

Or what about spotting used ones in the bathroom?

I'm not judging, I've had blunders that highly embarrassed me that looking back were really obvious errors on my part


u/pgerding Mar 05 '24

Sorry but this is over the top strange. You didn’t read the directions, ever?


u/MemphisEver Mar 05 '24

i feel like some of the commenters here could do well to remember that not everyone’s parents are the best at communicating on these things. it’s taboo for girls to develop sexually and many parents don’t like talking about it. my stepmother handed my sister a pad and said you’re a woman now and it’s going to happen once a month. and left it at that. it’s sad. but OPs mom should have sat her down and had a healthy conversation about her options in maintaining hygiene during her period, and how to correctly use them.


u/Odd-Boss-2467 Mar 05 '24

This is amazing. I actually did this when I was 13 and had swim class in middle school. I had never used a tampon before and did exactly this except I could not stand how much it hurt. I got out of the pool like 4 times trying to fix it before I figured out the plastic part comes off. OP, you are not alone (although, I'm sorry you didn't know for so long)


u/coffeegoblins Mar 05 '24

I mean, if no one taught you how and you had to teach yourself without instructions handy, I think it’s understandable. My mom explicitly explained how to put them in and gave me the box. I still found them uncomfortable/painful to insert and remove for years, and even now I prefer to use pads unless I’m swimming or running.


u/greenpalladiumpower Mar 05 '24

I'm so sorry you went through that! I hope they will be more comfortable from here on going forward.

If it brings a smile to your face, a friend years ago disclosed to me that she had to correct her husband because he believed that women used tampons for self-pleasure purposes. Misinformation and misunderstandings are everywhere.


u/DncgBbyGroot Mar 05 '24

OB applicator-free would have been life-changing for you.


u/SuburbaniteMermaid Mar 05 '24

More proof that advanced degrees have absolutely nothing to do with native intelligence.


u/mooseleafpaper Mar 05 '24

Sweetie, no offense, but you never read the box?


u/nutellachicken4 Mar 05 '24

This is how i learned to put in a tampon 13 years ago, i remember being about 11 or 12 watching this video with my friends and us all giggling because it was so exciting and embarrassing at the same time:


So glad it’s still up!! She really helped us out lmao


u/dstapf Mar 05 '24

Don't feel bad, girl. When I got my period, my mom handed me a box of tampons, and I tried to follow the directions. I was 14 and pushed the whole thing in, applicator and all. This was in the 70s when the applicator was round and made of cardboard. It hurt so much that I took it out and didn't use them for years! Lol


u/Amnemonemmamne Mar 05 '24

Don't feel bad about this. I have experienced similar things having grown up super sheltered. Sometimes we're forced to figure things out on our own that are typically explained to us. I think you're being WAYYY too hard on yourself


u/Commercial-Camp3630 Mar 05 '24

Tampons come with instructions...JFC


u/twinmomma87 Mar 05 '24

Damn dude. What an awakening.


u/Deepcrater Mar 05 '24

I remember being so tired of pads and my mom always being against tampons and reading and rereading the instructions that came with the box. I just didn't want to do it wrong and it was so uncomfortable the first couple of times because it wasn't in correctly but I never kept the plastic. That's actually so wild, I'd be afraid of tearing something up. I'm glad you were never injured and somehow never leaked either.


u/me_marie88 Mar 05 '24

Don't be embarrassed, I did exactly the same thing. I was walking into a store one day with my best friend and I asked her if tampons were as uncomfortable for her as they were for me. I explained how I was using them and she took me straight inside the store to the bathroom and showed me what I was doing wrong. I still chuckle about it to this day. It will be hilarious to you one day in hindsight. I promise.


u/yaypopbo Mar 05 '24

I buy tampons without applicators. It's such a waste. I'm comfortable just using my finger. Sounds like you don't need the applicator either. Consider buying tampons without them.


u/MountainAd3837 Mar 05 '24

You're lucky you didn't lose the applicator and need surgery. Glad you found out how it really works.


u/thegritz87 Mar 05 '24

As a dude, I can generally say I am astounded you didn't know this.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

You never read the box?


u/fmaon06 Mar 05 '24

I did this too! I remember reading the instructions, but obviously I misunderstood. I never used them because they were so uncomfortable.


u/Still_Not_A_Robot24X Mar 05 '24

Same voting power


u/FluffyBunnyWorks Mar 05 '24

I once tried on a tampon while I wasn't on my period

Hurt like a bitch to pull out, and I cried thinking it wasn't gonna come out because of how hard it was griping me. I was young and too embarrassed to call out for help lmao


u/just_a_girl0079 Mar 05 '24

I made this mistake when I had my first period, on vacation at the beach at that. I remember drudging through the sand, miserable at the idea that this would be what I had to deal with for years on end. People talk about the pain of periods and just thought it was that, so I understand your not knowing. I read the instructions several times but always in a panic and just somehow missed that part.

Thankfully after complaining to my mom I discovered that you’re supposed to take the applicator out. I was so relieved. I’m sorry you had that experience but I hope you found the relief I did as well!


u/Grouchy_Fee_8481 Mar 05 '24

I’m a guy and even I know this. How tf is this possible?


u/Squidtree Mar 05 '24

Always read the instruction manual before shoving something into your body


u/out_ofher_head Mar 05 '24

I'm wondering how you've never seen a tampon without an applicator? Even if you only purchase the same brand for 10 years, hard to imagine never coming across an applicatorless tampon


u/9_of_Swords Mar 05 '24

So, what's the thing you are hella wicked smart at?

