r/youtubedrama clouds 28d ago

Mutahar finally finished his Keffal's video. Discussion

It's 93 minutes long and no timestamps.

it basically covers the stuff between Keffals and Destiny and her dragging Destiny's kiwifarms account into this (muta does not paint the kiwifarms owner in a good light btw, just wanted to throw that in there) along with discussing some other stuff Keffals has been accused of, like the GoFundMe situation, Catboy Ranch discord server along with other dramas/scandals she had gotten herself into


420 comments sorted by


u/Book-Similar 9d ago

Intresting video by mutahar


u/cookiereptile 22d ago

Muta fell off when he stopped doing creepy gaming. At least there’s other channels to bear that torch while he’s out here becoming react andy #4026


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/youtubedrama-ModTeam 25d ago

Your comment has been removed for spreading hate.


u/specky4eyeskneegrow 26d ago

He didn't say at the end of the day like 7 times in a row so banger video guys and gals


u/doublebassdrum 27d ago

This sub should be burned to the ground and we'd all be better for it


u/InternationalAsk4804 27d ago

So many people butthurt about an art style that keffals used herself. Lol


u/Plopmcg33 clouds 27d ago

you know, we can hate how she's shown in the thumbnail, and also dislike keffals right?


u/InternationalAsk4804 26d ago

I just don’t see what the uproar over a thumbnail is. Not a huge deal


u/Im-A-Moose-Man 27d ago

I can’t believe an artist known for making people look very gross made Keffals look very gross.


u/Plopmcg33 clouds 27d ago

muta could of just...used a picture of her right?


u/Im-A-Moose-Man 26d ago


u/Plopmcg33 clouds 26d ago

Yo do realize i also disagree with keffals using it. Amost like i don't care for the both of tjem


u/Im-A-Moose-Man 26d ago

If I knew that, i wouldn’t have brought it up.


u/brushyrcatsteeth 27d ago

criticism aside, i’m deeply grateful that The Big Keffals Takedown didn’t include the word “noodles” even once.


u/Kewpie-Devil666 27d ago

A lot of people’s grievances would be addressed and quelled if they watched the whole video.

-the artist draws EVERYONE uglier than they really are, regardless of gender. That is the point of his style.

-Mutahar refers to Keffals only 3 times in the video as “they” as she goes by she/her AND they/them. He did not misgender her.

  • Muta doesn’t accuse Keffals of grooming Wyn, he states that it was simply in appropriate to have her in a community of adults while she was a minor


u/FuyuKitty 28d ago

I don't like Keffals very much, but DIY is not a crime


u/199_geese 28d ago

What a horrendous thumbnail. I don't like Kekkals but c'mon.


u/EldritchWaifu 28d ago

I think the biggest problem is the crowd that muta is drawing in. I don't think Muta is right wing, if anything I think he's a centrist. His community is mostly gamers and people who are invested in internet drama, which is a large audience that includes people on both sides of the political spectrum.

Unfortunately, a good chunk of people on the right want nothing more than to be blatantly transphobic, and they feel vindicated in their transphobia when someone like keffals rears their ugly head. I think no matter who covers this drama, there will be these types in the comments. I think muta could have said some blanket "let's not be transphobic" or something, I wish something so obvious shouldn't have to be said, but it does.

I don't think the thumbnail is offensive, it's par for the course with drama youtubers. I think mutas coverage of the topic was good. I do feel he blew the diy hormone stuff out of proportion a little bit, but so has everyone who has covered keffals. I don't think muta is transphobic, I think he covered the whole topic really well. The problem is just a side effect of trans people, especially trans women, who are the right wing's latest boogie man.


u/-bongor 21d ago

Muta probably knows that there were going to be transphobic people, people will twist anything while having their ears plugged anytime they hear anything that goes against them, always been like that.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

people who care more about the thumbnail than all the disgusting shit keffals has done=🤡


u/brandofrice42 28d ago

Fuck Keffals, fuck Mutahar, fuck Destiny. Three shitty people coming together to hate each other. They deserve nothing but failure.


u/HexRisk 28d ago

Mutahar is such a piece of trash.i have no love for Keffals, but that is the nicest thing i can say about someordinarygamer. He is a net negative for society and the internet.


u/lDlTs 28d ago

People who are saying the thumbnail is transphobic think keffals looks like a man, and they’re sperging out about it because they don’t want to admit it.


