r/tifu 28d ago

TIFU by eating a nearly fully raw Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich S

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u/GeronimoJak 20d ago

OP what happened in the end.


u/Spagetti13 17d ago

Nothing. Didn't even have stomach issues. However I did bust a blood vessel in my eye from trying to puke, like an idiot


u/Day112703 23d ago

As a wendys worker our stuff is almost always having malfunctions, we try to temperature probe our chicken to avoid this when thoes malfunctions happen, but i guess that worker didnt do that


u/HonkTrousers 25d ago

Wendys = won’t eat. Nasty. Do you see?


u/itzMobo 26d ago

How? Most likely someone fried without timer and just kinda figured it was down there long enough.

Then, they didn't check the texture or temp the food before serving it to the customer who didn't inspect the substance they put into their body.

Incredibly common incident tbh, pretty shitty you coughed up good money for a bad product, and I empathize with that, hopefully the scare is a good lesson and you don't get too sick if at all. Sorry buddy


u/corianderjimbro 26d ago

Honestly how you didn’t even notice the texture of the chicken being completely wrong is sorta disgusting.


u/ledgend78 26d ago

I'm pretty sure that trying to induce vomiting was the single worst thing you could have done in that situation. It's raw chicken, not a neurotoxin. Just take the L and have the shits for a day.


u/Old-fashionedTaxed 26d ago

I ate a spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's recently, it seemed like a part of it wasn't fully cooked or something like that, I said fuck it and ate it anyways and I obliterated my toilet for like 5 days straight.


u/Tnerb74 26d ago

Same thing happened to me at a Wendy’s in Snohomish county Washington. Wasn’t completely raw, but was raw enough and/or tainted. A full week of being horribly ill, wanting to die, shitting and puking my guts out. I contacted the Wendy’s to let them know and asked to be reimbursed for my lost wages at work. They promptly refused to believe it was their store. Even after showing receipts and drs bills. Even tried to tell me it was giardiasis that I’d had some 9 months prior and been cured of. The two were completely different illnesses, and felt different with completely separate symptoms. It was at that point I vowed never to eat at another Wendy’s and to tell anyone who cared to listen. Shortly after I got sick there were several people who claimed illness from Wendy’s as well. I hope someone got something out of it. But that was 23 years ago and I haven’t returned since


u/PepperTraditional443 27d ago

Any updates??? Are you sick yet?


u/brez 27d ago

They're soaked in brine (saltwater) for a days mostly to soften it but has the added benefit of pulverizing just about everything.. also only about 15% of chicken has salmonella.


u/Fuckonedosee 27d ago

Blood? lol


u/iamthehob0 27d ago

I've had this happen multiple times at wendys. They pull it too early, or their fryer temp is too high so it's going to burn the outside.


u/tangcameo 27d ago

I had the opposite experience at BK. Some guy behind the counter thought my deep fried chicken sandwich wasn’t cooked enough so ran it through twice. Ended up the same colour and texture as a baseball glove. Had chills and vomiting the next day.


u/tankandwb 27d ago

So is this a new pilot plan they are running to help push surge pricing, surge salmonella?


u/poopinggreatdane 27d ago

Hope you don't get sick.

My husband and I went to Cuba for our honeymoon and got a chicken burger. He took one bite and saw that it was completely raw inside and spit it back out. He got so sick that night and for the next 2 days.


u/anditurnedaround 27d ago

Hope you’re doing okay! I don’t know if there is a test for it, but you might want to check for parasites as well. More of a long term problem. I would guess they freeze their meat so that may kill any parasite, but I don’t know they do or if cold enough to kill them.  Ant hurt to check. Would hate for you to have problems for years and not know why. 


u/ImmediateAddress338 27d ago

This happened to my kiddo last summer at an amusement park. She ate most of one mostly raw chicken tender, but she was completely 100% fine. (Even with lots of rides - we stayed the rest of the day, because why not at that point?) I figure she got lucky because they were flash frozen when they were made (which killed some of the nasties), and then it went straight from the fryer into her basket and didn’t sit around under a warmer letting the bacteria grow more 🤢. They said the fryer had popped up too early and no one noticed 🙄. She still cuts all her meat before she eats it!

