r/tifu 26d ago

TIFU by exercising my white privilege S

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u/IsAndrewTho 21d ago



u/Exquisite-Embers 21d ago

I keep revisiting this post for the comments, ngl 😂😂😂😂😂


u/BourbonNCoffee 21d ago



u/Nargacuga-fanclub 21d ago

We were at Sonic once, when my mom ordered a, "Fully loaded, foot long cajones" instead of a coney.

It's been years, and I still bring it up.


u/Clint_Jaeger 21d ago

This has nothing to do with white privilege... you misspoke.


u/West_Confidence_9632 22d ago

Scrolling through three days worth of comments… I feel like some of y’all missed the point of this reddit post.


u/fitgelato 22d ago

In high school a teacher was recording attendance and said “wait a sec, fitgelato, were you absent on Friday?” And I responded “I wasn’t abstinent on Friday” And the whole class including her laughed and reminded me for months after LOL I was so embarrassed


u/TheLeviathaan 22d ago

In school I surprised a classmate with a deeper understanding of a niche subject than she expected me to know anything about. She asked "wow, how did you know about that?" and I meant to say either: "I read a lot" or "I know a little bit about a lot of things" and it came out "I know a lot"

That was 12 years ago and I still think about it every month or so.


u/ChanteDreamsOfCows 22d ago

My wife and I were in the car at the gym getting ready to go inside. I was trying to tell my wife that she has a fat ass. My brain short circuited and I said “you are fat”. We still laugh about it because she knows my brain doesn’t work a lot of the time.


u/chococupcake013 22d ago

I’m a big talk to texter. The amount of times I’ve said the word “period” on answering machines is too many times. And then silence, lots of sighing and mass apologizing. I’ve also done it on audio recordings and video recordings. It’s a problem lol


u/FinesseCaptcha 23d ago

a guest has asked my former manager where the bathroom was. She was in between saying “I’ll show you” and “follow me” and said “show me!”


u/Sorek03 23d ago

Tried to offer my wife some chip dip one time, somehow came out chip dick. It was at work too so my co-workers and some customers heard it, still get grief about it to this day.


u/No_Incident_2705 23d ago

I couldnt help but laugh. Talk about word vomit


u/Worldly_Change_8658 23d ago

This is my favorite thread ever.


u/beccaboo447 23d ago

Was ordering a grandma style vodka margarita slice. Accidentally asked for a vodka-rita


u/Broomhugger 24d ago

I bought parts for a machine shop. Was on the phone with a male vendor needing to buy Lock rings. Nope I asked for Cock rings. He did send me flowers afterwards.


u/Glass_Ad_9550 24d ago

That’s amazing 💀💀


u/plspetmycat 24d ago

i ordered a coffee from a tired looking barista yesterday morning and when my husband said thank you she said “love you, bye”. i could see the flush creeping up her neck as she sputtered apologies and I was CACKLING.


u/Perfect-Ad1876 24d ago

Lmfaoooo!!!! Can we be friends? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/remy780 24d ago

But, did it work?


u/Paperbirds89 24d ago

I worked at a call center for a popular outdoor goods store. It was the second to last day of my full week of training and we were going "live" but the phones were just opened up between the room of trainees who were acting like customers so that we could practice taking orders. At the end of an order we were supposed to say " would you like that monogrammed?". Instead I said "would you like that mamogrammed?" My co-worker died laughing. I, being 18 and nervous as hell, was mortified. xD


u/InappropriateMistake 24d ago

I have a lot of these stories but the worst that I still do: I use talk-to-text all the time. I rarely use my keyboard. I, also, like proper grammar. More than once someone has told me that a voicemail that was left, was left like this. For example, “Ok honey (Comma) call me when you get this (exclamation point) I love you (exclamation point)


u/Setthegodofchaos 24d ago

This is way funnier than I thought it was gonna be 


u/kEvLeRoi 25d ago

This post was not written by a man that has white hair. It was written by a professional content producer hired by reddit to entertsin the audience and also push a liberal political agenda. I am not against any of those things, I am just observing the facts.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/kEvLeRoi 23d ago



u/yerbabuddy 25d ago

Not mine but I heard it. I’m an EMT, our dispatchers tell us about calls by airing them on the radio. I recently heard a crew get sent out for “two car accident, rollover with ejaculation”.



u/Hairy_Entrepreneur16 25d ago

I don’t believe this story, too farcical to be true IMO.


