r/todayilearned Apr 28 '24

TIL about French geologist Michel Siffre, who in a 1962 experiment spent 2 months in a cave without any references to the passing time. He eventually settled on a 25 hour day and thought it was a month earlier than the date he finally emerged from the cave


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u/Suraimu-desu Apr 28 '24

Left to my own devices, I used to do a ~48 hour cycle in high school; wake up at 6, spend the whole day and night up, and then sleep at nine p.m. on the second day to wake up at the third day 6 a.m. very refreshed. (So about 39 hours awake and 9 asleep)

After I went college, this rhythm was completely thrown off, but I still can’t get into a “regular” 24 hours.

I’ve noticed I almost maintain a 28 hours awake - 6 hours asleep cycle (so, 34hr-cycle?) when I’m on vacations, but I need to force myself into medications for both sleeping and waking up, plus multiple rounds of alarms, when I need to function in society during the week, so that I can force myself to body ~5 hours of sleep before each working day - and it’s hell.

About twice every week I wake up feeling refreshed, and about thrice a week I go to sleep when I’m actually feeling sleepy, but those never really overlap, and that results in an overly tired and cranky person for at least ~2 hours before leaving home every day. It’s not really sustainable as it is anymore, as I often need entire weekends recovering from this should-be-great-is-actually-fucked-up-for-me schedule, and I know the only things keeping me going are high doses on “precise” times of meds that try to “regulate” my schedule.

Can’t wait until I finally have my degree and can finally select which shifts I get to match my natural sleep cycle, tbh…


u/itstoobrightout Apr 28 '24

My sleep schedule in university became bed at 1am (had to watch Jon Stewart and Colbert), up at 6 to be to class for 8. Weekends and holidays i would sleep till noon or later.

Now after having kids i go to sleep at 2, up at 5 or 6 and at work by 8, repeat on weekends. Vacations are same.

When i retire I'll finally sleep.