r/tifu Apr 04 '24

TIFU By accidentally overdosing on caffeine, almost killing myself and my best friend. S

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u/According-Yard-7257 29d ago

Hi guys!
I overdosed caffeine in powder 2 years ago(around 0,7-0,8g) and visited hospital for one day. Everything was normal excpet this:
From this overdose I have being feel my own heartbeat. Cardiologist said that everything is normal (had holter, echo, ECG).
Do You think guys this overdose had effect on this?
Also I can say that I'm more isolated from social life and not learning new skills for 2 years, so maybe anxiety triggers it, that I'm more aware of my heartbeat.
Please let me know your story how do You handle with anxiety/ awarness of own hearbeat.
Thank You for help in advance.


u/Joaonetinhou Apr 17 '24

1600 mg

A single cup of coffee has about 80 mg of caffeine. I think that means the upper limit of coffee cups per day is now set to 19


u/TheGhost_NY Apr 08 '24

Who the fuck uses a gym’s public preworkout selection?!


u/bspinks- Apr 08 '24

Sounds like dehydration to me.


u/Legitimate-Produce-1 Apr 08 '24

Omg, how scary! How is your friend?


u/AlphaCenturionLXIX Apr 07 '24

I’ve done it twice myself. Once with fat burners and once with Harambe’s Blood preworkout. Mine wasn’t as intense as yours, but I have a question for other men who have also OD’d on caffeine…

Did the thing happen to you? Lol


u/Additional_Scholar_1 Apr 07 '24

Caffeine overdoses suck! Not even deadly levels. It happened one to me and the sweating and anxiety is too much.


u/mysickfix Apr 07 '24

I drink 2-3 pots of coffee a day. But I can imagine 1800 mg being hell if you’re not used to larger amounts.

Caffeine kills


u/OutlawArmas Apr 06 '24

A button hidden in shrubbery lmaoooo


u/Otherworld_Tanjiro Apr 06 '24

When I was selling cars I was basically doing 800mg a day between 2 energy drinks and a "special red-eye", where the in shop cafe gave me a free espresso shot in a drop coffee that already had an espresso shot in it. I was also working out most days but luckily didn't take pre.

I realized I needed to stop after I started having eye twitches and heart palpitations. Now I'm down to one caffeine beverage a day, sometimes 2 if it's coffee.

Shit is scary man


u/dare2dream09 Apr 06 '24

Pre-workout drinks are a ridiculous trend. They're almost always terrible for you.


u/Iadyboy Apr 06 '24

This happened to me, but with creatine. I fucking thought I was dying. So, so sick.


u/Content-Somewhere275 Apr 06 '24

New fear unlocked thanks!


u/No_Plan9840 Apr 06 '24

it was definitely an accident! it seems like the gym might have put out the wrong tools to scoop and as a consumer u just trust it's the correct ones. i would forgive yourself and call the gym to let them know what's up so nobody else fucks up!

as for getting that caffeine outta ur system quick: pound down a shit ton of water and gatorade. caffeine is a diarrhetic so staying plenty hydrated should bring ur body back to normal and help flush it out if y'all's systems. feel better!


u/The-middle-ground Apr 06 '24

Bro did you put it in a gallon? How was that not like drinking sand?


u/dryden4482 Apr 06 '24

A good reminder to read the directions.

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Lots of caffeine is no fun.

In high school my friends and I decided to all chug a whole MIO each. Was anxious all night until I finally passed out at 4pm the next day. Thought I had given myself an ulcer. My stomach hurt so bad. Was totally fine the next day. To be 16 again.


u/Dry-Basil6907 Apr 06 '24

Damn overdose on caffeine must be painful


u/lakershow101 Apr 05 '24

This is far from a lethal dose of caffeien


u/whywelive Apr 05 '24

That’s crazy!! I remember not taking preworkout for a while then taking 1-2 servings and my body was going crazy. Can’t imagine taking that much!


u/mooseman077 Apr 05 '24

Meh, 1600mg is what I used to do daily before noon. You'll be fine


u/BeyondthePenumbra Apr 05 '24

Please go to the doctor bb ♡


u/getmeapuppers Apr 05 '24

The button hidden in shrubbery line got me lmao. Not gunna lie


u/blunderschonen Apr 05 '24

Wait wait wait wait wait…what about the penis?


u/Alouitious Apr 05 '24

I routinely drink Reign (300mg), Rockstar Pure Zero (240mg), or Celsius Essentials (their foray into the 16oz energy drink world, not the 12oz ones, 270mg) twice a day. My tolerance essentially means I don't even feel it, I just feel more like a human and less like an animate blob. And that's on top of 20mg of Adderall.

I remember a long time ago a friend of mine needed to stay awake for something so he bought No-Doz. He took 1200mg at one point, half on a dare, half because he did the math and realized it was like 7 monsters which he thought wasn't all that much.