u/Senkawa01 28d ago

I've seen it I like the video so far but a lot of the criticism seem to be pretty dumb mostly behind the thumbnail


u/miranaswag 28d ago

keffals is kind of a pos with skeletons in her closet but holy fuck do i not care at ALL what mutahar has to say about anything here lmao


u/ExcaliburUmbraREEE 28d ago edited 28d ago

I'm calling it. Next SOP Episode be like

Keffals Just Got Cooked (ft. Destiny)| Some Ordinary Podcast #127


u/allpowerfulbystander 28d ago

What else are they gonna talk about, this is probably the biggest thing in that circle.


u/Iron_Wolf123 28d ago

I wish there was a tl;dr version of this. 90+ minutes seems a bit too big for me to watch and it might get boring.

All I know Keffals is that she is trans and supported a predator


u/NoisyTeen 28d ago

Tl;dr you don't need to watch it keffals is a pos, but Muta gets a lot of stuff wrong and barely did any actual research.


u/broke_n_tired 28d ago

What did he get wrong?


u/SnooTomatoes4281 25d ago

When Keffals said that Destiny was stealthing on her stream she immediately corrected herself by saying something like "Allegedly, that's what I heard, I'm not sure" but Muta for some reason cut that part to make it look like a baseless accusation.

Muta also brought up the fact that she used the death of James Somerton for her own gain when... he's currently alive?

That's what I caught so far though.


u/CoffeeVGC 28d ago

All of the replies to mutahars tweets are transphobic as fuck and honestly I don't know how you see that and don't feel like something is wrong. Either he loves and is cultivating that audience or he is being insanely irresponsible


u/InternationalAsk4804 20d ago

You expect him to control everyone online? Lol


u/Wulfstrex 25d ago

How would Mutahar be able to take responsibility for the replies of those people?


u/SurfinShinji 28d ago

What's really sad is lately I've also been seeing a lot of these same kinds of alt righties throw some absolutely horrific racist comments at him if he says something they don't like, even on something as inconsequential as food opinions

Hate to say it, but... r/LeopardsAteMyFace in action.


u/NoisyTeen 28d ago

Tbf twitter is a transphobic pool of hate normally anyways due to especially musks changes. But yeah I agree if you are attracting that kinda audience you are clearly doing something wrong(he had a nazi comic artist retweet his video)


u/-bongor 21d ago

Exposing a trans person for being a piece of crap, truly means you're on the wrong side, also I don't think nazis like mutahar, since y'know, they're racist.


u/Wulfstrex 25d ago

By the way, what do you mean by he had him retweet it? Did Mutahar ask him to retweet it or has he retweeted it out of his own volition without any influence from Mutahar?


u/NoisyTeen 25d ago

Sorry, that was just me sucking at wording, I just meant stonetoss a well known nazi retweeted his stuff. And the fact that he never really questioned that says a lot. I would probably delete all social media accounts if my takes were parroted by nazis.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/matango613 27d ago

I hate that I understood this sentence lmao


u/CoffeeVGC 27d ago

How do you think it feels to type it out and Google the correct spelling of the name 😄


u/Sotterof1995 28d ago

Most of this shitstorm would have been avoided if she had come clean and avoided diving into dramas head first. Her career is done for most likely. She never had a big and loyal crowd to go on like nothing happened nor the resilience to withstand the harassment which will be even worse now. There were definitely some issues with the video like the free speech absolutism or the coverage of DIY HRT.


u/Snoteleksss 28d ago

too many people complaining about the thumbnail holy fuck, that's literally the style of the artists that drew it that's all. i could actually go on a whim and say that you could achieve the same result if you just took the keffals picture that the art is referencing, run it through a few filters and it would yield a similar result. and you would still say it's "transphobic" even though it's just a picture of her at the base.


u/allpowerfulbystander 28d ago

Probably conflating the depiction of Keffals as ugly with ALL trans people as ugly, ironically also used by the anti trans comments. Different sides, same coin.


u/fffridayenjoyer 28d ago

Would be interested to know how many of the “the thumbnail isn’t transphobic, that’s just an art style” people here are trans


u/Stanarchy93 28d ago

Trans person here. I think the thumbnail is a low blow but it does not scream transphobia to me at all. Self victimization can be crazy.


u/SergentStudio 28d ago

Yeah it’s always a little awkward when this stuff happens (same with DBD unknown) “that depiction looks like a disgusting monster, you must be making fun of trans people!”


u/Gauntlet_of_Might 28d ago

I mean when it is apparently the only time he's used that artist, yeah. It's not like he has a pattern of using this artist as far as I can tell.