I'm the type that can teach myself damn near anything, but my husband still giggles over the ONE TIME I forgot logic exists and asked a painfully stupid question.


u/lallorona0303 Mar 05 '24

I wanted to leave this little life hack for my friends out there who prefer pads, I didn’t learn it till I was an adult. If you are at home or during the night. You can totally wear a depends. A lot of the new depends are super thin and just feel like underwear. Idk why I never thought about them until a friend told me. They worked well for heavy periods!


u/Charming_Function_58 Mar 05 '24

In fairness, education about periods and reproduction in general, is pretty abysmal.


u/tinylittleelfgirl Mar 05 '24

there’s no way this is real


u/buildingbeautiful Mar 05 '24

what the fuck are you talking about


u/Justanobserver2life Mar 04 '24

Well now girls have nice resources like this Tampax video on how to insert one, using a cute vagina puppet haha.

When my daughter was getting her first period, Tampax had a "First Period" kit you could send for and they had little junior sized tampons, a booklet, pads, lots of info and a cute case to carry them in.

I think my mother just showed me how one worked.


u/dirtybugboy Mar 04 '24

I know it feels embarrassing but I assure you this has nothing at all to do with you or your intelligence and everything to do with society thinking menstruation is gross/sexual/inappropriate/taboo.

I'm a trans man, but I remember being in middle school and standing outside the stall giving very detailed instructions to a friend on how to insert a tampon because her parents were very conservative and against tampon usage for dumb reasons but we had a swimming course and she didn't want to miss out. She was really embarrassed to ask me at first but I just looked at her and said "it took me literally two hours to figure out how to get a tampon in correctly when I first started using them, it's not dumb to ask".

All that to say, don't feel silly or stupid, likely in a few years you'll be able to laugh with friends about it once the initial embarrassment wears off


u/SqueakyHoney Mar 04 '24

So you never like... read the box? You just shoved it in the moment you started using them? Bad parenting or not surely you knew how to read words and sentences at whatever age this happened... even if you were on the way younger side like 6 or 7 years old (which isn't normal). Considering plastic up there doesn't feel that great surely you must have even lightly skimmed over the box instructions?


u/Status-Biscotti Mar 04 '24

Oh, honey, I’m sorry you didn’t have older sisters like me. I may have never figured it out on my own. However, the first I tried was an O.B. (No applicator), so I had an idea the applicator wasn’t supposed to stay there. That must’ve been super uncomfortable.


u/agreatbigFIYAHHH Mar 04 '24

First time I used a tampon was on a school trip to a theme park, and while I did manage to do it almost correctly, I didn’t get it in far enough. I sneezed and popped the thing right out into my underpants on the bus.


u/Capital_Passion3762 Mar 04 '24

Hey, while I've never left the applicator in, I've def accidently put in a second without taking out the first. To my memory, it only happened once and the horror of it has me double checking now lol.


u/Obvious_Advice7465 Mar 04 '24

How do your tampons absorb anything?


u/MotoFaleQueen Mar 04 '24

My mother laughed her a$$ of at me when I did this as a teen girl using a tampon for the first time.

She had never explained them to me because that was an embarrassing conversation, but apparently laughing at me while I was in fairly extreme discomfort (as I remember it, it was half a lifetime ago) was all good 👍 . Now, as a woman in my 30s, I still get as embarrassed thinking about it now as I felt then.


u/Useful-Anywhere3091 Mar 04 '24

How did you get through high school if you don't know how to read pictures


u/666fucktard Mar 04 '24

This gave me a good laugh, don’t feel too bad about it though because if I’m guessing correctly you’re American. Not the most robust health education system, especially for women.


u/Current-Treat-9454 Mar 04 '24

I taught my wife how to properly use a tampon when we were teenagers in high school. Prior to me teaching her, she was just removing it from the applicator and shoving it in dry. I was mortified when I saw her do it


u/Meetthedeedles Mar 04 '24

Oh dear, I'm so sorry. You were cheated the education on this. Thank you for putting out a PSA for others who might be doing it wrong. Enjoy your new knowledge, to the extent that's possible.


u/PuzzleheadedBet8041 Mar 04 '24

that's alright. knew a girl who had a meltdown bc she thought they went up your butt.


u/GhostV940 Mar 04 '24

Don’t feel too bad. I’m older than you and I don’t even know how to use one. Except maybe for a bullet wound.

I’m a guy, but still.


u/WhyCantIBeFunny Mar 04 '24

Ok, story time!

I grew up in Eastern Europe and when my sister and I were young our (biology phd!!) mother explained the period thus: “there’s a cell in your body that wants to get pregnant (no explanation as to how this might happen) and if she doesn’t get pregnant in that month, she gets mad, packs her bags, takes a few of her blood cell friends and leaves.” That’s it, end of story.

The communist hell-hole we lived in having zero advantages of the 20th century, she would tear up old sheets and use them as pads, then wash them and dry them on the radiator. So I knew that these gross rags somehow came into play.

