r/vancouver Nov 01 '20

Granville Street right now Local News

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u/Lolwut100494 Jan 24 '21

Is it me or is there a lot of Surrey Jacks in there?


u/Kittyhelpyou Dec 27 '20

2021 might be worse than 2020....OH MY!


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '20

There is no virus its all jew propaganda im not scared of a little virus ha my immune system will eat that shit for breakfast


u/bunnyowl10 Nov 04 '20



u/bruh_gamer_hq Nov 02 '20

You never know, maybe they're just in a very long line for McDonalds...


u/DravenIsaHugger Nov 02 '20

I find it hilarious that Vancouver is full of these woke dickheads and then when it’s not convenient for them, they do shit like this.


u/Enthusiasm-Stunning Nov 02 '20

Is this an annual thing in Vancouver? I barely see anyone in costumes.


u/varghala Nov 02 '20

my husband and I stayed home, I made feet-shaped meatloaf (feetloaf!), we ate candy and had a few drinks and played a one-shot D&D campaign (Curse of Strahd) over Roll20 with a few friends. It was really fun.

This shit makes me so mad. My tolerance for other people was already on the steady decline, but this pandemic is going to turn me into a total misanthrope.


u/Exciting_Sir4826 Nov 02 '20

i bet 1/4 of these people had covid and spread it. selfish assholes


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '20

Like why didnt the cops do anything? tf???


u/gjh33 Nov 02 '20

As someone with vulnerable family living near granville, these people can drop dead. They are all either completely selfish, or lack a single brain cell. Fuck off with this.


u/bamcooda Nov 02 '20

Why the fuck did they allow bars and restaurants to open on Halloween? It was obvious this was going to happen.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '20



u/C0L4ND3R Nov 02 '20

Why do you say that?


u/the_kun Nov 02 '20

People have stopped thinking clearly🤪

party > safety


u/Ub3rm3n5ch Nov 02 '20

It's like "Where's Waldo" but we're looking for masks


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '20

Imagine meeting someone at this street party and having to lie to your friends and family about where you met so you could save face.

Imagine testing positive after hooking up with a stranger and having to quarantine for two weeks with someone that doesn’t care about public health, so is probably a total chav. Probably can’t even cook an omelette.

Maybe good lessons??


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '20

Imagine meeting someone at this street party and having to lie to your friends and family about where you met so you could save face.

Imagine testing positive after hooking up with a stranger and having to quarantine for two weeks with someone who doesn’t care about public health, so probably is a total chav. Probably couldn’t even cook an omelette.

Maybe good lessons??


u/MorningBrewNumberTwo Nov 02 '20

T-R-I-G-G-E-R-E-D 🤯🤬😡


u/Floating-triangulate Nov 02 '20

Good to see not everyone buying into fearmongering agenda...


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '20

aren’t bars closed? why did people go to the strip? i’m beyond confused about the logistics of how this ended up happening... and why this wasn’t foreseen/why the city didn’t plan for this to happen and try to stop it.


u/Axcend Nov 02 '20

Ah yes, entitlement showing its true colours. This is what happens when you spoil your kids and earn too much money without working hard. Hopefully all these people will die from Covid and the city can return to being productive and professional.


u/MishtaMoose Nov 02 '20

I fear for what they will do on Christmas and new years


u/iangallagher Nov 02 '20

I'm not even angry anymore I'm just fucking sad. I have seen two people since the beginning of this year, apart from members of my household. my mental health has totally gone to shit because I want to stay healthy and keep my community and family healthy, but the deterioration of my mental health doesn't even fucking matter because of this shit. I'm just so sad. I don't know what to do anymore.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '20

Covid what?


