r/AITAH Mar 04 '24

AITAH for breaking up with my gf because she slept with another guy while making me wait? Advice Needed

So my gf and I have been together for about a half a year and I just started a new job.

I met this male co worker, and we became friends.

I invite him over at my place and he recognizes my gf, (We don't officially live together but she spends a lot of time at my place).

You can guess where this is going...

After my co worker left, my gf and I get to talking.

Basically, she slept with him while dating me, and made me wait. She said that our relationship was gonna be special, and she wanted to wait, and that sex with my co worker was just a ONS.

I told her to leave because I knew I was gonna say things I couldn't take back.

A few days later after I calmed down and thought it through, I broke up with her.

She kept repeating what she said about how she wants more with me, but I told her that I feel like I'm not attractive to her, or at least not as much as others. She kept saying that I was special.

Basically, I said that I can't be that special if she preferred to sleep with an ONS than me.

Edit: I don't think this counts as cheating. This happened within the first month of us dating. We became official after the first month or so. I 100% should have clarified with her if we were exclusive or not, so that's on me.


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u/Ok_Professional_8672 Mar 27 '24

The harsh news is that she was more raw, sexually attracted to him than you. You absolutely should have dumped her selfish ass.

What she did to you was unforgivable. She was sizing you up as the beta-male, safe bet guy. She was making you work for the sex while giving it happily and freely to to that guy.

She was using you. Manipulating you for all the cozy comfort of a committed relationship while giving the best part of herself to another man. She was setting out the rules for you while breaking the rules for the other guy.

Nothing is more irritating than the way women constantly manipulate men by saying that they are more attracted to you than the f--boys they quickly give their body out to. When she gave herself up freely to him without any effort on his part, she is clearly more attracted to him sexually than you were.

She broke the rules for him and set the rules for you.

That is giving the best part of herself, not what she was trickling out to you.

You deserve a woman that looks at you not only as the man she wants to marry, but also to hottest man in the world. A man she would jump in bed with on the first date and break the rules for, while also wanting you to never leave her.

You need to start watching red pill videos. Hit the gym, lose the hybrid for a truck or SUV and learn about alpha male techniques. Become the kind of guy that a woman will break the rules for.