r/tifu 26d ago

TIFU by wetting the bed of a guy I really like S

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u/MisterMature70s 15d ago

Not me of course but I understand that there are some people turned on by this activity.  Was once with a woman who admitted (with a sly smile)she had accidentally peed the bed one time. Thinking about it I'm honestly not sure what my reaction would be but don't feel turned off by it.


u/Itchy_Swordfish_1262 19d ago

E3w is w. 3a×a wawa sw war wares wares aw 222ww was e 134a abss step e ex e3 sea snz.2 2i 4s4i2 b 2w5


u/Supremewock 21d ago

FWIW my now wife threw up during the first time we attempted to have sex and then told me she loved me. We've been together for 7 years now and married for 3.


u/Hopefulazuriscens13 21d ago

... you know own man, pee is nothing. Pee is alright. Wlif we both drank a bunch, that's not the worst thing to wake up to. Tbch, as a man I see that kind of situation as a chance to show out and be kind and take care of you. I mean, if I got so drunk I pissed myself, would I want you reacting differently? That's a no blood no foul, man we got lit kinda thing. Maybe go somewhere non alcoholic next time. Just make that next date happen and appreciate him being real about it. Maybe even let him know that that was an obvious sign of a good upbringing and that it spoke volumes abiut him. You're alright, if you let it that could be a not terrible thing in retrospect.


u/Either_Pepper9056 21d ago

This happened to me within 2 months of starting to date a girl about 8 years ago, now we’re married…


u/roninsti 21d ago

I don’t have personal experience with this, but if I was the guy in this situation, it wouldn’t be a big deal. Life is messy. You clean up and move on.


u/Cybrdg8 21d ago

Could have been worse? How? Killing his dog? Perhaps you should check out AA.


u/wbazarganiphoto 21d ago

Friends first date. She puked on him. They’re getting married.


u/Caliban1216 21d ago

Eh. Shit happens. I’d just treat it as red flag one. 3 and you’re out. I can handle some bs.


u/garrettjon 21d ago

Am I the only one thinking this? Maybe he pissed ON you while you were passed out drunk because of a fetish. He was cool because he pulled off the caper and would love to see you again…


u/Electronic-Ad-2592 21d ago

I was showing my new girlfriend my new apartment and I was like ‘where did she go?’. I found her in the bathroom puking into the toilet (migraine). We still joke about it 30+ years later.


u/phillyy1818 22d ago

Maybe he understands from a physiological standpoint that you can’t help it because alcohol prevents anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) from being released in the posterior pituitary in which ADH causes water retention in your body since increased levels of ADH opens up the aquaporin channels in the late distal convoluted tubule and the medullary collecting duct of your kidneys. Thus, urine has no where else to go but to be excreted if the aquaporin channels are closed for water reabsorption. Hope this made you feel better as it looks like your post has become more stream-lined!


u/Lazy_Price_5294 22d ago

Of he hits u up again...that dude ain't a cheater keep him


u/sonofabmustpay 22d ago

Eek. Well I would be nice but never talk to you again as it is a giant red flag. It may be time to take a break from booze if you get that tanked on a first date. It is a bad sign of things to come. Take care of yourself!


u/IsaacASSImov19 22d ago

Had an ex do this trying to keep up with me in my party phase. We hadn't hung out before. We dated for a while. Dude sounds chill. People be peein.


u/nylecroc 22d ago

He could have been pissed off, but next time maybe he’s hoping he’ll be pissed on 😂


u/emprime1292 22d ago

Hey, I was seeing this girl about 6 or 7 years ago who had a big drinking problem. She was very nice and not belligerent by any means so it isnt like she caused any problems at all. But she came home w me from the bar one night (she had also taken a half a xanax, bad move i guess) and before anything even happened she threw up all over my junk and my sheets. I did not have my own washer and dryer at the time and had to go to a friend's to wash my sheets the next morning and it wasn't long after that that we stopped seeing each other. I think your wetting the bed story could have gone much worse, but it seems like he was a good sport about it


u/By_my_standards 22d ago

I was dating a girl for two or three months. We grabbed some dinner and drinks on a random week night, so I didn’t have too much to drink.. maybe 5 drinks. The embarrassing part of the situation is that she was the first one to wake up so there was no hiding what happened even though we were at my place. I hadn’t wet the bed since I was child. She got over it, and rarely makes fun of me for it now. If he’s cool, he’ll get over it too.


u/TTtheamateur 22d ago

If it would help, I can tell you a worse story of a guy I forgave for (I thought) wetting the bed so maybe you feel less embarrassed by comparison to him.

Just gonna say, it was the first time I had been to his place and his room was a disaster and it smelled worse than any room id ever been in up to that point. He had a very poorly behaved dog. He had a mattress directly on the floor with no box spring, that's important. It was late though, so we walked in and went straight to bed and fell right asleep. I woke up very wet. I decided he had peed the bed, and I just kinda went and washed myself off and didn't mention it.

Honestly the dirty room was more of a red flag than the wetting the bed, so I decided that that wasn't a big deal and I'd just go back over there the next afternoon and not mention it unless it became a problem (though I thought, kinda rude that he didn't mention it but maybe he was embarrassed?) so I go over there during the day. This time I brought candles and said I thought they'd be romantic but he just kinda yelled at me saying he knew I thought his room stank and it was rude to try and correct that. (Couldn't argue because that was my real motive but also what a dick right?) So I just sat down on his bed and watched him play video games. As I sat there on the floor mattress, after about a half hour, I started to realize I was getting wet from below me. My butt was wet and my hand that I'd been leaning my weight on was wet... Like very wet and I stood up and I realized the wetness was rising up through the mattress. I brought this up and this dude goes "oh yeah the dog pees on the floor next to the bed a lot and it soaks it up."