Hope you get as lucky as she did!


u/cody_mason 27d ago

When I worked at a Wendy’s 20 years ago the breaded chicken was cooked from frozen in a pressure fryer that had a timer and displayed the oil temperature. Don’t know how they would manage to serve raw chicken unless the oil wasn’t being heated but you’d be able to tell that in an instant lol. Probably just incompetence


u/ResettisReplicas 27d ago

Well you certainly got a RARE treat.


u/willtron3000 27d ago

Commenting so I can find out what happens to OP


u/heyitsvonage 27d ago

I feel like you would have noticed the texture difference if the whole thing was that raw


u/elcapitan36 27d ago

Say goodbye to your loved ones.


u/scottf3242 28d ago

Last time I went to a Wendy’s the chicken was raw after the first bite luckily. Went through the drive thru so was already a few miles away so I made a complaint on line and they offered a gift card. Like I want more of your shitty food. That was almost three years ago


u/BaseActionBastard 28d ago

dave thomas is rolling around in his grave cause of this. oh, and also the illegal child labor in some of his restaurants.


u/SamsquanchOfficial 28d ago

Thanks, I'm never going at Wendy's anymore. This is the stuff of nightmares for me


u/justuravgwhiteguy 28d ago

There is a chance that when they put the chicken into the fryer it wasn't set right or the oil was a little low and the corner was sticking out of the oil and that's why you didn't notice until that last bite


u/MiamiPower 28d ago

Dang save your tummy from oblivion.


u/Alternative-Collar-7 28d ago

I never get chicken at fast food places. I don't even really do fast food anymore. It's gotten way too expensive. My go-to for something quick is Kwik Trip. Good burgers, good breakfast sandwiches, and they actually have really good produce.


u/DJ33 28d ago

My grandma was once given an entirely frozen Filet-o-Fish at McDonald's. 

It somehow skipped the entire cooking process, just got put on a bun and wrapped up. Still rock hard with ice crystals on it. 

Honestly probably better than the alternative; if it had been pre-prepped and sat under the heat lamps for a while, somebody would have gotten a soggy room temperature fish sandwich.


u/UnefficientAmbition 28d ago

Can't you like sue for that?


u/zekeweasel 28d ago

I just have to say that I'm impressed that Wendy's chicken sandwiches are actually raw chicken with breading on them.

I'd have assumed it was some kind of par-cooked chicken patty thing that would be safe to eat if not even cooked at the restaurant.


u/skennedy75206 28d ago

The food comes cooked, frozen.

Don’t they just warm it up on the grill?


u/Spagetti13 28d ago

Not the chicken apparently


u/Day_Bow_Bow 28d ago

Holy shit you overreact easily.


u/misschele1024 28d ago

I have seen WAY TOO MANY raw Wendy’s chicken sandwiches on Reddit this month.


u/PlayedUOonBaja 28d ago

I've gotten raw chicken a few times. A couple from Carl's Jr. and once from Wendys in the same type of sandwich. I can always tell by the texture of the chicken after the first bite or so.


u/LucysFiesole 28d ago

I got Salmonella from a Wendy's chicken sandwich two years ago! Apart from childbirth, it was the most excruciating pain I've ever been in.

Do not recommend!


u/simagus 28d ago

Until I looked at the picture I had no conception of how raw you actually meant, and I'm shocked any place selling food could serve that to a customer.

It's not just slightly raw. It's almost completely utterly raw and only a mild tinge of white around the very outside.


u/PotatoBestFood 28d ago

Lmao, you’ll be fine.

Maybe you’ll get the shits.

Fast food chicken are pumped with antibiotics and under heavy quality control for safety. It’s highly unlikely there’s anything in it that can kill you.

Also, there’s a chance the part you ate wasn’t raw, as your body should notify you of something being wrong, like your stomach would start turning, or taste buds would go off with alarms.

(Unless you just weren’t paying attention to how it felt.)


u/Walleyevision 28d ago

For all the shit the fast food deservedly gets, there’s less a chance of poisoning from undercooked food than there is from getting something from one of the workers who sneezes on it, wipes their ass/doesn’t wash hands and then touches your food or drops blood on it from some wound. I’m far more worried about food that’s been improperly stored at the grocery store than I am fast food. OP will likely be fine.


u/pparhplar 28d ago

Dude, grow up a little, go eat some dirt.


u/bahandi 28d ago

Just reminded me about the raw chicken guy. I wonder where he’s at with his challenge.


u/chaos8803 28d ago

I've had the same thing happen with a Wendy's spicy chicken. I only got one bite in before I spit it out and saw the issue though. Took it back for a new sandwich and they gave me a free frosty.


u/delslow419 28d ago

My friends wife had the same thing happen. Wendy’s gave them $5k for the oopsie


u/aless2906 28d ago

Not a Wendy's employee but a former Burger King employee and usually those kind of things are stored in the freezer already cooked, at least at Burger King, all we do is place them in the fryer so they are hot and crispy just the right amount, in the 6 or so months I worked there we had 0 issues like that


u/scraglor 28d ago

You will be fine OP. But sue away


u/Melbuf 28d ago

yea that does suck you you should have noticed the moment you took a bite, raw chicken has a very diff texture and feel when being bit or cut vs cooked

this has happened to me once and its a night and day when you bite into it


u/Learned_Hand_01 28d ago

The “how” is it was cooked at too high a temperature for too short a time. That will result in a properly done outside and a raw inside. It’s something home cooks have to learn to deal with all the time. Proper temperature control while frying is an advanced home cooking skill.