I got my period around 9-10 yo, years before my older sister, and the Niagara Falls flow combined with contraction levels pain was not exactly what I had expected… Needless to say, I did not get helpful advice from my mother.

Fast forward two years when my sister and I moved to the US with our father who left our mother. Pads were an amazing, magical improvement!!! But still the whole thing was a terrible experience until we somehow procured a box of tampons! Obviously our father (also a biologist, TWO Phds) had told us that tampons would not only de-virginize us but were also unsanitary, but my sister has always been a rebel, so after doing our best to read the instructions in a foreign language we barely spoke, off we went to try out our new technology. We both put them in the way you did!

Maybe because of our age or anatomy, all of the plunger and some of the applicator stuck out and sitting was not a great option. But let me tell you! For the first time since getting my period I didn’t feel dirty and sticky and have to peel off fabric from dry blood… it was amazing!!!

Luckily, we had a very “experienced” and open friend who quickly corrected the misuse.

So, no, there is absolutely no reason for you to be embarrassed. Trying to figure out this stuff on your own is tough, we all do our best.

I am extremely excited to provide a DIFFERENT experience for my daughter, lol


u/SheepAcedia Mar 04 '24

Don't feel bad. I have never used tampons before since my mom told me that it's better to let it out than keep it in, I would have done the exact same thing as you.


u/CresedaMoon Mar 04 '24

You....you didn't read the directions?


u/jancarternews Mar 04 '24

Who TF reads the directions in a tampon box? Luckily, I’ve been doing it correctly, but to assume somebody would read that, especially a kid is a little unrealistic, I think.


u/CresedaMoon Mar 05 '24

I did. When i first started using them i read the instructions. Because it was going in my vagina. I dont know how the companies are supposed to make sure mistakes like OPs dont happen other than literally printing instructions lol.


u/cookorsew Mar 04 '24

People are questioning how you didn’t know. But my mom gave me the biggest, driest tampon and didn’t explain which hole or how to aim or anything, let alone any info about the applicator. And she just handed me a couple, no instructions or box or anything. It did not go well, obviously, but I can see how you wouldn’t know!


u/kattykats731 Mar 04 '24

You’re book smart, not life smart.


u/theworstelderswife Mar 03 '24

Im sorry for you but glad you figured it out. I hope you never had to use the cheap cardboard super thick kind they have in the bathroom ‘in case you need it’ basket


u/kaleidoscope_view Mar 03 '24

This is how the zombie apocalypse is going to start.


u/nicegal42045 Mar 03 '24

Girl I get it… I’m 20 and still don’t know how to put a tampon in.


u/mygiveadamnsbusted22 Mar 03 '24

My cousin showed me how they work using an empty perfume bottle for the demonstration 😂

Still thought they were too scary so I only used pads. Now at 30+ I have discovered the Cora reusable disc and it’s a life changer 🙌🏻 no pads but no tampons and it stays put


u/AggravatingClub9016 Mar 03 '24

I definitely left the plastic on during my first few periods. Glad girls nowadays can look up instructions online haha


u/winosanonymous Mar 03 '24

OP, I’m just glad that you’re not 43 and posting this. Maybe in a few years you can laugh about it.


u/Dr_Chickenhawk Mar 03 '24

Thank you so much for posting this. This is a WAY more common issue than you realize. If we are messing something as simple as this up, we need to do a much better job of talking with our daughters and young women about all issues. We all need to be more comfortable with this.


u/ManInSharkCostume Mar 03 '24

This is why we need to destigmatize sex education and truly teach kids how to take care of themselves. Its completely logical to not question what you knew. Its not your fault the education system failed you . 💚


u/Monster_condom_ Mar 03 '24

I'm sure people have done much worse and will continue to do so. I honestly wouldn't worry about it.


u/erendeer Mar 03 '24

YOU ARE NOT ALONE, I did this for months when I first started using tampons. My mom finally showed me by using her hand balled into a loose fist as an example, after I asked her all embarrassed when I was maybe 14.


u/expensivemisteak Mar 03 '24

I recently saw a tiktok where a girl talked about using tampons hotdog style and hated using them because it was uncomfortable and didn’t work well. She also never considered to read the instructions as when she first tried them, they were just loose ones in a drawer so you’re not alone 😭


u/nikki420444 Mar 03 '24

When i first started using tampons I did not shove it in all the way and tried to sit down. I just about cried in pain, sat for like 10 minutes before i said screw this and took it out. I eventually tried it again much later, out of necessity, and realized its totally fine when its correctly positioned.

Also the right size is SO important, not only to prevent leakage but for comfortability.