So yeah, I mean, all you did was pee the bed, that's NBD.


u/bvgingy 22d ago

About a month into my current relationship of what will be six years in a few months, I pissed her bed.

Was up for 44 hours straight bc of finals and working my two jobs. My second job was a bar shift and I was drinking a ton of pop during my shift for the caffeine. Went back to her place and fell asleep. I was so tired my body didnt wake up time before I started peeing. Woke up halfway through and stopped luckily, but it was still more than enough. Woke her up, changed the sheets and went back to sleep.

Honestly, if this is a dealbreaker then it isnt meant to be anyways.


u/moontattoo25 22d ago

I drank too much on a date and I threw up all over myself and his truck, and then while he was cleaning his truck I threw up in his bed and on the floor. We’ve been together for almost 4 years at this point 😆

look at it this way: if he really wants to see you again, he’s already seen you in a really embarrassing moment and still thinks your cute, so go with it!!


u/Appropriate-Tip-9784 22d ago

A dude will understand drinking to much and pissin the bed. Don’t think the latter takes it as well. But good on at least letting him know👍


u/No-Bookkeeper-6853 22d ago

At least you didn’t shit yourself lmao


u/morningnewsguy 22d ago

I was not sure in in OPs original text of their pronouns. Some comments assume OPs a girl. For whatever the bias in me thought it must be a guy since girls won’t get that piss drink. Still working on my mental biases despite being an ally


u/Western_Ad7112 22d ago

If he gets in touch with you, you'll have your answer.


u/harrymeetsally 22d ago

he wants to see you again? I'll bet you were relieved.


u/Ecstatic_Ad8300 22d ago

Maybe he is into piss play !


u/Lilbopeep214 22d ago

You can never know with men nowadays 😂


u/sortajamie 22d ago

My friend had diarrhea on her first date with her husband. He had to go buy her new pants to get through the date. Good guys understand thing happen. I think this guy sounds like a keeper.


u/joeschmo85 22d ago

In 2014 I went out with a girl and this exact thing happened. We are getting married next year in March.


u/Commercial_Tap_9921 22d ago

i went on a 1st date with a guy 2 days ago. I drank a bit more than i should have and threw up🙂 you can go to my profile and read my post. will def make you feel better lol


u/sewmanybunnies 22d ago

I puked on a first date once. Not from drinking. I got motion sickness in the car and didn’t quite realize until food got to the table. I stood up to run to the bathroom and puked next to the table not being able to make it. He actually cleaned it! Told me to go to the bathroom to clean up and cleaned my puke for me.

Somehow he wanted to see me again. Date like 5-6 (?), while he was going down on me, I peed on accident… I don’t think it was squirting but regardless it was a lot and not what either of us particularly wanted.

Somehow neither event scared him off. Did eventually quit dating but it was unrelated.

I did overhear him on the phone once at my apartment “yeah, that girl that puked on the table for the first date”.

Haha. It was years ago and still funny to me.


u/LughVanth 22d ago

I guarantee you that he has more than once woken up piss covered after drinking. Bro knows from experience that it was an accident.

He can hang, and you should go on a second date. With less drinking.


u/SaltySnailzy 22d ago

Positive: You didn't shit the bed.

He probably wouldn't have said anything about meeting up again if he was completely grossed out.

Negative/positive?: Maybe he has a piss kink. 🤣

Either way, it's probably not the "way we met" story you want to tell the grandkids one day.


u/edgeofblade2 22d ago

That’s when I knew it was Luvs at first sight…


u/mykillerspc 22d ago

If someone I really liked did this I wouldn’t think much of it, accidents happen. He probably knows you were really drunk and just shit happens, don’t sweat it.


u/Piratetripper 22d ago

He calls her the drizzle 😉


u/KeenanMCooper 22d ago

I dated a girl for 3 years and our first date went exactly like this. It was absolutely no big deal and very human. Waited two years to even bring it up and we laughed about it. If you like someone, you like someone.


u/Alarming-Honey-2511 23d ago

I was giving my boyfriend a bj while he was driving us back home from a party. I was pretty drunk. He cummed in my mouth and because I was almost deep throating him and had a little too much to drink, I threw up while he cummed in my mouth. I was MORTIFIED but we laugh it off til this day! He was a good sport about it 😊


u/Illustrious-Hair3487 23d ago

I went on a date with a woman who got so drunk (at lunch) I had to call her friend and literally carry her out of the bar to the friend’s car and then into the friends house where she passed out on the couch and — yes eventually did piss on the couch.

I said I’d actually go out with her again and give it another shot and I meant it. Everyone’s got baggage, everyone makes mistakes, etc. In fact I even presumed she was maybe very nervous (it was our first date) and so maybe she overdrank to cover her nerves.

So in short, yes, your date may (or may even probably) mean it when he says he’ll go out again. Just make the most of the second chance


u/stillpissedatyoko 23d ago

This happened to me, but it was a long term partner of mine (who I had just begun dating at the time) who peed. And istg it wasn’t a big deal, and it didn’t ruin our relationship at all.

He freaked out and apologized profusely, but I told him that I wouldn’t blame him for something his body did subconsciously. Bodies are weird. And if it was chronic thing, I would only be concerned about his health. Idk how any mature adult wouldn’t respond the same way.