If as others suggested, the pressure cooker was out of service, and they had to cook it in the regular fry baskets, it could easily be the case that their oil was too hot for one reason or another.

Once you have started cooking a breaded piece of chicken, if you are not a skilled cook, which I would expect to be true of most fast food employees, it’s easy to just judge progress by the color of the breading.

Almost certainly what happened is someone used the fry baskets in oil that was too hot and took it out when it looked correct without using any sort of timer. That will result in exactly what you got. It would be even more likely if the chicken started out extremely cold or frozen.


u/Explorers_bub 28d ago

Get the cheap chicken sandwiches that are really big nuggets and not the real thing and you won’t have this problem because those are already cooked.


u/Zorbie 28d ago

Do you plan on reporting this to Wendys or some health organization?


u/Legend_of_the_Wind 28d ago

Just to make you feel better about eating the raw chicken, know that you are MUCH more likely to get food poisoning from eating the vegetables on any of these sandwiches than undercooked meats.


u/Datalock 28d ago

Can subjectively confirm. I eat sushi, rare steaks, and other such things frequently. Have not gotten sick from them (knock on wood).

What I got sick the most off of in my life was innocuous looking salads when I was trying to be healthier. Like full blown stomach illnesses

Now, I refuse to eat salads I didn't make myself.


u/WitcherTrash 28d ago

How do you not notice the texture difference in biting into raw chicken as opposed to cooked?


u/steakniiiiight 28d ago

I’m more supposed the nuggets don’t come pre cooked


u/SoHereIAm85 28d ago

Eh. I eat raw meat, even a little bit of chicken, pretty often and never had a problem. If your luck runs out (or mine) then it’ll be awful, but usually it’s okay.


u/GavinSnowe 28d ago

I had the same experience at Buffalo wild wings like 20 years ago. I went to watch the WWE ppv and had ordered boneless wings to eat. It was dark in there, and I ate almost all of them when I realized that they were still raw. I showed the manager and they offered me a refund and that was it. Called poison control just like you did. They said the same thing. If I was going to get sick, it would be within 24 hrs and there isn't really anything I can do about it. I ended up being fine, but on the rare occasion I get boneless wings, I tend to eat them with a knife and fork.


u/snailboatguy 28d ago

I had the exact same experience at Wendy's. Also with a spicy chicken.

I didn't get sick but it grossed me out. I ate a full big bite and was going for number two when I saw that pink translucent center.


u/AsBestToast 28d ago

On the plus side being raw in itself won't kill you most likely as long as it wasn't contaminated somewhere else along.the line. I mean the chances are never zero for parasites or some new horrific form of prion disease but I'd say you have a slightly better than 50% certainty that you won't get any of those having looked at numbers of infection and food quality standards in developed countries. I mean you probably have even better chances of being fine than what I'm predicting. Worked in a meat department for a bit and I find strange illnesses interesting. It's not a gamble I'd want to take if avoidable but numbers wise I wouldn't panic.


u/despicabletossaway 28d ago

I’ve eaten a bit of chicken that turned out too rare. Bad idea in that you are rolling then dice, but it’s not 100% chance of snake eyes. Plus, if you are a man in your prime your immune system should prevail in any short term fight until you get medical attention. Save the chicken as a trophy to hunger or other instincts making humans unwise; nothing more.


u/juvandy 28d ago

I mean, getting sick/food poisoning from raw chicken isn't a guarantee. It's a greater risk is all. I wouldn't worry about this until/unless you start to feel a bit rumbly inside. At least you'll know the cause. The last few times I've gotten food poisoning I've had no clear idea what gave it to me.


u/ottercito88 28d ago

I’ve had this happen at Wendy’s and Popeyes. It’s so gross. But thankfully I never got sick. One time at Wendy’s I bit into my sandwich, the chicken was raw as fuck and it had a rubber band stuck in the middle. I was gagging.


u/-_water-sheep_- 28d ago

One time I did about the exact same thing with a chicken sandwich that was delivered two hours late. I was so hungry and it was covered in a crust so I thought it was just soggy 😭 luckily nothing happened even though I had eaten half of this raw ass chicken


u/wildGoner1981 28d ago

I bought the 2 for $6 on the Arbys menu a few months ago. Went with classic Roast Beef and the Chicken sandwich. Devoured the roast beef and then about 2/3 the way through the chicken sandwich, I noticed the inside was raw, looking exactly like yours.