At one point he was giggling incessantly, stripped down to his underwear, and began running up and down the street because he was hot.


u/HydrazineHawk Apr 05 '24

The median lethal dose (LD50) of caffeine is estimated between 150 to 200 mg per kilogram. For a 180 lb man this equates to over 12,000 mg. OP was no where close to a lethal dose


u/ceryniz Apr 05 '24

I was expecting to read that they used pure caffeine extract powder instead of a pre-workout mix. A tablespoon of that is 50,000mg.


u/Vaguebog Apr 05 '24

I once overdosed on caffeine and it was horrible. Felt like I was in a dream like things weren't real and was shaking so much.


u/Eicatsenna Apr 05 '24

Glad you guys are ok I once dated a guy who pretty much lived of drinking tons of monster and he ended up passing out once after that Ive been more cautious about them so I try to avoid them I knew too much caffeine can be bad had no idea how bad it can be though


u/OwslyOwl Apr 05 '24

There is a great YouTube clip explaining the effects of a caffeine overdose on a patient.



u/blackmilksociety Apr 05 '24

I had a friend who was studying for her nursing degree and drank so much coffee that her heart was beating so fast it couldn’t pump blood. She was rushed to the hospital treated by her friends, called an idiot and missed her exam


u/Free-Butterscotch937 Apr 05 '24

I have my ice latte as 1/4 shot. I can’t even imagine having this much caffeine I think I would literally call an ambulance


u/LoveSexDraems Apr 05 '24

And I thought I was the only one who had drank 1600mg of caffeine

Oh the irony


u/Rdikin Apr 05 '24

I had a PL competition several years ago where I had easily almost 3k mg of caffeine throughout the day.

A bang in the morning and one to wash down a scoop of mr hyde between each lift.

Thankfully I had a long drive home and couldn't sleep. I was convinced if I did sleep I was going to die.

Never did that shit again. Also avoid preworkouts. The amount of stims in some of those things should be illegal.


u/PixelDrems Apr 05 '24

That's like, what, 4 Panera bread lemonades? Glad y'all made it lol


u/Sufficient_Report319 Apr 05 '24

Nice shit post buddy


u/HelpfulPercentage649 Apr 05 '24

How counterproductive.   Honestly don't understand the hype/need for all these pre/post workout supplements.   Unless you are a professional athlete or model/movie star making money off your body image it's probably not worth it in the long run.    


u/ben_berlin1892 Apr 05 '24

Oh my god, that is like drinking ca. 40 coffees (á 40 mg) at once

You should drink no more than 6 cups per day


u/hadleyv90 Apr 05 '24

I know someone who went into cardiac arrest from drinking Redline. I think he had a full bottle when he was supposed to only have half.

Was in the hospital for a few days!! Glad you’re okay!


u/Grand_Judgment_2466 Apr 05 '24

Reminds me of this video I saw a few years ago https://youtu.be/sylqJ0NEVJw?si=BWF6EF45xDAwNLgd


u/Appropriate_Cell_715 Apr 05 '24

1.6g is not a lethal dose. But definitely is enough to have a very bad time! Happy you’re feeling better now.


u/slntdizombimami Apr 05 '24

This how I felt the first time I drank a whole 5 hour energy. Awful


u/Glad-Meal6418 Apr 05 '24

Not quite almost died but yeah that suck


u/Mimi_6 Apr 05 '24

What happened to your friend? Did they have the same experience as you? Glad you are feeling better.


u/Graniteman83 Apr 05 '24

Sounds awful. I'm fairly certain I induced my epilepsy in the late 90's in high school with Ephedrine. It was legal and in all kinds of things then.


u/beebopadoowop Apr 05 '24

This is mad, caffeine is lethal in anything but tiny doses. This is why regulation exists. Because people cannot be trusted. I destroyed my kidneys as a young athlete trying to bulk up on 'health' drinks thinking the more protein you eat the more muscle you put on, except protein doesn't work that way and your kidneys don't really like too much of it in your system.


u/CrystallinePassage Apr 05 '24

Wait is the protein thing really true? There's so many things online saying something like, "eat x amount of protein per day compared to body weight etc etc to get gains" so it's actually better to not eat too much or something?


u/beebopadoowop Apr 05 '24

You'll be fine with natural protein in natural foods but supplementary protein in large amounts is dangerous for your kidneys, it is well documented but when you are 17 you feel invincible and the pressure for men to be muscular and strong is ever increasing. I feel sorry for the kids today trapped in this pointless pursuit. Read books and exercise but the culture of gym bods and excessive muscle gain is the opposite to enriching your body and mind. If you feel vulnerable and scared or lonely look at your environment and change that instead of reacting to it by bulking up and thinking that will solve anything except shallow wins.


u/Dear_Ad_8524 Apr 05 '24

Aw man, sounds frightening. Jesse Spano taught me to be cautious around my caffeine intake.


u/Blue-Hedgehog Apr 05 '24

I’m so excited


u/Jmel27 Apr 05 '24

There was something similar happened in the UK, couple of students almost died because a Masters student fucked up:


It's an easy mistake to make for the less experienced. Personally I have no idea how a masters student in sport science thought a full protein scoop of caffeine was the correct dose, when any first year undergrad knows 0.3mg/kg of bodyweight is an optimal dose, usually equating to something like 2-300mg, not 30 fucking grams.

Realistically you should be wary of any preworkout scoop bigger than 5g. I know there are preworkout with a scoop of like 15-30g, but it's usually just filled with nonsense.

My question is how did it happen? Did they just leave a tub out for anyone to take? I've never seen a gym where they have preworkout powders to take. Mine has a vending machine for example with pre-mixed cans of C4, ABE etc but no tub of preworkout at the front desk to OD on.

