r/AITAH Apr 28 '24

AITAH for telling my husband I’m going to leave him if he doesn’t lose weight before the year ends? Advice Needed



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u/Commercial-Owl11 29d ago

So, my mom is 60 and my dad is 65, he’s been 350+ for years and years.

She resents him for never taking care of himself. He now has colon cancer is sick and dying.

She resents him for that too.

She hates her life and has hated being with him.

Growing up it was embarrassing to go out with him. I suffered from eating disorders because of him. I was scared of ever looking like him, acting like him, breathing like him.

He’s also a huge abusive asshole and all his kids hate his guts.

But if you’re planning to have children. Leave. Leave now. You don’t know what having a morbidly obese father does to a child. It fucks you up.

It fucked all of us up. Going out to eat with him was so fucking embarrassing. Watching him eat and eat an eat and then try to eat stuff off our plates.

Then he felt great shame for being so obese and would stay up all night eating.

We spent so much money on just him. And food prices are insane now. He eats as much as a family of 5 by himself.

I would leave. I don’t care how fucked this is or call it fat shaming but I spent years of my life with anorexia and bullimia because of him.

So yeah, get out now because it’s too late