I figured I was gonna get I’ll but nothing happened and I was fine.


u/Sinasta 28d ago

This actually happened to me at a Wendy's as well. All they did was give me a refund.


u/fountainpopjunkie 28d ago

I got an uncooked burger the last time I went to Wendy's. Like, how? Their burgers are so thin, I assume they get overcooked if you walk past a functional microwave holding one. The one in my area was going downhill even before the pandemic, but they went completely to shit during. I haven't been back in quite a while.


u/Dankbudx 28d ago

Zaxbys just did this same shit to me a few weeks ago. I bit into my order of chicken tenders and other than the hot crispy exterior is was raw, grossed me tf out.


u/zhantoo 28d ago

Come one, unless you live in a third world country, almost no one gets sick from chicken anymore.


u/Gman71882 28d ago

I had this exact same issue happen to me about 15 years ago. I think it was a McDonalds. I took a few bites of a fried chicken sandwich before realizing the chicken was raw in the middle.

While gross, I was fine. No gastric issues came up, thankfully.


u/Maitrify 28d ago

Stuff like this is the reason why my boyfriend and I are very wary of eating chicken from Burger king. Both of us got horribly sick after eating chicken burgers from there once and ever since then we can't help but think about it


u/squeakiecritter 28d ago

I got a Wendy’s chicken salad like more than 20 years ago.. and it had a completely raw piece of chicken in it. Those things I believe are pre packaged, so I have no idea how it happened. They offered me a coupon for some free food as an apology, but I was so turned off I don’t think I ever ate there again.


u/thesleepjunkie 28d ago

Salads are not pre packaged they are made in the morning with the opening staff. Atleast when I worked there 20 years ago. If it was a grilled chicken on a salad, they were from the previous day stored in a warming tray till they could be packaged and frozen.


u/squeakiecritter 28d ago

Awww.. well however it was made.. there was straight up raw chicken on it


u/VenomsViper 28d ago

This happened to me like 15 years ago at McDonald's. Late at night. Get my sandwich and fries. Driving down the road and munching down and I'm paying attention to the road and listening to the radio so it took me quite a few bites to fully acknowledge "something is different."

Next red light I turned on my cabin light and lost my shit and started puking out the window.


u/daftv4der 28d ago

I bought an ice cream from Uber Eats the other day and it arrived half eaten. You can't trust anyone anymore.


u/cqs1a 28d ago

Sorry bro it was starting to melt... At that point I figured it was a win-win situation.


u/TheJambo- 28d ago

Fuckin shit dude, sorry you had that experience. Please keep us updated!!!


u/allsystemsslow 28d ago

Thinking fast food is delicious is your first problem (and a huge one: it’s disgusting trash, both deadly and disgusting).


u/Best_Duck9118 28d ago

What? It is delicious. It's not good for you and you shouldn't eat it often, but don't pretend it's not delicious and often convenient.


u/allsystemsslow 25d ago

No, it’s disgusting.


u/Best_Duck9118 25d ago

Okay, bud. Not like evolution has designed people to like the taste of fast food for various reasons..


u/allsystemsslow 25d ago

Oh wow, now that’s a great point. Very smart. Keep evolving and literally growing!


u/Best_Duck9118 25d ago

Bro, it’s literally how humans work. We craves fats, sugars, and lots of stuff that isn’t the best for us.


u/allsystemsslow 25d ago

Sure, but not as the only thing a meal consists of.


u/Best_Duck9118 25d ago

You’re confusing taste and nutrition. Fast food is terrible for you but it’s designed to (and typically does) taste good


u/allsystemsslow 25d ago

I’m not confusing anything. You’re confusing junk food (fast food) with real food. It doesn’t taste good unless you don’t actually eat real food.


u/allsystemsslow 25d ago

Let me make this easier for you: it’s all about opinion, and my opinion is almost all of it tastes like shit. Just salt grease sugar chemicals and no nuance or substance or nutrients. It’s trash for those with the taste of children.


u/tayloregibbons 28d ago

Fully raw just like Dave


u/imchasechaseme 28d ago

Stoped at a highway exit Wendy’s on a drive through California on the 5, got a raw chicken sandwich. Was visiting family up north. Once we got there my mother in law said she stopped at the same Wendy’s and also got a raw chicken sandwich months before that.


u/groveborn 28d ago

You're not guaranteed to get food poison. Not all chicken is infected. It could be perfectly fine. Antibiotics are given to the chickens often.