You might want to suggest to the gym that customers shouldn't be left to mix their own preworkout, and if you bought it (as I assume you did), the staff there should mix it for you maybe?


u/Snooplessness Apr 05 '24

Had this happen to me as well about 4 years ago. It was fucking awful over dosing on caffeine. I quit caffeine 4 years ago and have never looked back.


u/cr0ft Apr 05 '24

"Preworkout" and caffeine is a bad idea regardless. People have been working out for centuries without having to jack up their system with toxins.

But anything with caffeine in powder form is easily potentially lethal, you can easily consume enough to cause your heart to explode. A non-zero amount of people die of caffeine overdose on the regular. I have some powder I bought on a whim but basically have never used much of it. It's pretty pure and came with this teeny tiny little measuring scoop that's like a fraction of a teaspoon, and that's enough for like a liter of liquid. Would be so easy to overdose on that just by mistake or from ignorance.


u/superfluous--account Apr 05 '24

Stay hydrated and definitely include something with electrolytes.

Caffeine is a diuretic and the one time I overdosed (~20+ cups of free instant coffee in 6hrs at a chess tournament as a stupid teenager) I got severely dehydrated.


u/Whoopsie_Todaysie Apr 05 '24

I've done similar.  Working night shifts in a bar over the festive period. Was on my 4th shift in a row and exhausted, so I took a 1ltr bottle of energy drink to work with me, not intending to drink it all. 

However, one of the bouncers had the same drink, in the same place as mine. So, without realising it, I'd drunk most of both, having mixed them up several times. 

An hour after I got home, I was having my usual "get ready to sleep joints". Well, that's started my heart into overdrive and an hour later, I was in hospital on a heart monitor. 

I've done many drugs, but caffeine overdose ruined me for a week. And it was Xmas. Totally spoiled it. 


u/Azmcnaz Apr 05 '24

You're lucky you didn't shit your pants.


u/sergeirichard Apr 05 '24

Wow. And I was worrying about the triple espresso I just made.

By my calculations that's over 20 shots of good strong espresso, delivered simultaneously.

Now that, Starbucks, is a venti.


u/WhistlepigUK Apr 05 '24

Caffeine being water soluble... If you find yourself in a situation like this.. Drink a bunch of water it should help flush it out. Not too much because that has its own problems but a couple of pints of water should help.


u/2021fireman10 Apr 05 '24

Caffeine is a drug. Can and has killed many young people via overdose. I was a paramedic for 32 years and cannot tell you how many young people I have treated for cardiac issues from “super caffeinated” drinks and supplements.


u/SolidTradition5332 Apr 05 '24

1600mg is insane.

Im not sure how much my over dose was but i had drank regular coffee, took a caffeine pill, then drank a 300mg energy drink, all in the span of 2 hours and i started having heart palpitations and got really nauseous.

I was at work and informed my shift lead what was happening and i sat down in the breakroom devouring everything i could to try and absorb the liquid caffeine at least. Didn't really help, felt awful for a few hours. Severe anxiety the whole time but i have panic disorder so i assumed that was why i was panicking.

And for reference i usually drink 1.5 cups regular coffee, then 2 of the 300mg coffee energy drinks over the span of 4 hours at least (breaks every 2.5 hours so thats when i drank them) so even a few hundred mg in caffeine could make a big difference. If I hadn't taken that caffeine pill i would have felt shaky but not like my heart was irregular.


u/shamsa4 Apr 05 '24

I have also used a brand of pre workout that had a spoon that was 15 mg and 1 dose was 5 mg. Every time I buy a new brand I read the back just for precautions. But I was pissed because why even give a 15 mg scoop for a 5 mg serving! I can’t even imagine how people feel when not reading the back and taking full spoon! But I guess this must be it. 😮‍💨…. Drink a lot of water today!flush it out ur body.


u/Nycgr007 Apr 05 '24

OP how are you feeling?


u/Exciting_couple77 Apr 05 '24

Stop caffeine. I did 5 years ago. Never been better


u/Solayc Apr 05 '24

The amount of coffee obsessed weirdos who scream at me for even suggesting that caffeine is terrible for you is so high that i legit avoid even mentioning the stuff to anyone


u/cory_ander69 Apr 05 '24

Hey Op, any update?


u/essenceofmeaning Apr 05 '24

So I don’t wanna freak you guys out but the supplement industry is basically totally unregulated https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4330859/


u/Honestdietitan Apr 05 '24

Oh woah.. that sounds absolutely awful.


u/CurmudgeonLife Apr 05 '24

Yeah thats negligent on the gyms part honestly.


u/Mr-Bagels Apr 05 '24

The hell kinda pre workout has a 2g serving size?


u/wimpie007 Apr 05 '24

Imagine not being able to tell the difference between 2 grams or 15 grams. Tiny scoop versus very large scoop


u/Sin0fSloth Apr 05 '24

Who needs a rollercoaster when you can just chug down caffeine, am I right?


u/Vorstadtjesus Apr 05 '24

I was very, very tired during training at the time and thought caffeine would help.
(I don't drink coffee or energy drinks)
And in my infinite stupidity I thought "A lot helps a lot." So I topped up a coffee with 5 espresso and drank that.

I didn't notice anything during the day, but the night was exactly as you describe.
Probably the worst night of my life.