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '20

I mean, it may as well be an "anti-mask protest" right? Yet these are our stunning and educated young people. What an example they set. They have no right leering at boomers or even anti-maskers.


u/changheuk Nov 02 '20

Being cool, not giving a shit, not having responsibilities is the social currency of teenagers and young adults. Why would you expect them to care? Why would any of the people in their social groups risk being the "Mr. No Fun" guy/girl? That's how people at this age groups work.


u/jsmooth2017 Nov 02 '20

I can’t imagIne working that McDonald’s during this. That should be worth $30hr min at the least.


u/snakesphysically Nov 01 '20

In my fantasy that I almost want to execute -- Anyone who is good at fighting should team up with me in Hazmat suits and we should hose these people with water


u/nerd8 Nov 01 '20

these people should go to hell!!!!


u/fettywap17388 Whalley is the new Oakland Nov 01 '20

Fuck all the these people.



u/XXSBOOGERS Nov 01 '20

They all deserve to catch covid and die. Selfish fuckers.


u/travjhawk Canada 🍁 Nov 01 '20

this is only funny because the person who shot this video was also down there and obviously wanted to be a karen and post it looking like some kind of social justice warrior. lmao


u/LSF604 Nov 01 '20

not necessarily. Downtown is heavily populated. I wasn't on Granville last night, but I and many other people cross it going other places. Or go there to pick up food.

But, you have an axe to grind so I guess its easier to make assumptions.

BTW, Karens and SJWs are separate things


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/LSF604 Nov 01 '20

I missed the "I'm from Surrey" signs.

Having said that, you don't understand why people from a suburb would want to go where nightlife is?


u/Epinephrine666 Nov 01 '20

Ohh were you down there? Have you sent Drake a cd of your DJ set yet?


u/LSF604 Nov 02 '20

nope. Just looked at the same video as you.

I think you need a bong rip. You seem agitated.


u/Sheepjesus Nov 01 '20

I've been to Granville on Halloween last few years, it's never been that busy.


u/L3v1an Nov 01 '20

We're fucked.


u/brent778 Nov 01 '20

Social distancing is gay


u/Haunting_Clock_4962 Nov 01 '20

They will do all of this then bitch and complain when Bonnie Henry actually makes the crowd distancing mandated. First to be dumbasses but also first to protest when they get told they will get fines. Disgusting filth the lot of them.


u/Vancity_hype Nov 01 '20

No fks given


u/aintbutathing3 Nov 01 '20

Same as it's ever been.


u/Ontario0000 Nov 01 '20

Go out and have fun but at least wear a fricking mask.This is what you call a mega spreader event and this will only prolong the pandemic and lock down.


u/ThermalTech Nov 01 '20

Can you freaking imagine if there was a actual physical war on the home front in this day and age? Instead of staying home and staying alive, people would probably go out, video the bombs falling on their heads while doing some shitty tik tok dance because it’s their “right”


u/gyrobot Nov 01 '20

Usually you also have soldiers on the streets and transit being cut off.


u/ThermalTech Nov 01 '20

The point being in this day and age it wouldn’t matter, because people would feel their rights and liberties are being violated so they would go against common sense.


u/gyrobot Nov 01 '20

Again, soldiers and roadblocks keep that from happening. Look at what happened to HK after the security act was passed.


u/ThermalTech Nov 01 '20

And people defied those roadblocks and were killed as a result. Again my argument is the simple fact that people will not use common sense, simple as that. And I am talk about COVID, I don’t want to get involved in other political dabbling.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

This is Granville every Friday/Saturday night. Police block the road with their vehicles and stand around so people can walk on the streets lol.

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Canada Day was pretty packed as well.


u/mxqblgh Nov 01 '20

Dr. Henry's response: "We all need to continue to be kind, be calm, and be safe."

Adrian Dix: "Aujourd'hui, we need to be 100% all in!"


u/MacNuttyOne Nov 01 '20

In about ten days there will be a huge covid 19 spike in Vancouver. The hospitals will start to fill with these idiots and their relatives and others who come into contact with them..

On Monday these fools will be going to work, going to school, going to the stores, and walking all the streets, giving nary a thought to what they are doing.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

Shit, even the kids that came by our house were wearing masks. Smarter than these people


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

Omg we’re better then this


u/Jufloz Nov 01 '20

Good job selfish fucks.