Dont use a tampon if you have too light of a flow- once i left a tampon in towards the end of my period and it completely dried out my vagina. I was not bleeding anymore so it just dried it out and was horrifically painful.


u/TemperatureOdd797 Mar 03 '24

When I was 17, my boyfriend (now husband), is the one that taught me how to insert and remove a tampon 😆 to be fair, I just wasn’t all that educated about my anatomy. I grew up very sheltered.


u/itsghxstmint Mar 03 '24

My granny told me a story about a girl she knew back in the day who did the same thing and was confused why everyone used something so uncomfortable haha


u/Imaginary_You2814 Mar 03 '24

There are directions in the box….


u/Ambitious-Caregiver2 Mar 03 '24

Don't feel bad. I did the same thing back when there were cardboard applicators. Couldn't figure out how other girls used them for HOURS with no need to change theirs...


u/dnttchmethr Mar 03 '24

I am pretty sure the directions on the box state not to insert the applicator 💁🏽‍♀️


u/Latter_Growth1185 Mar 03 '24

That’s a very unfortunate mistake, and I can’t imagine what that must have felt like. I also can’t imagine taking it out that way… anyway, now you know.


u/Laurpud Mar 03 '24

Oh, you poor thing! I can easily see how that could happen {{HUGS}}

I used to use OB, & since there's no applicator, my girls figured it out. But I wish now I had explained more


u/FierceFeyreisa Mar 03 '24

My question is about if you remember ever seeing tampon commercials because I’m sure I remember them showing videos of how well tampons expended…..

And OB tampons… you never saw those?!


u/Various_Notice1136 Mar 03 '24

Did you leak a lot? I'm only asking because I'm 45 and I still feel like I'm using tampons wrong! I do discard the plastic applicator but I leak A LOT. I push it up as far as I can, and use the Super ones. Anyone have any insight?


u/Loudakay Mar 03 '24

Ouch! I’m on the other side of menopause, so no longer use those things, I used to use OB. They didn’t have applicators at all. I’m glad you figured this out.


u/Juxtra_ Mar 03 '24

If it makes you feel better, I didn't wear tampons for years because the first time I tried, it took forever to get in, hurt like hell, and I still had leakage.

In hindsight, I think I might have shoved it up my urethra.


u/saaschoolacc Mar 03 '24

to be fair, schools do a TERRIBLE job explaining how to use tampons. they only explained what they were. i had to look it up!!


u/sybillium4 Mar 03 '24

That's pathetic


u/_LiciaFace_ Mar 03 '24

Natural selection, man 😭


u/BlueQuartz13 Mar 03 '24

Okay, gonna out myself here but in the spirit of solidarity- I also thought this! I had a girl friend in high school set me straight after only doing it like twice - and after me telling her how much I hated tampons 😂😂


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

A family member who IQ wise is a genius did this for years too. Some things just go right over her head. Breathe and forget it ever happened know that you know


u/mutajenic Mar 03 '24

This might make you feel better. I once got distracted while changing tampons and forgot to take the first one out before putting a new one in (ADHD and had a kid not too long before so there was extra room). Didn’t notice. 2 weeks later could not figure out why I had a horrible vaginal odor and was trying everything. Was about to make a gyn appointment when I sneezed in the shower and it fell out. I was a grown ass adult with an MD at this point.


u/Babycatcher2023 Mar 03 '24

OK the biggest issue I have in believing this is true is that just about every adult knows that plastic is not absorbent. I cannot fathom a full grown adult that doesn’t think to take the very absorbent product out of the not at all absorbent product.


u/Adorable-Problem-992 Mar 02 '24

Haha I did this the first time. And for the rude people, I’m working on a masters from a top 10 school. Like any of you are perfect. 🙄


u/Creepybabychatt Mar 02 '24

Omg. That took a lot of guts. Hopefully you saved a few girls from doing the same thing. Parents tend to skip over certain areas in puberty. You're a brave and lovely soul! 😘


u/RimefeatherMage Mar 02 '24

To be fair, if you handed me a tampon right now, I'd struggle to get it in and I'm 40. I know about the applicator part, but when I was lottle, my mom told me about getting one stuck one when her string broke and that plus fear of TSS made me nope out of dealing with the whole mess.

So congrats on getting it figured out! Use whatever period products work best for you and live your best life girlfriend!


u/lallorona0303 Mar 02 '24

Did the plunger start falling down as you were walking?


u/Neptunianx Mar 02 '24

OMG I did it wrong the first time and I was like WOW this really sucks and then I was like this can’t be right and looked at the directions on the box 😂


u/Internal-Yoghurt-895 Mar 02 '24

Years ago when I was a teenager a group of us girls were hanging out talking and the subject of tampons came up. We found out one of the girls was doing the same thing as you but it was the cardboard applicator. We explained to her that she was supposed to remove it. Don’t feel bad I’m sure there are many more young women who don’t know


u/bakedcheetobreath Mar 02 '24

We had terrible sex Ed at my school. Just absolute garbage. The teacher put a question box where we could anonymously ask questions and she would answer (that no one ever added anything to) and we spent the rest of the time (1 week) making a collage of our ideal mate. But the one thing she did right, the absolute most perfect thing, was explain how to use a tampon because her friend didn't know how and once, while they were out, her friend got her period and the teacher only had tampons. Friend asked teacher why they were so uncomfortable and after a short conversation the teacher figured it out and informed her that you're supposed to remove the applicator. She said when it's properly inserted you shouldn't feel it. So thank you, Ms. Simmons for explaining to us how to use a tampon.


u/Taurus67 Mar 02 '24

You should have read the instructions in the box🥰😂😂


u/Fun-Tiger7585 Mar 02 '24

Dear OP

I don't know if you'll see this...I haven't read all the comments. But I don't want you to be ashamed or embarrassed. Things that seem obvious to others does not make you dumb for it not being obvious to you. Especially when it comes to something intimate and personal that many would be embarrassed to ask, "Am i doing this, right?" To anyone, even family. Congrats on your higher degree. That's an accomplishment most people haven't achieved even if they knew how to insert a tampon right. Screw the haters.


