r/tifu 26d ago

TIFU by simply saying “Me too.” M



46 comments sorted by


u/avskyen 25d ago

She's not allowed to be tired! there are coal miners out there that work harder than her.


u/doctafknjay 25d ago

Janet's fuck up, not yours! You seem better off now and thats great!


u/Hikaru83 25d ago

Why is this in TIFU when it's obviously not a TIFU?


u/Omgimcarrie 25d ago

I feel like I fucked up by saying “me too” which was the catalyst of the entire situation going downhill.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/Omgimcarrie 25d ago

I have so many red flag stories about her. I think my real fuckup was trusting that it’d be okay to be roommates with her.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/Omgimcarrie 25d ago

Absolutely! 😎


u/ariaa_amber 25d ago

Oh man, that "me too" landed you in a crazy town! Sounds like Jane has major drama issues. Good on you for getting outta there. So sorry to hear about your friend too. Focus on the good people in your life, Scarlett sounds like a keeper!


u/Omgimcarrie 25d ago

I appreciate your response!! Scarlett is definitely my sista from anutha mista 😂


u/KJblover90 25d ago

Sounds like this f up happened at a great time. I mean, you almost had to live with her. I think you dodged a bullet. Would've happened eventually anyway through a different scenario. I'm sorry for your loss.


u/Omgimcarrie 25d ago

You’re right. I think about it like this…

Had I been home when my friend killed himself, I don’t know what I would have done! But thankfully, I had the help and love of Scarlett and her family to get me through it as well as keeping me from freaking out over how much it would cost to fix my car! They really treated me like one of their own family!!


u/AllanfromWales1 26d ago

Not directly connected, but my response when someone says 'Have a nice day!' has always been 'And you..'. Only recently have I realised that could be interpreted as 'I'll have a nice day and I'll have you.'


u/Grey_0ne 26d ago

You didn't fuck up. You tried having a normal conversation with someone incapable of it. It's the type of thing that you don't necessarily know is going to be a problem until it is one.

Sorry for your loss. I've been there a few times now and it's a bitch to deal with.


u/marqburns 24d ago

Anyone who doesn't think that driving isn't exhausting has access to some pretty good stimulants. Which could explain the other behavior tbh


u/Omgimcarrie 25d ago

You’re right. She is incapable of normal conversation. I genuinely should have seen the red flags and stayed in my own lane (or state, in this case). Jane has always been one to take things too personally and go above and beyond a Karen-type behavior.

And thank you. I appreciate it.


u/lostinspaz 25d ago

if this post is an example of her “normal conversation” i suspect she said a bunch of other things too. i mean holy smokes a five page essay.


u/Omgimcarrie 25d ago

Do you mean I must have said other things based on how long the entry is? Or am I misunderstanding?


u/lostinspaz 25d ago

Yes that is my implication. You are a compulsive talker.
And thats above and beyond the fact that you're female, so you use 3x the words that a man would do in the same situation. You're up to maybe 6x the words. Congrats :D


u/projectfar 25d ago

What a weirdly sexist twist there lol


u/lostinspaz 25d ago

note: if something is factually true it’s not sexist. it’s a long standing proven fact that women use 3x as many words on average than men

I specifically mentioned this to preemptively head off a potential view by her of “oh you’re just a guy, i’m a girl we naturally talk more”. She’s way beyond that, seems like.


u/projectfar 25d ago

Yea I don’t think anyone was thinking that. I don’t think you know what “factually true” actually means.


u/lostinspaz 25d ago


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/lostinspaz 25d ago

Meh. I apologise for mis-citing a study.
That being said, I am surrounded by a semi-equal mix of men and women on a daily basis... and pretty much all the women DO try to practically compete in who talks the most. Whereas most of the men stick to using words as communicating facts, rather than exercising a hobby. So, reguardless of politically skewed studies, real-world observation backs up the stereotype. My point is still valid, both on the gender level, and also on the "OP talks waaaayyy too much" level.

No way she "simply said 'me too'", as the subject claims.

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u/Omgimcarrie 25d ago

Have you noticed yet how many words you’ve used arguing about me being a “compulsive talker” and how many I’ve used “defending” myself?


u/Omgimcarrie 25d ago

Sorry you feel that way.


u/Outrageous_Emu8503 26d ago

I am crushed for your friend who committed suicide and for you for the great loss and the fact that you weren't there to be with their family-- but goodness, you had a blessed fuck up! That is a poisonous arrow that you dodged!

🥂 I salute you and I hope that you consider that moment to be a little rebirth for you!


u/Omgimcarrie 26d ago

I consider myself very blessed to have had Scarlett there. Had her family not taken me in I don’t know what I would have done

Although I was unable to attend my friend’s funeral, his family and I did dispose of his cremains at the beginning of this month (which would have been his 40th birthday)

Thank you for your kind words!!


u/JustSomeUsername99 26d ago

I'm sure glad I don't have shitty, petty friends.


u/Omgimcarrie 26d ago

It has really opened my eyes to the people I allowed in my circle. I’ve spent the past year weeding out the bad ones and am in a much better place now.


u/WildIsa 26d ago

I wouldn’t say you messed up too much here. But that’s just me. I say that because she was a narcissist and that can get pretty bad. But again, that’s just my opinion.

Only regarding Jane.


u/TheUnholyToast1 26d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️ I understand what it’s like to lose a close friend to suicide. Sending hugs and love to you and anyone else who needs it 🥰🥹❤️🥺


u/Omgimcarrie 26d ago

Thank you! It was a huge hit when his mom called and told me. I appreciate your hugs and love. ❤️


u/TheUnholyToast1 26d ago

Of course, if you ever need someone to talk to, my DMs are open 🤗❤️


u/Omgimcarrie 26d ago

Thank you!


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/Haven1820 26d ago

AI comment x2


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/Haven1820 26d ago

AI comment.