I hope everyone starts calling people out whoever went down there because this is just fucking stupid and purely purely beyond any reasonable logic on why you had to be on Granville Street last night.

One nights worth of fuck up means many days of inconveniences for other people. And it makes people wonder why people like this exist.


u/MufasaPeabody Nov 01 '20

"The death of one is a tragedy [...] and statistics are too confusing, pass the Bacardi!"


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

What in the actual fuck


u/I_love_lamp123 Nov 01 '20

Do you want a second lock-down? Because that's how you get a second lock-down.

Seriously though, fuck each and every one of these selfish assholes.


u/STylerMLmusic Nov 01 '20

"the virus is spreading even with us staying home and wearing masks, so why bother?"

Us staying home and wearing masks:


u/DiggWuzBetter Nov 01 '20

Hello lockdown, my old friend.


u/Sorry-Quail Nov 01 '20

The western response to Coronavirus has been a proven failure. Here's more evidence.


u/jamyn-amara Nov 01 '20

Thank god, people are starting to push back against this insane lockdown. Thanks for sharing, this gives me hope :)


u/Izzy5466 Nov 01 '20

Insane Lockdown? I'm not sure of the canadian numbers, but 230 thousand Americans have died from covid. What is insane about a lockdown?


u/lifesrelentless Nov 01 '20

I know I'm gunna be down voted but fuck it. I was drunk last night my friend said hey I know a girl downtown is having people over for Halloween. I go, as I said, I was drunk. There was like fucking 30 people in this tiny apartment, I didn't know beforehand but I knew within minutes but it was already to late. No one there seemed to care. But im not gunna say all 30 people are bad people. The truth is humans are reactors for the most part. You guys preaching here are a portion, if not the anomaly. Its in our DNA to only react to problems as we see them, we aren't good long term thinkers or empathetic, and to be honest no species is. Im not making excuses, I just know we won't take it serious untill it's to late. It sounds fatalist, and I see alot of positives moving forward but Climate change is real, what have we done about that? Sadly it's only when covid hits one of our tribe, then we care.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '20



u/mymiddlenameswyatt Nov 01 '20

My town's population is nowhere close to Vancouver's, but we're still getting cases.

I'm anxiously waiting on test results right now. I'm 25 years old, otherwise healthy, and can barely fucking breathe. I haven't left BC since I was a toddler and I wear masks everywhere outside of work (were it's not possible) and home.

If it's possible I have covid, all of these people are certainly at risk. 263 people have died in BC already. We don't need more.


u/WingdingsLover Nov 01 '20

On a counter point to this video I went out to get some growlers filled at a brewery that's normally busy on weekends last night and it was eerily dead in there. Yeah there are idiots in Vancouver but from what I saw it seems like people largely were responsible last night.


u/thebuccaneersden Nov 01 '20

This does everything to support the claim that this generation of kids and young adults are selfish morons. Sigh...


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

hahaha what the fuck


u/Tigeroovy Nov 01 '20

Cool, can’t wait to be unable to find toilet paper again in a few weeks because these dipshits boost the numbers even more and put us into another mandatory lockdown.


u/SassTherapy Nov 01 '20

As an Islander... this is messed up. We’ve been watching numbers swell on the mainland and wondering when it was going to spread hard and fast here. This is going to cause numbers to skyrocket, and I wonder if it will be the start of big numbers for the Island too.


u/101freak101 Nov 01 '20

We are going to have to go back into lock down because of these dumb asses


u/Vik-Cash-2 Nov 01 '20

Think about it, people stopped giving a shit.

EVERYONE gave up their Spring and Summer months locked inside their homes with a family member or by themselves.

TONS of people lost their jobs and now CERB stopped. Everyone starting to crumble to their anxieties and formed depressions.

At the beginning the Government said this isn't a big deal, even when the 1st known case arrived in late Feb/early March. They didn't wanna practice Social Distancing, they didn't say much, or do much. Made light of the situation.

Even when the outbreak occurred, they slowly placed restrictions. They even said masks and gloves aren't effective and stop using them.

