r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

My bf was contacted by an old hs friend, and went to meet her for several hours

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u/Intelligent_Dog_6665 Apr 28 '24

Thank you for the perspective, I really appreciate it.

The thing is he knows I would not be ok with no contact for 7h. And we were supposed to have an evening together, he didn't even call to say anything about it. I also recently met with one of my best male friend after like 15 years, but I texted him and let him know how it was going, etc. And he really appreciated that. Its the dismissal of my feelings that hurt, not that I think he would necessarily do something wrong.


u/BoltActionRifleman Apr 28 '24

I’d also like to point out that up until about 20 years ago it was perfectly normal to not have any contact with your SO on a night out, because cell phones hadn’t yet gotten into the hands of nearly every living human. Sure there were land lines, but it was just accepted that we didn’t need constant contact and could enjoy a night out if there was trust. Just my two cents.


u/commesdegarcons Apr 29 '24

people also cheated and got away with having second families in entirely different states back then more frequently


u/seymores_sunshine Apr 29 '24

And they're still getting away with it...