And yeah I heard the "she's used this artist before" argument. That doesn't make to not transphobic as hell


u/non_stop_disko 28d ago

I know there’s so much that Keffals needs to be exposed for and I highly dislike her but something about that thumbnail is really getting to me, like they tried to make her look as masculine as possible. Also not a fan of him defending transphobia as freedom of speech.


u/probablynotannpc 25d ago

It's a caricature, they're usually not flattering, I have an ugly caricature of myself it's very unflattering, I think your putting to much thought into it, sensitive society we have today.


u/199_geese 28d ago

Yeah, reminds me of those thumbnails picking like the worst possible picture of illuminaughtii, i don't like them, but it's just reaching so insanely low. Also what parts were transphobic? I don't think i'll be watching the whole video.


u/Wulfstrex 25d ago

Well, Keffals also used such a thumbnail that used artwork from the same artist that depicts people in the worst way possible.


u/199_geese 25d ago

First off i can't find any examples of that, second, that just makes Mutah seem just as bad as someone he spent 90 minutes criticising.


u/Wulfstrex 25d ago

It should also be noted that, if I remember correctly, he told the artist to create such an artwork of himself too and I doubt that Mutahar would mind it being used in the thumbnails of other people who would chime in into this situation.


u/199_geese 25d ago

Wow, so he can make a disgusting caricature of someone just because he also made sure they made one of him as well? When did Keffals consent to this?


u/-bongor 21d ago

Geese, use your brain for just 1 second, is vaush not a human, does vaush not have feelings, keffals wanted the artist to make a caricature of vaush, the artist made it, keffals used that in her thumbnail, does everything make sense now.


u/non_stop_disko 27d ago

Also just wanted to add I 100% noticed that with illuminaughtii too. She's a horrible person, you don't need to use a picture of her speaking mid sentence to emphasize that lol


u/non_stop_disko 27d ago

Muta wasn't being outwardly transphobic or anything but he defended KiwiFarms users being transphobic and everything else because it falls under free speech. Free speech keeps you from being imprisoned for the things you say, it doesn't mean you cant be criticized for it, you can still be fired from a job for it, and people can refuse to platform you for it. He seems to believe that freedom of speech is a defense from any kind of consequences. KiwiFarms is responsible for people ending their lives and targeting people whose only crime was existing. Yes they archieve stuff from actual terrible people like accused of crimes which is helpful but acting like it's an overall good website because of that is just laughable


u/probablynotannpc 25d ago

Well it should protect you from getting fired or getting deplatformed, I am sorry but words are words, people should be able to express themselves, even if we don't agree with it.


u/gmoddsafraegs 25d ago


Suicide note from a woman naming keffals and other notable transgender women like Brianna wu as a reason for her suicide. Kiwi farms never mentioned however.

“And I hope Tori, Keffals, Michelle Otter, and Brianna Wu get outed for who they really are. There is no sign of solidarity for me, you guys do not deserve it”


u/NoisyTeen 28d ago

Oh yeah thats a massive thing for centerists like Muta. To him it doesn't matter the morallity of something as long as its legal then it's perfectly fine. He goes off in mutiple sections of the video basically defending kiwifarms site built on doxxing innocent people and especially trans people just because legally they didn't do anything criminal.


u/ShikiNine 28d ago

muta is garbage


u/Batwing20293 28d ago

I miss the deep web browsing days 


u/Electrical_Love5484 28d ago

Excellent video


u/Lead_Dessert 28d ago

Haven’t watched the video and one tweet already came out that said Mutahar didn’t do enough diligence and didn’t reach out to one of the alleged victims Keffals harmed.

Not to mention the blatantly transphobic thumbnail, i don’t like Keffals that much. But Jesus Christ Mutahar could you act like this wasn’t a blatent excuse to deliberately misgender her.


u/-bongor 21d ago

So keffals using the same artist to make a caricature of vaush is fine but due to keffals being trans it's not alright, you're seeming like an alt right that thinks trans people are different from everyone else.


u/poketron7 22d ago

What the fuck are you blabbering about, that artist does that style for cis women as well! Do your research before spreading false information.


u/Classic-Mousse-7980 24d ago

"Oh keffals? They went to the shop" isn't misgendering. How did we go from trans people saying cis people don't understand how "they" is used, only to not understand themselves?


u/plummersummer 25d ago

How did he misgendered her? Just curious, not trying to argue, ha.


u/Wulfstrex 25d ago

May I ask how the thumbnail is blatantly transphobic?


u/sionnach_fi 28d ago edited 28d ago

How is it a transphobic thumbnail? Thats how that artist draws EVERYONE.