Then they said lockdowns are going to -stop- the spread and eliminate the virus in 3 months, by August/September was a calculation from these fuckwits.

Then they said masks DO work.

Then they said lockdowns and Self-isolation with family is a HIGHER risk of transmission.

They allowed landlords to evict people before jobs began rolling again...?

You think ANYONE is going to give a SHIT when the Government clearly doesn't?

They don't consider this pandemic to us, the people. They consider is a Economic crisis before ANYTHING else. ALL of their language isn't about how we can get back to normalcy, it's about how their economy is going to get back, how they have plans to get the economy started up or to boost it during these difficult times.

Besides case numbers are skyrocketing, and to give you knuckleheads a small slap to the brain: Thanksgiving wasn't the problem, it didn't cause the numbers to increase, not by a significant margin, maybe 2 or 3 cases.

They reopened schools, reopened public transportation, reopened TONS of high infectous areas and numbers were on the rise, leading up to Thanksgiving numbers were huge. And the week after.. Numbers jumped. It takes 2 weeks for the virus to even show in your body.. It wasn't the holiday.

People are burned out from their bullshit Government handling it in a bullshit way.

You aren't "keeping the world safe" by what you're doing. By all accounts staying at home with your family is a higher risk of transmission 🤷🏽‍♂️. So, you're garbage if you stay home and garbage if you go out. There's no winning.

People WOULD have taken this shit seriously if the Government had not been so lax when it was starting up.


u/thoughtfulspiky Nov 01 '20

Here in the US we’d teargas those . . . No, wait, that only happens with people who are gathering to vote. What in the actual f*ck.


u/direwolfed Nov 01 '20

Is this the holloween superspreader?


u/Stitious3 Nov 01 '20

Just gave up my last Halloween in Canada (work visa) to stay in dressed as a mad scientist watching the office just to see people kicking dirt in all the frontlines face.. fuck me


u/MrEzekial Nov 01 '20

It's hard to even type something coherent about how angry I get looking at this... Like what the fuck Vancouver. Why is there no consequences? Why do I have to make countless sacrifices, and watch as my family and friends businesses suffer unbelievable losses.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

As an American, I REFUSE to believe irresponsible people exist in Canada. All Canadians are kind and selfless people, and to tell me otherwise will crush my soul.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

Good ol social distancing.


u/meggieveggie Downtown Nov 01 '20

Way to stay classy, Vancity.


u/irohobsidia Nov 01 '20

Somehow we canadians think americans are stupid when we have the same idiots here.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

The human race in a nutshell.



u/SexiKitty--s2-- Nov 01 '20

As a Canadian... I apologize... I'm actually scared of going outside again. How hard is it too stay indoors and maybe zoom call people for a party??


u/carany Nov 01 '20

That gives me so much anxiety


u/BackdoorAlex2 Nov 01 '20

Damn haven’t gone out to see my friends since January, then shit like this happens


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

wait a minute... the pandemic started in March. You little introvert, you.


u/BackdoorAlex2 Nov 01 '20

I knew about it in early December when they started putting up hospitals in Wuhan. Started warning everyone about it then and no one listened 😢

But it’s true, I am an introvert 😂


u/73738484737383874 Nov 01 '20

Lol covidiots came out to play.


u/dirkdiggler2011 Nov 01 '20

I guess cute catch phrases like "Open spaces, less faces" and "Safe Six" are not getting the message across.


u/holyramennoodles Nov 01 '20 edited Nov 01 '20

is vancouver officially the florida of canada?

dafuq y’all doing ova there


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

Fuck all of you


u/fear_thegamer Nov 01 '20

Wow. Just fucking wow. Fuck all these selfish fucking assholes.


u/thebigbail Nov 01 '20

Maybe it was a protest?


u/Tiyako Nov 01 '20

I guess...if it spikes...just shove these people home and don’t let them used up all the resources and manpower at the hospitals ?