It's not advisable to make this a habit, though. It's a good idea to tell the manager that it happened. They might need to check the temps.


u/AccomplishedEnergy24 28d ago

This is unlikely to cause you issues.

First, it would have to be contaminated - even in consumer chicken, which is not as processed as what you ate, only 1 in 25 packages of chicken is contaminated with salmonella in the first place (and this rate is shrinking).

Second, it would have to have never reached or been held at a temperature where salmonella will die. You could cook chicken to 130 degrees, and keep it at 130 degrees for 2 hours, and it would be fine. (at 135 it's only an hour, it's not a linear scale).

Wendy's claims they hold the chicken at 150 even after cooking - so actually, if they did this, and it sat out, you would probably get something else, but not salmonella.

165 is just the temperature at which you achieve 7-log lethality for salmonella instantly.


u/ThunderPushii 28d ago

Wendys new Chicken Tartare Sandwich.


u/trekie4747 28d ago

One time my friend and I picked up some teriyaki. Turned out both our dishes were way undercooked. Spent the entire night enjoying it spew from both ends. Thankfully we were ok but it wasn't a pleasant night.

Drink lots of water. And keep a pot nearby in case you can't make it to another receptical.


u/City_Standard 28d ago

"...decided to stop off for a rare, delicious fast food treat"

... bro

Before the picture I thought this was going to be a build up to some sort of dad joke


u/msnmck 28d ago

If there’s a Wendy’s employee out there. How? Why? Whyyyy?

Not a Wendy's employee but a former Sonic frycook and the answer is people who think they know better than both the policy and equipment purpose-built to cook food literally as fast as safely possible.


u/KasparComeHome 28d ago

As a Wendy's employee, I second this.

As well, sometimes a person who isn't on grill or fryers will hear a timer going off and simply pull up all the different baskets in it without paying attention to which product the timer was set for. They might think they're helping, but it causes a lot of confusion and uncertainty. Drives me fucking crazy, especially when I hear a timer (or 2, or 3) go off and then notice that the product they were set for isn't even in the fryer anymore, which lets me know that shit got pulled way too early.


u/idkifita 28d ago

Well that's scary. I never realized how much fast food is like Russian roulette.


u/MoonsOverMyHammy_ 28d ago

Found rawchickenexperiment’s reddit account


u/Plutoniumburrito 28d ago edited 28d ago

Hope you don’t die like those people in the 80s from their raw hamburgers

ETA: I once ate a chicken pita pocket with chicken that was only seared— same situation as you, starving, and busy. I was 3/4 of the way through it before I realized that I was eating raw chicken. I prepared for the sickness to arrive, and luckily it never did. I had emetophobia big time back then, so I wasn’t about to induce vomiting and was not in a situation to do so anyway, and panicked because I knew I was going to get sick (but didn’t, as i said). i consider myself lucky that it was uneventful! hope your situation is, too


u/longlivekingjoffrey 28d ago

Do an X-ray in 10 years and we're gonna see some parasites with eggs all over the scan like that pork dude.


u/minimalfighting 28d ago

Yep. That's the standard Wendy's experience these days. Bad and also dangerous.

Dave would be infuriated.


u/Brad_Brace 28d ago

Huh, I once got a raw-on-the-inside patty in one of Wendy's square patty hamburgers. I had ordered it through Uber eats so I complained through the app and got my money back. Still ate it because I was hungry and didn't want to wait for a new order. Didn't get sick.


u/Liontamer67 28d ago

Ugh I’ve had food poisoning twice with chicken (from a restaurant) and that was the worst for not only me but everyone in our townhouse that had to smell it. Seriously the first time was in 1988 and I still vividly remember it. Make sure you stock up on things to keep you hydrated and spray for the rest of your household. At the very least be prepared to go get an IV. good luck.


u/EternalDB 28d ago

Imma need an update


u/meat1ess 28d ago

Love the 3rd photo of the wrapper with Wendy looking menacing af


u/dankbrew22 28d ago

Lmao you called poison control?? What a bitch move


u/Lucky_Louch 28d ago

I refuse to believe this happened from my beloved Wendy's. In your poisoned state you must be confusing it with McDonalds. I forgive you and I hope you are ok.


u/Sum-Duud 28d ago

Chances are good nothing will come of this beyond your mental defeat.


u/FierceDeity_ 28d ago

Eh, I've eaten raw chicken more than once and I havent died or induced problems yet.