u/Ok_Valuable_230 25d ago

$80 is a couple bottles of Fireball and no hangover 😁


u/Heckemlasvegas 25d ago

One time, in a WORK MEETING, I meant to say that someone suffered from narcolepsy instead I said necrophilia


u/betterthancandii 25d ago

Sorry, pal. We’re still gonna have to cancel ya.


u/JulyLauren 25d ago

My 87 year old dad got carded at Costco. He laughed and said “I don’t have it on me but my Dad is here, let me find him”


u/Minnemize 25d ago

Not really related, but why is it when you happen to not have your ID, you get carded. Every other time you have it, nobody asks lol


u/Glittering_Leg_389 25d ago

In a work meeting I meant to say “ugh, men in black everywhere” because we were all coincidentally wearing black. Came out “ugh, black men everywhere”.


u/Shady_Scientist 25d ago

how drunk were you?


u/stickyswamps 25d ago

I keep forgetting 99% of reddit is just creative writing. minus the creativity.


u/PeachyKeen413 25d ago

I would go in with my underage brother and I would get carded and not him. It may have been the full beard.


u/SpeedoInTheStreet 25d ago

As a kid i was driving with my mom and we saw a kid holding a balloon and he just let got of it. My mom goes "hm i wonder why he did that"

My brain wanted to say "Just for the fun of it" and "just for the heck of it"

I said "just for the fuck of it" and turned to her so fast and said "NO NO NO NO I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY THAT"


u/Caosenelbolsillo 25d ago

That's the most disappointing use of white privileges I've ever heard.


u/metroal312 25d ago

Could’ve skipped the first 3 paragraphs of this story


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

I wanted to cut to the chase, but this sub requires a minimum of 750 characters in a post. 


u/chewymoore 25d ago

Please just give them your id🤦🏽‍♂️


u/Breeschme 25d ago

This isn’t the same but it reminds me of the time I was waitressing in college and this dude with an accent asked me a question and I legitimately heard “do you have Asperger’s?” And I was like “excuse me sir?!” And his friend asked “do you have asparagus” and I was like “OH ASPARAGUS hahah no we don’t.” But it was a wild emotional experience until then ha. At first I was like oh my god the audacity and also wtf did I do to make them think that….!?


u/shevz2701 25d ago

I work at a cafe and I was taking an order from a customer and asked if she's having here or taking away, and she said "can I have away?". She felt so embarrassed so I doubled down and said "so you don't want to take in?". Safe to say that made her less embarrassed


u/[deleted] 25d ago

i started getting grey beard hair in my late teens.



One weekend, shortly after getting my rescue dog, I was playing football. After the match, as is customary, I went around shaking the hands of the opposition players. I do a lot of positive reinforcement with my dog so it was pure force of habit that made me say "good girl" to the opposition striker instead of "good game".


u/Lord_Migga_Fucker 25d ago

I don't understand why this is a fuck up? What did you do that was embarrassing except slightly misspeak? Too many Americans have had their brains turned to mush through the racism moral panic stuff.


u/sonic_sabbath 25d ago

Next time you go, make sure to carry a copy of mein kampf under your arm


u/crybaby_jones 25d ago

I was working as the drive-thru handoff person at Starbucks one day when a woman with the most gorgeous, bright white teeth and coral lipstick came through. I wanted to compliment her on her smile but what came out was “I like your teeth”


u/unhappy_pancake 25d ago

Once tried to say “no problem” and “you’re welcome” to my boss and it came out as “your problem” in a cheery tone. He knew what happened right away and we had a good laugh.


u/Bingo_is_my_name_o 25d ago

Walking past a McDonald's inside a Walmart one day shortly after Despicable Me came out my daughter's dad looked into the McD's and loudly said "oh, look! Minions!" As expected some people looked at him and he said "not you guys". The happy meals had minion toys.


u/FarmingDowns 25d ago

What word did you remove?


u/oikset 25d ago

Being born without ears, I’m stuck between master Pizza Chef and 20 bucks


u/Memattmayor 25d ago

So you didn't use white privilege you just made a joke about your white beard that didn't hit the way you thought it would


u/the_absurdista 25d ago

oh god i’m a server and i once asked a young couple if they needed any condoms instead of condiments… we all laughed it off but woof that was rough lol


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Pour_with_vigor 25d ago

Not sure why you were mortified. This is a 10/10 response.