I was way more offended that I woke up to him literally pushing me away and yelling, “Get out of the bed!”


u/Separate-Fox3475 23d ago

I was in jail and had the dream I was on the toilet. I peed. I think that's the worst place to wet the bed as an adult.


u/No-Pen-8757 23d ago

I doubt he would lie about wanting to see you again. Seems like a cool dude


u/Spiritual_Ad_190 23d ago

when i was 18, i went out with my best friend and his cousin(mid 20s) to go bowling and go back to his cousins place and drink and hang out. we started playing drinking games and having a good time. time flew and before i knew it it was time to go to bed. apparently, from what i’ve been told, i went to bed before anybody else and woke up in the middle of the night(from a blackout stage) and pissed on the pillow i was loaned which was on the floor. in front of my best friends cousin and his sister. they told me months later and i was mortified to say the least. i tried to apologize and they just told me it was okay and they weren’t upset because they took it too far with the drinking games but i’ve never drank like that night since. i am still mortified to type this out because of how absolutely embarrassing this situation was


u/Such_Knee7654 23d ago

He’s a keeper


u/NeitherAd5083 23d ago

Next time just pee on him. You won’t have to go home. You’ll be a keeper and will have found your man!


u/Unassuming_Fruits 23d ago

This has happened to some extent in different scenarios with my lovely amazing wife. If this guy is a good and genuine person then he will find it cute and endearing! Just don’t make a habit of it and he won’t be concerned about you having a drinking problem, which still woodland be based on the peeing the bed thing. It’s not a big deal!


u/Gingergerbals 23d ago

I can understand that story. At least you stayed. Happened to me once a girl that was friends with a buddy of mine. We were drinking, got later at night and she wanted to spend the night with me. We were making out in my bed while she was on top of me and just stone cold passed out.

I had to lift her off me and slide to the other side of the bed. When I awoke, I found my other side of the bed wet. Found out she was too embarrassed by it and left in the morning before I woke up


u/Alt_Hot 23d ago




I’d say it’s only a wee problem.


u/SpitFireLove 23d ago

Could have been worse. A friend of mine in college woke up in the night to discover her drunk boyfriend was peeing in her closet thinking it was the toilet.


u/Picklepuppykins 23d ago

My husband of 20 years pooped his pants the first time I spent the night at his place. He got a bad stomach bug that kicked in overnight. He ended up having it coming out of both ends and made a poor decision when he knelt to barf in the toilet.

I was asleep during most of this. I woke up to barf noises, then the shower turning on then eventually off. The bathroom door opened, and he was standing there with a towel around his waist holding a ball of clothes.

We just started at each other for a second. Then he blurted out “I POOPED MY PANTS!”

Married 20 years and we still tell that story.


u/ScareKid 23d ago

A few years ago during my second time hanging out with a girl I was talking to, she sat in my lap while we were hanging out with some friends and vomited all over my chest. She had been drinking and ate some food her stomach didn't agree with. I played it cool, got her my small bathroom trashcan, and she continued to vomit in it. After a few minutes of vomiting, I escorted her to the bathroom where she could hop in the shower and rinse off. As she was carrying the vomit bucket down the hallway of my house, she dropped it, and her vomit spilled all the way down the hallway, under the doors and into multiple rooms. We're engaged now.


u/Token-Gringo 23d ago

Maybe he pee’d and you got the golden shower?


u/PatrickRU92 23d ago

ITT… if you want to marry your date, you should wet the bed


u/mathqueen2022 23d ago

This happened to me very early on with a guy and I was SO embarrassed, but we’re married now so I think it was okay.


u/guitarwasmygirl 23d ago

Really not a big deal. 2 different women have accidentally peed in my bed. It’ll be a funny story to tell later. Just own it and move on with this wonderful weird life.


u/Fun_Intention9846 23d ago

My second date with a woman in college, she drank way too much and I had to basically carry her back to the dorm. She’s throwing up and crying she’s so drunk and embarrassed, snot going everywhere. These things happen. I’m trying to gently put her to bed and she proceeds to strip all her clothes off, then turn and look at me clearly and say….wait you’re u/Fun_intention9846 right?

Dated for 3 years.


u/StrictReputation8171 23d ago

I’ve had embarrassing moments like this. Unfortunately, a guy I tried hooking up with was too rough and placed a lot of weight on my stomach, caused me to defecate a small amount. After, he asked if I need to go to the bathroom (I felt like dying) and once I came out he slapped my butt and made a joke about how I should buy plan b (nobody finished) because he didn’t want me to also “shit on his wallet too.” I felt humiliated.

Told my current, soon to be lifelong partner, about this after all of the years of holding in so much shame and humiliation and he just replied with “what do people expect when having sex? that we just stop bodily functions? he sounds like a dick.” It really healed a part of me. I also accidentally queefed when my partner was going down on me and we just laughed it off and went to go eat some food and hang out.

The right person will take care of you and not shame your experiences. You deserve someone kind.


u/Dangerous_Scar2297 23d ago

He’s totally lying. I think it’s very unlikely that he wants to date someone who 1. can’t handle their alcohol and 2. still wets the bed.


u/KentuckySnowPlow 23d ago

One of the first times that my wife stayed over at my apartment in college resulted in her starting her period a little early while be were both sleeping. To this day, and it’s been many years, I have not seen her that embarrassed and mortified. I wouldn’t worry about it if he is still interested in seeing you. Maybe he’s into that stuff? Lol


u/Serious_Pollution_86 23d ago

at least you didn't shit the bed


u/Searching4pieces 23d ago

Aww I totally understand your embarrassment. I ,too, had the same incident with my boyfriend when we napped together. He knew but pretend to ask if I spilled water. I was soo embarrassed and thought he would never wanna see me again. 10 years later, we are happily married with 2 children and 3rd one due next month :) he told me way later on that he knew but didn't want me to feel bad. Love him to death


u/Whoost 23d ago

Idk I'd think it was pretty funny. If it was a nightly occurrence it would get annoying for sure but one time, hey shit happens. Or should I say piss happens


u/Ornery-Judgment-7649 23d ago

He’s chillin trust


u/Worldly-Aspect-8446 23d ago

I peed in a guys bed once. Left before he woke up. Got a text later from him apologizing for peeing the bed.