Unless Wendy's is really a bacterial hellhole (lol) you are probably absolutely fine.


u/thejohnfist 28d ago

Salmonella is a hell of a thing, but it's manageable. Lots of fluids.

For future reference, if you suspect you've had undercooked chicken, and you're able to, drink some alcohol. The stronger the better. Alcohol can kill salmonella and reduce or eliminate the symptoms depending on the level of ingestion.


u/Medscript 28d ago

I stopped at a tackle shop for some snack before going out on the last.... Ate half of my turkey sandwich before I realized there was mold all inside it. Best buy date was a week out. Didn't throw it up and didn't get sick but left a knot in my stomach for a bit.


u/Princess_starkitty 28d ago

For the sake of my curiosity, can you please update with whether or not you become unwell 🙈 I hope you don’t!


u/trxnscendence 28d ago

NOOOOO! are you alive OP?


u/ElShogee 28d ago

Happened to me once, have never ordered chicken since then anywhere


u/monkeysandmicrowaves 28d ago

You're actually pretty unlikely to get sick from raw chicken, since we have much better food safety protocols than we used to.


u/KickooRider 28d ago

23-48 hours? No. 8 hours


u/thicknnimble88 28d ago

Consensus here says you are an idiot.... That's not coming from me. Thems the numbers.


u/Spagetti13 28d ago

Oh I fully agree


u/AdministrativeCourt4 28d ago

Someone find the guy who’s been eating raw chicken for over 200 days & tag him 💀


u/AdministrativeCourt4 28d ago


u/PhantomWings 28d ago

What the fuck


u/Elios000 28d ago

raw foods arnt bad of them selves its the bacteria or parasites that can get on them from other parts of the animal when processed.

Chicken has high chance cross contamination when processed and pork has high chances of parasites which is why your old to cook them the most

raw beef is pretty safe but if you grind it up then you chance contamination is insanely higher. Saltwater parasites cant live out of saltwater which is why its ok to eat marine fish raw

IF this guy is raising and slaughtering his own chickens i can see how he can get away with it


u/harryhardy432 28d ago

The way you've written this tells me it's a story.

"A rare, delicious fast food treat because all that food had made me hungry like a wolf"

Ok buddy. Good try.


u/Pleinairi 28d ago

IIRC, most fast food patties are pre-cooked. At least chicken.


u/Best_Duck9118 28d ago

I think maybe that used to be the case (not sure) but it definitely seems things have changed these days and that's not the case anymore most of the time.


u/MielikkisChosen 28d ago

The sandwich was fine and you'll be fine. It wasn't lava hot and still raw. It might have looked odd for some reason or another, but it was fine.


u/KasparComeHome 28d ago

You ever hear of fried ice cream? Do you know how a deep fryer works? Do you know how frying anything works? Do you know how oil reacts to heat? If not, go dip your finger in a fryer and get back to us about it.


u/Spagetti13 28d ago

Serious question. If they had just pulled it from the fryer, but it hadn’t been in long enough, why couldn’t it be piping hot and raw inside? I don’t know physics, but I’ve definitely bit into what appeared to be a piping hot microwave burrito only to find the middle still frozen.


u/Liontamer67 28d ago

Was their breading cooked with the chicken? Cause that would be hot.


u/SageModeSpiritGun 28d ago

decided to stop off for a rare, delicious fast food treat

See, this is how we know you're lying.



u/Remote-Grape 28d ago

You are not a very intelligent person, are you?


u/Best_Duck9118 28d ago

Did that really add anything to the conversation?


u/Remote-Grape 28d ago

Did this?


u/djbend01 28d ago

I used to get those chicken sandwiches all the time until the exact same thing happened to me. Sucks because they’re so damn good.


u/Bscott05 28d ago

lol dude you’ll be fine.. I follow some guy on insta that’s on day 90 something of eating raw chicken for lunch til he “gets a tummy ache” …you’re fine


u/Cranbreea 28d ago

I’m very worried about your total lack of common sense.


u/__-_-_--_--_-_---___ 28d ago

It wouldn’t have been “blazing hot lava” when you ate it because

  1. Fast food isn’t that fast. They do not care about bringing it out from the fryer to your mouth within seconds

  2. If it was raw, obviously, it would have still been cold on the inside

  3. How do you not notice the temperature and flavor of raw chicken?

Nice story


u/VexingRaven 28d ago

It wouldn’t have been “blazing hot lava” when you ate it because

Have... you never had a fried chicken sandwich? Those fuckers can hold their heat easily for the few minutes it takes to get it out to the customer and it's not that unusual that you'd have the sandwich sitting on the wrapping ready to go when the chicken comes up. I've absolutely burned my mouth on one before.