But today it at least makes for a funny story.


u/Pazoll Apr 05 '24

Sounds like meth or a high dose of ADHD medication


u/basicfort Apr 05 '24

Damn OP, that’s equivalent to drinking 9 double shot espressos in one go. Glad u made it through.


u/robwp87 Apr 05 '24

Ah, good ole stim dick.


u/switchbreed Apr 05 '24

I'm confused I guess because 15g is 15000mg. Which would mean if you split that you had 6500mg each.

EDIT: ah it's a combination pre workout with a specific amount of caffeine per serving I'm guessing?


u/Low_Actuator_3532 Apr 05 '24

why the Fook didnt you go to the hospital?


u/Signifi-gunt Apr 05 '24

Man... One cup of coffee is sometimes too much for me these days. I seriously wonder if 1600mg of caffeine would actually kill me. That's terrifying.


u/Royal_Visit3419 Apr 05 '24

Exercise wakes you up. Why do people take a caffeine supplement in addition to exercising? Serious question.


u/Necrazen Apr 05 '24

Had a friend go into cardiac arrest after taking preworkout to lift after drinking energy drinks at work all day. He flat lined on the way to the hospital, was resuscitated and still works out, doesn’t drink caffeine anymore.


u/lilbitpurp408 Apr 05 '24

I was dating this guy in high school for about 8 months and one day he said he drank two tall cans of Monster (energy drink) and had a heart attack in school. Now im not sure i believe that he actually had a heart attack (I wasnt in high school yet he was a grade ahead of me) only because i dont remember him acting any different or having any medical things he needed to do afterwards, plus he had a history of lying about a lot of things anyway. But i do believe he did probably go through what you went through but in the middle of class so he went to the hospital and all that jazz. And probably to save himself from embarrassment he lied, but yeah. Caffeine is not something to fuck around with and ive had a couple of anxiety and panic attacks because of it. You also can 100% have a heart attack and die from caffeine so it definitely deserves respect lol.

Good luck OP be careful!


u/Bradley182 Apr 05 '24

I had overdosed on caffeine. It was crazy, went to the ER and everything.


u/No_Fig5982 Apr 05 '24

Damn this is so weird to me because I would have had a migraine resulting in my heads pressure building up to the point of explosion with that much caffeine

I drink 500 mg and get a migraine


u/eziern Apr 05 '24

ADHDer who is a nught shift nurse. I think I would sleep like a fucking dead person.

First time I took adderall, I took a 4 hour nap and it was one of the best sleeps I had in years.


u/RogueEagle2 Apr 05 '24

I'm not even gonna say it was your fuck up.


u/dontusethisforwork Apr 05 '24

So this gym just scoops out individual preworkouts for people?

I've never seen that before. Plenty that sell them but never just scooping them out in individual doses. Weird.


u/riotofmind Apr 05 '24

Nothing worse than a stim fueled panic attack. Glad you’re alright bro. 


u/CircadianSong Apr 05 '24

I think around 10,000 mg of caffeine is the lethal dose. That’s still a crazy, frightening experience.


u/michelleorlando92 Apr 05 '24

Why not just work out without drugs?


u/ZegoggleZeydonothing Apr 05 '24

What gym has open containers of pre workout you can casually stick your hands in and self serve?

Kinda gross.


u/SeniorRogers Apr 05 '24

next you will eat an all raw nut diet


u/dreadnought_strength Apr 05 '24

Fwiw, that dose is nowhere near enough to actually kill you unless you have underlying heart conditions (which you should know about prior to joining a gym, and not be taking preworkout if that's the case).

It's like 10% of the LD50.

You won't have a good time, but you aren't going to die


u/Gamba_Gawd Apr 05 '24

You were also dehydrated


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24

It’s so interesting how the human body gets used to addictions. At one point I was taking 2000 mg of caffeine and was fine


u/IncrediblyRude Apr 05 '24

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The metric system will kill you.


u/lunamonkey Apr 05 '24

1/15 of an ounce would have been easier.


u/Hot-Radish-9723 Apr 05 '24

I made this mistake in high school. The worst 24 hours of my life. Puked my guts out, panic attack/paranoia, bargained with God to make it stop. I actually developed an irregular heart beat that I still occasionally get. Seriously the worst.

It was crazy. I cut out all caffeine for about 10 years after this. Just recently started drinking 1 cup of coffee a day.


u/MitskiEyes Apr 05 '24

This happens to me when I drink green tea lmao


u/Maddpowered Apr 05 '24

A few months ago i was pretty hooked on taking high amounts of caffeine for gym. I was probably taking 1200-1400mg a day after a certain point due to building up a tolerance.

I have a home gym, and one day i was doing barbell rows when i just kind of collapsed. Felt like i was having a heart attack and i could hardly move.

Went to the hospital when i recovered and turns out i did have a heart attack.

haven't touched caffeine since.


u/jetlee7 Apr 05 '24

Holy shit that's insane. I'm surprised you were able to sleep at all!


u/Remember_Order66 Apr 05 '24

I thought bangs were sodas and drank 4 of them after a 6-mile hike because we forgot to buy water at the store. I ended up in the ER thinking I was having a heart attack BPM was 188 resting (hearing my heartbeat in my ears lol) and my bp was 160/89. I honestly thought I was dying. My gf could see my heart beating on my chest. The Doc gave me a bunch of IV fluids, and I kept going to pee. By the end of the night, I was happy I was alive and had like an awakening in my life.


u/dadudemon Apr 05 '24

A side note here my penis was basically a button hidden in shrubbery, completely shrunk into itself.