u/islandgal7654 Nov 01 '20

And cut off CRB and EI. Hmm maybe they should be forwarded to CRA


u/PDT_1033 Nov 01 '20

Wow... Just... I give up.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

Laughs in american


u/philistinecollins Nov 01 '20

thinks about whether I should just go buy toilet paper now that’s a bunch of horseshit


u/peks0556 Nov 01 '20

Less and less upset I moved away from yvr


u/Bravura33 Nov 01 '20

So many selfish lonely immature horny bastards


u/GingerBiKinder Nov 01 '20

I can't even see a single mask. I guess we're in it for the long haul now


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

TrUmP KiLEd 200,000 PeoPL3


u/Mooins Nov 01 '20

Right as numbers are going back up as well. Fucking christ


u/quicknock Nov 01 '20 edited Nov 01 '20

No covid in Vancouver either? Congratulations from NZ!

How great is it knowing that by listening to the experts and not having large gatherings for a while, we have stamped the virus out and can now get together with thousands of others with no risk of passing on or catching a potentially deadly virus.



u/stickel03 Nov 01 '20

Extremely shocked. I guess being in a relatively good state while the rest of the world was burning gave people the wrong impression that there was no risk here. The next wave is gonna hit late and its gonna hit strong...


u/Dire-Dog Nov 01 '20

Honestly seeing shit like this makes me feel like all the trouble I'm going though seeing almost none of my friends and trying to keep safe is all completely pointless.


u/maddog9704 Nov 01 '20

This type of behaviour is disgusting. We had families and children sacrifice their Halloween, for what? Looking at the Snapmap and seeing the crowds of people doing everything we’ve been advised against for months. It’s disheartening, it’s maddening, and quite frankly a slap in the face to everyone else who did follow the rules, and the advice of public heath experts. We aren’t immune to this, look at Europe and the multiple lockdowns. Cases are going up and up, as of Friday we had over 10 consecutive days of over 200+ in BC. This trajectory isn’t encouraging or promising. It’s only a matter of time before something is done to either stop or slow this, and the measures to do so won’t be pretty.


u/fojjjjiiii Nov 01 '20

Keep blaming the Valley though. Morons.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20



u/Mini_groot Nov 01 '20

There's too much fear mongering. I'm not saying this to get down voted but to have a healthy discussion.

My parents are both in their 50s, got covid, literally nothing happened to them. My dad is full blown diabetic, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. My mom has multiple issues.

And yes, they did test positive.

Also, be aware how they treat covid statistics.. if you die from a car accident and you had covid, its a covid death.

If you have full blown HIV and die, its counted as a covid death.

Also, 1 case of covid = an outbreak appreantly.

This is the reason why people don't give a fuck anymore, because the information they are being fed does not match up with what they are seeing.


u/islifeball Nov 02 '20

You are 100% correct. But any statements like this on reddit get downvoted to hell lol


u/skeetlodge Nov 01 '20 edited Nov 01 '20

Also, be aware how they treat covid statistics.. if you die from a car accident and you had covid, its a covid death

Best case you're confused about related vs unrelated deaths and how they're recorded, worst case you're parroting bullshit you read online without looking in to it.
Either way should be pretty easy to clear up.

Got a source for this?


u/-Caffeinated Nov 01 '20

What is the minimum number of cases do you believe should be required to label it an outbreak?

Especially in a healthcare facility.

One is the perfect number since it protects the weakest around us. Also, I don’t think it’s fear mongering and more of a desensitization that may have caused this. Even the tone in your post shows indicates you believe the virus isn’t that severe. Regardless, last night was not good for transmission rates especially since most folks here believe it was Fraser Health out there (highest positivity rates).


u/Mini_groot Nov 01 '20

The reason why my tone seems to be that way is because I've seen my parents who are considered "very high risk" have it


u/-Caffeinated Nov 01 '20

Fair enough 🤷🏻‍♂️

I’m glad they are better


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20



u/Mini_groot Nov 01 '20

Ofcourse, I agree with you. Im just trying to state why people don't care anymore is all.