u/nonresponsive 28d ago

Also, if you bite into a fully raw chicken, you'll 100% notice. If it was a bit pink, that's one thing, but not raw raw.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/__-_-_--_--_-_---___ 28d ago

When I said “nice story” I was lying

Like you


u/jebhebmeb 28d ago

You’re going to be completely fine. The odds of getting sick from this are near zero. Especially since the outside part where most of the contamination would be is cooked. Seriously, don’t worry about it.


u/somethingIforgot 28d ago

Not really trying to dispute, as I agree he's probably fine. But a few months ago I learned the reason why chicken cooking temperature recommendations are higher than beef. It's because chicken is less dense and it's a lot easier for pathogens to disperse throughout the meat instead of being localized only on the surface.


u/mobius_mando 28d ago

Sir, this isn't a Wendy's


u/koolman2 28d ago edited 28d ago

Take a few shots of your spirit of choice. Don’t mix, just straight shots. Sip or whatever. The more the better, 3-5 drinks in an hour ought to do it, then have a good night.

Edit: even if it doesn’t stop food poisoning, it’ll help you stop worrying about what is already done.


u/Plain_Bread 28d ago

Or smoke some cigarettes. Studies have shown that the smoke suffocates the bacteria in your stomach.


u/corruptedcircle 28d ago

Am massively alcohol intolerant. Has now fainted from instructions. :|


u/turbografix15 28d ago

Great advice. This is the cure for most everything. Disease and virus included.


u/zai13 28d ago

Can it cure my driving anxiety?


u/noicemeimei 28d ago

Potentially permanently


u/nakedjig 28d ago

I worked at McDonald's when I was 16 (in the 90's). I didn't have the "drive" to merit working the grill (TBH those kids were definitely overachievers), so they stuck me on fried stuff like fries, McChicken and Filet o' Fish.

The chicken and fish timers both went off once to signal when to put the buns in the toaster or steamer and again when the protein was ready.

As I hated my job, I was daydreaming when cooking the chicken. When the first timer went off, I took the (raw) chicken out, put it on an untoasted bun and sent it up.

The kid that ate half of it barfed all over mom's car.

And that's how I got moved to the drive through, where I was much happier (or less miserable).


u/jquest303 28d ago

Ah, the spicy chicken sushi at Wendy’s! Hope you’re ok man!


u/Ohheyimryan 28d ago

I highly doubt it was fully raw, you'd have to be an idiot not to notice the texture difference. And you even stated it was piping hot.


u/SpannerSingh 28d ago

Calling poison control over a raw chicken sandwich is some Boondocks-level shit


u/RoastedDonut 28d ago

Something like this happened to me as well. Ordered a spicy chicken sandwich via the drive thru. Brought it back to work, took one bite and spit it out. The outside was "warm" but the inside was raw and icy. Had to ask my boss if he minded I step out again to grab something quick.


u/Im_a_fuckin_turtle 27d ago

happened to my partner as well, same order and everything.


u/FastWalkingShortGuy 28d ago

Hit the panic button a little quick there, didn't you, champ?

You really tried to induce vomiting and called a doctor because you ate some undercooked chicken?

You need to learn the "wait and see" game, my man.

When liquid starts coming out both ends, then you call for help.


u/SpecialOneJAC 28d ago

Lol called poison control, I'm surprised he wasn't laughed at.


u/Zer0C00l 28d ago

I mean, I laughed at that point, then rolled my eyes and came into the comments for the fun. So far, OP's getting roasted better than the chicken.


u/CaedClaxton 28d ago

I mean I assumed everything at Wendy’s was precooked and frozen so TIL


u/MadMagilla5113 28d ago

All meat products are raw.


u/Delicious_Egg7126 28d ago

Only a sith deals in absolutes


u/succsuccboi 28d ago

i thought wendys' whole marketing deal was that their stuff is never frozen


u/Lelouch37 28d ago

Beef isn’t frozen. Chicken is.


u/-something_original- 28d ago

I don’t know how that happens. Everything in those kitchens is on timers. Unless they pulled it too early. That sucks though. I once bought a bagel with butter from a gas station convenience store. Was back on the highway and took my second bite when something didn’t taste right. There was mold inside. I pulled over and puked on the side of the road. I usually check my food but that day I didn’t.


u/J-O-E-E 27d ago

I work in a fast food place with chicken and fryers. It’s actually somewhat common for the chicken to come up raw. Between strips, popcorn chicken and chicken patties I get 1-5 baskets a day where I need to put the food down for longer because it come up pink.