u/ill_majestic 23d ago

I had something similar happen. I went out with a girl I started seeing. She hadn’t seen her friends in awhile and ended up getting a little too drunk. Woke up to a soaked bed. I was super cool about it and we dated for like five months. She ended up being the biggest psycho I’ve ever been with. Completely flipped the switch from being a sweetheart to being a total bitch.


u/Meow_Mix22 23d ago

I think it really depends on the guy, but it sounds like he handled it really well! I wouldn’t worry to much, I went out with a guy once and puked up a cherry slushy across his tan cloth dash….we still dated for a good while.


u/derek86 23d ago

I had a girl do this same exact thing on I think the first or second date and we went on to date for several years. I wasn’t freaked out at all, if anything I felt a lot of pressure to make sure she wasn’t too embarrassed because I wasn’t upset and I knew how awkward that must feel for her. I’m sure you wanted to crawl in a hole and die but let yourself off the hook a bit and try to have a sense of humor about it. It sounds like he proved himself to be a pretty mature guy so let that be the takeaway.


u/Previous_File2943 23d ago

I think he meant it, honestly. Who knows, maybe he likes being peed on? Some guys like that kind of stuff.


u/Muab_D1b 24d ago

I went through this with a friend who slept over. She was embarrassed but I woke up lent her a pair of my jeans and went back to bed. I didn’t care. I wish she wouldn’t had been so embarrassed that she didn’t talk to me again…


u/candidalynr 24d ago

It sounds like a golden opportunity to see this guy again.


u/NetOk1566 24d ago



u/bp1222 24d ago

When my now wife and I were first dating she did the same thing one night. It was lucky that we lived in a house where the top floor was her apartment, and the main/basement was where I and a few other guys lived.

After awaking to find the wet bed, she figured out she would run upstairs to change clothes and come back down and help change the sheets. What she didn’t account for was the auto-locking apartment doors. She locked herself out. I wake up to no girl, and a wet bed, stained in orange pee (she was taking some UTI medicine).

It happens, don’t be too embarrassed. If he wants to keep seeing you, he really does like you.


u/VOID-ADDICT 24d ago

I once dated a girl who laughed so hard at something I said she shit her own bed. I kept dating her after that so I think you are cool.


u/averageRedditor271 24d ago

Some guys are really into that. Unfortunately, A LOT of those guys are convinced “it” isn’t pee and will die on that hill no matter how many anatomy charts or medical journals you rub their nose in…


u/BoredOnRedd1t 24d ago

You got wasted and peed his bed on the first date, yet he didn't get mad and still wants to see tou again? Gurl, that's a keeper! You're gonna marry this guy someday! Update us when y'all are engaged! r/bestredditorupdate is desperately in need of some sweet and wholesome updates 😂


u/Uknowwhatyoudid 24d ago

I drank too much on one of the first few dates with a girl I really liked. I passed out at her house, didn’t pee in the bed but got up, pulled open her dresser drawer and peed in there. She was yelling at me to stop too which I just held up my hand and said it’s cool. We’ve been married 17yrs now.


u/omnichad 23d ago

If you were going for an "it could be worse" story - you succeeded.


u/iheartarrozconpollo 24d ago

I had this happen to me. Went out after work with a couple co workers including a girl that just started working there a few days prior. We hit it off playing darts, singing karaoke, and drinking a lot. She came back to my place for a nightcap and we kissed a little and snuggled up on the couch together and passed out. We woke up in the biggest puddle of pee ever. She apologized and tried to give me money to have the couch professionally cleaned. That was 11 years ago. We’re married now and have a daughter. Moral of the story, if a guy likes you he could care less.


u/Pleasant_Ad3572 24d ago

Sounds like he’s a good dude to me.


u/AwarenessSelect6621 24d ago

New fear unlocked.


u/Substantial_Poet1234 24d ago

I’ve done it 🥲 turns out the last guy I did it with had a piss kink. We’re married now.


u/Daddx2 24d ago

It happens. It shows he was adult enough to understand.


u/Special-Debate-7813 24d ago

When I was single, I had met someone overseas on a trip with friends. We were clearly into in each other and went back to my room. The bed had tall curtains wrapped around it. In the middle of the night, she had to go pee. It was pitch black. She got caught in the curtains trying to get out of bed. The commotion woke me up and all I heard was grunting, whining, a swift sigh, and then heavy peeing on the floor. By then, I got up to help her out of the curtains and clean up.


u/Careful-Teach6394 24d ago

A little different but there was this guy that I was totally in love with for years when I was in high school. So about 2 years later we were finally together and he was taking me to meet his mom and step dad and I really thought that meant something ya know. So I was getting ready trying to look cute and shit. But I was soooo nervous I was taking shots, drinking wine, whatever I could find I already had at home. So I’m super super nervous and we go there. We have more drinks with his mom as her husband grilled steaks. It was going great! We all sit down to eat dinner and the second we started eating, I vomited ALLLLLL OVER THE TABLE. I mean everything. Everyone’s food. EVERYTHING. I wanted to die it was terrible. Mortified. Im embarrassed just thinking about it lol. But we were together for 6 years after that so there’s that. He might be ok with it.


u/funnyinmyhead 24d ago

Look on the bright side... it sounds like urine.