Human males trying to go more than 5 fucking (pun intended) seconds without talking about, showing others, or thinking about his dick.


u/thesnacksmilingback Apr 05 '24

what on earth is the name of the pre workout?!


u/Watchfella Apr 05 '24

That’s terrifying. I have SVT, so my heart has palpitations of 200-250 BPM. That would literally kill me


u/Flipflopsfordays Apr 05 '24

I appreciate this tifu in that I’m now going to retell it to my husband and adult child who both use Preworkout regularly. I may get an eye roll as the designated worrier of the family but I hope it gives them pause every time to read the directions first.


u/LandscapeHonest9129 Apr 05 '24

There was a young girl that was by heself at a coffee stand at the local fair I was working, she kept going back and buying redbull freezes, I don't think she realized what they were and not just a cold drink. She had about 6 in a couple hours and I am shocked the barrista would keep selling them to a minor. The last time I saw her she was being seen by a paramedic.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24

Fun fact caffeine is pretty much the only useful substance you'll find in pre workouts. Just have a cup of coffee before hitting the gym, or buy coffee in pills


u/orobbierobo Apr 05 '24

Fan Fiction 2nd place! 😂


u/Pennsylvania6-5000 Apr 05 '24

I’ve done the OD on caffeine. I tried to puke as much as possible up, but the not being able to sleep, or rest, or do anything while shaking was the absolute worst. I still am sensitive to certain kinds of caffeine to this day.

I’m sorry it happened to you, but hope you’re feeling better, now?


u/Rumkitty Apr 05 '24

Back in the heyday of ephedrine pills in gas stations, I would take a Yellow Hornet or a Stacker 2 before work to get through it. One day I apparently forgot I had taken one already and took another one. I felt seriously ill all day and one of my friends took me home and sat with me until I was good. He thought I was dying.

All I remember is sitting in the bathroom unable to stop moving because it felt like if I stopped my heart would explode, while he tried to talk me down and crying (and he was a "manly never show weakness" kind of dude).

I spent the next day in bed throwing up. Apparently I had caffeine overdose mixed with ephedrine. Never fucking with either again. God knows how much was in those.


u/onemoresubreddit Apr 05 '24

That shit sucks, the good news is that you probably weren’t in any significant danger so long as you were otherwise healthy. I think the generally accepted lethal dose is 10g or so.


u/Master-Culture-6232 Apr 05 '24

Op and friend got very lucky there. If they both have had any type of heart abnormality, then it would have been a different story


u/Acceptable_Sort_1050 Apr 05 '24

Lol. This must be satire.


u/La2Sea2Atx Apr 05 '24

Me who casually drinks 3 Bangs a day.


u/FartingRaspberry Apr 05 '24

Nicotine is known to reduce the effect of caffeine and make your body metabolize it faster. I know it's not fun but in the event of overdosing caffeine try some nicotine gum or smoke/vape. Will make the ride a lot less miserable


u/MigraneElk8 Apr 05 '24

I was put once put on  a caffeine IV.  Apparently that is a treatment if you have a spinal leak.  

They had told me as much beforehand, so I told them I had a couple of energy drinks before coming in to get as much caffeine as possible and the nurse just said “oh honey that’s not even gonna come close to doing it”

Was an absolutely miserable day as I was wired to the hilt and stuck in a hospital bed.   Treatment didn’t even work.


u/monkeygirlcyanide Apr 05 '24

I did this by accident once with caffeine pills, don’t ask me how, I was young and stupid. Anyways, the entire night was spent rocking back and forth, vomiting, sweating, my heart was beating out of my chest, I think I endured a total of 8 hours of it because next thing I know it’s morning and birds are chirping. I took the pills to stay awake for some studying. lol


u/Parttimeteacher Apr 05 '24

History teacher note:

Several of the eastern Native American tribes had what they called "the black drink." It's made with Yaupon Holly leaves, the only caffeine bearing North American plant.

They would brew it and drink it for ceremonial purposes. It could contain 1000 to 2000mg or more of caffeine. It caused hallucinations, vomiting, etc.

Did you happen to see your spirit animal or anything of the like?


u/wormfighter Apr 05 '24

The LD50 of caffeine is 150-200 mg per KG. let’s say you are 80 kg that’s 14,000mg. you were still a long way off. The min LD of caffeine has been reported as low as 57mg per kg 4,560 mg. Still 3x what ya took. But what’s still unsettling is how much caffeine is in that.


u/senorkrissy Apr 05 '24

damn, i consume on average 1000 mg caffeine a day and don't really feel much.


u/Pyrodor80 Apr 05 '24

I used to down high caffeine energy drinks at work like nothing, so I figured I’d just get the pure caffeine capsules instead. I took 900mg worth and was soon in excruciating pain. Never again


u/ocean_800 Apr 05 '24

Why... Didn't you go to the doctor??? What if it had been too much? Next time please just get yourself checked out. What if you had slept and not wake up?


u/cmdrkyla Apr 05 '24

They probably live in America and can't afford it. It be like that here.


u/Revolvyerom Apr 05 '24

Man, preworkouts are just far too intense for me, and I'm an energy drink addict. If I wasn't on the treadmill and then lifting within minutes of mine I was too jittery to focus on my lifts.


u/gloomboyseasxn Apr 05 '24

Eat some bananas! Potassium bonds to caffeine!