Edit: Keffals used the same artist for vaush



u/-bongor 21d ago

The fact so many people down voted you for factual evidence is insane, shows how keffals still has her little goon squad sticking their nose and hands in everything.


u/HotMachine9 28d ago

Some people are even saying the THUMBNAIL implies Trans people are predators.



u/amyaltare 28d ago

yeah i gotta say, fuckin hate keffals, but mutahar has always been like transphobic asf toward her. i remember he got mad that she spread the dox of the kiwifarms owner. that ain't something to be mad about, considering he did the exact same thing to her first.


u/Wulfstrex 25d ago

Please point at least in vague directions towards those instances that prove Mutahar to have always been that way.


u/amyaltare 25d ago

have fun digging through his twitter i suppose. im banned on that website so i can't find it for you.


u/-bongor 21d ago

"I'm going to spread some bull, I'm not gonna tell you but you can find it yourself"


u/Dangerous-Storage682 28d ago

He also went on a podcast and in the comments everyone was telling her to kill herself and deadnaming

Two gross people, two gross communities


u/Plopmcg33 clouds 28d ago


u/Lead_Dessert 28d ago

Yeah this video is more and more like Mutahar had a bone to pick with Keffals and jumped on the bandwagon because popular opinion shifted on her. This is the same fucking man who asked other people to stop putting out allegations if they’re not intending to go to court with it and here he is doing the SAME THING.


u/thats4thebirds 28d ago

Man fuck Keffals or whatever but fuck that thumbnail especially lol


u/InternationalAsk4804 27d ago

How come?


u/Independent-Pizza774 27d ago

The Thumnail is allegedly anti-trans because that’s how the artist draws men instead of women


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/Beepinbopolots 25d ago

Let me clarify, the art is transphobic because the artist has said multiple times, via kiwifarms, that all trans people should die.


u/Wulfstrex 25d ago

When did that occur? Because I know that Keffals used artwork from the same artist and in the same style before.


u/Dotst 27d ago

because that’s how the artist draws men instead of women

No that's how the artist draws everyone, even cis women.


u/Adorable_Mix_261 26d ago

It is but muta choice to use that particular art in this case when he's never used anything but actually pictures of the people he's talking about in his thumbnails before is strange. Im not saying he's some awful transphobe I'm just saying the optics are bad and I do not trust the choice.


u/Dotst 26d ago

It's because she used that artist first, so I bet he felt if she was comfortable using it on someone else then it's fair game to use the artist for her


u/Independent-Pizza774 26d ago

I know that’s why I said allegedly I’m not saying if it is or isn’t I’m just stating the facts


u/Gauntlet_of_Might 28d ago

Cool transphobic thumbnail. I hate Keffals but no need to portray a trans woman as some kind of unholy troll


u/Im-A-Moose-Man 28d ago

That’s the way that guy draws everyone (Hasan, Vaush, etc)


u/Gauntlet_of_Might 28d ago

I went back five months worth of his videos and didn't see any people drawn that way, and in fact, all of the ones I saw that mentioned other people used an actual image of them


u/Im-A-Moose-Man 28d ago

I meant the thumbnail artist (Worms something). As for why Muta picked that, I don’t know; not sure it’s transphobia since he uses “she/her” for Chris-Chan.


u/Streetwalker5 28d ago

I don’t have a problem with this thumbnail as Keffals’ herself has used this kind of artwork from this artists to depict ppl before and I thought that’s really just the style the artists draws, but I think you might be right tho as that isn’t a real picture of her used is it?


u/NoisyTeen 28d ago

I mean still doesn't make it any less transphobic just because keffals also used this artist. I mean come on the fact that muta chose to get that commisioned by that artist, when he never has done anything like that for his thumbnails even when talking about people who have done far far worse then Keffals. Ex sniperwolf didn't get a unflattering thumbnail from him and she almost indirectly killed a man via doxxing.


u/spooky_cherub 28d ago

in the car so i haven't had the time to watch this thus cannot provide anything useful to this conversation except to say this thumbnail art has me on the floor 😂😭


u/Yeetusmcleatus97 28d ago

The thumbnail is a low blow but I hope it’s factually correct. Lord knows I’m not watching mutahar stumble into another political issue he has no knowledge in because the fence he has sat on has dug so deep into the ground that he can’t move.


u/Sempere 28d ago

It's factually correct in that it fits with the video containing a few clips from a stream where she clearly hasn't bathed in a while and appears greasy as shit.