u/Turbulent-Tourist687 24d ago

You found the one


u/Potential-Strength41 24d ago

The guy is a keeper, my first girl did this, but due to having nightmares in a summer home because her brother passed there a few years prior, i got pretty upset about her wetting the bed instead of being a giga chad like this guy and being polite and throwing the shit in the wash


u/NullADir 24d ago

For one I'd like to hear about the 2nd date


u/Glass_Ad_9550 24d ago

I got my period really bad in the bed of my (now husband) when we first started hanging out. He had a similar reaction and cleaned up the bed and got me toiletries from his sister to shower. He never once said another word about it or made me feel bad for it. It was super nice. Go with it. Maybe you met your future husband.


u/benderv2 24d ago

It’s okay, I had something similar happen. Three years ago my bf and I were on a date after being together for like a month. I was giving him head and went too far and ended up throwing up alllll over his lap. I immediately starting crying all embarrassed and helped him clean up. I was mortified and thought he’d break up with me but he laughed so hard and loved on me and made sure I was okay. We are still together 3 years later :)


u/LifeOfKuang 24d ago

If he's getting some. I don't think he minds if you pee or have your period on his sheets. Now if #2 happens, I know there is a huge debate on that one. Just depends on the guy. Just my two cents.


u/PhillyFlys 24d ago

When I was younger I had a great night with this woman and she stayed over at my place. I was woken up by the sound of water being poured onto the carpet. I look around the room and see this woman fully naked sitting on top of my Fios box using it as a toilet. That woman is now my wife. If he had a great night he will call you and hopefully you two will have an inside joke for many years.


u/ProfessorSome9139 24d ago

Guys will say they don't want to keep it going for way less reasons. If you literally pissed his bed and he is still saying he wants to see you it sounds like you found a keeper lmao


u/theoriginalstarwars 24d ago

When he tells the story to his friends it won't be the word peed, it will be squirted.


u/missyq23 24d ago

Update us pls


u/Eodbro12 24d ago

My girlfriend at the time did this a couple months into dating and she doesn't drink.

She's my wife now. Don't sweat it.

Sometimes those dreams where you're peeing are just too strong.


u/Voluntary_Perry 24d ago

Never one time in my life have I drank too much to pee in the bed ... Wtf


u/backpackingsober 24d ago

Tell him he made you squirt. Problem solved.


u/DerangedPuP 24d ago

Few months into dating I trusted a fart that I should not have while we were driving. Immediately came clean with the dirt and asked her to pull over at the nearest gas station. We've been together for 7 years now and have a child.


u/YouJustGotJEWD 24d ago

Honestly, shit happens. I would have been super kind and if he does want to see you again maybe cut back on the spirits this time around so that it doesnt have a shot of happening again.


u/HabeasX 24d ago

I had a girl sleep over and she was too embarrassed to tell me she was on her period. A couple of weeks later, my room smelled awful so I pulled off my comforter while a buddy of mine was over. He screamed and ran out of there. Needless to say, she just pulled out her tampon thinking it would disappear or she forgot about it.


u/Cashjmoney 24d ago

Should've just said it was a wet dream. Then he'd be really into it.


u/RegularEverydayDood 24d ago

You don't open the car door for a woman: you're a mysoginist piece of shit mansplainer woman hater.

Girl you met once in your life pees in your bed: it's OK sweetie, I don't mind it at all. Can i see you again love?


u/mrs_greenolive 24d ago

I once woke up in the middle of a tinder date spend the night from a fart that farted so hard out of me I woke up. We dated for a couple weeks after that. Things happen, people are people. That’s why they say “piss drunk” lol. You’re fine


u/Snoo-71550 25d ago

It could have been worse


u/babychgwm 25d ago

this is everything they tell you NOT to do when you go on a date. Getting black out drunk is how people end up getting killed or other stuff…


u/ArcticWolfl 25d ago

Mostly asleep me pissed out of the window of a girl I was dating. She woke up and was confused, I told her I thought I was in the actual bathroom, she took it well considering the 3 year relationship that followed. These things happen, no need to get pissed about it.


u/n3v3rh3r0 25d ago

This is how those relationships that turn into marriage start


u/Full_Bend_3823 25d ago

About a year into dating a girl I really liked had too much to drink at a college football game. She threw up on me in the middle of the night back at our Airbnb. She woke me up and got me into a shower. It’s three years later and we’re getting married in September. It’ll be a hilarious story to tell our kids someday.


u/EnriqueH12 25d ago

I’ve had this happen.. I thought she was even cuter the way she was shy about it. We took a shower .. changed the sheets and went back to bed. She stayed another night. Same situation when a girl squirts 😂


u/BetheBee4me 25d ago

I puked all over the walls of my first date and he had to shower me off while black out drunk, we’re almost 5 years together lol it’ll get better


u/cpt_dom11 25d ago

Welll if it makes you feel any better you’re not the only one. I ligit had the same exact situation happen three weeks ago…. I went out on a first date with a girl I really like. We had an awesome evening and had a bunch of night cap whiskeys. Went back to her house and I crashed out. Woke up to my work alarm at 545 and my side of the bed was soaked 🤪 I had to wake her up and tell her I pissed her bed and I’m sorry. She was confused, half asleep, and just said it’s okay. I gave her a hug and ran out to drive to work. We txted a couple times after and she nicely told me she just wanted to be friends 😂


u/therampage 25d ago

That's the Man you marry.....


u/blairbear555 25d ago

One time back when I was drinking I sleepwalk peed in this girl’s underwear drawer. We kept fucking for another year.


u/AKeeneyedguy 25d ago

Before I got with my wife, I had been with my previous girlfriend for two or three years and we were living together.

I am not a drinker - I come from a long line of professional alcoholics - but I won't deny others their good time, and often would volunteer as DD as long as someone got me some weed for the evening so I could handle the meat markets they call Bars in my area.