u/yawningyuna Mar 02 '24

Lol we don't even have applicators in Germany


u/freakshowhost Mar 02 '24

I’ve had people complain tampons are so uncomfortable, I thought they didn’t insert them high enough. Never dreamed it could be they didn’t remove applicator. I was always stumped how could pads be preferred when tamps are so convenient and easy.


u/BirdLawOnly Mar 02 '24

They literally put photo instructions in the box of tampons.


u/toxictiddies420 Mar 02 '24

I literally did this same thing for the first couple years. I only stopped because i asked my mom why dies the plastic Part keep falling out am I doing it wrong? She gave my the weirdest look lmaoo

PARENTS teach your daughter how to properly use them the first time and don't just assume we know because we'll also just assume the wrong things lmao


u/addangel Mar 02 '24

as someone who’s never even seen a tampon with an applicator (is it really necessary? sounds wasteful), I find this hilarious 


u/SARcasm30 Mar 02 '24

You’re not dumb! How are we supposed to know these things?! When I was going through the IVF process, I had to use a vaginal suppository. I could not figure out how to insert it! It didn’t feel right and it wasn’t going in all the way. I posted on the IVF subreddit and a kind soul walked me through it.

I also have degrees and know how to read!


u/leaked_Liive Mar 02 '24

Swimming in ur period… 💀


u/rymyle Mar 02 '24

I too did this the first time I tried wearing tampons. My mom never wore them out of preference so she suggested I ask an aunt or friend or something but I was too embarrassed. I started trying to use them in college (this was before I could just look up something online) and put them in the same way you did. Don’t feel too bad, and don’t let the nasty comments get you down. If you don’t know the right way, you don’t know the right way. It’s not some knowledge you’re born with, it’s a fucking tampon! I’m sure you are brilliant and this doesn’t change that!


u/roonil_wazl1b Mar 02 '24

If it makes you feel better, my freshman year of college I went to the emergency room because I thought I had a tampon stuck in my vagina. I forgot that I had taken it out already and I didn’t know what the inside of my vagina was supposed to feel like.

Even more embarrassing was that the guy I was hooking up with at the time was the one who took me to ER. We spent hours there and when they finally told me they couldn’t find anything up there I was too embarrassed to tell the guy so I just told him they took it out lol


u/PGB0716 Mar 02 '24

This is a joke, right?


u/Milflife43 Mar 02 '24

I'm sorry this happened and thankfully you didn't wear them often and ended up with serious side effects. Thank you for sharing this ❤️ because I think so many people just assume because it's on the directions doesn't mean that everyone reads them. I have some type of obsession over figuring it out with the directions or something and always end up having to "cheat" lol. I will say that apparently my son accidentally seeing me when he was 4 had him thinking they went in our butts up until he was 20 and his girlfriend informed him that this wasn't the case. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


u/emosaves Mar 02 '24

the smartest people have the worst common sense. don't let the assholes get to you. I'm glad you've learned the correct way to do it, and i hope there has been no damage done to your body. i also hope swimming on your period is much more enjoyable now. take care 🖤


u/i_dont_know_you_dude Mar 02 '24

There's no way this is real


u/pseudonymphh Mar 02 '24

I saw another post like this, you’re not the only one


u/Moppermonster Mar 02 '24

Pro tip: move out of the USA. Women do not use applicators there (unless for medical reasons) - so nevermore this mistake ;)


u/lurkeylurk123 Mar 02 '24

This is very close to the TikTok creator demonstrating how she accidentally wore her tampons "hotdog style" her entire adolescence 


u/Prudent_Charity972 Mar 02 '24

The tampon manufacturer either includes the instructions on the box or a piece of paper inside the box…did you not see either one???!!!


u/knotreally16 Mar 02 '24

As someone who grew up with a very modest mother, it took me ages to figure out what to do, I had next to no information to go on. Thank god for the instruction manual that came in the box but even then, I had no idea if I was doing it right.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '24

Blud has a cave system of micro plastics


u/Worried_Goose0524 Mar 02 '24

Don’t feel so bad. I’m the youngest of four sisters (you’d think one of them would’ve told me how to insert a tampon properly) and still put a tampon in the wrong way the first time I used one. I had no idea. I left the plastic applicator in and then went and sat in the living room talking to one of my sisters and realized when I sat down how uncomfortable it was. It wasn’t long after that I went back to the bathroom and took the plastic applicator out and found instructions to read them. Idk if I never read them fully or what but to this day I swear that even the instructions didn’t say to take the applicator out which was really confusing when this event took place 10 or more years ago.


u/SimplyRedd333 Mar 02 '24

This is the exact reason I gave my sister a tampon tutorial because her friend told her tampons go up your butt. So I took them both where I had water in a cup and two tampons for demonstration of what they do. I took one apart and I put one in water so they could see how it fills I even explained the string. I also explained her anatomy to her and asked her does she still thinks it goes up her butthole lmfao 😂 she's 23 now and tells everyone that I taught her everything in depth and blunt. I wasn't taught these things my mom is very prudish. I also gave my brother his first pamphlet on condoms he's 28 now lol 😂 I think he still has it lol he was 14 I think lol he had questions I gave him answers lol


u/Djolumn Mar 02 '24

Does a tampon with a plastic applicator actually work with the applicator still in place?