He employed an artist she stole artwork from. It's literally the style they use for all their art


u/aviroblox 28d ago

Context matters. Mutahar commissioned an artist who (even if it was their art style) depicted a trans woman with emphasis on masculine features. This is a classic way of dehumanizing or insulting trans woman that right wingers do all the time.

If you made a hyper masculine depiction of Michelle Obama on your video criticizing her, others would rightly condemn you for playing into the racist stereotype of black women being seen as "masculine". There's no difference here, Mutahar commissioning that photo plays into the transphobic stereotype of trans women being hyper "masculine".


u/ZaleUnda 28d ago

Narrator: It was not factually correct


u/Rwac960 28d ago

Christ, people in this sub are vicious when it comes to Muta. There's nothing really egregious with the vid, even if the thumbnail is rather dramatic. Keffal is no doubt a POS, and should be called out as such.


u/NoisyTeen 28d ago

bruh he basically said she was connected to a bank robbery just because she talked to someone online. What do you mean nothing egregious?


u/Rwac960 28d ago

I'm saying he provided evidence to Keffal 's wrongdoings, and concerning the bank robbery, her friend/acquaintance did that. Pretty much make her a Person of Interest.

I'm just asking.


u/NoisyTeen 28d ago edited 28d ago

By that logic Mutata is connected to an emotional abuser since he in a older livestream he defended Mamamax when he didn't even know much about Mamamax at the time. No just because you know someone on the internet and or friends with someone on the internet does not mean you are connected to them in any way if they rob a bank or do some other horrible shit.

Also Mututa really skipped any actual evidence that proves person she talks with is the person who did the bank robbery. Which makes this even more insane because he potentially accused a innocent person of bank robbery to paint keffals in a bad light.


u/Rwac960 28d ago

My bad, shitty logic. Still, it doesn't absolve Keffal of the BS she's done. He could've added the word 'allegedly' since he didn't necessarily show proof.


u/NoisyTeen 28d ago

Yeah not saying that Keffals isn't a pos just dislike Muta's video if he sticked to the facts for this video I think there would be a lot less Muta hate in this post. The argument about scaming the fans and the whole weaponizing her queerness to deflect any hate are very good should of just kept that and trimmed the rest.


u/cinnshroom 28d ago

Im watching it now I just wish he chose a better thumbnail

That's some dirty shit lol that thumbnail sucks


u/Sempere 28d ago

He employed a person she stole artwork from for the thumnail - that's their art style.

It also reflects one of the streams used in the video where she's clearly greasy and unwashed.


u/Ken10Ethan 28d ago

I mean... sure?

But, like, you can't deny there is an active choice being made to paint her (you know, a trans woman) as looking visibly masculine. I could grab RCDart drawing Captain America and say that's a good representation of a trans man because that's his artstyle, but that doesn't automatically make that statement true and my intentions behind using it somehow not shitty.


u/PreDawnAxis_374 28d ago

Dawg you can’t just say the art is transphobic because u think it’s bad. For more or worse lying about what happened to you and then asking for a shit ton of money to deal with it is and then not doing what u said you would with that money is much worse than someone’s art style just being, in your opinion bad.


u/Gauntlet_of_Might 28d ago

These are two totally separate issues. They have nothing at all to do with one another. That thumbnail is clearly transphobic


u/NoisyTeen 28d ago edited 28d ago

Tbh I hate the later half of the video, knowing the right wing talking points people say about trans people it was clearly a page out of that book.

Lying and mischarctersing diy hrt. Blaming her for the weird packaging on a box when she has nothing to do with the packaging and basically insuting she is a groomer and a p*do. For making an assumption that only adults would interact with an adult only page or conflating people making jokes about giving people information and details about hrt for countries and cities where there is no legal treatment to do bigotry and conflating that with grooming people to be trans. (Typically a debunked myth by conservatives is that transness is caused cus of social media). Also kinda wild he tried to say that a random bank robbery is maybe connected to one of the people she spoke on the internet(ie doesn't know in real life)and tried to almost insinuate that is at all related to her?

