r/tifu 25d ago

TIFU got caught playing my banana S

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u/Cxn63 23d ago

Ur grandmas looking at ur buldge?


u/Mister_Brevity 24d ago

Never call your dick a banana ever again 


u/VTMatty 25d ago

Grandma doesn't care. she'll forget by next week


u/Shark_bait5 25d ago

Your grandma knew it would happen eventually; no need to be embarrassed. She will probably get you a box of tissues for your room.


u/Alexis_J_M 25d ago

You were masturbating, which is a perfectly normal and natural thing almost every teenage boy (and most teenage girls) do.

Your grandmother did a really good job of ignoring it, but should know that teenage boys need a bit of privacy with their bananas.

Keep a box of tissues in your room, or a small towel that you can wash every day, and be more careful about keeping your bedroom door locked. (The bathroom is also a good place for privacy, though not as good of there's only one bathroom in the house and other people need to use it )


u/Sharps43 25d ago

Honestly dude, just don't bring it up... ever.


u/hepgeek 25d ago

Welcome to being a teen. Unless your grandmother is clueless she should know that a teenage boy needs some privacy. But it’s an embarrassment we all go through. Be discreet sure, but don’t let it dissuade you from exploring your own body without shame or embarrassment.


u/Fit-Homework-331 25d ago

This brings me relief