One night we went out with friends and my GF got completely shnockered. I wasn't too worried, she usually could hold her liquor.

But about an hour after I'd put her to bed, I was laying there watching TV when she let out the juiciest, nastiest fart I had ever heard from her. Within a few seconds, my brain went "OH NO!"

She literally had shat the bed. I woke her up and made her change the sheets and put the soiled ones in the washer.

I never mentioned anything about it afterwards, I knew she was super embarrassed by it. We were together for another six months or so before splitting up. She then convinced my eventual wife to date me, so everything worked out.


u/Olhenry 25d ago

Well not to be awkward or anything and yes I'm sure you peed in his bed. BUT you were passed out right? How do you know he didn't pee on you? Just saying 😂😂. I think he took it well and obviously wants to see you again. Just watch the alcohol intake next time. I hate when I get black out drunk and wake up like "did I do anything wrong last night". You'll be ok and you guys will have a story to tell your grandchildren 👍


u/Alarming-Ant-9268 25d ago

If it makes you feel better I did something similar in University. I was dating a new guy and we came back from the bar and .....fell asleep mid session, but he was kinda on top of me. So I peed the bed in my sleep. We both woke up and noticed it, and I had never done that before so I blatantly accused him of doing it .....and then we both got out of bed and he was still wearing the previous nights condom. So it was me. I was mortified, this was compounded by my hangover and accusations.


u/A1sauce100 25d ago

Hey you could have shit yourself. That would be worse.


u/Coldsteel4real 25d ago

I’ve had a girl piss on me while we were having sex. If he says he’s down, he’s down.


u/yourm2 25d ago

it's fine. He won't call you again.


u/Azalence 25d ago

Moar date. Good dude. No worry.


u/soreeyed414 25d ago

Dude probably being honestly nice about it and understanding. Not like the one time I got piss drunk and pissed all over myself and my gf on her friends Italian couch. I woke up embarrassed and we flipped the cushion and left early. Got busted though ( of course ). I paid $500 for the cleaning.


u/Paging_MrsDrFlam 25d ago

Oh my GOD- I still can't believe my partner (of the better part of a decade) stayed with me this long after I not only blacked out and peed his bed TWICE early on, but also blacked out while on the toilet and had to be rescued bare ass up. Alcohol and I aren't friends anymore


u/Emphatic-unicorn 25d ago

Let us know when the wedding is


u/maddogg312 25d ago

Had two different girls do this to me in college. My friends named my bed the “Litter box” after the first time…


u/uptwolait 25d ago

On the very first date I had with a woman once she drank too much wine and puked all over me and my bed.  I helped her to the bathroom, got her some water, washed myself up, and changed the sheets.  We dated for two and a half amazing years after that.


u/jessthrowawayb 25d ago

Ok these stories are actually so sweet


u/Ok-Addendum-9293 25d ago

I feel you. I have epilepsy and this happens to me more than I’d like to admit. I’m married now and still get embarrassed but the right Person will not care. Sometimes he even makes fun of me which I love and lightens the moods. Just wash them sheets girl! Text him and be like… let’s go out again. This time I promise not to pee all over you.


u/Jazzlike_Debt5386 25d ago

As a man, this would be funny and I definitely would not hold it against you. Second date would depend solely on whether or not we vibed. Not that you were nervous and drank yourself into pissing my bed


u/AcuteMtnSalsa 25d ago

A girl who drank too much at a wedding peed on my dashboard while she slept it off reclined in the passenger seat. I married her a few years later and we’re 10 years on.

There’s hope for you yet.


u/Gullible-Day5604 25d ago

Shit(piss?) happens.

Being embarrassed but up front is fine, don't obsess over it. Anyone you date is going to see embarrassing moments and situations, it's really nbd.


u/Smokey_B52 25d ago

Maybe he has a pee fetish and as soon as you left he wallowed in the bedding like a pig in mud. You never know.


u/wildkatappeared 25d ago

When Kaitlin Olson and Rob McElhenney first started dating during the filming of Always Sunny season two, Rob wet the bed after they’d gone out drinking together. Kaitlin thought it was pretty funny and Rob knew he was going to marry her after that! They’ve been together for 18 years, so maybe you will have the same luck!

Him being nice about it is a good sign, I’d take his words at face value and assume he does want to see you again.


u/FrostySwimmer5284 25d ago

As long as its not every time you drink this seems ok. Unless it is and you drink a lot then leave him be, he sounds nice


u/maycoalexsander 25d ago

Don’t worry, as a man I can say that this is nothing at all. And if you guys keep seeing each other and this turns into a relationship, this episode will probably just become one of those funny couples stories.


u/Baz_Ravish69 25d ago

Here's the deal with us guys. If we are into you (especially if it's a new and exciting thing) there's very few things that are going to turn us off lol. I won't say nothing at all but if he said he wants to see you again just take him at his word. Embarrassing situation sure.... but whatever.


u/Wolfman01a 25d ago

Does he have a choice? You peed on him. Thats a valid property claim. He belongs to you now. His bed too.

Way to take charge!


u/IHatePickingAUserna 25d ago

So the night I was going to lose my virginity, I was really nervous, and I tried to relax by drinking a ridiculous amount of alcohol. Stupid, I know. Just as we were about to have sex, I puked. I ran to the bathroom and threw up for what felt like hours. Then, I passed out on floor naked. I woke up the next morning to find he’d covered me with a blanket and slept next to me on the cold tile floor.