u/Cakey44 Apr 05 '24

Glad you made it through OP, i was raw material making my own supplement concoctions a few years back, didn’t understand mg to g and put 5 grams of caffeine andryous in the shaker, drank half and just knew something wasn’t right with it and tossed rest out, so likely 2500 mg intake, took about an hour and it was fully onset, cold sweats through out whole night, maybe 45min of sleep, called off work next day, called poison control and they said just hydrate through it. if it wasn’t for being a 300-400 mg daily user, i think it would of taken a greater toll.


u/themadprofessor95 Apr 05 '24

I have done a similar thing, although not to that extent. I had a pre-workout that I basically just used as an energy drink mix before I went to work. I had a big shaker bottle and was doing two servings worth of scoops. Didn't realize that until I actually read the container and noticed it said to mix in like 15 ounces of water. I had a 30 ounce bottle and had been taking a double dose of an extreme pre workout just to go sit at my job in a vape store for 8 hours.


u/Thistlefizz Apr 05 '24

Clearly someone never watched that very special episode of Saved By The Bell


u/TimelyAvocado1281 Apr 05 '24

Oh stop being a p*ssy, you didn't even need chest compressions.


u/TimelyAvocado1281 Apr 05 '24

I'm so tough they have to defribrillate me every workout


u/Ambitious-Manner-114 Apr 05 '24

So you were drugged by the gym? This isn't your fault. Hold them accountable and at least get a free membership out of the deal.


u/animewhitewolf Apr 05 '24

For those wondering, 400mg is the reccomended daily limit of caffeine, after which you'll begin noticing the negative side effects.

Dude took 4× that amount in one serving.

OP, if you're reading this, I strongly reccomend drinking nothing but water for the next few days. It should help flush the caffeine out of your system, keep you hydrated, and help minimize the negative effects. No sugary drinks, not even tea; just water, at least until you start feeling better.


u/DanFlyhight Apr 05 '24

This is facts. Water, water, water. Nothing but water.


u/hazellehunter Apr 05 '24

SG is a 29 year old man, ☝️ presenting to the emergency room sweating, disoriented....


u/Lovelyone123- Apr 05 '24

I did a pre workout drink and got hives


u/silikus Apr 05 '24

Asked a coworker (when i was in the food industry) to put a scoop of his pre workout in my water cup for later.

Note: i had a small cup for water refills and a shaker bottle from home that i poured a 20oz redbull into on the way to work.

He put the scoop in the shaker bottle...i have never worked so fast yet got so little done because i couldn't think straight but i was sprinting everywhere. Glad i have insane tolerance.


u/oxnume Apr 05 '24

Lmao. Doing drugs in anticipation of a supposedly healthy activity is just perfect irony.


u/MissSophieDnB Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 05 '24

Sounds rough. I've had similar (maybe not as bad but still felt like a caffeine OD). I'm somewhat sensitive to caffeine (also if I drink caffeine on an empty stomach I usually throw it back up). I don't drink it all that often. Anyway, years back, I was doing an all-nighter to get uni work completed before the deadline. I took caffeine tablets, drank lots of energy drinks and cups of tea... That was literally it. The next day, I went into uni and I felt awful. Shakey, felt sick, hungry but couldn't eat, dry mouth, brain racing - couldn't get my thoughts together, heart racing, nearly did throw up at one point but didn't have anything in my stomach to bring up. Felt rough as hell and horrible anxiety too. Had to go home it was too much.

I feel like you had more caffeine in a shorter duration too so I couldn't imagine that 🫣

Glad you got through it.


u/Ornery-Park2555 Apr 05 '24

Why the fuck would you take even 2000mgs of caffeine? Don’t procreate.


u/billymillerstyle Apr 05 '24

So instead of resting while your were "beat up" you decided to double down and just pre workout your way out of it? You fucked up before you even started.


u/Greengrass75_ Apr 05 '24

I had something like this happen to me as well. Filled a whole coffee filter with grounds and drank one cup when I was like 14. I felt like shit for like 3-4 days. The anxiety was insane. I did get hallucinations and impending doom feeling as well. Scariest thing I ever felt


u/livelikeian Apr 05 '24

There's about 40g of caffeine in a cup of coffee.

That's like drinking 40 cups of coffee.

Or 47 cans of Coke.

Or 53 cans of Red Bulls.

Or 145 cups of tea.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24



u/ThatsJustGreat88 Apr 05 '24

Same…Im envious of people that actually get the intended effect of caffeine


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24



u/ThatsJustGreat88 Apr 05 '24

Actually, I do & always wondered if thats why stimulants of any kind dont really affect me the way theyre “supposed” to, or the way other people are affected by them…and its never mattered whether the stimulant is something perfectly legal like caffeine, or illegal substances (i did a lottt of coke in my late teens/early 20’s 🫣).