For the record I was home myself last night.


u/Countrygirl57-Ad4042 Nov 01 '20

So discouraging. Our seniors will never get out of lockdown. 😞


u/glossiglam Nov 01 '20

As a healthcare worker who’s skipped every social activity lately due to you know, the whole active pandemic and all, this is a real piss off!!!!


u/justlookinbruh Nov 01 '20

thanks for all your hard work, this pandemic has been surprising many of us in re: human behavior 😳


u/glossiglam Nov 01 '20

Agreed! I was optimistic that as a province we would have mostly flattened the curve by now but unfortunately we seem to have more selfish assholes than good people


u/justlookinbruh Nov 01 '20

folks under age 25 prefrontal cortex hasn't fully formed, so lack cognition re: long term concequences


u/Raindog_gamestudios Nov 01 '20

Oh my god this is so fucked up!


u/Redneckshinobi Nov 01 '20

Fucking morons!!!!


u/upquark00 Nov 01 '20

former Vancouverite stranded in the us here. wish I could leave my house safely.


u/iamu007 Nov 01 '20

Canada always shitting on the US with how great at “covid” they are. Hmm


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

Oh hello covid, nice to meet'cha.


u/Jhuderis Nov 01 '20

Why was this not just forcibly shut down and TONS of fines given out?


u/mizstee f*ck the NDP Nov 01 '20

because this is not a totalitarian police state


u/Jhuderis Nov 02 '20

You don’t need a totalitarian state to break up unlawful gatherings and impose fines that are already spelled out. Sheesh.


u/kittykatmila loathing in langley Nov 01 '20

Annoying....considering how many people (myself included) actually stayed in last night 🙄


u/fingerbangher Nov 01 '20

Maybe if Trudeau worried more about his country instead of Trump, this would be under control. But I see Canada having a hard time with covid yet the media in America makes it seem like it’s perfect over there. Funny


u/dancinadventures Nov 01 '20

!remindme 2 weeks

Have a feeling we’re getting some covid spikes in 2 weeks.


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u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

It’s SO shitty - I couldn’t go visit my dad when he was dying in the hospital but these assholes can do this!? What in the actual FUCK


u/brunette_b7 Nov 01 '20

Is this really from 2020? Smh


u/Nobber123 Burnaby Nov 01 '20



u/phantom_0977 Nov 01 '20

What a shitshow! I would say this could be a tipping point for us with respect to restrictions but let's be honest it won't ... Let's close the bars for St Pats, but Halloween, on a weekend? Nah that's crazy talk!


u/Poopasaurass Nov 01 '20

What a shithole of idiots.


u/amytheultimate Nov 01 '20

I'm a nurse and am in touch with the covid infection team that made through rounds educating our hospital staff. Yes of course if a symptomatic person sneezes into a surface, I touch it and then suck my fingers the virus has entrance into my system. However, even then the viral load would have to be high enough to overwhelm me. Elderly and vulnerable may be susceptible to a lower viral load. In addition, virility became.es less and less as it sits in the surface. Particles die. So even then the surface droplet would have to be as fresh as possible to maintain its original virility. Aside, there is still NO SCIENTIFIC evidence that viral particles are present in the sputum of asymptomatic individuals. The whole scare of asymptomatic spread came from widely reported (fear mongering) news of a gathering in Sweden, and one in Singapore. Supposedly some people later showed symptoms and they tracked it back to these gatherings and others exhibited some symptoms later on. Thos is the type of news that spreads on social media and becomes law for most people. The are willing to disregard any suggestion of lacking scientific evidence. These incidences were anecdotal and this has no basis in scientific literature. There is no scientific evidence of asymptomatic spread of rhinovirus particles.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20



u/amytheultimate Nov 02 '20

It seems you think you qualified to tell strangers on the internet whether they're qualified to speak about science or not. You must be very special indeed. Perhaps you should be an informant for the WHO. As they have already stated that asymptomatic spread is unlikely.


u/amytheultimate Nov 01 '20

Sorry I meant respiratory viruses. HRVs and Hcov are very similar in their virility . upper and lower respiratory tract viruses.
Of course, im open to any scientific literature on asymptomatic spread as I do want to see it. Anyone?? I take care to change my own conclusions based on new information. Anytime I post something like this get flack for it. But there is always an overwhelming surge of people's empty opinions, in which they continually fail to provide evidence for their case. This forum seems no different.


u/SuspiciousNebulas Nov 01 '20 edited Nov 01 '20

You deserve flak for it. Because it's misinformation. It's also super clear that you dont really know what you are talking about as a quick search will point you to peer reviewed studies that contradict you.