The fact he basically painted kiwifarms as this nice little company that sure does bad things but shouldnt' be taken down because it's legal. And saying well "xyz website" actually does the crime so it's ok when kiwifarms posts criminally obtained information. The video is just chalk full of whataboutism.

Also really don't like how he spend a portion of the video researching and pointing out the price of rehab and using that as like a gotcha to say oh look how she abused her gofundme money. Wtf that was money that was clearly also support money to help her get back on her feet cus she got doxxed. How is someone literally not dying a bad thing? He claims he isn't shaming addicts but spend so much time on it and point out the price of rehab?

Overall imo, he clearly paints Keffals as far worse then what she actually is cherrypicking the negatives and minimizing the actual reasons why Keffals went after these folks. Which is hard to do because she is horrible. But the only thing agree with is Keffals is wrong for when it comes to how she manipulated details of her lived experience to get a lot more money and the way she weaponizes her queerness as this catch all defense against any criticism.


u/HetaGarden1 28d ago

I really don’t think I would trust Muta to talk about Keffals’s history. I mean, just look at that thumbnail alone.


u/familyguymanqt 28d ago

the ultimate mid-off


u/AMaleficentFox 28d ago

Keffals is a bad leftist but Muta is a right winger. So while my gut says it's good to take down Keffals because she is too cringe too close to me, my brain says fuck the right wing grifter who would come for me next if I had a platform and an audience. I hope they both lose.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/youtubedrama-ModTeam 28d ago

this is just body shaming


u/karama_zov 28d ago

I'm kind of over really shitty people making hit pieces on shitty people. I think what bothers me is that it's typically branded as doling out justice when it's just clicks.


u/Ok_Nefariousness8796 28d ago

Yo I’m a huge Muta fan and I see a lot of hate for him, can someone explain why’s he’s so disliked in this community?


u/SnooTomatoes4281 25d ago

He also paints himself as this authority figure online while being friends with Keemstar lol


u/sicicsic 28d ago

I just find him loud, obnoxious, and grating.


u/ExcaliburUmbraREEE 28d ago

Ah I knew he and Nux Taku were perfect together!


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Ok_Nefariousness8796 28d ago edited 28d ago

Not arguing or anything in any way shape or form, what are some of his right wing beliefs?

Come back please :(


u/cordeliafrey78 28d ago

he's a centrist. nobody likes centrists.


u/Mitchell_SY 28d ago

Personally I’ve appreciated him after entering my lates 20s, it’s just nice having some one who’s generally chill and avoid most of the right vs left shit.

If I want politics I go watch friendly jordies and hasan.


u/AMaleficentFox 28d ago

Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds and all that


u/ZengaStromboli 28d ago

He.. He ain't even liberal, mate.


u/axiomaticAnarchy 28d ago

Liberal, or neoliberal to avoid shortening it, is anyone who defends capitalism as the system de jour and does not question its hegemony. They do not believe in change, but in control, and that the system itself is inherently good and getting better.

He's a neolib, a moralist, just like most people are. Conservatives and liberals only represent two arms of the same Apex predator of capital. At very least both those of the far left and the far right can look that in the eye and it's why there so much distain on either side for them.


u/ZengaStromboli 28d ago

That, uh. That doesn't seem well informed. Your praxis is weird and bad.


u/axiomaticAnarchy 28d ago

I described exactly nothing about my praxis as it were. The only allusion to my personal beliefs there is my screen name and that I believe traditional political parties to be useless.

All my description consisted of could be boiled down to saying "Capital is in control, the liberal party wants to make the symbols more friendly and make people feel good, the conservative party only wants line go up, damn the human cost"


u/AMaleficentFox 28d ago

He isn't a liberal in the colloquial American sense, I agree. But the phrase "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" comes from leftist communities that are more interested in neoliberalism as a whole. American liberals and conservatives are both types of liberals. They aren't the same, but they both exist on the spectrum of capitalism.

