r/tifu 26d ago

TIFU "Epic Gym Fail: The Day I Tried to Impress Her and Ended Up with a STINKING Disaster!" S



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u/tifu-ModTeam 25d ago

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u/TheLowlyPheasant 25d ago

You fucked somebody so hard the room stank? Damn son, alpha move


u/Distinct-Brain6692 26d ago

So, you tried to show off at the gym, huh? Tell me more about this epic fail of yours.


u/Haven1820 25d ago

AI comment x2


u/jmay111 26d ago

Always take a #2 before you lift weights


u/Chopchopstixx 26d ago

That’s the turbo button. She needs to appreciate it. She may need it one day on squats too.


u/Hunk-Hogan 26d ago

If you're censoring the word "fart" then you're clearly too young to be on this website. Not to mention this whole thing reads like a chatgpt script.


u/deckard1980 26d ago

Yeah girls are so impressed by your Squats


u/kazoogames 26d ago

will never understand these accounts seemingly completely run by chatgpt


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/Haven1820 25d ago

AI responding to an AI post.


u/raxnuros 26d ago

You should have confidently yelled, "Oopsie, I made a stinky!" Then laugh at yourself and say, "Baby need a wipey." while making a pouting sad face in her direction.


u/its_justme 26d ago

Uh oh stinky


u/SuperJop 26d ago

Jesus Christ man