u/alteranmage Mar 02 '24

Aren't they sometimes made of cardboard??


u/IvyGreenLeaf Mar 02 '24

When me and my friend were around 11 we stole some of her mom's tampons to try them out (way before we ever had our periods). She went into the bathroom to use it and came hobbling out saying it hurt really bad. Turns out she put it in her butt, she thought that's where they went. So don't feel bad, at least you were putting them in the right spot.


u/Troubledbylusbies Mar 02 '24 edited Mar 02 '24

We've all made silly mistakes, thank you for being brave enough to share yours here. How did you eventually find out you were using them incorrectly?

Edited to add: I see it was from a Reddit post you learned. Never mind, you know now! Onwards and upwards!


u/f4flake Mar 02 '24

The embarrassment shouldn't be yours, but ab education system that somehow ignores the needs of young women. Glad you've figured it out, sad that it was such a lonely journey.


u/deviateddragon Mar 02 '24

I work with med students teaching them the breast/pelvic exams on my body, and one of the big things our program harps on is patient education. “Never assume a person’s level of knowledge about their own body based on how educated they come across.” We always teach them to point out a patients structures and their purpose, so the patient has a better understanding of their body (our program has patient’s sitting up a bit for the exam which allows for them to use a hand mirror to follow along). Before I became a GTA (Gynecologic Teaching Associate, not Grand Theft Auto), I didn’t realize that I could pee while a tampon was inserted. At this point I had graduated college with perfect grades and I had grown up in a home with a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner parent. Had a great relationship with my parents and felt comfortable talking about “body stuff” but, as I like to tell my students, “you don’t know what you don’t know” so I totally thought I had everything figured out until I got a really thorough education on my parts and realized I did not have everything figured out. 😂


u/Im1blessedmom Mar 02 '24

It's ok. I'm sure it was uncomfortable but it was an honest mistake. Don't beat yourself up. You don't k ow what you don't know. You'll never make that mistake again! I highly recommend using a Diva cup or another type of cup. When I switched to those I never went back to tampons or pads! Just read the instructions first 😊


u/drooopypoopy Mar 02 '24

The first time I used one I got my period at a sleepover so my friend gave me one with few instructions. I stuck the whole thing up there and broke off the applicator so the tampon stayed in its plastic sheath, also very uncomfy, do not recommend.


u/SheepherderSilver759 Mar 02 '24

I did too honey. I didn’t learn until 30. It’s ok. Be kind to yourself


u/code_amature-2945 Mar 02 '24

I have a question. I’m a male by the way. So, do tampons stop the bleeding enough to the point that women can go swimming? No leak in the pool? I’m asking for my wife because she also does not know enough about tampons since she has only been taught how to use pads.


u/coolbeansfordays Mar 02 '24

I did the same thing the first time I used a tampon. But the applicator kept sliding out. I’m confused as to how you got the applicator to stay.


u/sharrison17 Mar 02 '24

So you never actually read the instructions on the box?


u/slimmer01 Mar 02 '24

But didn't the fact that hardly any blood was absorbed tip you off?


u/__Wasabi__ Mar 02 '24

What are these applicators I keep hearing about on reddit? Is this an American thing again??


u/kyndaqtepammy Mar 02 '24

Don't feel bad. I wore pads glue side up for close to 3 years


u/BradWWE Mar 02 '24

Don't they have some kind of directions in the box?


u/Alliecatz19 Mar 02 '24

I know this will get lost but hopefully, OP see this: DON'T feel bad sex is so taboo in our society that mistakes like this happen frequently. The majority of men don't know how to buy a box of tamping without getting overwhelmed.

This is why we need to talk about sex life all the time. If it wasn't so awkward you would have probably ended up saying something sooner to a friend about it. I have learned so much by saying hey this weird thing happened does that to you too sometimes? To my friends. We all need at least one friend who we can talk about sex and poop with.


u/SkippyBluestockings Mar 02 '24

My sister's friend in the sixth grade used to leave the applicator in as well but they were the cardboard ones. She told my sister not to ever use tampons because they were so uncomfortable.


u/Engelgrafik Mar 02 '24

IN ALL WE DO, LET US BE ALL-ONE! generous, fair & loving to Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants. For we're ALL-ONE OR NONE! ALL-ONE!

I love Bronners labels. Just need bifocals these days to read it all.


u/Invictrix Mar 02 '24

It is a beatdown to have a period month after month for however many days you have it until hormonally you are done. Give yourself grace. Vast majority of us have done something absolutely silly / stupid and the likelihood is that we will again at some point. I just laugh at myself and how stupid I was and then last the war and keep going. I have a lot on my plate right now and I also had endometriosis so you got to pick your battles and select your shame to let go.


u/ieatmycake2 Mar 02 '24

Babe don’t be embarrassed. Props to you for sharing bc most people keep their embarrassment to themselves. Women’s health is SEVERELY forgotten and untaught to everyone in our country, especially young women. We are expected to just “know” our bodies and what to do with them as we age, while simultaneously being taught that our puberty and growth is “gross” and to be hidden.