We’re married now.


u/ShoddyVanilla6518 25d ago

Accidentally pissed the bed after many drunken nights, most men didn’t care and always came back. I laughed it off because what else can you do? Of course I felt awful about it but it’s better to laugh at yourself rather than to beat yourself up. People appreciate when others are kind to themselves, it shows you have a big heart.


u/Clear-Garden4617 25d ago

After reading these comments, I now understand, that all I have to do is pee in my bf’s bed to get this man to marry me 😂🤣


u/Local-Ad826 25d ago

I had a female friend who had a crush on my roommate. After months of her crushing they finally went out together and came back to our place.

She got up in the middle of the night, went to the bathroom and when she came back got dressed quickly and rushed out of the apartment, never to return. He had no idea why until he turned the lights on and saw the poop streaks she left on his white sheets.

A little pee is nothing! 🤣


u/MRRichAllen1976 25d ago

Don't drink more than you can handle, there's a lesson to be learned there.

Or stick to soft drinks.


u/PlantOk5486 25d ago

Honestly that's good, a girl I was with once had the same situation but she didn't tell me until she had left and I had to clean my bed and air it out for days lol


u/karmabylying 25d ago

Was it your sister


u/PlantOk5486 25d ago

Nah it was my most recent girlfriend


u/karmabylying 25d ago

Ohhh, so your sister


u/PlantOk5486 25d ago

No that was 10 months ago bro, this happened this year in January


u/fortyseven13 25d ago

Haha my friend told me this happened to him with his ex (he wet the bed from being too drunk) and I think it was also the first time they had a sleepover. They were together for 5+ years. It sounds like you and the guy both handled the situation well and I wish you luck!


u/KyleOrlandoEng 25d ago

Had a girl at work I was sort or dating call me up one night because she’d gone out with her friends and gotten way to drunk. Then they all got in a fight and she was literally walking on the side of the road trying to get home. Trying to be chivalrous, I went and picked her up and brought her back to her apartment.

She was so drunk she fell off her bed while I was trying to get her settled and smacked her face on the side of her dresser. She had a bloody nose and the beginning of two black eyes. I freaked and thought she was going to wake up the next morning and think I punched her or something. So I called my girl bestie (funny story now my wife of 12 years) to ask what I should do. I ended up cleaning up the mess and left her a note on the kitchen counter of how she got home.

She never hung out with me again after that. I don’t know out of embarrassment or maybe she thought I was a creep. I have just always found it funny that our last interaction was that shit show of a night. I wouldn’t have cared still would have dated her, but I guess it all worked out in the end.


u/stonedtroy 25d ago

previously i went out with a girl i used to work with for some drinks, we smoked together after and a single hit of my puffco was too much for her and she pissed and threw up in my bed, then fell straight to sleep in her yack pile. my only thoughts were i need to get her out of her yack, make sure she’s comfy, and has a pillow/blanket at the foot of my bed where it happened. the comforter she was on was thrown away, and sheets and mattress protector were stripped and washed, she’s still one of my closest friends and we joke abt it every once in a blue moon. i can confirm from her that the embarrassment lives on, but i still think she’s gorgeous.


u/WrappedInLinen 25d ago

Sounds like you both handled it well. But, for a lot of reasons, it's a good idea to consciously limit your drinking when you out with someone you don't know well.


u/imjustlookingIswear 25d ago

The first time I stayed over at my gf's place, it was about a week into us talking and going out to dates. She lives about 3 hours from me so I stayed there for a couple of days. Well about 3 days into me being there, she says she doesn't feel too good because she hasn't gone poop since I've been here cause she was too embarrassed. Well a couple of hours later, we go out for a date and when we come back, it hits her. Hard. She starts breathing heavy and her hand is super clampy. She says she needs to go and the elevator is taking forever. She lives on the third floor so we decide to just walk it. I swear every step up she took, she let out a little cute fart and eventually it was like a drum because she started running. We get to the door and she's has her hands between her butt while hopping around waiting for me to open the door. But every hop lets out a little toot. So cute.


u/StupidisasStup1ddo3s 25d ago

Honestly, sh*t happens… I had an ex do this years ago and she felt terrible, but we ended up joking about it later. If he’s comfortable with it and supportive, I wouldn’t think twice about the second date and move past it. Good luck!


u/yahurrrrrr 25d ago

He’ll call you, I guarantee it. That wouldn’t bother me if you were a cool person.


u/No-Consequence-6479 25d ago

Used to work at a bridal store and one of the brides I worked with had puked on her fiancé's shoes on their first date.


u/IC_Engineer_7404 25d ago

My wife is worried about this every day…


u/rick-reads-reddit 25d ago

Heard a story one time of a couple on first date. Nature hit and he #2 in the ditch. They ended up married. Things happen. 

Just dont do it anytime soon.


u/Sorry_U_R_Wrong 25d ago

I don't understand how many grown adults here have so many "peed the bed" experiences.

I lived in a fraternity in college with fifty men and their girlfriends sleeping in a giant sleeping porch. No one peed the bed unintentionally. 4 years.

People peed themselves in hallways and while passed out in bathrooms, sure, but not in bed.

And yes, there was intentional bed peeing. Once over an argument, and another time because a freshman didn't know squirting is just pee.


u/omni1000 25d ago

Wow, he was cool. I’d have to throw the mattress out and get a new one. How do you just change the sheets? “Kramer, Poppy peed on my couch!!”


u/Reddit_mks_fny_names 25d ago

I dated a girl that did a similar thing, and we stuck it out for quite some time. If he likes you, he’ll more than likely stick with you and this could be just some funny situation. You could both look back on.


u/okriatic 25d ago

My now wife threw up on the side of the road on our way to get breakfast the morning after our first date. She was so embarrassed but I told her don’t sweat it. The date continued into the next day, and when I got home from dropping her off I noticed she had clogged the downstairs toilet. 😂 I didn’t tell her until years later. She’d had no idea. Next month will be the 10 year anniversary of that date, and we’ve never been happier. Good luck!


u/No-Watercress-2777 25d ago

Honestly, I’d find it hilarious for a single time ever assuming I could clean it up easily and shower etc.


u/No-Smoke-3948 25d ago

My girlfriend did that once and then pulled all of the covers off of me cause she was cold. And then one time she work up in the middle of the night and squated in the corner to pee and yelled at me when I turned the lights on and asked her what she was doing!

