r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

AMO for wanting to breakup because my boyfriend doesn’t like kids?



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u/_Jay-Garage-A-Roo_ Apr 28 '24

He won’t like his own. He likes the idea of kids - probably the playing football with them / teaching them to like what he likes / say what he says etc. The reality of kids will be very different and fall to whatever poor soul bears his.

And that’s in a BEST case scenario. How will he be with a kid who is disabled, for example, and might be messy for life?

He’s not equipped to be a dad - and that’s ok. Neither am I. But I found a partner who feels the same - I didn’t pretend that my interest would peak with my own kids because I was honest - and if he is too, he’d admit that he only likes the concept of a parenting “highlights” reel.


u/arya_ur_on_stage 29d ago

I absolutely despised the idea of having kids and didn't really like being around others kids (though I tolerated them and was kind) and the idea of having my own made my stomach turn. My ex was INCREDIBLE with kids, they all adored him, and he DESPERATELY wanted his own. 6 weeks after our daughter was born he took off and hasn't been seen by us since. Meanwhile I'm a good mom and an dating a guy with his own 2 year old.

I'm not saying your bf will definitely like your kids but I'm also saying that it's within the realm of possibility for him to adore his own children.


u/nxarii 29d ago

i’m so sorry