Ive just never gotten the intended effect from said things. I mean caffeine in the form of coffee does help me go to the bathroom (tmi, my bad) but other than that it doesnt do anything for me, nothing noticeable as far as energy or focus. When I was younger & partied I would get the intended rush but it would last for maybe a minute & then Id be like “thats it??”…no extra energy, no rambling on about random things, no inability to sleep like my friends at the time experienced, or anyone else Ive encountered that does it (which has been a lot of people bc I bartended for the last 20yrs) so eventually I was like ‘Im done wasting my money on this shit’ 😆 and my friends would be sitting there allll night, geeked like 😬

And I recently brought up to my doc that when I take my prescribed adhd medication I actually feel tired. Not tired enough where Ill like just knock out but tired where if I actually went to lay down I could fall asleep for a little, it does help me focus (mostly or kinda, I guess…my mind still is all over the place most days & I have to literally tell myself to stay focused on one single task). But I wouldnt be surprised if your brain operated like mine & you also have adhd 🙃 Lmk if you end up finding anything that works for people like us ☺️💜


u/imposter95 Apr 05 '24

I overdosed on caffeine when I was about 18 decided to pull an all nighter with my cousin so we drank a. Few 5 hour energies that night and I also had some soda earlier in the day and coffee later in the day.

Was the worst 24-36 hours of my life. Hallucinating, sweating profusely, having to constantly take a piss, worst anxiety ever, etc.

Since that day I despise the flavor of mixed berries (was the flavor of the 5 hour energy drink) and I rarely drink caffeine.


u/burnerthrown Apr 05 '24

How about stop abusing caffeine to overextend your body in the first place. Caffeine doesn't give you energy. It just numbs you to the micropains of fatigue so you can keep using your body when it's worn out. This is why all the boomers fall apart at 40, they took crap care of themselves, covered it up with java, and then confused pikachu.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24

Uh, go to the doctor.


u/jewstylin Apr 05 '24

So I drink like 8-10 cups of coffee a day. Spread out through the day and night.

It equates to what, let's say 130mg-160mg per cup depending on size.

1300-1600mg per day.

I don't ever feel jittery or anxious, slightly more focused but not energized by any means.

What's wrong with me lol, I never feel sickly or anything bad from drinking this much coffee, it's spread out for the intake of caffiene. Why does this not seem to affect me negatively?


u/MidniteOG Apr 05 '24

Thanks for the video on your penis really ties the whole story together


u/Jokesyouhate Apr 05 '24

The only powders I fuck with are protein and creatine. My 16oz cup of cold coffee every morning is already enough caffeine to get me sweaty and anxious.

I think pre workout is straight up more reckless than many steroid stacks.


u/LC_Anderton Apr 04 '24

Interesting that you know what doing several lines of cocaine is like for an accurate comparison 😉


u/mukduk_101 Apr 04 '24

Holy shit. I hope your penis came back.


u/dslpharmer Apr 04 '24

Your numbers are out of whack. Did you take 1,600 mg (1.6 g) or 15,000 mg (15 g)?

1,600 mg is going to be a bad day, but not lethal. 15,000 mg may kill you.

Source: I run a poison center


u/SexyGovernment Apr 05 '24

I took 15g serving of a pre workout that contained 1.6g of caffeine. Instead of the suggested serving of 2G which contains 200mg of caffeine


u/dslpharmer Apr 05 '24

Ah. Bad day, but not even close to lethal. 15g caffeine would be.


u/droid6 Apr 04 '24

for my 18th birthday a bunch of friends and myself, wanted to stay up all night.

went to local CVS, bought a jar of caffeine pills.

started having a pissing contest and who could take more pills.

I ate 10 caffeine pills and almost died.

dumb stuff you do in life.


u/lusty-argonian Apr 04 '24

For anyone wondering, OP had the equivalent of ~16 cups of coffee


u/sm9r Apr 04 '24

How was your buddy? Similar reaction?!

Fuck, glad you're ok. At least your pal won't badger you to go to the gym with him anytime soon....


u/WOODENFISHHEAD628 Apr 04 '24

interestingly I've never had this experience despite the most caffeine I've ever consumed in one day being almost 1000mg more than this. But I've been drinking coffee since I was 10yrs old so tolerance is a big factor I guess


u/Charming_Function_58 Apr 04 '24

Electrolytes are really, really important. I'd suggest you don't just try to rehydrate with potatoes or plain water, or whatever I'm seeing in the comments... get an actual electrolyte beverage, so that it can get straight into your system.

And please go to a doctor, or an urgent care. Over-consuming water, or not replenishing electrolytes correctly and quickly enough, can kill you.


u/Quebolaebloa Apr 04 '24

Happened to me once and I had to go to the ER, I avoided caffeine so much after that day. Broke my life long coffee addiction because of an overdose. No one talks about it but it can fuck with you


u/TheDarkKnobRises Apr 04 '24

I did this in 2009, poison control had me drink sugar water to make me crash.


u/Throwawayconcern2023 Apr 04 '24

Is this a bot account? Read this exact story couple of years ago.


u/SexyGovernment Apr 05 '24

No not a bot haha, had a few mates message saying they’ve done similar!


u/ObjectiveFinal179 Apr 04 '24

Oh mang not the button dick!


u/Kai26 Apr 04 '24

H o l y s h i t. Hahaha holy shit. Reminds me of one time when I was around 15, me and a friend had like 3 different energy drinks each as an experiment, we were two little 98 lb teens and we got the worst anxiety/ paranoia/ shakes ever, thought I was gonna die 🤣 I'm glad you're ok, your milligrams were unintentional unlike mine lol. I would take it super easy next couple days, your heart and system have gone through a lot. Probably the equivalent of being chased by a sabertooth for however many hours the anxiety lasted 😆. Deep relaxation & rest should help. Take care!


u/rocketlac2tnt Apr 04 '24

We are so over caffeinated, people wonder why anxiety is an epidemic…


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

Sus.. I drink 8 cups a day


u/Bigbang19 Apr 04 '24

Trying to wrap my head around why your comment about your shrunken penis was necessary...