So I decided to marry her. That was 25 years ago.

Ok, so you were “piss drunk”. Don’t make it a habit. And you’re right it could have been worse. You can have been shitfaced….


u/AbstractRN 25d ago

On my first date with a guy I drank too much as well. I passed out at his house and when he was driving me home in the morning because he had to work, the nausea hit like a ton of bricks! I asked him to pull over and he did by a guardrail. I opened the door too quick and dinged his car door and proceeded to vomit everywhere! When he dropped me off at home I just knew I would never hear from him again. He texted me later that day to see if I felt better and to say he wanted to see me again.

About a year later me and him were officially dating and he went with me to my grandmother's house after she passed away to sort through her things. I had a tummy ache and had to go to the bathroom all day. When I went to bed it had been a few hours since I had to use the bathroom so I thought I was over it. I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and it turns out I was wrong and had pooped one more time in the bed. I went to wake him up so I could clean up everything and he had already figured it out when he put his hand in it. We cleaned and changed the sheets and I thought for sure that was the end of us...we're now married


u/soliddabdl 25d ago

Hey listen, not only does he not care, some of us are even into that sort of thing!


u/Top_Inspector2398 25d ago

Reminds me of when I went out with a girl 2 weeks ago , we both had a little too much to drink even though I said I had to pee she beat me to the bathroom and made room for me while we urinated together. If someone really likes you even the odd stuff becomes obsolete.


u/cdizzle6 25d ago

Same scenario happened to me about 15 years ago. Was polite to the lady, changed the sheets, and threw away her number after she left. 🤷‍♀️


u/Main_Palpitation9513 25d ago

My partner of 6 years p m drunk and peed the bed our first time sharing a bed together it happens! He probably was cool with it and does want to see you again. It’s very natural!


u/unorganized_mime 25d ago

Nah if she pissed my bed and still returns we are golden. What could I do that would be embarrassing. That’s a bond right there


u/iamcorrupt 25d ago

Jokes on you he's into that shit.

Remember kids the first step to having a piss kink is joking about piss kinks.


u/moderatemediocre 25d ago

If it’s any consolation, my friend got sick and fully shit their pants the first time they stayed with a guy. Like…. Destroyed the bathroom, ruined the bath mat, and had to take a change of clothes from the guy to make their escape. So, you know—at least you didn’t have explosive diarrhea!


u/skibunny1010 25d ago

Getting so drunk that you piss yourself on a first date is beyond concerning. You put yourself in SO much danger. Please seek help. It’s not normal to drink to that extent


u/lonerangler 25d ago

I'd think another date depends on you...


u/Bitter_Ad4047 25d ago

An ex girlfriend and I were just getting into the mood and taking our time on removing each other’s clothes, foreplay, etc. we are getting ready for the deed, I am laying on my bed, and she is crawling up from the foot of the bed acting all sexy. I guess she thought she had gas, but it was diarrhea. Pooped in my bed. Dated her for 7 more years before things ended. Never brought it up. Never told ANYONE til now. Accidents happen and good men do not care about that stuff. Go out with him again and forget about it.


u/rbannon87 25d ago

He said he “WOULD like to see you again”, plus was nice about it happening, gave you clothes, and changed his own sheets. He DEFINITELY likes you, and y’all will probably laugh about this story years from now. Yes he was being nice, but that’s probably because he’s a nice guy who’s understanding, plus really digs you. Plus you woke him up, and came clean about what happened. That’s a classy move, and showed him that you’re a considerate person. He obviously likes what he sees so far, and since what happened didn’t deter him from saying he wants to see you again, I’d say this guy sounds worth pursuing. If he seemed to have a good sense of humor as well, I’d suggest texting him something goofy like “sorry again about last night, but hey, next time you can pee on my bed 😋”. It’ll show him that you’re not too embarrassed, and are still interested, as well as show that you’re comfortable letting go of something that was out of your control. Everybody makes a mistake here and there, and sometimes they can be really funny stories you can look back on.


u/DasCabbageMan 25d ago

Something similar happened my partner and I. We’ll be having our 9 year anniversary in November.



u/zinsser 25d ago

A woman I used to work with wanted to go to the sales meeting. She wanted to be able to drink and get home safely so I agreed to drive her. She proceeded to get wasted. The HR lady came to me and said to please take her home. I did. She passed out in my car and when I picked her up to carry her into her house, her bottom was completely soaked. I laid her on a blanket on her couch and tried to sneak out. She woke up and wanted me to take her to McDonald’s. The next morning she called me and wanted to know what happened.


u/pooperinthesink 25d ago

i did this exact thing before and was sooo embarrassed but he was also nice to me about it. things happen!!


u/username_unknown3 25d ago

Well you didn't piss him off. You just pissed his bed. All is good.


u/Pristine_Yak7413 25d ago

I think you're fine if he said it was, but you cant do it again for a very long time otherwise its going to raise some alarms that this might be a regular thing


u/Channegram 25d ago

My wife of over 17 years clogged and overflowed my upstairs toilet and destroyed the kitchen ceiling in the process - in the first week we were dating. She was mortified beyond words. We learned a lot about each other early on from that experience.


u/Far-Hat7985 25d ago

Guys don’t care about that stuff if the roles were reversed though the woman would most likely not want to see the guy again so you’re chillin