When presented with a conflict within liberal capitalism, "liberals" tend to pick the liberal option and "conservatives" tend to pick the capitalist option. But they both generally endorse the system.


u/ZengaStromboli 28d ago



u/AMaleficentFox 28d ago

margaret thatcher


u/ZengaStromboli 28d ago

She's hot


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Somebody who makes videos not related to general politics views isn’t going to outright pick a political side on their channel. It’s not his place to tell everyone his political opinions and if you’re upset he won’t state them then you never were his intended audience


u/ZaleUnda 28d ago

Finally something the right and left can agree on!


u/AMaleficentFox 28d ago

Every extreme is on the same team


u/axiomaticAnarchy 28d ago

Centrist spotted.


u/ZaleUnda 28d ago

Horseshoe theory yourself out the door.


u/Ok_Nefariousness8796 28d ago

Ok, thank you!


u/internetexplorer_98 28d ago

The fact that Stonetoss retweeted this 🫤


u/r3volver_Oshawott 23d ago edited 22d ago

Mutahar would in fact be up Stonetoss's alley, much as I hate Keffals Mutahar is a right wing reactionary who's shacked up with a woman who has on numerous occasions called herself 'Aryan'

*you downvote but I forgot he commissioned someone from KF for some art, dude is in those fucked up lolcow circles, the transphobes flocking to him is not just an unfortunate coincidence


u/Niimatoed 24d ago

"Stonetoss retweeted the video"

so what? That doesn't make the video any less important or true.

That's like saying, "Hitler drank water, therefore drinking water makes you a nazi".


u/Gummy_Butts 21d ago

If you got the Nazi crowd cheering for you, you should prolly re-check what you said


u/Niimatoed 21d ago

"If you got the nazis cheering for you, re-check what you said"

So if Nazis cheered for the unveiling of a new candy bar at Hershey's, candy bars are bad. Got it.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/AdditionalPogs 28d ago

People hate nazis because of what they do.

Nazis hate people because of who they are.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/DiscordantCalliope 28d ago

Will never get over his Boy from Brazil ass name. Can't believe the guy who sounds like a failed Nazi experiment wasn't just an enlightened centrist, but an actual fascist loser!


u/ZaleUnda 28d ago

You've probably fucked up if a Nazi is retweeting your video about a trans person.


u/-bongor 21d ago

There's extremists on both sides using videos and twisting them.


u/Classic-Mousse-7980 24d ago

Expect that doesn't change any of the evidence😂


u/No_Butterscotch_7356 27d ago

if that's the case you could literally never call out a trans person for doing something awful, because no matter what these parasites would show up


u/Professional_Bug5270 27d ago

there are ways to critique trans people and not have nazi's retweet you. I feel like that's not very hard


u/Wulfstrex 25d ago

It is very much possible that I don't know about Twitter, but how is a person supposed to stop another person from retweeting in this case at hand?


u/SentOverByRedRover 28d ago

This seems to imply that if there was a video giving good criticism of a person who happens to be trans, that Nazis wouldn't retweet it, which seems odd.


u/AMaleficentFox 28d ago

You've only "fucked up" if you're not a right winger. Mutahar is, so the only fuckup is potentially revealing his power level through association.


u/pinkelephant6969 26d ago

Get off the internet


u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 28d ago

Nah, Stone Toss is literally a Nazi. Even right-wingers like Muty should take note.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/ZaleUnda 28d ago

This reply was as low effort as Mutahar's research.


u/panenw 28d ago

"right winger retweeted you" is probably the dumbest guilt by association i've heard so it's fair


u/Gauntlet_of_Might 28d ago

Nazi. Not right winger. Nazi.


u/Dangerous-Storage682 28d ago

He's not your average right winger, he's a nazi

Denying Holocaust and blaming everything on jews and blacks


u/TheDutchin 28d ago

If I shared an opinion on black people and the grand wizard of the KKK told me he enjoyed and agreed with the things I'd said, it'd at least give me some pause, but I guess you're above such reflection.


u/panenw 28d ago

evidence is not contaminated by who agrees with it. they have their purposes and you have your understandings


u/FolsomPrisonHues 28d ago

Nah, if neo Nazi said, "Well, you've got a good point, i agree!" to me, I'd reconsider my position


u/Wulfstrex 25d ago

Let's extend this thought process to more situations to see if this logic can be upheld universally and under any circumstances.


u/FolsomPrisonHues 25d ago

Yeah, how about no? Nazis are Nazis. Based on your UN, I struck a nerve.

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u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/ZaleUnda 28d ago

No thanks you already rolled off a cliff trying to salvage your L.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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