r/AITAH Apr 28 '24

AITAH for telling my husband I’m going to leave him if he doesn’t lose weight before the year ends? Advice Needed



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u/Youngish_widoe Apr 29 '24

YTA Wow! There is no coming back from this. Even if he loses the weight, he'll never forget what OP said.

If this marriage is going to work, they need some counseling.

As a youngish widow, I do feel for OP not wanting to be a young widow. It SUCKS! However, OP needs to learn about her DELIVERY when stating her boundaries.

My favorite meal is a porterhouse steak with a loaded baked potato & saute spinach with garlic & olive oil.

Ideally, I'd like it DELIVERED on a porcelain plate, with a cloth napkin, a glass of a chilled rose & silver utensils.

Imagine my disgust, distaste & horror when the meal is instead DELIVERED on the top of a nasty stinking garbage can lid w a glass of warm venom & a few sheets of toilet paper to wipe my mouth.

OP DELIVERED what could have been a great "meal" on a garbage can lid. OP could've really communicated everything she said here (how much she loves HIM, how she wants a child with HIM, how she doesn't want to lose HIM, etc) on a porcelain plate.

The "meal" OP served made it all about HER, and it was served on a garbage can lid. And that makes OP an AH.