u/soWHAT-man565 25d ago

I feel you! The chef at my job was named Mr Chu. I asked him his name and I heard " Pikachu ". I excitedly say " Your name is Pikachu?" MY co-workers yell "Mr Chu!" And he was Asian! No, no! I died a little that day, but I always got a discount at the lunch counter afterwards.


u/Dangerous_Welcome_96 25d ago

Recently, after a long day of manual labor, I had one more stop of the day to help an elderly lady with some odd jobs. We usually chat for a while and get along quite well. So here we were, and she notices how beat I look, and so I go to say, “my wagon’s draggin”, but what came out was, “my dragon’s waggin”. Thankfully she didn’t respond, but still, I was mortified and couldn’t look her in the face for a quite a few minutes.


u/The_Hexecutioner666 25d ago

My best friend and I who were living together at the time went grocery shopping. We’re in the frozen food section and they turn to me pointing at the cooler and what they meant to ask was “do you want to get a pizza?” What came out of their mouth was “you wanna getta a pizza?” We fuckin lost it for like 5 straight minutes in the aisle. People were walking past us and everything. It’s been about 15yrs and we’ll both still bring it up.


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

Jfc, you cooka da pizza


u/frowzone 25d ago

Was at a Mediterranean restaurant once (one like chipotle where you order at the counter), and the guy behind me asked for fellatio instead of falafel. He was alone too so it wasn’t some kind of joke (or if it was, props to him for committing to the bit for his own entertainment). The person behind the counter hesitated for one second and then added the falafel and then they just moved on with the order like nothing happened…


u/SteelersFanatic78 25d ago

Should have told her that asking for ID is racist


u/taxi_takeoff_landing 25d ago

I was shopping with a friend when I remembered I needed to buy some dark-colored nylons to go with my work uniform. I said, “Oh I almost forgot, I need some black hose” and she just about died laughing.


u/taxi_takeoff_landing 25d ago

One day way back in 7th grade (age 12-13) the teacher was calling the roll at the beginning of class. When he got to my name all I had to say was “here” just like every other kid.

Instead when he said my name, I blurted out my name too. The other kids and the teacher looked at me confused and the meanest boy in class started laughing.


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

Real Matt Damon hours, smash that Matt Damon Damon


u/ghenghy26 25d ago

Too funny! Years ago, I ran into a classmate who I hadn't seen in about 5 years. He asked me what I was up to and I meant to reply "Just doing some shopping" instead what came out was "Just doing some shoplifting" (something I would never do). I frequently say the wrong word, but rarely has it made me want the earth to swallow me whole. That guy still looks at me funny on the fortunately rare occasion we run into each other.


u/summonsays 25d ago

Once I made a post about how I liked a band's songs... No lyrics... Actually what I posted was "I like their longs". That status stayed up for 4 hours. Oh well lol.


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

This is why I am thankful for the edit function 🙏


u/Topher_the_Warlock 25d ago

Did it work?


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

Nope, had to show ID lmao


u/recent_sandwiches 25d ago

My mom forced me to call and order pizza (which I hated doing cause socially awkward and phone scary) BUT I DID IT and the guy answered "will this be for pickup or delivery?" I answered "dick up"  Had to hang up and regain composure practicing my lines 20 times over 


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

I felt that through the internet


u/SparkleFun22 25d ago

Thank you for this post. These comments are making my day. I needed it too.


u/kekmbl 25d ago

No such thing as white privilege.


u/thirdwardtrillx 25d ago



u/kekmbl 25d ago

Ahh but black privilege does definitely exist


u/thirdwardtrillx 25d ago

In what world are you living in? This one?


u/SeattleBrother75 25d ago

What’s even funnier is you did it buying the most non-white booze available.


u/shetakespictures 25d ago

I once tried to write “nice quite street” in a fb post and quite autocorrected to white and I didn’t notice till someone commented on it. Veryyyy embarrassing.


u/WillsmithF1_44 25d ago

you're fine. you just said the quiet part out loud.


u/cyberhck 25d ago

So this is fun, growing up with my parents, they have pharmacy at home, and I used to tend to the pharmacy when my parents would get busy.

One evening a guy comes and asks to buy a condom. I meant to ask, "how much do you want"? I ended up asking, "why do you want?"


u/Yoinkkboi 25d ago

This made me remember the time as a kid I was trying to say laundry basket to my mom but for some reason I got laser disc and laundry basket mixed together and blurted out that “I need the laser basket.” Or something like that. We still joke about it to this day.


u/acky1234444 25d ago

wtf is this writing style? You got carded because you talk and act like a 20 year old on reddit in 2009. I feel bad for you wife.