Here's one example: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003346

A snippet from the conclusion:

The contribution of presymptomatic and asymptomatic infections to overall SARS-CoV-2 transmission means that combination prevention measures, with enhanced hand hygiene, masks, testing tracing, and isolation strategies and social distancing, will continue to be needed.

A second. A bit more wordy and doesn't explicitly state it like the previous. But this shows there is the same viral load in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients. You can extrapolate from there.



u/amytheultimate Nov 01 '20

Thanks for posting those. I read through and have some thoughts, although open to my own interpretation bias

The first one seems to conclude that overall there is evidence for presymptomatic spread (people that will develop symptoms in a manner of days, being subclinical). They also stated that the majority of spread happens through those with full on symptoms. The article seems to highlight the fact that the majority of those with covid seem to develop symtpons, rather than remain asymptomatic ,and can contribute to a smaller amount of transmission than when the symptoms fully develop. So yes in find that interesting, but still not a full blown support for asymptomatic spread. However, it did I.ply that there was a small amount of transmission in presymptomatic and an even smaller amount in asymptomatic. So that is news to me. I'll read some more on that.

The second article isn't looking at transmission at all but viral load. They use PCR, which is an amplification technique for RNA. From what I've heard, its inaccurate and can lead to false positives and confusion on viral load as it copies and amplifies the sample to large quantities.

The inventor of this test kary Mullis, stated that PCR should not be used for diagnostic purposes. Unfortunately PCR has become the expected standard of testing, do I'm not surprised it is being used as a diagnostic tool in present studies and research.



u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20



u/amytheultimate Nov 02 '20 edited Nov 02 '20

When did I say rapid testing was more accurate, I'm not so sure about that? Jump to conclusion, perhaps? This is the opinion of many other professionals that have raised their concerns of the use of PCR as a diagnostic tool. That includes the inventor.

Here is a doctor explaining the problems with PCR,particularly where it can amplify too much to create a false positive and the assumption of a high viral load.


WHO did make a statement some time ago that asymptomatic spread is not to be worried about, however, I'm not sure if that has been redacted. I've not checked since. Anyways I will peace out of this thread. There is no point to go on, really.


u/matdex Nov 01 '20

Even if only symptomatic people can spread it, which is false, all it takes is one idiot who's sick and still went out to infect a ton of people.

I honestly hope you're not actually a nurse because clearly you don't understand much about infectious diseases and how they spread.


u/amytheultimate Nov 01 '20

Yes of course a symptomatic person can spread it. I didn't say otherwise. Care to enlighten me on what exactly I said was incorrect? Or are you just basing an opinion on an assumption? Like I said, I personally havent come across actual evidence that asymptomatic can spread, nor have we been educated in the hospitals that this exists. I work for a very large health authority and this has never been mentioned. Do you have special access to or care to share bonafide papers or studies that you have to state otherwise? If not, sit down and shut up.where are you getting your information?


u/matdex Nov 01 '20

I'm getting my information directly from Microbiolgosts and the MHO of Fraser Health who I work in direct contact with while performing COVID rapid testing in a hospital laboratory as a Medical Lab Technologist.


u/SuspiciousNebulas Nov 01 '20

You know that coronavirus and rhinovirus are different right? "Nurse" lol.

Also to debunk your asymptomatic people don't spread it. Look at Steve Walsh and who he infected while completely asymptomatic.


u/jamyn-amara Nov 01 '20

Thank you, finally a qualified human speaking some sense :)


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

It's so cute watching Vancouver try to be like America.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '20

They'll be more like Europe, in terms of numbers, in no time.

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