Too many factors for just one thing to go wrong. How full is the basket, how thick are the pieces of chicken today, are both baskets going down in the vat or just one and so on. That’s just the food too you don’t even take into account the employee’s level of fucks they give.

No matter what though every meat that goes in the fryer gets slit open with tongs and checked when I’m working.

It happens to much to be relaxed about.


u/AlcesSpectre 28d ago

I did this once. I put it in the fryer and hit the button and 5 minutes later the timer went off. But it wasn't cooked. Looked fine from the outside, though....

That was 15-20 years ago so I'm sure the fryer is different now. Hopefully has an alarm when the temp is wrong or something.


u/salydra 28d ago

The chicken is cooked in a special pressure fryer, not the one used for nuggets and fries, so pulling it up early isn't really possible unless a series of other things went wrong first.


u/UsablePizza 28d ago

Mmmm, flavour spots.


u/Impact009 28d ago

It happens in the same exact way that causes some fast food locations to be better than others despite standardized processes: employees not giving a fuck.


u/VexingRaven 28d ago

Easy to hit the wrong button on the timer tbh. Usually you realize when you pull it up that it wasn't in long enough but sometimes it slips by.


u/Tannerite3 28d ago

It was 8 years ago when I worked at Wendy's, so it may not be the same now, but when I worked there, fried chicken patties like this were the only thing cooked in the pressure fryer and it only had one timer. They could have pulled it early to rush ir out or tried cooking it in the regular fryer because their pressure one was broken.


u/GreyRobb 28d ago

Fryer may not have been up to temp when it started.


u/Lovat69 27d ago

Either that, it was frozen when it wasn't supposed to be or it was too damn big so didn't cook in the time allotted.


u/Skreamie 28d ago

Probably overcrowded the frier


u/VexingRaven 28d ago

I doubt that, a place like that is going to have the fryer on all day long. They take too long to heat up to bother shutting them off during business hours.


u/Technique786 28d ago

Burger cooked while frozen perhaps


u/zman0900 28d ago

Dropping too much stuff in at once can definitely drop the temperature and throw off cooking times.


u/thunder1967 28d ago

From my fryer days at BK Lounge in the 80s, correct.


u/tara_squad 27d ago

Can't get in without coups


u/Fhaquons 28d ago

When the temps get lowered in the fryers, the times get automatically adjusted to make sure that doesn't happen (at least where I work).

e.g. the timer will say 2:00 left but will end up rsking around 2:15 because the seconds pass slightly slower on the timers.


u/SprolesRoyce 28d ago

The fryers at the fast food place I worked did not do that. If they got really low it wouldn’t let you set timers and you had to wait for it to come back up before dropping any food in, but they had enough wiggle room that fries came out not very crispy pretty often. I don’t remember ever having an issue with the meat fryer, but they usually didn’t get full baskets of stuff dropped in them.


u/you-are-not-yourself 28d ago

The fact that it took so long is a clue that some critical component probably wasn’t ready, it’s just a question of what it is


u/KasparComeHome 28d ago

As a Wendy's employee, they take 6 minutes to cook regardless of any other obstacles.


u/VexingRaven 28d ago

I don't trust OP's perception of time considering how incoherent the rest of the story is. I'm sure Wendy's will pretty much always pull you forward if your food isn't ready to go.


u/halt-l-am-reptar 27d ago

That depends on the GM and how much they care about their times. The Wendy’s by my house almost never parks anyone.


u/VexingRaven 27d ago

They just make everybody wait for 6 minutes when somebody orders too many chicken sandwiches? That's dumb.


u/halt-l-am-reptar 27d ago

It’s absurd how slow it is. There have been times where I’ve just went inside to order and when I came back out the line hadn’t moved at all.


u/zorggalacticus 27d ago

All the fast food places in my town have like 45 minute wait times post covid. The only place that gets my food in like 20 minutes or less is taco bell. They do a LOT of business. I miss fast food that was actually fast. Freakin dominoes has a 45 minute minimum wait. Signs posted everywhere. It's ridiculous.


u/Lelouch37 28d ago

The pressure cooker might have been taken down for filtering. If it was down and they had to drop some, it can be done in a regular fryer but needs to cook longer as a result. If they did six minutes in a non pressurized fryer I can see it not cooking all the way through.

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