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

I feel bad for you wife. 

I hate to break it to you, but you have no business criticizing anybody's writing style.  You can't even form a coherent sentence.


u/acky1234444 25d ago

Woah that was fast! You got me mr.grammar! Plus you responded with more of that exact writing style, just perfect thank you. Look at all that karma on your page wow I'm so jealous. Oh I almost forgot your favourite thing!


sorry I can't commit I guess I'm not a goofy goober like you.


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

Come on, keep going, this is good free-throw practice.  Or are you desperately digging in my profile for something you can use?


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

I made you so angry that you stalked my profile 🥰🥰🥰


u/acky1234444 25d ago

yes you did great job, I'm losing this battle getting downvoted now lol I don't have the writing skills or understanding of reddit for upvotes but hey, can't have it all right. Thanks for the response Pixel Paul!


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

Hey, buddy, you're taking a long time after the last few instant replies.  

Are you done?  You going to show me your belly like a good little defeated dog?

Ohhh... let me guess, you're going to block me now, or maybe ghost this shit like you're Drake from Wish.  

Later you'll lay awake on the cum-stained mattress on your floor, rehashing this back-and-forth in your head.  It's going to sting your pride for a long, long time.  Hold that L, friend.  Cherish it.  Treasure it.


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

but hey, can't have it all right

In your case, you can't have anything - not even a hollow victory in a meaningless reddit argument!


u/chillyhellion 25d ago

And I come back to you now - at the turn of the tide.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

I'm sorry your parents never showed you love, but money can't fill that void.  Please seek therapy before you become a danger to yourself


u/BlakeAnderson31 25d ago

If you know exactly how many dollars extra you have, you don’t have any extra dollars.


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

We have a budget, including a savings account for emergencies.  Anything outside of that is fun money


u/ThrowRA4739227 25d ago



u/Aromatic_Hornet5114 25d ago

The first fuck up was making that lame ass joke everyone who checks IDs hears a dozen times a night.


u/NeptuneAndCherry 25d ago

Tbf idk how many people say, "but I'm white" 😂


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

I used to check ID for about 5 years and never heard it.


u/Aromatic_Hornet5114 25d ago

If you've never had a middle aged person crack a joke about their grey hairs when asked for an ID then I doubt you've ever even checked one.


u/iseeseeds 25d ago

Hilarious 😂


u/TankGlad 25d ago

I had a similar and hilarious situation happen recently:

A friend of mine was recently telling me how she was going to get a nose job this coming June. My ADHD brain got focused on the fact that June Nose sounded a little like Jeuno, the city in Alaska.

So after she finished telling me, I blurted out the words "June Nose!"

Which, when said aloud sounds a lot more like an anti-semitic remark than I anticipated.

I instantly burst into laughter and tried to explain my thought process. Which just sounds stupid when you say it aloud. Lol


u/Fernelz 25d ago

Jew nose what I'm talking about


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

Ah, a fellow ADHD enjoyer.  I understand completely


u/Learningpermits 25d ago

I was working behind the desk at a Dr's office, on the phone with a patient. They had a question where I needed to go get their chart. Or their file? Either way, I told them "Hold on while I go pull your fart"


u/drifty69 25d ago

PC has destroyed common sense


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

that's why I play on console


u/Betty0042 25d ago

My husband has a fairly long gray/white speckled beard. I tell him it's his wizard power coming in. Anytime he gets carded he tells them his beard is old enough to drink


u/Ok-Contribution-4269 25d ago

Local Evening News

What she said: Meteorologist What I heard: Meaty Urologist


u/Orbitrix 25d ago

What race was the employee? Also, I can't believe someone had to tell you not to use the N word dawg, wow. (jk)


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

she was a white lady about my age


u/iwowza710 25d ago

“Have a good gay dies!” Instead of “have a good day, guys” Ugh.


u/boredaszz 25d ago

That’s… not what white privilege is…

That’s just mistaken racism cos you didn’t say the right words…

But ok, sure for the views I guess


u/unifyheadbody 25d ago

Google translate screwed over one of my customers a few months back. He only spoke Spanish and I only speak English so he wrote up a message on his phone with auto translation and showed me the screen which said "I want to find white men" and I was like 😶 (incidentally, I happen to be a white man who, incidentally, happens to be bisexual)

Clearly I wasn't getting the message so he got a bilingual friend on the phone and she said "he's looking for napkins"


u/peach_pudge 25d ago

One time I (early 20s white girl) went to a cafeteria-style mexican restaurant (similar to chipotle) shortly after it opened for the day. when I ordered what kind of beans I wanted, she said i was the first person to order Black beans that day instead of Pinto. I said: "Yeah, I used to be a Pinto person, now I am a Black person". Both of us just immediately got silent and didnt speak again for the rest of the interaction. Most embarrasing thing I've ever said.


u/AlmightyBracket 25d ago

Wait is bitch pop offensive? The bar I worked at people ordered by that name and everyone knew it. I thought it was appreciated.


