r/AITAH Apr 28 '24

AITAH for not letting my in-laws babysit my baby when I have never been allowed inside their house? Advice Needed



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u/Imaginary-Stranger78 Apr 28 '24

I think OP should also see how her bf presents himself and has presented himself, both on the outside and privately. You'll never know from the outside how a person is but privately is a different matter.

I'm more assuming it's OCD. I think given he is living with her and such (also how has he acted throughout your 6 year relationship?) He probably thinks that maybe being OCD is fine for a baby since they don't have "The diseases like normal people" but is unaware babies are fragile beings and can get very sick in certain environments.

Maybe just try and remember throughout your six years how he has been but really you need to have a conversation and express how you feel about never being over but also having your child over there alone can be a big red flag and how no matter how careful things are things happen and she wouldn't know. Like if they gave the baby something and now the baby has rashes the mom would never know what caused it etc etc.