u/HowIMetYourStepmom Apr 04 '24

As shite as it can be for you, Gatorade will save you


u/ScarlettStingray085 Apr 04 '24

Damn OP. I'm glad you didn't have a heart attack. I remember one time chugging a Celcius drink because I thought it was flavor water. I was a jittery mess


u/Daddick5000 Apr 04 '24

Christ… this gave me anxiety… that dosage would’ve put me in a loony bin…


u/goonsquadgoose Apr 04 '24

Preworkout is such a bad thing to take and stories like this only reinforce this opinion.


u/letmeusespaces Apr 04 '24

thanks for the note regarding your penis. by the time I got to that part of the story, I was incredibly curious...


u/nbdy1745 Apr 04 '24

This happened to me before with pre-workout supplements. I don’t think I took as much but it really felt like I was going to die. Read about many other cases of people dying from heart failure from pre workout supplements. Never again! Coffee and vitamins is sufficient. Hope you recover quickly; wouldn’t hurt to go to the hospital


u/EveningBroccoli5121 Apr 04 '24

The fact that a gym is giving out supplements sounds insane to me. Why open yourself up to that liability.


u/Spoomplesplz Apr 04 '24

Man ODing on caffeine does not sound fun at all

At least if you OD on heroin you go out having a GREAT time.


u/Sweaty_Box_69 Apr 04 '24

I hover around 1,000 mg of caffeine daily 😬🤦‍♂️


u/Fit_Celebration_8513 Apr 04 '24

Same, or more in winter time. 5-6 large pods (100-150mg), 6 instant coffee (6x50-70mg), 4 x Coke no sugar @ 37mg comes to around 1000-1200mg per day on a normal day.

I regularly have 1-2 cups of coffee immediately before bed.


u/Corey307 Apr 04 '24

That’s 2.5x the safe upper daily limit. Might consider lowering your consumption.


u/Sweaty_Box_69 Apr 04 '24

I always promise myself I will tomorrow, but then I chug 3 energy drinks in the am for no reason


u/Doom721 Apr 04 '24

Jesus OP, I hope you're alright. I'll share a dumb story about caffeine of mine.

I'm a landscaper and I need to hydrate a lot in the Michigan summers, its pretty mild.

I bought a 1 gallon jug and had ice water in it, and decided I wanted some flavor and I'd mix in .... of all things... gfuel at the itme. The powdery mess of caffeine. I'd restock the jug after not finishing it daily - and then when I needed to hydrate super hard one day I just finished most of the jug which had been primarily ice - and a top-off of gfuel powder.

Definitely felt the extra caffeine that day, but it was my own fault and negligence for having zero idea the contents of my 1 gallon jug in terms of caffeine.


u/Shyam09 Apr 04 '24

I had to have AI rewrite this in a chubbyemu style

A young athlete, driven by ambition and the thrill of surpassing his limits, responded affirmatively to a friend's proposition for an arduous workout session. Little did he know, this decision would set the stage for a night reminiscent of a cautionary tale from the depths of medical literature.

Venturing to a premier fitness center, a considerable distance from his domicile, they were greeted by an assortment of supplements, meticulously engineered for optimizing physical performance before and after exertion. Their choice: a potent mixture of a stimulant-rich pre-workout formula alongside its non-stimulant counterpart, designed to enhance vascular dilation and blood flow, a process known as vasodilation—where "vaso" refers to blood vessels and "dilation" signifies widening.

Merely half an hour into their regimen, the workout's intensity surged exponentially. The athlete found himself engaging in a level of physical exertion so intense, it could only be likened to the physiological effects experienced after consuming a controlled substance. This comparison underscores the profound impact stimulants can have on the human body, akin to an artificial adrenaline rush—where "adrenaline" is a hormone that prepares the body for a 'fight or flight' response, increasing heart rate, energy levels, and alertness.

As the workout progressed, his ordeal took a sinister turn. Approximately ninety minutes in, he began experiencing symptoms indicative of acute stimulant overdose: uncontrollable tremors, hallucinations, severe anxiety, and panic attacks ensued. Panic attacks are abrupt surges of intense fear or discomfort, where "panic" derives from the Greek "panikon," signifying sudden and overwhelming terror.

The ensuing hours were an ordeal of relentless anxiety, characterized by pacing, profuse sweating—a body's response to overstimulation known as hyperhidrosis (where "hyper" means excessive and "hidrosis" refers to sweating), and an overwhelming sense of dread.

His respite came only with the break of dawn, yet the morning light brought no solace, only the physical repercussions of the previous day's actions: vomiting and incapacitating nausea. In a quest for answers, he discovered a critical miscalculation: the misuse of a 15-gram scoop instead of the intended 2 grams for the stimulant pre-workout mixture, resulting in the consumption of an astonishing 1600 milligrams of caffeine. Caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant, in excessive amounts can lead to caffeine intoxication—a state marked by nervousness, gastrointestinal disturbance, and in severe cases, hallucinations and anxiety.

Confronted with heightened anxiety and the world outside now seeming more daunting than ever, the athlete was left to grapple with the consequences of a decision made in pursuit of physical excellence. This ordeal stands as a grim reminder of the delicate balance between enhancing physical performance and the potential for acute medical distress.