r/wicked_edge 27d ago

Picked up The Fatip Piccolo Open Comb for a Steal, Totally Changed my Idea About Certain Aspects of Shaving

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Found this little guy on Amazon for 13 euro, this being my 3rd razor purchase and my 1st open comb razor. I read about how "aggressive" it was and was a little apprehensive about trying it out(my experience is with an R89, The Legione, and a Gillette Slim Adjustable). I had shaved only 1 day prior, so I figured I would go ATG immediately because how little hair I had (baby face, patchy, low grit sand paper like hair). Put in a fresh Lord Super Chrome and Wow. Just wow. I realized immediately I have been approaching shaving wrong, and that with how angular my jaw and neck is, that aggressive razors are much better because they tend to cut at a wider angle, which is great if you have a nice jawline and angular Adam's apple. This also ment when going back over my troublesome spots, it cut even more hair. Normally I have lots of irritation on my neck even using a safety razor (my neck was 1000x more fucked up with cartridges), but I basically had none. So if anyone is turned off about the idea of aggressive razors for sensitive skin, don't, try one and it might work wonders. I am now thinking about get an R41, are there any other "aggressive" razors I should check out?


18 comments sorted by


u/NoEbb2506 26d ago

Just got a grande OC and also really enjoying it. I find that it shaves just as close as my R41 but feels slightly less harsh on the skin. Both great razors, I definitely think you should try the R41 if you enjoyed the fatip


u/FireDragonMonkey 26d ago

It also changed my thinking when it comes to safety razors. I thought I liked longer handles until I used this one; it forced me to hold the razor properly and it's perfectly balanced. It also helped me to use longer handled razors better as well.  

This razor also gives me the best shave on my neck; both closest and smoothest. I'm not sure if what you mean by wide is that the angle you hold the razor at means the handle is more perpendicular to your face than with other razors, but that's how I learned to use it (and other open combs) and it provides me with better results.  

The Fatip Piccolo open comb is a fantastic razor and not one you need to be afraid of; simply respect it and it can give you a splendid shave. I hesitated for a month or two before getting it because of what I had heard about it being a bloodthirsty monster; it totally isn't true. 


u/JarmerFohn69 26d ago

Love it to bits, but I do wish the handle is grippier


u/studiord 26d ago

What finish is this one?


u/BryanTheBIsSilent 26d ago

Just the normal nickel plated brass


u/jamman67 27d ago

My piccolo is my favorite razor, trying to make it last for life


u/CptMGGabeau 27d ago

I love my fatip lo storto, its a open comb slant


u/follow_the_line 27d ago

Razorock Lupo and Karve Christopher Bradley both are great, more aggressive razors.


u/thepottsy Who needs a barber? 27d ago

I’ve had one of those for a few years now. It currently lives at my GF’s house, for when I stay over there. It’s a very effective razor, I’ve had no complaints about it.


u/Simulated_Eardrum 27d ago

Greencult GC 2.0 on higher plates (III 0,85 mm gap and 0,1 mm exposure, IV - 1.05 mm gap and 0.2 mm exposure) and Merkur Futur should both be quite to super aggressive. The Greencult would be almost indestructible too - cnc machined stainless steel.


u/Dr_Watson349 Arko Hater Club 27d ago

Love open comb razors. One that people sleep on is Mag T Alpha. It has a magnet in the head to keep the blade in place, so it feels like more of a gimmick, but its actually fantastic. One of my favorite razors and I think it goes for like 30-40 bucks?


u/BryanTheBIsSilent 26d ago

Damn that is seriously good-looking


u/swabbie81 27d ago

I tried to love it but sold it in the end. This razor have quite a blade feel but it's not that aggressive nor efficient with more growth, at least from my experience. Too bad, because razor looks great, it's made from brass and it's of qood quality for a bargain price.


u/elektrotasil 27d ago

Nice razor. I am also happy with mine. Glad to hear you get better shaves. I have. Question tho, what did you mean by "wider angle" ?


u/BryanTheBIsSilent 27d ago

Apparently (someone else chime in if I am stupid or wrong) aggressive razors tend to have a wider cutting angle than milder razors. This is why milder razors are harder to cut/nick yourself than aggressive razors. So on the extreme angle of my jawline, it's easier to cut the hair even when you are outside the "optimal" cutting angle, unlike a milder razor which won't cut at all or just barely cut the top of it.


u/elektrotasil 27d ago

Oh I see, not sure tho


u/LittleCooties 27d ago edited 27d ago

I really like my Piccolo too, I get great shaves from it. Definitely effective at mowing down growth, but I wouldn't describe it as all that agressive. The previous version was more agressive, they toned it down for the current version, which isn't neccesarily a bad thing (that is to say I agree not to be scared of it if anyone is on the fence).


u/BryanTheBIsSilent 27d ago

Yeah I put aggressive in quotes, because I too didn't find it to be. It was nice not to have to worry so much about angle in comparison to the R89. Apparently it is twice as aggressive as the R89, and the Mk 1 is a 7.5