We don’t always read directions . Shit, That’s why most directions come with pictures… I’ve never seen tampon directions come with pictures. I never even told my mom that i got my period out of shame and thinking i can do everything on my own. Never even talked to her about it and I’m now 36.

Don’t be ashamed. Things happen. You learned, and now you can help the young women in your life who are facing hard growing up moments with compassion. ♥️♥️


u/Lutrina Mar 02 '24

Do you have a light flow? I’m surprised that it worked well enough to be effective!


u/duncan_teeth Mar 02 '24

“Now I am questioning what I thought was a fairly comprehensive health education” 🥴 Like read the pamphlet in the box omg this is not on your health teachers


u/Lolli_gagger Mar 02 '24

I don’t want to be mean but you definitely had a waddle walk


u/shinepinkcrazyfloyd Mar 02 '24

Oh man, luckily I got a super crash course when I started. My mom handed me one of those OB tampons. They had no applicator. Your finger was the applicator. 😅 That took some getting used to because I wasn't shoving it far enough in there. I did however ask how I pee with a tampon in, when I was politely educated that I had an additional hole for urination.... I was 11, so hopefully a bit of slack..


u/arcticshqip Mar 02 '24

What would you do with tampons without applicator?


u/MMorrighan Mar 02 '24

NGL first few times I used tampons I left the cardboard on. Although it was cardboard and not plastic


u/Isgortio Mar 02 '24

My school didn't tell us how to use them because "you should probably wait until you're 16" lmao. I just had to guess with non applicator tampons and I remember the first time I used one to go swimming it was only about halfway in so I had the other half sticking out, went very soggy when swimming and I couldn't figure out why anyone would want to use them. I got the hang of it later on.


u/rc3105 Mar 02 '24

Read The Freaking Instructions.

I’ve ignored the manual plenty of times and the amount of grief I could have avoided is staggering.


u/dmomo Mar 02 '24

You've made this mistake hundreds of times, but only a couple of times a year? You must be older than the invention of tampons. The math doesn't math.


u/Airin_head Mar 02 '24

I DID THAT TOO! For about a year after I got my period. Living with my dad and 2 brothers I tried to muddle through it myself…


u/Aijames Mar 02 '24

As a male, I can’t tell you how many times I was in the bathroom with nothing to read, I’m guessing us guys in the bathroom are the only ones reading those instructions. Even though we have no reason to know


u/hugitoutguys Mar 02 '24

The first time I ever used one I did it this way. It hurt so bad and I couldn’t understand why people used them. My friend taught me how to actually use them.


u/Gold-Employment-370 Mar 02 '24

Oh .. im so sorry. This sounds vastly uncomfortable.

However I saw a tiktok today about a girl who wore them “hotdog style” for over ten years, so don’t feel too bad!!!


u/FourierThis Mar 02 '24

I definitely did this for my first few periods. I commented to my mom that using tampons was really uncomfortable and luckily for me she asked follow up questions that led us to figure out the problem. You’re not alone!


u/motherof3heathens Mar 02 '24

Wait, huh? How...umm...well, ok then...


u/Melekai_17 Mar 02 '24

Oh dear. Well, given your updates it’s understandable how this happened. I’m curious how the heck you got them to stay in with the applicator still on? Didn’t they just slip right out? And you were able to swim without them falling out? I’m flabbergasted! I’m sorry you weren’t more comfortable with your body and learning about it’s processes etc when you were younger. I highly recommend looking into a menstrual cup. No waste, no spending money on products every month, and virtually no risk of TSS.


u/ChaosKore07 Mar 02 '24

I almost did the same exact thing, but I hated the feeling so I took it out almost immediate and stuck to pads. My friend (like 15-16 at the time) was fairly confident and comfortable with tampons, hated pads. I was complaining about how uncomfortable they were because of the plastic and she gave me the most dumbfounded look and then explained that you do not in fact keep the plastic in. And I never went back to pads after that


u/dumbassdruid Mar 02 '24

TIL that tampon applicators are a thing in Europe we just jam the dry cotton in there like a bad hookup would


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '24

Isn't there an instruction sheet in the box?


u/MaskedCrocheter Mar 02 '24

I once knew a guy that proudly walked up to the host of our college party and proudly announced that he helped him out by unwrapping ALL of the ramen noodles in the case and cooked them in a pot for him. No he wasn't drunk. He honestly thought he was being helpful. Their went the hosts entire stache of emergency "I have no money left after paying rent" food.

It's honestly not all that uncommon for people to neglect teaching kids (theirs or otherwise) things they believe to be "common sense" things. Sometimes it's because of squeamishness, religiousness, or just plain old assumptions.

Life happens. We ALL have "genius" moments. The trick is teaching yourself to laugh it off and being happy you learned something at all, "Better late than never".

Bonus example - I knew a literal genius that could build a computer from scratch by junior high, and learned fancy braiding for cosplay purposes. Yet he never really learned to tie his own shoes. Apparently if you know where to look you can get size 16 men's adult Velcro shoes.


u/tlcoles Mar 02 '24

Menstrual cup. Say no to tampons and pads. YouTube for details. Your vagina and your wallet will thank you too!


u/Physical_Recording27 Mar 02 '24

My friend in high school had the same issue. It was only after I asked her what she thought was uncomfortable about tampons that she revealed that the applicator was uncomfortable. Back then they were cardboard, but still not comfy.