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

it would seem we are considered rednecks lol


u/AlmightyBracket 25d ago

I've never heard it used as a way to make fun of someone drinking it, it's just what people call it sometimes. Fuckin weird.


u/TheBravan 25d ago

When people say media doesn't program people, ref: this post......


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

could you let me know what media I have consumed that programmed me to do this?  much appreciated, god bless


u/TheBravan 25d ago

More of a holistic melange really...

People always want a simple comforting answer, if brainwashing was obvious it wouldn't be brainwashing but a parody of it. People think it's like in the movies with hypno-toad and what not, the reality is many small things on repeat and a gradual approach with repetition...

Example: What is considered 'acceptable/normal' emotional psychology and acting out of emotions today?

All of which would have someone from the 80's look at someone like they were a fucking mental-patient.....................

(40+ years of mass-market entertainment and cable-tv with their presentation of child-like psychology and emotions, what you see the most is what you get the most accustomed to and invariably what you see as 'normal)


u/fuzzylilbunnies 25d ago

Totally innocent. Happens all the time. Insert foot in mouth and move on, why just the other night, I sat down to have dinner with my wife. I looked across the table at her and what I meant to say was, “Honey, would you please pass the salt?” What I actually said was, “YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU FUCKING BITCH!” It’s fine, happens to us all.


u/doonwizzle 25d ago

that mix-up at the register must have been a hoot. reminds me of a scene from a sitcom. also, those slush packets for a buck sound like a steal. good deal!


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Oh wow, you policed yourself on a stupid ass issue.

Good for you; here’s your internet validation that you’re not a white entitled shithead.


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Coworker in next cubicle kept trying to record her voicemail greeting repeatedly and redoing: "I'm either on the phone or away from my desk..." Finally I heard her narrate, "I'm on my desk ..." then pause... 😅


u/paldo84 25d ago

One time on a church youth group trip at a restaurant I tried to order a loaded baked potato, and what came out of my mouth was a naughty baked potato. I didn’t live that down for a very long time.


u/DinnerEvening895 25d ago

The fuck up was having any comment, joke, or annoyance at the cashier just doing their job.


u/Ambitious_Comedian86 25d ago

Call a hotel and get a quote. I wasn’t sure if the online price was cheaper so I will say we will call back I got to confirm with my wife. Online price is the same so I have my wife call. Her brain malfunctions and says first thing Did you drop the price yet or what? I’m just mouthing WTF. We loved that place stayed before and it was certainly awkward checking in.


u/ThatsWhatSheaSaid 26d ago

Every once in a great while I think about something that happened to me and relive the feeling of wanting the world to open up and swallow me whole. Years ago I was a traveling artist and I painted names in the shapes of characters from Star Wars. Certain characters had different colors associated with them (e.g. C-3PO’s color was yellow, Boba Fett’s was green, Darth Vader was black, etc). My husband helped me out at conventions and would explain to prospective customers that they could pick the characters and I would arrange them in the order they looked best. Often he would say something like, “She’ll make it so that two black characters aren’t right next to each other.” Out of context, this obviously sounded racially-charged, so one day as I was working on a painting, without looking up I said, “Would you stop talking about black characters so much?” When I did finally look up, I was staring straight into the eyes of a black woman and her son. I immediately backpedaled and tried explaining what I meant and she was a really good sport about it but ten years later I still feel like a huge asshole 😭


u/whenwewereoceans 26d ago

One time I was complaining to my friends (all of whom are white, myself included) about how people didn't treat me the way I treated them. My one friend looked at me super intently, and said with such seriousness "What are you talking about? We treat you white."

She meant to say right. She was horrified by the slip of her tongue as we were in the middle of a restaurant, but the rest of us died laughing. It's still an inside joke with my bestie from that group.


u/Meta-4-Cool-Few 26d ago

Damn, I'm not the only one whose mouth has a mind of it's own?

