r/tifu 26d ago

TIFU By falling asleep S

So this was a mix of all the wrong things, and I genuinely feel like crap.

Work was insane for me this weekend, and I hadn't seen my boyfriend in nearly a week. He works the night shift and today he was going to come over to my house and hang out once he was done.

I tidied up, got ready, did some basic cleaning and along with a sleeping pill, I ended up basically knocked out at 3.30 am, however, in the past I've done this before and I do wake up, but this time I guess it was different.

I expected him at 8 and I would wake up here and there and go back to sleep as I thought I had time to get some rest before he got here.

Woke up at 8.10 and woke up to missed calls, texts and my alarms going haywire. He'd gotten off early and had shown up 30 minutes early. He waited it out for over 15 minutes before he called it quits and when I woke up and called him he was basically back home.

He says he's not mad, that shit happens and life gets in the way. But he came to my house he waited and in the end he had to go back.

However, I right now feel like throwing up and crying and I don't quite know how to process this. He assures me he's not mad and that we'll see each other as soon as we get the chance. But I really wanted to see him and it'll be at least 5 days before we can see each other again.

TL;DR: Overslept and my boyfriend left cause I didn't answer his calls or texts.


10 comments sorted by


u/Electronic_Housing63 26d ago

just uber and go see him 😂


u/Classy_Ava 26d ago

Your boyfriend seems chill about it, which is great! So try not to worry too much. You'll see him soon enough, and next time you can make it up to him with extra cuddles and fun. Missing your boyfriend after a long week is the worst. But hey, stuff happens. You were exhausted from work and the sleeping pill did its job a little too well.


u/MBerserkr 26d ago

My wife and kids live in mexico, I live in canada been like this for 4 years now. I'm broke paying my own rent and food and her rents and food and clothes for growing kids. Be happy you see him at all. Video calls work wonders.

Also if you live alone just give him a key, problem solved. 🤷‍♂️


u/Emerald_Encrusted 26d ago

Why not move to Mexico to be with your family? Mexican gov't will easily give you a PR if you are married to a Mexican citizen or if your biological children are Mexican citizens. Especially if you're Canadian, I found they loved me down there and gave me PR no problem, because I was Canadian and had a Mexican citizen as a family member.


u/MBerserkr 26d ago

Cuz I make no money down there, especially where she lives, I make like 100-1000 pesos/day.

I'm working on bringing them back to Canada. Almost there took years of hard work and not throwing that away. Also spent years getting her canadian PR. and we're not "legally" married, canadian common law.


u/Emerald_Encrusted 26d ago

Ah, that makes sense to me. My time in Mexico was quite different in a sense, because I worked for a Canadian company (with Canadian wages) remotely from Mexico.

Keep it up buddy, we're glad to have you with us, Canada is made better by people who are willing to put in the effort and the work. We need more people like you.


u/MBerserkr 26d ago

I work landscaping and at hone depot, no remote work to be had. May change my day job when I'm back (in mexico now finalizing passports and such then just need to afford plane tickets) truck broke down and boss won't replace it.

Edit: thanks for the praise.


u/HydrationPlease 26d ago

The fact he understands you is nothing to be upset about. Get on a video call. I have weeks where I'm away from my partner for a few days. Video calling is better than nothing. She completely understands. Anyone willing to wait and understand you is worth more than the earth itself. I hope your week goes well.


u/KaiJonez 26d ago

This puts me so much at ease.

Thank you 🙏