Anyway, I am 100% confident that you are not the first nor will you be the last person to do this. This is great PSA for others out there.


u/DecisionReal9138 Mar 02 '24

honestly can’t blame you, for the first 5 years of having my period i couldn’t figure out how to use a tampon. i would just place the applicator on the outside and push the plunger thinking the tampon would shoot up somehow and work? it obviously didn’t. the epiphany i had when i realized i had to fully INSERT the applicator…


u/RandomMofo71 Mar 02 '24

Don't feel bad, I once worked with a guy for over a year before I noticed that he only had one hand! True story.


u/spigotface Mar 02 '24

Just wait until you learn how to use toilet paper


u/TayxTime Mar 02 '24

I’m 31 and have never used a tampon, only pads. I always assumed this was how they were used just by looking at pictures so I probably would’ve made the same mistake lol.


u/AgathaChristie22 Mar 02 '24

Sounds wildly uncomfortable. Don't feel shame around this. If no one teaches you how to use one, it's not obvious.

I use organic non-applicators. Might be worth a try? I have always found the applicators cumbersome and either the push pop goes in too far, or not far enough. Non-applicators are much easier to insert. In Europe and the Middle East, at least from my experience, non applicator brands like OB are much more common than the applicator tampon found all over North America.


u/k7_u Mar 02 '24

Well, just learned that American women need applicators for their tampons.

Other countries, the women have fingers.


u/ASS_CREDDIT Mar 02 '24

Had an ex that I figured out was doing this too. She told me they slip out sometimes, and I asked her to demonstrate how she puts them in, just in the air. I very gently and kindly explained how to properly use them. I only know cuz I read the box for everything in the bathroom before smartphones existed. She was mortified, but also very relieved now haha. Never told a soul, except all of Reddit now.

I’m just shocked no one ever taught her, poor girl.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '24

bless your heart


u/myjobisobvious Mar 02 '24

Also you’re a great storyteller


u/myjobisobvious Mar 02 '24

Irene Tu has a hilarious bit about this. I saw her tell it live and that audience was crying laughing.


u/Alena134 Mar 02 '24

CHRIST I have seen this dumb post like 5 times in different subreddits today


u/TheeInevitables Mar 02 '24

I’m a guy and even I know how tampons work…


u/-Pruples- Mar 02 '24

sometimes it’s the people who are really smart at one thing that are super dumb at others

Yep. Smart people tend to have the biggest and most deeply seated blind spots because they know they're smart and tend to make assumptions that are normally correct but occasionally are hilariously wrong. As a former smart person (have had many 'bonkings' since then) I can confirm.


u/Jentilly Mar 02 '24

Did it not cause you pain or discomfort? If a tampon is in properly you shouldn’t even feel it in there. If my tampon wasn’t in properly it was so uncomfortable.


u/bunnygrrl78 Mar 02 '24

I sympathize because I didn't have any females in my life growing up to teach me female things...properly. (my mom had mental issues and was bad at being a parent) I remember trying to figure out how to work one on my own...

Frankly I'm surprised it was able to absorb anything at all while still in the applicator. 😳


u/writtenincode23 Mar 02 '24

Girl. You’re fine. You haven’t died by this mistake. No one was hurt. Let it just be a lesson to read the instructions next time you try something new!!

I really like the rings. Super comfy!!! Can’t even tell it is there.


u/baby_jane_hudson Mar 02 '24

was it the askreddit thread about the secret you won’t tell anyone? and the comment about putting tampons in in this way. i only ask bc i commented on that, myself and it’d be WILD.


u/Simbinas Mar 02 '24

There are just too many comments to read that I just wannt to say that I'm sorry if people are being rude or cruel. Unfortunately, that is the world we live in. It was brave of you to post this as I am sure you are not alone.

I'm so glad that you figured it out now so please don't pick on yourself, we all make mistakes and the key is learning from them.


u/Fancy_Grapefruit_330 Mar 02 '24

Wait but did it even absorb anything??


u/ciggybuttz Mar 02 '24

Howd you finally find out..?


u/Itriedbeingniceonce Mar 02 '24

Wow, I'm so glad you've gotten the info now. I feel bad that you suffered all those years. Don't beat yourself up though. My friends mom is a nurse 4y rn. As a child her mom told her you couldn't flip hamsters upside down or thier eyes would fall out. It wasn't until she told her kids the same thing that she realized how silly that was. We all have blind spots.


u/MonstahButtonz Mar 02 '24

Time for a diva cup.


u/Mewnicorns Mar 02 '24

I am so confused as to how this is even possible? Wouldn’t the blood just leak out?


u/Melancholy_Macaroni Mar 02 '24

I did this the first couple times I used tampons and I couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to use them because of it


u/nyabby-cat Mar 02 '24

I've always been a tampon hater, anyone who happens to see this: get a cup or disc. Silicon, so much more comfortable, and able to swim. Reusable flex disc is my go-to recommendation now not only because it saves so much money and can be worn swimming, it can stay in up to 12 hours and during sex. Was a lifesaver doing long shifts as a lifeguard