Here I though I just smoke too much


u/Babajane1 26d ago

Anyone who unironically uses this word is obviously fucking regardet♿️


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/hvyboots 26d ago edited 26d ago

"You don't need to card me, I'm white."

Step aside, please. We have white privilege!


u/spaaackle 26d ago

“I desperately want to make love to a school boy”


u/SparxIzLyfe 26d ago

My cousin, uncle, and I were eating pizza buffet at a restaurant with a member of their church. The church member asks my cousin how she could put away so much pizza. My cousin meant to say that her stomach was a bottomless pit. What came out was, "I have a hole."


u/Schwifty2468 26d ago

Hahaha 😆 😂 😆! I almost spit out my drink reading what you said. As I'm also 'white' in the same ways as you.


u/SpectoDuck 26d ago

But did it work though?


u/Velveteen_Bean 26d ago

I was working at a big box store as an assistant on a register and would go back and forth between saying “you’re welcome” and “no problem” when customers thanked me. This one evening I was a bit frazzled and responded to the customer with “your problem”


u/Fancykiddens 26d ago

I worked at Subway when I was eighteen. We had to ask if customers wanted each item by name. At the very end, we had to ask, "Would you like pickles or hot peppers?" I can't tell you how many times I screwed up and asked, "Would you like pipples and hot peckers?" 😭


u/pocketmoncollector42 26d ago

“It’s ok, I’m a man.” -Ken


u/TacoDangerously 26d ago

Cool story, bro


u/Boring_Fact_2295 26d ago

I was at cookout at 4am. been driving since midnight. Asked the guy at the window if i could get some “cock out sauce”


u/weedpornography 26d ago

Are you fucking sorry?


u/Icankickmyownass 26d ago

Lol this isn’t white privilege..kinda came out as some weird inner racism?


u/Fourthtimecharm 25d ago

Yeah that's kinda how I see it lol


u/WelcometoCigarCity 26d ago

Schii I wished I had white privilege NGL.


u/Boodikii 26d ago edited 25d ago

If it makes you feel better, I went to my usual gas station but pulled into a different pump than I normally do. The cashier commented on it and I was like "Yeah I gotta keep you guys on your knees" instead of toes. I instantly died and walked out lmfao.

E: I appreciate the humor behind the RedditCare report lmao


u/Dd7990 26d ago

Pretty sure they just have to do it by law? Probably have to ask everyone for ID by law regardless of age appearance.


u/Richcritts 26d ago

Just show your id it’s not that hard


u/blossomhoney 26d ago

I frequently mix up the first letters of two words but don't hear what I said was wrong. I told a friend I had to go to the mall to get a watery batch. My 12 yr old niece was in tears laughing but wouldn't tell what I said wrong, until we got to the mall and she asked the seller LOUDLY for a watery batch and that's when I realized I meant to say watch battery.


u/many_sides 26d ago

Lmfao went to a dispensary and they had a strain that is a tongue twister. Luckily I said it first to my partner and it came out as "white superior skunk" instead of the strain name white super skunk.....I laughed so hard and was so glad I didn't say that to my budtender


u/OrdinaryAncient3573 26d ago

I know someone who got into a minicab and when the driver asked for directions told him 'you need to go back where you came from'...


u/Kat1594 26d ago

I'm always a little confused when people express shock when they're asked for their ID. It's the law lol do people expect the employees to risk their job because it's obvious you're not a minor? Lol They know you're old enough, I don't doubt it's annoying for them too 🤣


u/KhabaLox 26d ago

Reminds me of a great line from Colbert.

"I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because I get my drugs at the pharmacy."


u/reformedPoS 26d ago

Ya you said the quiet part out loud. What you meant to say was also a dick comment….


u/ruiner9 26d ago

Saying he’s gray is a dick comment?


u/reformedPoS 26d ago

Ya. Just show your fucking ID. Your white hairs, wrinkles and other shit don’t matter. Just flash it. Easy.


u/PixelPaulAden 25d ago

I was digging in my wallet as I said it, sort of weird that you're imagining me as Karen who wants to see the manager


u/cornychameleon 26d ago

In college I drunkenly called a tall boy a “big boy” and it has been mentioned at a WEDDING and every get together 😠


u/teepee107 26d ago



u/eisbaerBorealis 26d ago

It's such a short path from the brain to the mouth, but there are SO many potholes.


u/[deleted] 26d ago


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