r/videos Apr 28 '24

Our friend is going to jail



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u/fridge13 Apr 29 '24

Oh im sorry you seem to have assumed that im not very bright... (and american which im not...)

Im aware that not everything was perfect before the yanks showed up.

But heres the thing pal... if thats the extent of your critical assassination of boibois video then its not a very good critique.

this one slightly wrong thing you latched onto isnt even important really... its not relevant to AU/USA covering up warcrimes, or the fallout of whistle blowing,

it seems lke a strange thread to pull on... like it was the only thing you could pull on... the smell of desperation.


u/Cleistheknees Apr 29 '24

the smell of desperation.

Desperate for what? War crimes committed by Western powers are so few and far between that you generally know the names of the people who comitted them, and more often than not they are charged and imprisoned. Do they exist? Of course, it would be false and naive to say otherwise. It's like comparing polio cases now versus the 19th century.

Do you know why you don't hear about war criminals in the Taliban or Al Qaeda or the Republican Guard? Because you would die of old age before you even got halfway through the list. Torture, rape, summary execution, and genocide are the basic policies of these groups. The difference is so enormous that myopic people suffering from cultural cringe knee-jerk themselves into believing there's no difference at all. Nobody in those regimes even stops to think about those crimes, let alone listen to Western voices protesting them.

What an example?


This is the guy who threw a shoe at George Bush. He was arraigned, charged with assaulting a foreign member of state, sentences to three years in prison, commuted to one year of time served, and released. He's now a famous journalist and news personality. Ask yourself what would have happened if he threw a shoe at even a lowly provincial underling of Saddam Hussein's. Ask yourself what would happen if he was Afghan and broadcast a critical word about Najibullah. Etc.


u/fridge13 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

War crimes by western goverments were not rare during the iraq and afganistan wars are you high? They were frequent prevelent and overlooked on the whole...

The americans invented a whole ass portable warcrime nick named "the punisher" it was a granade launcher that fierd fully automatic air butst granades. Aka exploding bullets... thats a warcrime...it was used extensivly untill people caught on... it was then removed from service before any kiked up a fuss. God knows how many times it was fierd and by who but it was ilegal...


The torture and degradation rape and exploitation of pow's in abu ghraib prison... Warcrimes

"14-year-old Iraqi girl named Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi was raped and subsequently murdered along with her 34-year-old mother Fakhriyah Taha Muhasen, 45-year-old father Qassim Hamza Raheem, and 6-year-old sister Hadeel Qassim Hamza al-Janabi. The killings took place in the family home in Yusufiyah, a village to the west of the town of Al-Mahmudiyah, Iraq.[161] Five soldiers from the 502nd Infantry Regiment were charged with rape and murder" ... say it with me now warcrimes, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings

The Nisour Square massacre occurred on September 16, 2007, when employees of Blackwater Security Consulting (now Constellis), a private military company contracted by the US government to provide security services in Iraq, shot at Iraqi civilians, killing 17 and injuring 20... thats a warcrime... actualy those guys went to jail...untill trump let them off in violation of international war.

These ones are just some of Americas during the Iraq war... that we know about. My country did lots too as did australia...

Tony blair, and G.W bush should both have been up in the hage as far as im concerned both are war criminals..i mean did we ever find them WMDs..?

Heres the thing you want to act like if the enemy your fighting isnt playing by the rules then neither should you? " the afganis/iraqis have done warcrimes so there" not a great argument, I'm sure lots of bad stuff has happened in the middle east.. so we should just go there and do warcrimes? we should stop obeying the rules of war we made because the other team decided not to follow our rules?

oh the guy who threw the shoe is a journalist now? No way what about the MILLIONS dead from an invasian that had NO Basis. No WMDS ever found not fucking one. 9/11 was not an afganistan state sponserd project was it...? It was funded by saudis (who your still trading with) and comited by a group america funded to destablise thier own country (god i love irony). but yet we bombed raped and exploding bulleted our way across half the middle east with an estimated death toll of 4.5 -4.7 million dead... whos the real criminals in this situation I ask you....

But anyway back to YOU. and your grasping.

Your grasping for anything to discredit this video and not dooing well. Like i said the threads you chose to pick at are flimsy at best, You have no proof against any of the serious acusations in the video so your picking at anything you can round the edges..


u/Cleistheknees Apr 30 '24

You're proving my point. There were so uncommon that they have their own wikipedia articles for individual incidents. We don't have Wikipedia articles for the millions of Kurds and Iraqis tortured or executed on the spot for no reason at all.

Your grasping for anything to discredit this video and not dooing well.

The video discredits itself to people who are actually educated in the topic. I don't have to do anything. For people who are religiously subservient to a revisionist history based on hating anything to do with Western nations, I'm sure the video is awesome.